I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 144:

The apple cracked!

The bounty was not as scary as you before... Why are you so active in the bounty this time!

Apple looked at the data and found that it owed about seven, eight, nine, or ten chapters...

But it doesn't matter, you can still pay it off. I saw that on the 23rd, you can make Apple owe many chapters.

When the time comes, I'll see if I can pay it off in one go (°ー°〃)…

Chapter 313 Where is the ninth chapter? Why drive a car?

Qiye let go of Semiramis, and he said seriously, "I really don't have this plan, and do you think I will soften my heart to them because they call themselves the son of Tiamat? Then you are I'm not underestimating my love for Deketo."

For the eleven brothers and sisters who have never met, Qiye is of course more concerned about his daughter Decade.

What's more, Qiye thought that the scorpion man and the giant lion were both false sons of Tiamat, so he would not persuade Semiramis to let go of them who had hurt his daughter Decade.

"Then shall I continue to use poison?" Semiramis glanced at her husband who had a serious expression on his face.

"Well, that's ok. After you've prepared the poison, I'll go with you to the forest in the north to find the scorpion man who claims to be the son of Tiamat and the giant lion." Qiye nodded.

"Then just give me a minute."

"So fast?" Qiye became slightly sluggish, while Semiramis showed a confident and beautiful smile at Qiye, "Because I have already conceived of the poison, so as long as there are enough venom and magic materials, I will It can be produced very quickly.”

"But one minute is too fast."

"It's quite fast." Semiramis' confident smile began to change to glamorous and charming, "It's faster than Qiye when you take off my clothes."


Is this still the Babylonian queen Semiramis, why are you driving! Can you still speak well?

But it should be Semiramis, because after she said what she said just now, her pretty face flushed even more, and it seemed that she also realized how embarrassing what she said just now.

"Cough, I'll go see how Lamasu who took the antidote is doing. Come out when you're ready." said Qiye, who was coughing.

"Yeah." Semiramis, who felt her cheeks were hot, nodded her head, and then she recalled something and said to Qiye who was leaving, "By the way, Qiye, I forgot to ask you something before. ."

"whats the matter?"

"Didn't you plan to tear down the walls of Babylon, build a defense line, and then move the residents of Babylon to live in Uruk?"

"Yeah, is there any problem?" Qiye looked at Semiramis suspiciously and asked.

"There is a problem." Semiramis pointed her jade finger downward, and she said hesitantly, "What about the Babylon Garden?"

If the Babylonian Wall is gone, and the Babylonian residents move, then the entire Babylonian kingdom will be vacant, then... what about the Babylonian Garden built for Semiramis in seven nights?

To leave the Gardens of Babylon here?

No, Semiramis definitely disagrees, she wants to stay in the Babylonian garden that Seven Nights built for her...

"Of course, let it fly and fly to Uruk." Qiye smiled at Semiramis, "I will let Gil prepare the place where the Garden of Babylon is placed in Uruk, so you don't need to worry about it. Babylonian Gardens."

"Well, then I can rest assured." Semiramis said with peace of mind.

Neither left the Garden of Babylon, nor took it apart, but in the same condition, flew to Uruk and stood in Uruk.

Even if the Babylon Garden flew once, it only consumed a lot of lapis lazuli. After all, the Babylon Garden extracted magic power from the lapis lazuli, and then realized the flight.

But Seven Nights and Semiramis felt it was worth it, because this beautiful garden is full of memories and sweetness of their husband and wife.

Seven Nights and Semiramis were married in the Gardens of Babylon.

The first time they shared a bed was in the Garden of Babylon.

So Seven Nights and Semiramis would not easily abandon this Babylonian garden full of memories and sweetness.

But Semiramis doesn't know... At a certain point in the future, she will actually control the flying Babylon Garden, and then make a brutal collision.

And this impact directly destroyed the Garden of Babylon.

That garden full of memories and sweetness, after that... it turned into a history that can only be remembered.

But this is a later story, so I won't mention it for now.

After discussing how to deal with the Babylon Garden, Qiye left the underground workshop and came to Lamasu. It had taken the antidote that Decade had brought, and has now fallen into a deep sleep.

However, the foul-smelling venom was no longer flowing from its right eye, and its breath had stabilized. It seemed that Semiramis' antidote had eliminated the toxins in its body.

Now the right eye of the golden-eyed lion Lamasu is gone, and there is still an extremely conspicuous scar on it.

Qiye looked at Lamasu in front of him, and he let out a complicated sigh. He didn't expect that the one-eyed golden lion he encountered when he was just born was Lamasu.

Originally, Qiye had such a guess, but he felt that it was not because he had the water of life, and it was impossible for Lamasu to maintain the one-eyed state.

