I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 84 The Feller Consortium's Counterattack Plan!

Su Chen licked his lips, and a hint of hope rose in his heart.

Facing the interstellar portal that will open next time.

Su Chen naturally hopes to be able to protect himself more!

And the ability to sign in is still something that Su Chen is looking forward to!

After all, although the first three abilities seem useless.

But it gave Su Chen a big surprise!

With this thought in mind, Su Chen directly opened his mouth and said silently:

"Sign in!"

"Ding! Sign in successfully!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the replication ability!"

"Copy ability: [All non-living things can be copied infinitely! The time limit is one day!]"

The soft mechanical sound resounded in Su Chen's mind.

Su Chen's expression is no longer depressed this time!

"Finally signed a powerful ability!"

Su Chen said excitedly with trembling palms.

Copy everything.

Although it is a non-living thing!

But just as great!

For example, the Mantian Lingjian he just saw yesterday!

Wouldn't Su Chen be able to reproduce it?

And it wasn't just these spirit swords that Su Chen saw.

There are also many things worn by the ancestors of the sect.

These are all babies!

The appearance of Li Qingshan echoed in Su Chen's mind.

He remembered that there was a small exquisite pagoda hanging around Li Qingshan's waist.

Something worn by a person of this level.

Definitely 473 is not a mortal thing!

Thinking of this, Su Chen directly opened his mouth and silently shouted:

"Copy ability!"

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Su Chen stared straight ahead.

Waiting for the appearance of Li Qingshan's exquisite little tower.

A minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

It wasn't until the third minute that Su Chen finally became impatient.

"System! Isn't this copying too slow?"

"If I want to copy something during the battle."

"That thing hasn't been copied yet, so I was beaten to death long ago?"

Su Chen curled his lips with a dissatisfied expression.

"Ding! Remind the host!"

"The copying ability can only copy what you see from now on!"

"What you saw yesterday or before cannot be copied!"

The soft mechanical sound echoed in Su Chen's ears.

As for Su Chen, he was in a bad mood at this moment.



Su Chen couldn't help bursting out in English.

It was enough to see how bad he was in the mood at the moment.

I thought I had finally signed a powerful ability.

Unexpectedly, it's a useless ability again!

And this is probably the most useless ability in history!

After all, other abilities still have the opportunity to combine with other useless abilities.

How to combine copyable abilities?

Even if it is digging the waste firewood's ability net three feet into the ground.

Su Chen is afraid that he can't find a useless ability that can be combined with his copy ability!

When Su Chen was a little frustrated.

The other side of the ocean is not calm at this time.

Because of Su Chen's exposure in the beast realm.

At this moment, the Feller Consortium has become the target of public criticism!

Old Feller's business all over the world has been boycotted by countless people!

The beast domain ended in less than five minutes.

The market value of the Filler consortium has shrunk by five percentage points.

Continue like this.

I'm afraid that even the huge giant of the Feller Consortium will face a sudden collapse!

"Father, we have supporters now."

"The other nine consortia have drawn a clear line with us."

The top floor of the Feller Foundation Building.

Old Feller's son walked slowly behind him and said.

If you look carefully, you will find that there is a trace of strong hatred in his eyes.

The Feller Consortium was the greatest consortium in the world before yesterday.

But overnight, it turned into today's appearance where everyone shouts and beats.

And all this.

All brought by Su Chen!

If it was anyone else who revealed their devouring plans.

The Nafiler consortium will not face the current situation.

They have strong PR capabilities.

Even if (cdfj) is black, they can say it is white.

But this person happened to be Su Chen.

Aspire to the first place in the standings with an invincible posture.

It also strongly crushed the child martial arts they worked so hard to build.

Su Chen has undisputedly become the belief of many supernatural beings around the world.

Can anyone doubt what faith says?

And how can the Feller Foundation defend themselves!?

It's not even an exaggeration to say that they didn't even dare to defend themselves.

Because defending means discrediting Su Chen.

That will only make their Feller Consortium collapse faster!

So Feller hated Su Chen to the core.

I can't wait to eat Su Chen's meat and drink Su Chen's blood!

But after thinking of Su Chen's terrifying strength like a god of war.

Little Feller couldn't help sighing again.

With Su Chen's current strength, even their beautiful country can't do anything against Su Chen.

And what can they do for a consortium that is about to fail?

"not good."

"It's just the beginning."

Just when Little Feller was downcast.

Old Feller turned around slowly and said.

Immediately, Old Feller raised the phone in his hand.

"We've got his address!"

One kilometer away from the Second Ability Academy.

At this moment, seven or eight shadows were standing together.

If Su Chen is here.

One of the young men with short inches can definitely be recognized.

"The person you are looking for is in there."

Wang Huxu squinted his eyes, and then looked in the direction of the second supernatural school.

Today this group of people came to him suddenly.

It cost a lot of money to ask him to help find someone.

As a unit number one man.

It was absolutely impossible for Wang Hu to provide help to this group of unknown people.

But he quickly changed his mind.

Not because the gang gave too much.

Instead, he smelled a familiar smell from this group of people.

That is.

The smell of Su Chen!

Since this group is going to deal with Su Chen.

Naturally, Wang Hu didn't mind providing them with some help.

"Thank you for your help. Afterwards, we will send another 100 million to your card."

The leader of the men in black nodded and was about to leave directly.

However, Wang Hu suddenly asked at this time:

"What are you going to do with that guy?"

It took a sky-high price of 200 million yuan to find Su Chen's trace.

Wang Hu was naturally very curious about what they were going to do with Su Chen.

And since these guys got the smell of Su Chen.

Then why didn't Su Chen be dealt with on the spot?

Instead, look for Su Chen? after the fact.

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