I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 102:

"Then, Jill, go and tell your soldiers, let them stay here, let's enter the cedar forest first, and let them enter the cedar forest after saving Inanna and crusade against Humbaba." Qiye to Gilgamesh.

"Yeah." Gilgamesh nodded, and then he went to gather the group of Uruk soldiers and continue to station them here, waiting for their return.

Then there was a loud noise from Gilgamesh's side. Nanaye and Enkidu looked there and found that Uruk's soldiers were talking excitedly.

After learning that they did not need to enter the cedar forest, the Uruk soldiers were not happy as if unloading their burdens, but anxious and worried.

The Uruk soldiers were worried about Gilgamesh, Seven Nights, and Enkidu, because they knew from Gilgamesh that they planned to enter the cedar forest full of unknowns.

"King, how could we let the three of you enter the cedar forest like this!"

"That is to say, our mission is to protect the three of you, not to wait outside!"

After learning that they didn't need to enter the cedar forest, the Uruk soldiers were not happy because their king, sage, and discipliner planned to go in.

They are very clear about their mission, which is to protect Gilgamesh and the three of them and let them return to Uruk intact.

So the Uruk soldiers refuted Gilgamesh's order to be stationed outside.

Yes, they are indeed afraid of the cedar forest and the orders of the gods, so they are full of unease about stepping into the cedar forest.

But their allegiance to Gilgamesh is higher than the gods they fear, so no matter how afraid they are, they will follow Gilgamesh and the others into the cedar forest.

Gilgamesh, with his arms crossed, looked at the excited group of Uruk soldiers, and he smiled with satisfaction. In this era of theocracy, his soldiers could risk being angered by the gods and follow him into the Cedar forest, then he is proud of it.

"This is the order of this king. You should leave this king outside here. This king, the sages and the discipliners will enter the cedar forest to find out, and then there will definitely be tasks you need to do." Gilgamesh Arrogantly issued his own orders.

Although the Uruk soldiers wanted to continue following Gilgamesh into the cedar forest, they had no choice but to obey Gilgamesh's orders.

Chapter 225 Chapter 120: The Adventure of the Three

Looking at Gilgamesh's side, Enkidu suddenly said, "Qiye, did Gil told you that he had a dream last night?"

"That's right, what's wrong?" Qiye looked at the beautiful person beside him and said.

"Actually, I also think it's a good sign. I think the canyon that Jill dreamed of was actually Humbaba who lived in the cedar forest. Judging from what happened in his dream, it should be that we defeated the divine beast Humbaba. Then move on to the front of the cedar forest." Enkidu said.

"Then the canyon is not necessarily the divine beast Humbaba... In fact, we don't have to deal with the divine beast Humbaba. We just need to figure out why it captured humans, and then persuade it to stop harming humans in this way."

If that canyon really symbolizes the divine beast Humbaba, doesn't it mean that they will kill the divine beast Humbaba in Seven Nights?

You must know that the divine beast Humbaba is a friend of Enkidu.

"I hope so." Enkidu forced a smile.

In fact, Enkidu had an ominous premonition in his heart. He thought that they would have a fight with the divine beast Humbaba, and then deal with the divine beast Humbaba...

But things haven't happened yet, Enkidu can only bury his ominous premonition in his heart, and now he can only take a step by step.

If everything can be resolved without causing casualties, that is what Enkidu most wants to see.

Gilgamesh came back, and he seemed to be in a good mood. There was a slight smile on his handsome face. It seemed that the reaction of the group of Uruk soldiers made him very satisfied.

"Okay, those guys have been persuaded by this king, they will stay outside and wait for us to come out, so the three of us can now head towards the cedar forest."

"Let's go then."

After that, Qiye, Gilgamesh, and Enkidu, under the compliment of fifty Uruk soldiers, marched towards the cedar forest ahead.

As Qiye and the others stepped into the area of ​​the cedar forest, they instantly noticed the strangeness around them.

The first is air.

The air here is full of magic power, which is like a sticky quagmire, making it hard to breathe.

If you have been living in such a place, you will either be choked to death by magic power, or your body will be strengthened by such magic power, but Qiye and the three of them are not ordinary people, so they just feel a little uncomfortable with this high concentration of magic power. No problem.

Next is light.

There are cedars growing here, all of which are like towering cedars that tower into the clouds. They cover the entire sky with their lush foliage, and the sun's rays cannot shine in at all.

So the light here is very dim.

But fortunately, the divine beast Humbaba also left a path in the cedar forest, and they could follow this path in Qiye.

"Jill, Qiye, this is just the periphery of the cedar forest. Its entrance is further inside, and there are two gatekeepers guarding the entrance." Enqi, who was walking, told the information he knew. Say it.

"So do we need to get rid of the two gatekeepers before we can enter the cedar forest?" Gilgamesh asked.

