I! Son Goten, Start Bonus Ultra Instinct

071 Gods Of Destruction Champa's Challenge, Son Goten: I Challenge (Subscribe)

He already knew the breath of Lord Gods of Destruction Champa and couldn't be more clear.

And sister Vados.

Among the 12 universes, the sixth universe is the one that communicates with the seventh universe.

"Ah oh oh... what's going on? Was it an earthquake just now?"

After Klin stood up, he scratched his head, and a spire-shaped blood bubble was directly knocked out on his big bald head.

And this familiar scene did not make Son Goten feel any surprise.

Because just now, he felt two powerful breaths of God.

One of them is very similar to Gods of Destruction Beerus, while the other breath is very similar to Whis.

Obviously, it must be the Gods of Destruction Champa and Angel Vados of the sixth universe who suddenly descended on the planet Gods of Destruction!

In the Dragon Ball super original book, except for these two who have been to the Gods of Destruction world of the seventh universe, no other Gods of Destruction has been here.

"So... what's going on?"

"Why are you two not talking?"

Kelin looked at Son Goten and Whis, feeling even more puzzled.

Didn't both of them feel the shock just now?

And at this moment, Beerus' violent voice also sounded.

"Whis...... what the hell are you doing, you bastard?"

The irritable sound was accompanied by a violent explosion.


The temple was directly blasted with a gap, and Beerus flew out wearing his light blue pajamas.

It's just that this guy obviously didn't wake up, and looked around sleepily.

But soon his eyes were locked outside the door.

Because he felt a familiar breath.

That's right, this smell is still as annoying as ever.

At this time, Beerus also rushed out of the gate directly by relying on getting up.

The moment the door was blasted open with an energy wave, the Champa outside the door was almost blown away!

Fortunately, this guy is also agile enough to dodge "Seven Nine Three".

However, his face was still darkened by the energy wave.

"Hey...Hey skinny, you guys are actually going to die, it's a bit too much!"

Champa cursed at Beerus with a dark face.

Although the two of them are not in harmony on weekdays.

But after all, they are brothers whose blood is thicker than water.

I didn't expect this guy to make such a big fuss as soon as we met, and almost sent him away.


"Ah?! Who are you?"

Looking at the dark-faced Gods of Destruction Champa, Beerus scratched his nose and asked knowingly.

"Asshole, I'm Champa

Champa forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart, and said to Beerus.

Although this guy looks very proud now.

But after a while, I will let him feel the hopelessness that is beyond redemption.

Because this time I brought my secret weapon, which is the most delicious food in the sixth universe.

After Beerus eats this delicacy, he will be absolutely speechless.

After thinking of this, most of the anger in my heart disappeared.

"Oh!! So it's Champa, why did you become such a ghost?"

"Also, why don't you stay in your own sixth universe and come to my seventh universe?"

Beerus asked with a cold face.

Although they are brothers, they have always been at odds with each other.

Millions of years ago, they would fight if they disagreed.

But since Master Zeno banned fighting among Gods of Destruction, they never fought again!

It's just that the later contest was replaced by a contest between delicacies.

After all, both of their brothers are typical foodies.

"Chi Chi Chi..."

Champa showed an extremely wretched smile.

Then he said proudly: "The purpose of my visit this time is naturally to let you taste the real gourmet food of our sixth universe!"

"Let you understand that our sixth universe is the real gourmet kingdom.


Beerus casts a dismissive glance at Champa.

In previous gourmet competitions, the sixth universe and the seventh universe were almost tied.

Because the two universes are extremely similar, the distribution of universes and the planets are very similar.

Therefore, the cuisine between the two universes is also similar.

But now, he discovered the real gourmet kingdom of the earth.

So now in the food competition, he has absolute confidence!

"Stop laughing Champa!"

"What delicacies can you have in your sixth universe?"

"But since you're here, I'll let you taste the delicacies of our seventh universe!"

After Beerus' faint voice fell, he turned back to the temple.

Gods of Destruction Champa and Angel Vados are also close behind.

After seeing Gods of Destruction Champa and Angel Vados, Kelin's face suddenly showed incredible surprise!

"What? Why does that guy look so much like Lord Beerus?"

"There's also the woman next to her, whose appearance and dress are 70% similar to Whis."

