I! Son Goten, Start Bonus Ultra Instinct

072 Trunks And Black Goku Appear In The Future (Subscription Required)

After hearing that Son Goten agreed to participate so decisively, Beerus did not hesitate.

"Okay, then we promise you, fat pig!"

"But you must be prepared to lose!"

Beerus naturally has confident credentials.

After all, now Son Goten, Acquire already has the power of Gods of Destruction.

It is not easy to handle a few humans in the sixth universe.


"Thought you would be a coward, Beerus."

"I didn't expect you to still have the atmosphere, but the loser will definitely not be our sixth universe. You should think about how to adopt the earth to us!"

Champa also had a triumphant smile on his face.

Although he is not very clear about the comprehensive combat power of his own universe human beings.

But after looking at the two apprentices of Beerus, he was not worried at all.

After all, these two guys look silly, and they look so bulky.

Not even a fighter.

The seventh universe seems to be just like that.


"Just don't cry when the time comes!"

Beerus didn't bother to continue to pay attention to Champa.

Anyway, as long as Son Goten participates in this competition, the Sixth Universe will definitely lose.


"Don't get too excited, Beerus.

"I'll give you ten days to prepare. After ten days, we will hold a competition on the unknown planet."

"Let's go, Vados."

After Champa finished speaking proudly, she took Vados and left.

Thinking that I can get the Earth of the seventh universe in ten days, it is really a very happy thing!

And wait for Vados and Champa after they leave.

Whis said to Beerus: "Master Beerus, isn't the decision just now too reckless? If the sixth universe also has human beings with extraordinary talents, we may not be able to obtain it."

. " win

"And you should have explained all the rules of the game clearly."

Although he does not deny the power of Son Goten.

And even in other universes, it's hard to find a warrior as strong as Son Goten.

But there are no rules for customized competitions, sometimes it is difficult for Sunny alone to decide the victory of all contests!

"Hmph! I can ignore other people's provocations, except Champa's fat pig!"

"Son Goten, you must win the game!"

Beerus snorted coldly, then said to 16 Son Goten.

"Master Beerus, there is no problem in winning the match!"

"However, I also have one condition, that is, after winning the game, can the super wish belong to me?"

Son Goten spoke up.

Super Wishing Beads don't do much for Gods of Destruction Beerus!

And now that Earth has so much good food, Beerus doesn't seem to have much to wish for.

But for Son Goten, it was of great use.

It is very important to improve the strength, at least the strength must be raised to the level above Angel!

In this world where the strong are like clouds, perhaps it is possible to live a little more nourished.

And for this, Super Shenron should be able to help.

"Okay! As long as you can win the game, humiliate that fat pig Champa!"

"The super wishing bead is yours! Anyway, that thing is not very useful to Gods of Destruction."

Gods of Destruction Beerus agreed without thinking.

Because he really can't think of what kind of wish to make with the super wishing beads!

"These Lord Beerus."

Son Goten also hastened to express his thanks.

With the Super Dragon Ball, his strength will definitely be further improved!

"You should hurry up and train hard!!"

"Don't embarrass me when the time comes."

"It seems that I didn't wake up just now, I will go to catch up with it..."

Beerus yawned and went back to his temple to sleep after finishing speaking!

"Then let's continue training!"

Whis said to the two of them.

"Whis, we've been here for a whole month, and I want to go back to Earth to take a look."

"It's good that my mother and the others don't have to worry.

Son Goten is going back to Earth.

It's been a whole month since I left!

If there are some crises on the earth, he can't predict them at all.

And Chichi and Videl must be very worried now.

"Sure, I'll take you there!"

Whis nodded without hesitation.

And kindly send them back.

Of course, Whis naturally has his own plans in mind.

During this period of time, the delicacies brought over last time have almost been eaten!

After this time, just in time to taste some fresh delicacies.

Then pack some more by the way.

"Okay, then trouble!"

Although Son Goten knew what Whis was thinking, he didn't mean to throw himself and Kling back.

100% food for the earth.

But Son Goten said very politely.

In the past month, Whis has been very attentive to their training.

