I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 9 The Treasure Is Revealed! Fusion Black Armor!

"Congratulations to the supernatural being for successfully clearing the SS-level beast realm!"

The indifferent voice sounded, and Su Chen and Chen Daqiang looked at each other excitedly.

Then they looked straight at the place where the corpses of the beasts disappeared.

I want to see how many spar rewards I can get this time!

"Eh, that's it!?"

But after seeing the objects floating in the air, the expressions on the faces of Su Chen and Chen Daqiang froze.

I saw two spar floating in the air.

But what is that next to the spar! ?

"Brother Su, this looks like a piece of armor!?"

Chen Daqiang looked at the object in mid-air and couldn't help but bewildered.

"That should be a treasure, we have revealed the treasure!"

Su Chen looked at the black armor floating towards them, and couldn't help but surprise.

Before, he saw someone on the Internet saying that there would be a very small chance of a treasure being revealed if he cleared the beast domain.

Unexpectedly, he and Chen Daqiang were so lucky that the treasure was revealed in the second pass!

Moreover, the color of this black armor is similar to the color of the scorpion tail of the previous SS level beast.

Su Chen counted carefully before.

After Chen Daqiang's ability is activated, the time for the SSS level beast to disappear is two seconds.

However, it took three seconds for this SS-level scorpion beast to disappear.

Naturally, it is impossible for an SS-level beast to be stronger than an SSS-level beast.

But relying on the defensive power of the scorpion tails, they actually lasted a second longer than the SSS level beasts.

From this, we can see how precious the black armor related to the scorpion tail is!

"Brother Su, take this black armor, I just want these two crystals!"

At this time, Hei Jia and the two SS amethysts floated around them and stopped.

The same reward beast domain seems to be automatically distributed.

But the black armor is obviously not equal to the two SS-level amethysts, so they need to allocate them themselves.

And Chen Daqiang also saw that the value of the black armor was much higher than those two SS-level amethysts, so he wanted to give it to Su Chen.

But Su Chen reached out and grabbed the two SS grade amethysts first.

Then he pushed Hei Jia in front of Chen Daqiang.

"No, I just need these two SS-grade amethysts."

Su Chen said quite generously.

"This!? How can this work! No, I can't have this black armor!"

Upon seeing this, Chen Daqiang immediately said emotionally.

As long as Su Chen didn't want the black armor, he refused to leave this posture.

Su Chen sighed when he heard the words, and then said earnestly:

"Great strength! You'd better accept this black armor!"

"Think about how dangerous the world has become with so many supernatural beings appearing now?"

"With this black armor, it can be regarded as an extra life-saving ability."

"You don't think about yourself, you also have to think about your sister, don't you?"

Seeing Su Chen mentioning his sister, Chen Daqiang fell silent for a moment.

Yes, it doesn't matter if he dies, but what about his sister?

Now there are powerful supernatural beings everywhere, even if they kill people casually, the current law can't do anything about them.

And wearing this black armor, ordinary people with supernatural powers are afraid that they will not be afraid at all!

"Okay, okay brother Su! But let's talk about it first, if you want this black armor in the future, just come to me to get it!"

Chen Daqiang relaxed his tone, and then said very stubbornly.

Seeing this, Su Chen nodded, and his affection for Chen Daqiang increased a bit.

There are very few upright people like Chen Daqiang in this world now.

But the reason why Su Chen insisted on letting Chen Daqiang accept the black armor.

In fact, it was because the black armor was completely unattractive to him.

In the system space, the same black armor is floating right now!

And the black armor is covered with traces of red lines.

The system's customs clearance rewards are doubled.

But at this moment, Su Chen was only rewarded with a black armor.

This shows that the black armor covered with red lines.

At least twice as precious as the black armor in front of them!

"Hey, brother Su Chen! Why did the black armor disappear?"

At this moment, Chen Daqiang's exclamation suddenly sounded, interrupting Su Chen's thoughts.

Su Chen didn't pay attention to Chen Daqiang's movements before, so he asked:

"How did the black armor disappear?"

Chen Daqiang scratched his head and said in a daze:

"I just touched it with my hand and it disappeared!"

Su Chen was taken aback when he heard this.

"Touch it and it disappears!?"

"There is no one else here except us, how could it disappear!"

After frowning and pondering for a moment, Su Chen suddenly turned his gaze to Chen Daqiang.

"Brother Daqiang, try to see if you can summon the black armor!"

"I suspect that this black armor has already fused with you!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, the expression on Chen Daqiang's face froze for a moment.

"Directly fused together? Can it be so magical?"

"Then I'll give it a try!"

After the words fell, Chen Daqiang closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help looking at Chen Daqiang curiously.

In the next second, Su Chen couldn't help opening his mouth.

I saw a slight click suddenly sounded.

Then Su Chen saw a scene like Iron Man's transformation appear in front of his eyes.

In just a short moment, Chen Daqiang was wrapped in a cool black armor.

Even his face was covered, only two touches of scarlet were exposed.

If you don't know that the black armor is the simple and honest Chen Daqiang.

Su Chen probably suspected that the man standing in front of him was an iron-blooded warrior!

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

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