"Goten, do you know about their relationship?"

Kelin lowered his voice and asked Son Goten.

Although Goten was also born on the earth, and hadn't left the earth much before.

But he always felt that Goten knew a lot.

He even felt that Goten knew guys like Gods of Destruction and Angel very thoroughly!

"It looks like that fat man should be Lord Beerus' brother!"

"As for the girl who looks similar to Whis, it should be his sister Ba!"

"Perhaps they are Gods of Destruction and Angels from other universes."

Son Goten said lightly.

Of course, he spoke to Kling speculatively.

After all, if you say it too surely, it will make Whis doubt himself.


"Goten, your guess is really accurate."

"The one who looks similar to Lord Beerus is indeed Lord Gods of Destruction Champa from the sixth universe?"

"As for the one behind him, he is an Angel like me, and he is my sister Vados."

After hearing Son Goten's speculation, Whis was also a little surprised.

But soon he opened his mouth and explained to the two of them.

After all, in his opinion, Son Goten and Kelin are already his apprentices.

And there is no need to hide this well-known relationship from the two of them.

"Sixth Universe Gods of Destruction?"

Clint had a puzzled look on his face again.

Because he had no concept of Universe before.

I always thought that there was only one Universe.

And Gods of Destruction Beerus is the most powerful existence in this world.

But I didn't expect that there would be a brother of Gods of Destruction Beerus, also Gods of Destruction.

And also the Gods of Destruction of the sixth universe.

This seemed to be completely beyond his expectations.

At this time, Son Goten turned his attention to Vados.

Her outfit is exactly the same as in Dragon Ball Super.

Angel uniform with dark green and black, holding Angel staff in hand.

His expression was cold and proud, with a long silver ponytail, his facial features and figure were almost perfect.

I have to say that Vados looks really good.

The only downside is that Son Goten can't appreciate his light blue complexion.

Then when Son Goten admired Vados, Vados and Champa had already walked in front of them.

"Long time no see, sister!"

Whis also greeted Vados very politely.

After all, Vados was his own sister.

And among so many Angels, the two of them should have the best relationship.

"Well, long time no see! Whis."

Vados also had a sweet smile on his face, and said to Whis.

After finishing speaking, he looked curiously at Son Goten and Kelin beside him.

Then he asked: "Are these two humans apprentices accepted by Lord Beerus?"

"Or, is it the Gods of Destruction candidate selected by your Seventh Universe?"

After asking, Vados looked at Son Goten and Kelin curiously.

That little bald head with no nose didn't seem to be anything special.

But another little guy, there seems to be a powerful force hidden in his body.

And vaguely, I can feel something familiar!

Although surprised, but soon relieved.

Since these two guys can go to the Gods of Destruction world for training.

Then it must be Whis who trained them.

After all, he knew Lord Beerus very well.

The degree of laziness is not weaker than Mr. Champa.

And even more lethargic than Mr. Champa......

Almost a hands-off shopkeeper.

So it's no surprise that there's something familiar about the body.

"Yes, it is!"

"Both of them are disciples of Master Beerus!"

"If you perform well, you may become a candidate for Lord Beerus."

Whis didn't hide it either, but nodded directly and said.

After all, in many universes, many Gods of Destruction have already started looking for candidates for themselves.

"It's pretty good!"

Vados looked at Son Goten again, smiled and said.

"Wa hahaha!!"

"Is Beerus skinny sleeping stupid?"

"I actually found such two idiots as my candidates."

"I don't think they have a little bit of power!"

Gods of Destruction Champa taunted mercilessly as he watched Son Goten and Klin move slowly because of their weight suits.

I didn't expect that skinny Beerus to degenerate like this!

These two mascots were chosen to be candidates for their Universe Gods of Destruction.

"Lord Champa, don't judge people by their cover!"

"Our candidates for Gods of Destruction after the sixth universe may not be as good as them!"

Vados reminded in a soft tone.

The little guy with the hedgehog hairstyle in front of him will definitely not be too weak in future achievements...

Son Goten didn't take Gods of Destruction Champa's taunt seriously at all.

This stuff is Gods of Destruction anyway.

What's more, he is Beerus' blood brother.

Although they seem to quarrel a lot on weekdays, the friendship between brothers is not very good.

