I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 143:

Not necessarily, because you can't use common sense to look at divine beasts and beasts.

Look at Lamasu, it conceives itself while looking up at the starry sky... It is impossible to use common sense to look at divine beasts and beasts.

"Huh?" Qiye seemed to sense something was wrong. He took the lanugo that Lamasu spit out in his hand, and then rubbed the lanugo with his fingertips.

Then, the lanugo burned between Qiye's fingers.

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Sa, let's start the battle between us!

312 Chapter 8 The Son of Tiamat, the Scorpion Man and the Giant Lion

The flame that the lanugo burns is the flame of the sun.

These weak sun flames were not burned by Qiye's Destiny Crystal, but... these lanugo hairs contained them.

"These lanugo...have weak solar power." Qiye muttered to himself in surprise. He looked at Lamasu, "Lamasu, can you describe these lanugo monsters in more detail?"

"Okay." Lamasu recalled the monsters he encountered, "It looks like a lion, the mane is the hair I spit out, and..."

"Tell me directly what its eyes are like." Qiye asked bluntly.

"It's golden, like..."

"The sun in the sky is the same." Qiye pointed to the sky above, and Lamasu nodded quickly, "Yes, master, how did you know this?"

"After all, I'm your master." Qiye touched Lamasu's golden hair, "Okay, you can rest in peace."

"Yeah." Lamasu finally closed his mouth and went to rest. Now the cub Rama and its children are snuggling up to its side and accompanying it, while Qiye frowned and pondered.

The reason why Qiye guessed the eyes of those monsters was actually based on the shape of the son of Tiamat.

Because among the eleven children of the **** Tiamat, there is a giant lion known as the 'giant sun', whose name is 'Ugar'.

In the creation legend of Mesopotamia, the gods attacked, and this giant lion was hastily created by the **** Tiamat under such an urgent situation.

So when it is fighting against the gods, it is a case of lanugo.

And the most obvious feature of the giant lion Ugar is the lanugo, and the pupils like the sun.

Now that all the scorpions have appeared, Qiye wonders if other fake Tiamat sons will also appear...

And Qiye guessed right.

This lanugo has a slight solar power, and the monster with lanugo has sun-like golden eyes, so it is most likely the son of Tiamat, the giant lion Ugar.

Well, the fake giant lion Ugar.

After all, Ugar's Destiny Crystal of the gigantic sun is also in Qiye's body. As a rule, it is impossible to skip the Destiny Crystal and appear again.

"Unless it is a ghost, it will come in the form of a shadow." Qi Ye whispered such a possibility.

To put it simply, it is a dead heroic spirit that appears as a Servant.

If this is the case, the sons of Tiamat, who have passed away and become history, do not need the crystals of destiny and the wombs of beasts to be able to appear in this world.

On the other hand, the combat power they possess will also be greatly reduced.

Realizing that something was wrong, Qiye said suspiciously, "But it's not right. I remember that a spirit can't come to a god, at most it's a demigod like Gilgamesh."

So...the brothers and sisters of Qiye are not pure gods? ?

It’s also possible, after all, they were created by God Tiamat through the ‘mother of beasts’ and the crystals of destiny. The situation may be similar to Enkidu, the lock of the sky, so they can come in the form of Servants.

But these are just conjectures of Seven Nights. He has not met the scorpion man Kitaburier and the giant lion Ugar, and he does not know what kind of existence they are.

"By the way, Lamasu, have you, Decade and Orpheus dealt with all the beasts that came? Including the scorpion man and the giant lion?"

"I'm very sorry, we didn't kill those two monsters, they were scared away by the powerful little master."

Then Lamasu said with extreme embarrassment, "Obviously, the little master intercepted more than 100 demon beasts with earth chains and hanged them, but Orpheus and I couldn't kill the scorpion people in such a relaxed situation. with the giant lion."

Lamasu and Orpheus are obviously Deketo's guards, but Deketo killed more monsters than the two of them combined... and the worst thing is that the two of them couldn't kill them in this situation. Similar to the scorpion and the giant lion, the leader of the beast.

Too embarrassing.