"No, if we fight with them, the gods may be disturbed." Enkidu shook his head, he pointed to one direction of the cedar forest, "We enter the cedar forest from another place, so that we can avoid the opened their eyes into the cedar forest."

So it is good to have Enkidu, who is familiar with the cedar forest. He knows the situation of the cedar forest, and then he can provide all kinds of help.

For the cedar forest, Qiye had contacted the white pigeons through the communication stone at night.

After all, the hunter, who discovered the mud demon [Enkidu], said that the group of pigeons from the white dove flew over from the cedar forest.

So Qiye thought that those pigeons might know information about the cedar forest, so he specifically asked the white pigeons about them.

But it was a pity to take it over. Those pigeons flew over from the cedar forest, but they did not live in the cedar forest, but outside, where the Uruk soldiers were stationed.

Under the guidance of Enkidu, who was familiar with the cedar forest, Qiye and Gilgamesh walked through the cedar trees that shaded the sun and covered the ground with grass. In the end, Qiye and the others came to the front of a towering mountain peak.

"By climbing over here, we can avoid the eyes of the two gatekeepers and enter the real cedar forest." Enkidu said, pointing to the towering peaks ahead.

"Wait a moment, let this king take a breath and talk." Gilgamesh sat on the grass without any image, Qiye and Enkidu looked at each other, and then both smiled.

Gilgamesh has an ordinary half-human and half-god physique... Well, half-human and half-god is not an ordinary physique, but he, a half-human half-god, can't compare with Enkidu and Seven Nights.

Enki is a weapon made by gods, the son of Tiamat of Seven Nights. As long as the two of them stand on the ground, they can obtain magic power through the ground, so Enki will not be so easily tired, not to mention Seven Nights.

But Gilgamesh can't do it. Although he is a demigod, he can't continue to move forward like Seven Nights and Enkidu, and the air inside is full of magic power, which aggravates the difficulty of moving forward and requires physical strength.

The air full of magic power is a good thing, but once the concentration of magic power exceeds the standard, it will become a poison-like existence and erode your body.

Gilgamesh was resting, and Qiye began to look at the mountain that Enkidu said. This mountain is extremely steep, almost at a 90-degree angle, and it is a cliff-like existence.

But with such a steep mountain, it will not be difficult for the three of them to get Qiye. After all, they are not ordinary people, and...

Qiye's palm pressed on the ground, and then the mountain in front of him underwent a strange change. The surface of the mountain began to protrude with soil, forming solid and firm points on the surface of the mountain, and then the soil began to extend downward from these points, forming A chain-like existence.

As long as you pull such a chain, you will be able to climb the cliff-like mountain in front of you more easily.

Looking at the chains appearing on the mountain, Gilgamesh smacked his lips helplessly, "If it wasn't for the fear of being discovered by the gods, this king would definitely use Uruk's treasure trove to smash the mountain in front of him."

Section 226 Chapter 121 Animals, Food, Mounts

Nanyebai glanced at Gilgamesh, who withdrew his palm from the surface of the earth, and said, "If you want to smash the peaks, we didn't need to avoid the two gatekeepers guarding the entrance to the cedar forest just now."

Whether it's smashing the mountain peaks or eliminating the gatekeepers, the gods will be alarmed, so if they ignore this alarming situation, Qiye and the others might as well have directly eliminated the two gatekeepers just now.

Qiye and the others took so much trouble to avoid the gatekeepers, and they just wanted to avoid the eyes of the gods.

"Of course this king knows, this king is not that troublesome goddess, how could she have done such a bad thing as smashing the mountain." Gilgamesh said and made fun of Inanna who was imprisoned. .

After several hours of rest, Gilgamesh fully recovered, and then the three of them began to climb the steep mountain ahead.

Although this mountain is high and steep, Qiye and the others also climbed it smoothly. Now they have reached the top of the mountain and can see the whole cedar forest.

The cedar forest in front of me covers the entire mountains. At first glance, all of them are tall and towering lush cedar trees. If half of these cedar trees are chopped and sold, they can directly obtain wealth beyond the kingdom of Babylon.

Don't be surprised, in this day and age, cedar trees in cedar forests are so expensive.

The quiet Enkidu stood straight and motionless. He was now staring at a certain direction in the cedar forest, and then he pointed in that direction and said, "Jill, Qiye, that's where I and the divine beast Humbaba used to live. , if it hadn't moved, its home should still be there."

Qiye and Gilgamesh looked in the direction Enkidu pointed. Because of the tall and lush cedars, they did not see the divine beast Humbaba or Inanna who was guarded by the divine beast Humbaba.

"Then our goals are all over there now, right?"

Gilgamesh and the others have three goals for coming to the Cedar Forest this time.

A goddess Inanna who rescued Venus.

