I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 101:

"Then I'm welcome." Qiye, who likes to eat novelty things, took one of the eggs, and then he jumped off the tree pole and boiled the egg.

Enkidu rolled his eyes at Gilgamesh, and while removing the twigs from Gilgamesh's hair, he said helplessly, "Don't touch the eggs of animals, this is what they breed. Treasure."

"What does it matter, this king still has one in his lair, but he hasn't taken all of them." Gilgamesh said in an indifferent tone.

"...Hey, then give me one too." Enkidu also took an egg from Gilgamesh's hand, but he didn't cook the egg like Qiye did.

Enkidu flew towards the canopy above, and when he found the bird's nest, he looked into the bird's nest. A round egg was inside the bird's nest.

Looking at the egg, Enkidu muttered, "Jill really didn't lie, he really left an egg."

Afterwards, Enkidu put the egg he got from Gilgamesh back into the bird's nest.

Gilgamesh looked at Enkidu who had descended, and he smacked his lips while holding the egg up and down, "Enkidu, did you put the egg back?"


"Oh, even if you put it back, the bird won't want that egg, because it has our breath on it."

"Don't worry about this, I have wiped off the breath we left with the soil, there will be no problem." Enkidu explained.

"Tsk." Gilgamesh smacked his lips again, "You have returned the eggs, so this king will have to give you half of the eggs in the hands of this king."

"No, I don't need it, Jill, eat it yourself."

"Don't talk too much, this king will give it to you, you can just follow it. You are not allowed to refute or have any opinions."

Enkidu looked helplessly at Gilgamesh who jumped off the tree trunk and boiled eggs with Qiye. In the end, not only did Gilgamesh give Enkidu half of the eggs, Qiye also gave his own one. Half of the eggs were given to Enkidu.

After they had eaten and drank, and finished resting, Qiye and the others continued to march towards the cedar forest. Under Enkidu's instructions, they crossed the dense forest and came to the road created by the divine beast Humbaba. .

Although this road is messy, it is better than a forest full of trees and boulders, but the hearts of the Uruk soldiers are full of timidity, because they already know that this road was created by the mythical beast Humbaba. , in case you come across it here...

Gilgamesh also has the idea of ​​Uruk soldiers, but he is not timid, but has a look of eagerness to try. He thinks that the appearance of the mythical beast Humbaba is the best.

Because if they encountered the mythical beast Humbaba outside, they would be able to deal with this beast that harmed mankind outside the cedar forest.

After the messy road, Qiye and his party were getting closer and closer to the cedar forest. Now they may have come to the entrance of the cedar forest, because there are traces left by the mythical beast Humbaba everywhere.

Qiye and his party began to slow down, and then looked towards the cedar forest in front of them. Now the cedar forest they saw was no longer a snow-capped peak, but a luxuriant and imposing cedar forest.

The cedar forest in front has straight tree trunks stretching into the clouds, and the eyes are full of green colors, endless.

Moreover, the Qiye group here can clearly smell a faint fragrance, which is the unique fragrance of cedar wood. Breathing these scents with the fragrance of cedar forest, everyone's heart can not help but feel relaxed.

"Ha..." Gilgamesh sighed as if intoxicated. He stared at the cedar forest in front of him with his shining scarlet eyes, "What a tall and vibrant sacred tree."

The cedar trees in the cedar forest are called "sacred wood" by the people of Mesopotamia.

Not only because cedar is located in the 'garden of the gods', but also because most of the sacred temples of the gods are built from this cedar.

Although humans are forbidden to step into the cedar forest and cannot obtain cedars, the gods will give some cedars to the cities dedicated to them, and let them use this cedar to build their temples.

Therefore, cedar is gradually called the "sacred wood".

"That's right, the cedars in the cedar forest are the most beautiful beings." Enkidu nodded in agreement, his eyes are full of memories now, he must be recalling the quiet time he once lived in the cedar forest.

Then Gilgamesh said something that made Enkidu stagger...

"If all of them are brought back to Uruk, then these sacred trees must be able to bring unimaginable prosperity and wealth to Uruk." Gilgamesh said with a grin.

"Don't have such terrifying thoughts." Enkidu glared at Gilgamesh, "Gill, you'd better just think about it, because the cedar is the wealth of the gods, and we came to the cedar forest this time not for To cut down the cedar, but to rescue Inanna and confirm the situation of the mythical beast Humbaba."

"Of course this king knows." Gilgamesh shrugged, then he looked at Nanye and smiled.

It is absolutely impossible for Gilgamesh to let go of these cedar trees that are like treasures. He and Nanye are now thinking... After the gods are divided, they will put the treasures in this 'Garden of the Gods' , all evacuated~

"Jill, Qiye, you two laughed very strangely." Enkidu looked at Gilgamesh and Qiye suspiciously and said.

"Cough, are you laughing strangely? This king and Nanye just thought of some happy things." Gilgamesh began to change the subject, "Although we can't cut it down, if we take away the cedar trees in the cedar forest. Seeds, then can't we plant cedars in Uruk?"