And the three get along well.

For that alone, Whis should be thanked.

"You don't have to be so polite with me, anyway, we are friends now!"

Whis said out of embarrassment.

After all, he wanted to go to Earth this time entirely for the food.

Half an hour later, the two returned to Earth again.

This time, the three of them appeared directly in Xidu.

"Goten, I suddenly felt a very weak breath."

"It's not like the breath of ordinary earthlings."

As soon as he arrived in Xidu, Kelin said to Son Goten.

The moment he entered the Western Capital, he suddenly felt a strange breath.

This breath must have been very strong originally, but it may be due to the injury, so it has become extremely weak now.

"Well, I seem to feel it too!"

"And the place where the breath comes out seems to be Aunt Bulma's capsule company.

Son Goten also nodded and said.

"Whis, why don't you go around and look for delicious food first?"

"The two of us felt a strange aura just now, and now we have to go over to see what's going on."

Son Goten said to Whis.

"Okay, I'll go find you after I pack the food."

Whis also nodded without hesitation.

He has no interest in the world on Earth!

What he is most interested in is whether he can discover the best delicacies that he has never eaten before?

After finishing speaking, Son Goten took Kelin an Instant Transmission.

Appeared directly at Bulma's capsule company.


At this time Bulma was wandering anxiously in the yard.


"Great, you're here!"

Seeing Son Goten and Kelin suddenly appear, Bulma's anxious face showed a happy look.

"What's the matter? Aunt Bulma, has something happened?"

"We just felt a very faint breath coming from the capsule company."

Son Goten also asked immediately.

Looking at Bulma's anxious expression just now, it's obvious that something big has happened!

"It's Trunks, he just came back with bruises all over his body!"

"I didn't know what to do just now, it's great that you can come."

Bulma spoke immediately.

Just a few minutes ago, Trunks suddenly appeared in the yard in a time machine.

And covered with scars, he passed out immediately after coming out of the time machine!

It scared her enough.

But I couldn't contact anyone else, so I was very anxious.


"Didn't he follow Vegeta and Goku to the planet King Kai?"

Klin looked at Bulma with a puzzled look and said.

But Son Goten understood right away what was going on!

The Trunks that Bulma is talking about are not small Trunks of this plane.

Instead, they are the future Trunks who traveled from the future time and space in a time machine.

In other words, Zamasu from the future time and space appeared!

And Trunks came to this time and space for help...

But logically speaking, when fighting Cell at that time, Future Trunks also participated in the battle.

He should know that Son Goku and Vegeta were all killed by Cell.

Why do you still come to this time and space for help?

"I'm talking about the future Trunks."

"Goten, hurry up and take a look!"

Bulma explained, and then said to Son Goten anxiously.

Maybe it's the reason why I lost Trunks since I was a child.

So just seeing Trunks in the future with such a serious injury made her feel very painful.

"Don't worry, Aunt Bulma."

"I can feel the breath of Trunks, and he'll be fine."

After Son Goten comforted, he walked directly into the room.

Then saw the future Trunks lying on the bed.

At this time, he was covered in scars, and the blood almost stained his entire body red.

At this moment, he was still frowning, clenching his teeth tightly, with an angry and fearful expression.

"Goten, why don't you go to Kalinta and bring back some fairy beans!"

Bulma hurriedly said to Son Goten.

Having spent such a long time with the warriors of the earth, he is naturally very clear about Kalinta's fairy beans.

As long as there is still a breath, it can make people fully recover.

"Don't bother, I can recover from Trunks' injury."

Son Goten shook his head.

Then his right hand was placed gently on Son Goten's chest.

A grass-green healing energy instantly began to spread throughout the body.

In an instant, the shocking wounds on Trunks began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, his weak breath began to recover little by little.


"Damn... Damn it!!"

As the wound recovered, Trunks' complexion became worse and worse.

He clenched his fists tightly, still murmuring incessantly.

Until all the wounds on his body were completely healed, and his breath was fully recovered.

Trunks snapped his eyes open.

Jumped out of bed.

The moment he saw Son Goten, flames of anger burst out of his eyes.

