I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 85 The Feller Family Is Gone, So Why Do You Need This World?

"Sorry, we don't know about that either.

"We are only responsible for finding traces of him."

The leader in black stopped walking when he heard this, and said without looking back.

He also just received an order from above to find someone.

He doesn't even know who the upper mask-body is.

Then seven or eight men in black did not stay.

It completely disappeared from Wang Hu's sight.

But Wang Hu didn't intend to leave at all.

He got into the off-road vehicle he drove next to him and closed the door.

His gaze was fixed on the gate of the Second Ability School.

The other party spent a sky-high price of 200 million yuan to find Su Chen's trace.

Wang Hu naturally felt that things would not be easy.

As a soldier, Wang Hu has a strong sixth sense.

He felt that if the other party wanted to deal with Su Chen.

That will definitely be hands-on tonight!

"Huh! I must see you, this guy, be unlucky with my own eyes!"

Wang Hu snorted softly and said coldly.

His gaze was drawn back to the other side of the ocean again.

Little Feller's staring eyes have been covered with surprise at this moment!

"Father, did you really find the trace of Lao Ji!?"

Since the end of the beast domain.

The Feller Consortium used a lot of manpower to investigate Qiongqi's true identity.

But even if they mobilized the global database.

But still can't find who is Qiongqi!

Unexpectedly, his father knew who Qiongqi was, and even confirmed the address where Qiongqi was at the moment!

"Hehe, the people of Longguo sold Qiongqi themselves."

"I think it's going to be fun to get word out!"

A smile could not help but appear on Old Feller's wrinkled face.

Then he walked to the study next to him and lightly pressed a button.

The two rows of books on the study moved towards the sides.

An elevator entrance was suddenly exposed to the air.

Seeing this, little Feller hurriedly took two steps forward and pushed the elevator.

Then the old Feller and the young Feller walked into the elevator.

The buildings of the Filler Group have a total of one hundred stories.

But there are only two buttons in this elevator.

One is 133!

One is -24!

When the elevator door in front of old Feller and young Feller opened.

Countless scientific researchers in white safety suits are busy shuttling back and forth.

A middle-aged man saw the arrival of the old Feller and his son.

Immediately, two people were arranged to put protective clothing on the Feller father and son.

"Dear Mr. Filler, you are welcome."

The middle-aged man with a mustache bowed slightly and shouted.

But old Feller didn't pay attention to him.

Instead, he looked at the huge space in front of him!

The entire underground of the Feller Consortium has been hollowed out.

No one knew that old Filler built a super weapon base here!

The so-called super weapon.

That is, on the basis of the original H weapon, a stronger super H weapon with wider coverage can be erupted!

And this is also the backhand left by Le when the era of supernatural powers comes.

He felt that it was necessary to create more powerful weapons in order to better dominate the supernatural era.

But now Su Chen has cornered him.

So he had to use the super H weapon in advance!

"Summer, how many Super H weapons have we made?"

Old Feller looked at the test base in front of him frantically and asked.

"Dear Mr. Feller, we have created eight Super H weapons!"

"And it's all shipped to our base in the Moja Desert!"

Sam replied respectfully.

Old Feller hummed lightly upon hearing this.

Then he raised his legs and walked towards a closed room in front of him.

Seeing this, Little Feller hastily followed.

A moment later, Old Feller stood in front of the closed room, and a metal flip popped out.

A faint blue light swept across Old Feller's face.

The heavy alloy door in front of him opened immediately.

Old Feller and his son walked into the room.

But Satsuma just bowed respectfully and stood outside waiting.

No one can enter this sealed room except the old Feller and his son!

"Father, are you really determined to do this?"

"This is likely to trigger a war between our country and the Dragon Kingdom!"

Little Feller glanced at the dozen or so screens in front of him.

Then he looked at a red button with serious eyes and said.

The wrinkles on Old Feller's face trembled when he heard this.

"Son, we have no choice."

"If the Feller family is gone, what do we need for this world?"

...seeking flowers 0

There was a hint of determination in the old Feller's eyes.

The heroic aura was undoubtedly revealed for a while.

Now the source of all problems is Su Chen!

If Su Chen does not die, their Feller Consortium is doomed to perish.

And as long as Su Chen is dead.

Then they can immediately regain the right to speak.

As for the war between the Dragon Kingdom and the Pretty Kingdom?

Without the Qiongqi Dragon Kingdom, will the Beautiful Kingdom be afraid?

Those allied countries of the beautiful country still want to avoid the subsidiary consortia of their Feller consortium?

Since the establishment of the huge Filer consortium.

Old Feller never believed in individual heroism.

All he believed in was the power and wealth in his own hands.


But Su Chen made him see how terrifying a person's power is.

He alone can change the situation of the entire world!

He can suppress all the countries by himself, and everyone can't breathe!

So old Feller had to make a choice!

And now is the day when the whole country of Dragon Kingdom is carnival.

Everyone is proud of the emergence of a fierce man like Qiongqi in Longguo.

Old Feller feels that now is the best time!

No one would have thought of such a time.

Someone would dare to throw the terrifyingly powerful Super H weapon on the land of the Dragon Kingdom!

"Father, I understand."

"But wouldn't the higher-ups blame us if they found out afterwards?"

Little Feller took a deep breath, and then he was a little worried.

He was referring to the beautiful country, of course.

After all, they belong to this country.

And the Feller Consortium did rely on this country to grow to where it is today.

Although they have the help of a supernatural person who can block energy transmission.

Let the super H weapon launch silently and silently.

But afterward, the beautiful country will definitely know.

If the upper echelon is furious, the Feller Consortium may not be able to withstand its anger.

"Hehe, my dear son."

"You still don't know much about our country!"

"Too ignorant of the group of old guys who control our country!"

Old Feller chuckled and said nine meaningfully. .

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