Mesopotamia is a great civilization built in the soil, and it lacks wood. If cedar can be planted in Uruk, it will be a huge source of wealth.

"Gill, please give up this idea." Qiye said to Gilgamesh, "Even if we pick the best quality seeds from the tops of these cedars and plant them in the fertile land on our side, no matter how careful we are Take care of watering, and it will not grow tall and fragrant cedar."

"It will only be an ordinary tree that is short and has no fragrance."

"Huh? Do you know about Qiye?" Gilgamesh and Enkidu looked at Qiye in surprise and said.

Qiye swallowed the dirt in his mouth into his stomach, and said as a matter of course, "Of course I know, after all, I am a sage of Uruk."

It's dirt!

It was the soil here that told Qiye~

Chapter 223 Chapter 118 Gilgamesh's First Dream

The steady soil told Qiye frankly, they said that the cedar can only grow in the water and soil here and in the mountain peaks, and it cannot grow in other places.

So Gilgamesh wanted to take the seeds of the cedar and plant them outside, which was an unrealistic idea.

However, Mount Ebeif should be able to grow cedars... But the spiritual peak has been smashed by the Venus goddess Inanna with a hammer, and the spiritual wisdom has been lost.

It is estimated that the cedar will not be able to be cultivated.

Since Qiye said that such cedars could not be planted, Gilgamesh quickly gave up the idea of ​​planting cedars.

After all, this sage used some dirt and shells to create a terrifying weapon (gunpowder), so it would be right to listen to this sage.

Although Gilgamesh's idea is very unreliable, this is proof that he trusts Nanye.

Now that they have reached the entrance of the cedar forest, Qiye and the others do not plan to move on, because it is getting dark now, and they do not know what dangers and enemies they will encounter when they enter, so they plan to rest outside for a night. Wait until tomorrow morning to enter the cedar forest.

So Qiye and his group set up camp near the entrance of the cedar forest to rest.

When night fell, Qiye did not rest, but sat by the nearby river. He held up the water of the river with both hands, and took a light sip.

The sweet and cool feeling emerged from Qiye's heart, and he couldn't help but drink a few more gulps of the river water with a look of joy. If Semiramis saw Qiye like this, he would definitely help his forehead helplessly. Bar.

As the king of Babylon, His Majesty will drink the river water, and look like a child with joy and satisfaction...

But this is only the Seven Nights. Even though he became the sage of Uruk, the king of Babylon, the husband of a woman, and the father of a child, he still maintained the pure heart of his birth.

Then Qi Ye, who was satisfied, stretched his feet into the flowing river, feeling the river flowing gently through his feet.

"The river water that comes from the melting of the cedar forest is amazing... If possible, I really want to bring everyone here to live here." Nanye, who was dangling his feet in the river, sighed.

The cool river flowing slowly, the bright and bright moon, the evening breeze with the fragrance of cedar, and the sounds of birds and insects chirping all around... Everything is so beautiful and peaceful.

Qiye, who was not sleepy, didn't sleep, so he felt the beauty of all this alone and quietly.

After the experience... Qi Ye heard a slightly hesitant footstep behind him, he turned his head to look, and then his black and white eyes flashed a strange look.

"Jill? Why did you come here? Don't you need to sleep?"

The figure walking towards Nanye is Gilgamesh.

Moreover, Gilgamesh's complexion is a little pale now. Qiye thought that the reason why his complexion was pale was actually because of the bright moonlight.

But that's not the case. When Gilgamesh approached, Nanye decided that Gilgamesh's face was really turning pale, as if he was frightened, and his face turned pale.

But he is Gilgamesh, a daring demigod who dares to separate the existence of gods and humans, what could make him turn pale?

"I said what happened to you? Your face is a little ugly." Qiye asked.

"Qiye, I had a dream that made me uneasy just now, so I was woken up..."

Qiye looked at Gilgamesh subtly, "Are you Enkidu? Are you also frightened by your own dreams?"

"This king is different from Enkidu's illusory dream. This king's dream should have predicted what will happen next." Gilgamesh shook his head and said.

"In other words, did you dream about what happened after we entered the cedar forest?" Qiye asked curiously.

"Yeah." Gilgamesh nodded.

"Then what dream did you have, tell me and let me hear it."

"Okay." Gilgamesh pursed his lips, his face was not very good, he said, "I dreamed that we entered the cedar forest, and then went to the middle of a huge canyon, this canyon is more than growing The cedar is too high, like the cliff that breaks the sky."

Gilgamesh pointed to the cedars in the cedar forest, and then he continued, "Suddenly there was a loud rumbling sound in my dream, the canyon like a cliff that broke the sky collapsed, countless boulders and mud, and There is dust, all falling towards us and leaning down..."

"Compared with the things that fell and slanted down, we are as small as mosquitoes and flies in the vines."