"You bastard..."

With a leap of his body, he directly picked up his sword of the brave.

Then he flew up and slashed down hard towards Son Goten.

Because the guy in front of him is exactly the same as the guy who destroyed the earth before.

He subconsciously thought it was that guy who followed!

"Trunks, stop now!"

Bulma saw that the Trunks who had come to life actually made a move on Goten, and immediately yelled loudly.

Son Goten is sticking out

With his index finger, he easily blocked Trunks' sword of the brave.

"Hey Trunks, wake up."

"I am not your enemy."

Son Goten also said lightly.

After hearing the voices of Bulma and Son Goku, Trunks also seemed to regain consciousness.

Looking at Son Goten in front of him, it seems that he is indeed different from Black Goku.

Their clothes and their eyes are completely different.

And the person in front of him is a bit smaller than Black Goku.

Then he quickly turned his head and looked around.

Just saw Bulma and Kling.

"Mum.....Mum!! Uncle Kling."

Trunks looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief!

Because he clearly remembered that his mother had been killed by the black Goku in order to help him successfully go to the past time and space.

And the mother in front of him seemed much younger and more beautiful than the one in his time and space.

This shows that he successfully traveled to the past time and space.


Trunks hugged Bulma as soon as sad memories flooded his mind.

Vent the sadness in my heart.

"It's okay, Trunks."

"There will be no more trouble!"

Looking at the extremely sad Trunks, Bulma immediately patted his back and began to comfort him.

He could totally feel Trunks' sadness at the moment.

One can imagine what kind of pain he suffered in his own time and space.

After finding 823 two minutes later, Trunks also let go of Bulma.

Then he turned his attention to Son Goten.

"Are you... Uncle Goku?"

Trunks asked with some uncertainty.

The person in front of him is much younger than Uncle Goku.

But the appearance is exactly the same as Uncle Goku.

Did something happen to make Uncle Goku younger?


Both Son Goten and Kelin were stunned.

He actually recognized Goten as Goku!

But it's no wonder that in the time and space that Trunks went to, Son Goten hadn't been born yet.

So it is not surprising to admit that Goten is wrong.

"Trunks, he's not Goku."

"Goku, Vegeta and the other fighters were all killed by Cell eight years ago when they fought.

"He is Goten, son of Goku, younger brother of Gohan."

Bulma also quickly opened his mouth to explain.

"Na... Nani?? Uncle Goku's son."

"Also...you said that Uncle Goku in this time and space were all killed by Cell?"

Trunks looks unbelievable!

Because of the time and space he had been to, although Uncle Goku was killed by the artificial human Cell.

But Dad, Uncle Piccolo and Brother Gohan were not killed by Cell.

Instead, they teamed up to kill Cell...

Have you traveled through the wrong time and space?

"Yes, eight years ago."

Both Bulma and Kelin said sadly.

After all, they have lost their best friends, as well as the people closest to them.

"Wrong! It seems that I really traveled through the wrong time and space..."

"In this case, it's over!! The energy of the time machine is also used up!"

Trunks lowered his head remorsefully.

He used the only time machine energy to go to the past time and space for help.

Just to hope that Uncle Goku and Dad can solve the black Goku.

But now through the wrong time and space, the time and space where Dad and Uncle Goku were killed by Cell.

Is my time and space really hopeless?

"Trunks, the power possessed by the current Goten has already completely surpassed Goku and Vegeta, and even reached an unimaginable level for Goku and the others!

"So you don't have to be so desperate."

After seeing Trunks' desperate expression, Klin immediately spoke.

"What?? Are you saying... Goten is stronger than Uncle Goku and Papa?"

After hearing Kling's words, Trunks looked at Son Goten in disbelief.

He really couldn't believe it!

Because Goten is still very young, even if he started practicing from the mother's womb, it is impossible for him to surpass Uncle Goku and Dad.

"Well, and it's a world of difference."

Clint nodded firmly!

And at this moment.

A powerful evil breath also suddenly appeared from the earth...

At the same time, a huge purple black hole appeared in the sky above Xidu. .

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