But ah... what Deketo said before turned out to be true, she really killed more than 100 monsters by herself.

After all, Decade is the child of Seven Nights and Semiramis, and the granddaughter of Tiamat, so it is normal to have this ability.

Coupled with Semiramis' free-range parenting policy, and the experience of embarking on a journey of immortality with Seven Nights, Decade, the Babylonian princess, was suddenly attacked by monsters. Make the correct response and counterattack against the group of beasts that suddenly attacked.

Instead of the delicate little princess who was frightened by the sudden attack of the monsters.

Judging from this situation, Semiramis' parenting policy is quite good.

"Okay, don't be ashamed." Qiye patted Lamasu's shamefully bowed head, "You rest first, I'll go see if the antidote is ready."

"Excuse me, master."

"Yeah." Qiye turned around and walked towards the magic workshop in Babylon Garden. As he walked, he whispered, "The scorpion man and the giant lion are not dead, right? Then I have to find a chance to meet them."

After all, the scorpion claimed to be the son of Tiamat.

Even if Qiye thinks that the scorpion is a fake son of Tiamat, he has to see it with his own eyes.

When Qiye walked to the underground workshop in Babylon Garden, the little princess Decade hurriedly walked over from his front, and she was holding a bottle of green potion in her hands.

"Father, why are you here? Where's Lamasu!"

"I treated it just now, and it's fine now, so I don't need to watch it. I'll come over now to see how you guys are doing, and whether the antidote has been successfully created." Qiye touched Decade. said the head.

"It's already been made. As expected of the mother, it's really amazing. We agreed to get the antidote first, and then find a way to get the antidote, but when the mother went to the magic workshop, she thought of the antidote, so she just got the antidote. Come out." Decade raised the potion she was holding with a happy expression on her face.

"After all, that's your mother-in-law, of course she's amazing, but what about Semiramis? Since she's already made the antidote, why didn't she come out with you?" Qiye looked at the entrance of the magic workshop behind him suspiciously.

According to reason, if Semiramis has already prepared the antidote, shouldn't she also come out with Decade? After all, she has to observe Lamasu after taking the antidote.

"I also asked my mother why she didn't come out with me, but she said that she had other things to prepare, so let me take the antidote to Lamasu first, and then convey the situation after taking the antidote to Lamasu. her," Decade explained.

"Is there anything else to prepare? What is Semiramis preparing for?" Qiye murmured doubtfully, and then Decade hurried past Qiye.

"Father, I'll bring the antidote to Lamasu first."

"Okay." Turning around, Qiye looked at Deketo's back, and he smiled, "This child, Deketo, even if she is alone now, can she survive in this world? ."

After knowing what Deketo suffered today, Qiye felt that her daughter was qualified to be on her own. If she changed her habit of causing trouble, Qiye would feel relieved that she would travel outside alone.

An excellent daughter makes Qiye proud, although... Such an excellent daughter was raised by Semiramis.

Without the stocking of Semiramis, Decade would not be so good.

Qiye took his pride and emotion back to the bottom of his heart, and then continued to walk towards the magic workshop. When he entered the magic workshop, he saw Semiramis holding Orpheus while Orpheus opened his snake. Mouth, revealing white jade-like snake teeth.

The tip of the white jade-like snake teeth is dripping with black and purple venom.

The venom dripped by Orpheus fell into the vessel below, and Qiye looked at Semiramis' decision to take Orpheus' venom in surprise, "Semiramis, what are you doing?"

"Why did you come here at Qiye?" Semiramis glanced sideways at Qiye, and she said lightly, "I'm using Orpheus' venom to make poison."

"Huh? Why do you create poison at this time?" Qiye asked subtly.

"Because I want to kill the guy who hurt my daughter."

Wow... Semiramis said something terrible with a smile on his face.

She and Qiye are the only ones who can bully her daughter. If others dare to do something to her daughter, Semiramis will not make it easier for them!

Don't look at Semiramis bullying Decade in different ways all day long, but that's how she loves Decade. Semiramis doesn't even know she loves her daughter.

After all, Decade is the crystallization of her love with Qiye.