Now Gilgamesh's tone has a hint of fear, and seeing the dream scene makes him fearful.

"But in the dream we were not submerged by the leaning things, they just fell around us, and then the dream ended like this, and the king also woke up from this dream."

After finishing speaking, Gilgamesh looked at Qiye, "Satiya, you said, did you control the sloping dirt to fall around?"

"How do I know, that's your dream, not reality." Qiye couldn't help laughing and crying, he said, "Jill, do you remember what the priests said before we left Uruk?"

The priests said a lot when they left Uruk in Qiye. Looking at Gilgamesh, who frowned and recalled, Qiye explained directly, "Didn't the priests say it, if we are afraid, You can go back to Uruk."

"...No, I don't want to go back like this, and we have already reached the entrance of the cedar forest, how can we just go back like this." Gilgamesh shook his head and said.

That's right, even after entering the cedar forest, they will be submerged by the collapsed canyon, and Gilgamesh will bite the bullet and go in.

"Since you don't plan to go back like this, then cheer up, take a good rest, and break into the Garden of the Gods Cedar Forest in good spirits tomorrow." Qiye said with a smile.

"And Jill, you don't need to worry about the dream just now. I think the canyon in your dream means 'the difficulty of going to the cedar forest'. When we entered the cedar forest, the canyon collapsed, which means that we solved the problem. the 'difficulties' ahead."

"So it's a good dream."

Chapter 224 Chapter 119

Now Qiye's voice was subtly blended into the crystal of destiny and music, and after reaching Gilgamesh's ears with a powerful voice, it calmed his inner uneasiness.

Then Gilgamesh showed a sudden realization, and then he laughed and patted Qiye on the shoulder, "That's right, this king was frightened by the falling canyon and didn't think about the good side."

"Now this king is carefully recalling the situation in the dream. After the canyon collapsed, the fallen soil was piled up around us, as if it formed a ladder to the front, so it should be a good sign."

Seeing Gilgamesh's fearful face no longer exists, Qiye smiled slightly. Perhaps he didn't need his encouragement and guidance. After calming down, the daring king of Uruk would also overcome the dream brought by the dream. of unease.

"Then this king has gone back to rest. Qiye, you should go and rest as soon as possible."

"Well, I see." Qiye said softly as he watched Gilgamesh leave, "If the canyon really falls down, I will help you solve them, so you don't need to worry."

Now Qiye really wants to return to the Kingdom of Babylon, go to Itisha, and get the Crystal of Destiny and Disguise from her. After using the Crystal of Destiny, he doesn't need to worry about the gods finding him, and he can use his power unscrupulously. Help Gilgamesh.

But Qiye was embarrassed to ask Itisha for the things he sent out, and even if the gods discovered that Qiye could control the earth and the sea, he would have a perfect excuse.

That is the crystallization of the destiny of God Enki.

Didn't Inanna and Qiye steal the crystal of the destiny of the **** Enki? If the gods or someone wondered why Qiye could control the earth and the sea, he could push his power over the earth and the sea to those two. Go to the Crystal of Destiny.

Because Qiye fits the two crystals of destiny, the earth and the sea, so he can control the earth and the sea.

This is the perfect excuse.

This evening, Qiye and the others set up camp on the river near the entrance of the cedar forest. They did not encounter any attacks and passed the night smoothly.

Early morning came, and everyone who woke up one after another began to prepare breakfast. After breakfast, they began to step into the cedar forest in Qiye.

Because they were about to step into the cedar forest, the faces of the Uruk soldiers showed a little bit of unease. They were obviously afraid of the cedar forest. After all, the gods prohibited humans from entering that place.

Enkidu sensed everyone's unease, and he pulled Qiye to Gilgamesh's side, "Jill, Qiye, why don't we let the soldiers stay outside, the three of us will go into the cedar forest. "

"This king also thinks the same way. If you let this group of god-respecting guys follow in, it will get in the way." Gilgamesh said.

"But didn't you two say it before, if you take risks, those who stay outside are the easiest to die." Qiye said with a smile.

"But they're not alone, they're a group, so there shouldn't be any danger."

"It's up to you to decide, I have no opinion." Qiye nodded.

Although many people are powerful, it also depends on the strength of those people. Fifty Uruk soldiers are not worth one Enkidu or Gilgamesh.

So if you take them in, if you encounter any danger, maybe Qiye and the others will be distracted to watch them.

"But if we don't plan to bring them in now, then why did we bring them here from Uruk?" Gilgamesh said suddenly.

Qiye and Enkidu fell silent.

Yes... Yes, why did you take so much trouble to bring them here? ?

Without these fifty Uruk soldiers, Gilgamesh would have used the Golden Ark to fly directly to the Cedar Forest with Qiye and Enkidu.

"Ah, yes, this king asked them to follow him, not because he wanted them to help deal with the divine beast Humbaba, but because he wanted them to carry the treasure they found in the cedar forest."

To put it simply... a tool person for carrying treasures, right?

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