So it's best not to conflict with Gods of Destruction unless necessary.

Especially Gods of Destruction Champa-----

If he wants to ridicule a few words, let him ridicule a few words!

Anyway, I don't feel pain

A few minutes later, everyone had already reached the hall of the temple.

The story is just like what happened in Dragon Ball Super.

Champa started showing off their 6th Universe's gourmet egg dongdong.

Then he was easily suppressed by Birus with a bucket of instant noodles.

Next, it was Champa who challenged Beerus.

"Hey Beerus, do you dare to compete with me?"

"If I win, then your seventh universe's Earth will belong to our sixth universe.

"If you lose, I will give you all the six super wishing beads I collected before.

After tasting the gourmet food of the earth, Champa also began to think about the earth.

If you can take the earth of the seventh universe as your own.

Then they can eat the best food every day in the future.


"Stop talking nonsense here, you fat pig!"

"You need to collect all seven super wishing beads before you can make a wish. What's the use of your six?"

"Besides, just because you want to compete with me?"

Beerus said with a look of disdain.

He didn't take Champa seriously at all.

Moreover, the so-called super wishing beads didn't work for him at all.

As for the earth, he will not give it up.

Or exchange the earth for a few stones that are useless to him.

"Chi Chi Chi... You don't dare to compete, do you Beerus?"

"I knew you were a complete coward."

"I don't dare to compete with our sixth universe at all."

Champa directly used the aggressive method.

Beerus is skinny, the most unbearable thing is being looked down upon.

"Cut! Your aggressive method is really clumsy!"

"Okay, if there is nothing else, go back to your sixth universe!!"

Beerus wasn't fooled, because this aggressive method was too bad for him.


"If you throw in the towel right now and give us the Earth, I'll leave.

Champa is also directly shameless.

In front of food, what is the face?

More importantly, he has always been known as a scoundrel.

So it's nothing to him at all.

Beerus' expression changed.

But looking at Champa's dead pig's expression that is not afraid of boiling water, there is nothing wrong with it.

After all, the Gods of Destruction now expressly prohibit private fighting.

Once there is a battle between Gods of Destruction, both Universes will eventually perish.

Even if they are Gods of Destruction, this is a responsibility and consequence that they cannot afford.

Afterwards, Beerus could only ask: "Let's talk! How about a competition?"

In fact, scolding is scolding, Beerus still cares about this brother who often makes him angry.

"It's very simple."

"Because we, the Gods of Destruction, cannot fight privately, so it is not us who are fighting this time.

"We select five contestants from their respective universes."

"As for the bet, it's the earth and the super wishing beads I mentioned before." 0.8 Champa said with a face full of success.

Then he looked at Son Goten and Kelin not far away.

I am very happy.

The Seventh Universe can even become Beerus's apprentice, so the strength of other humans in the Seventh Universe is completely conceivable.

So this time the competition with the Seventh Universe was a breeze, without any suspense.

Beerus thought for a while.

He doesn't really know much about the Sixth Universe.

As for whether there are powerful humans in the sixth universe, he doesn't know.

So this time, he is not sure about the game.

But after looking at Son Goten next to him, he felt a lot more at ease.

This kid has one-tenth of his power.

Moreover, after Whis' training during this period of time, his strength seems to have become stronger.

No matter how strong the humans in the sixth universe are, they should not be able to become Son Goten's opponents.

As long as he competes, the seventh universe will not lose

"Son Goten, do you want to play against the Sixth Universe?"

"If there is a competition, will you participate in this competition?"

He had to ask Son Goten for his opinion in advance.

If this kid doesn't participate, then the Seventh Universe has no chance of winning.

But once Son Goten participates, the Sixth Universe will undoubtedly lose.

Because even the current Champa may not be able to defeat Son Goten without using the Gods of Destruction skill.

"Since it is a battle to determine the ownership of the earth, it has something to do with me."

"I will participate in this game!"

Son Goten nodded calmly.

In fact, taking the earth as a bet made him a little reluctant.

But the matter between Gods of Destruction, the current him really has no way to stop it.

If so, then enter the competition!

Beat the guys from the sixth universe...  

Maybe, if you are lucky, you can even pick up some flash skills!!.

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