At this time, when the venom was collected, Semiramis put down the vessel containing Orpheus' venom, and then touched Orpheus's snake head as a reward. She looked at Qiye with an unnatural expression.

Semiramis, who squinted at Seven Nights, said unceremoniously, "Why, because the scorpion who hurt Deketo claimed to be the son of Tiamat, you, the son of Tiamat, planned to let go of hurting your daughter. the scorpion man?"

"I didn't have this idea. Although the scorpion called Deketo and the others 'Kitablier', I knew it was false. There is a 90% chance that he is not my brother or sister."

Qiye shook his head, and then he looked at Semiramis in surprise, "How do you know about the scorpion man?"

"I asked Decade when I was making the antidote, and she told me."

Qiye looked at Semiramis who turned around and continued to tinker with the poison. He walked up to Semiramis and hugged her gently from behind Semiramis.

Seven Nights, who was holding Semiramis, felt the softness from the front, and Semiramis felt the warmth from the back.

"Why, even if you hug me like this, I can't let that scorpion go." Semiramis glanced at her husband and hugged her from behind.

"I didn't tell you to let him go, I just wanted to hug you~"

"But you got in my way. In your arms, I don't have the heart to use poison..." Semiramis muttered.

Although Semiramis likes to be held by Qiye, and she likes to play with poison, but if these two things that she likes to do together, she will not get double happiness.

Semiramis, who chose her husband's arms, stopped fiddling with violent poison, she pursed her cherry lips, and then said, "I tell you, the scorpion who claims to be the son of Tiamat, leads the two. More than a hundred monsters were in the upper north forest of the Babylonian kingdom, and then suddenly attacked Deketo and Lamasu."


"So no matter how you think about it, the scorpion people and the monsters are coming for us. I think those monsters and scorpion people are the enemies that you made from the wreckage of the magic king."

"I also have this guess."

"Since you think so, why are you holding me?"

"This sentence is strange. It's not a matter of course for a husband to hug his wife." Qiye said with a smile, holding Semiramis' slender waist.

"Hey, I don't want to mess with you. If you want to hug you, wait until I get out the poison before hugging. Now you let me go." Semiramis patted Qiye's arm on her flat stomach.

"Okay, but before I let you go, I have to tell you something. It's not just the scorpions who attacked Decade and Lamasu, but the giant lion Ugar." Qiye said.

Semiramis turned around and looked at Qiye in surprise, "The giant sun Ugar in the Sons of Tiamat?"

"Well, it was the giant sun that was first created by my mother and hastily resisted the attack of the gods." Qiye, who was holding Semiramis, nodded.

"Look, it's definitely aimed at us." Semiramis was more convinced of his guess.

The scorpion man and the giant lion led two hundred monsters to attack Deketo, Lamasu and Orpheus. Was it premeditated or just a coincidence?

Could they just attack humans, they just happened to meet Decade and the others, and then attacked them.

But ah, the scorpion man attacked with the giant lion, and it was also in the Upper North Forest near the Kingdom of Babylon. This is probably not a coincidence, but a premeditated plan.

However, whether by chance or premeditated, Semiramis will never let go of anyone who dares to hurt his daughter, even the brothers and sisters of Seven Nights.

"I agreed to kill them." Seven Nights made a serious statement to Semiramis, "But don't you want to find out if they are the sons of Tiamat, and why did they attack Dekoto? ."

Snuggling in Qiye's arms, Semiramis rolled his eyes at him, "I'm a little bit trying to figure out the latter, but I don't care at all about the former. That's what you want to figure out."

"After all, they are the sons of Tiamat." Qiye said softly beside Semiramis' ear, and the breath he exuded blew the fine fluff beside Semiramis' ear.

The strange feeling that came from her ear made Semiramis's delicate body froze slightly, and a slight blush appeared on her pretty face, she said coquettishly, "Don't think that if you do this, I will let go of those who dare to attack. , and also hurt Decade's guy."

Unless... you continue to treat me like this! I reluctantly considered not poisoning them, just poisoning them.

Handsome and beautiful! .jpg

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