The second is to crusade Humbaba, the divine beast who captured humans.

Three words... it's a treasure in the cedar forest.

And the mythical beast Humbaba may not only look after Inanna, but also the treasures hidden in the cedar forest by the gods, so they only need to find the mythical beast Humbaba in Qiye, then these three goals are not far away.

With excitement and joy in mind, Qiye and the others began to walk towards the mountain below. The climb from the outside was extremely steep, but going down into the cedar forest was not so steep, so there was no need to create chains again and hike. That's it.

After Qiye and the others climbed over several mountains in a row, the terrain began to decline. They came to the earth, and the scenery in the cedar forest was extremely beautiful.

The cedar forest is full of clear and green springs, which flow through the earth, and they can see wild goats and wild deer by the riverside for seven nights.

Qiye and the others saw these animals, and they also saw Qiye and them, and then they raised their heads and looked at the Qiye trio with bright and bright eyes.

They were born in the cedar forest and have never encountered humans, and because they were not hunted by humans, they ran away without seeing Qiye.

"It's an animal that grows in the cedar forest." Enkidu said happily.

"It's food." Qiye said, looking at the plump wild goat.

Qiye is gluttonous, and he wants to know what the wild goat that grows up in the cedar forest tastes like.

"It's a mount." Gilgamesh said, looking at the sturdy wild goat.

Gilgamesh was tired, and he wanted to grab a wild goat to travel.

Enkidu looked at Qiye and Gilgamesh with disgust, and then he drove away the group of wild goats and deer who were drinking by the river while Qiye and Gilgamesh stared at them. .

"Ah, why is Enkidu? This is our dinner." Qiye said disappointedly.

"I have food in my bag." Enkidu handed the package he was carrying to Qiye.

"Even if we don't need food, we still need means of transportation!" Gilgamesh looked at the group of animals that had left with regret.

Enkidu walked to Gilgamesh's side, "If you're tired, Gil, I'll just carry you."

"Forget it, this king is not tired enough to be carried by others."

Gilgamesh sat on the grass, and Qiye returned Enkidu's burden to him. Then he jumped into the river, and then several plump fish jumped out of the river.

Then Qiye's head poked out of the river, and he looked at Enkidu, "These fish jumped up by themselves. It is estimated that they volunteered to be our dinner, so we must respond to their wishes."

"Ha~ is it a response to eating them clean?"

Gilgamesh was laughing, and Enkidu was laughing helplessly. He didn't put the river fish back into the river this time. The reason why he drove away the wild goats and deer before was just because he was in the cedar forest. When I lived in the cedar forest, I stayed with the animals in the cedar forest.

So Enkidu didn't want to hurt the animals in the cedar forest.

Because it was getting late, the three of them did not move on in Qiye, but rested by the river in the cedar forest and filled their stomachs.

Qiye and their dinner were wild fruits picked in the cedar forest and fatty fish thrown from the river just now by Qiye.

The ingredients for dinner are so simple and casual, but they are exceptionally delicious.

Just simply grilled fatty fish, their meat is firm and tender, delicious and sweet.

Qiye, who was eating grilled fish, couldn't help but sigh, "As expected of the food that grows in the cedar forest, it is delicious without seasonings, but if seasonings are added, I don't know how delicious it will be. ."

"It's good to have something to eat, but I'm still thinking about the seasonings..." Gilgamesh glanced at Qiye, "I don't know if you're here for an adventure or a trip to relax."

"Oh, there is no conflict between the two, isn't it? Can't we go on an adventure while eating and sleeping?" Qiye said with a smile.

When night came, Qi Ye sat by the river in the cedar forest again, and felt the sweetness and tranquility of the river water. Qi Ye, who was originally feeling the river water quietly, was stunned for a moment, and then he looked back.

At the rear of Nanaye, Gilgamesh and Enkidu were resting and sleeping by leaning on the trees, and now Nanya felt the change of Gilgamesh's breath.

Chapter 227 Chapter 122 Gilgamesh's Second Dream

Gilgamesh, who was leaning on the trees to sleep and rest, his breath was originally calm and long, but now his breath has become unstable, and his breathing and heart have begun to speed up.

Suspected, Nanye walked towards Gilgamesh.

"!" Gilgamesh's body trembled suddenly, and then he woke up from his sleep.

The moment Gilgamesh opened his eyes, he saw a dark shadow in front of him. He didn't see who it was, and punched him directly.

This is a subconscious reaction to being frightened.

Qiye looked at Gilgamesh's sudden punch, and he quickly backed away, avoiding this guy's fist.

"I said Jill, what are you doing..."

Gilgamesh, who stretched out his fist, stared blankly at Qiye who was complaining. With an undecided expression, he slowly retracted his fist and said apologetically, "Sorry, I just had another dream..."

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