Because the water of life can raise dead people, the existence of flesh and bones, the lost eyes can also grow.

But I never imagined that... Qiye would lose the ability to create the water of life one day.

If I had known this would happen earlier, Qiye should have bleed a lot. When the water of life could be made, he would have made a dozen or twenty barrels of the water of life for backup.

But...will you prepare something for yourself that is readily available?

For Seven Nights, the water of life was something that was readily available...

But not now.

Qiye looked away from Lamasu, he looked at Decade sitting on the lawn, and said softly, "Okay, now Lamasu is all right, it is resting, so Decade You should also go to rest, after all, you have fought with monsters before."

"Well, I'm not tired, I want to watch Rama wake up." Decade shook his head, and Qiye looked at the stubborn Decade, and stopped persuading her.

At this time, the golden-horned white cow walked over slowly, Qiye turned his head to look at the slow-moving white cow. He had let it leave the dangerous Babylon to find another safe habitat.

But the golden horn white bull did not leave, it still returned to Babylon.

It's like a family facing disaster together.

However, Qiye's expression is a bit strange now, because the golden horn white cow has something in its mouth, which is bulging.

The golden-horned white cow slowly came to the front of Lamasu, it lowered its head, opened its mouth, and the contents inside fell out.

Qiye took a closer look and found that the thing that fell out of the golden horn white ox's mouth was a kind of fruit.

But because Qiye has never seen this kind of fruit, he doesn't know what it is.

But Qiye knew that the Golden Horn White Bull was caring about Lamasu. It seemed that the Golden Horn White Bull and Lamasu had a good relationship.

"Ah! Xiaojin [Golden Horned White Bull] Isn't this the wild fruit I picked for you outside? It's so sour, how can you give it to Lamasu?" Decade glared at the Golden Horned White Bull .

Qiye wanted to take back the foreword.

Because this slow-moving white cow doesn't seem to be caring about Lamasu, but intends to give Lamasu what she doesn't like to eat as a gift of concern...

It's not because the fruit can help Lamasu recover.

Give Lamasu the sour fruit that I don't like to eat... I didn't expect that this cow hides a black-bellied soul under its simple and honest appearance.

The white cow with golden horns, who was disliked by Decade, snorted, and then it sat down slowly, waiting for Lamasu to wake up with Decade.

The sound of flapping wings suddenly came, Qiye looked up and saw the figure of the white pigeon flying back.

Qiye stretched out his palm, and the white dove flapping its wings landed on the palm of his hand, he looked at the white dove with its wings retracted and said, "I feel that there is no one here, so you are not here. ."

"Yes master, after the seriously injured Lamasu returned with the little master, I hurriedly led the birds to the northern forest to investigate the situation and prevent those monsters from attacking again." The white dove replied.

"Then did you find anything?" Semiramis' voice suddenly came from behind Qiye. When Qiye turned around, he saw the figure of his wife, Semiramis, and...she was holding her jade hand. of a pitch-black bottle.

The dark bottle exuded a strange aura, and Qiye felt the chill and crisis from this aura.

The contents of this bottle can make Qiye, the son of Tiamat, feel that way, and it should contain something very extraordinary.

It is estimated that it is the poison that Semiramis concocted through the venom of Orpheus.

"Besides the little master [Decade], Lamasu, and the corpse of the monster killed by Orpheus, there is nothing else." White Dove replied.

"Haven't found a monster that is half human and half scorpion? And a huge golden giant lion?" Semiramis asked with delicate eyebrows raised.

"I and the birds flew over the northern forest, and didn't find the half-human, half-scorpion and golden giant lion you mentioned." The white dove shook his head and said.

"It's really fast to escape." Semiramis smacked the corner of his lips, and Qiye asked, "Since they are no longer in the northern forest, should we continue to chase them?"

When Deketo heard this, she immediately came to Qiye's side, "Father, I am going too! I want to avenge Lamasu."

"Hey hey, adults are talking now, children should keep quiet and don't wipe their mouths." Qiye touched Deketo's head.

Semiramis shook his head and said, "Since the fleeing scorpions and giant lions are no longer in the northern forest of the Kingdom of Babylon, then we shouldn't waste time looking for them, now we still have important things to do, right? ."

Looking at Semiramis, who was not stubborn to poison the scorpion man and the giant lion, Qiye smiled slightly. It seemed that she was not affected by her emotions.

Because the Kingdom of Babylon really has something to do right now.

That is to tear down the walls of the Kingdom of Babylon, build defense lines, and relocate the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Babylon.

Before doing these two things, Seven Nights and Semiramis had to settle many preconditions.

For example, go to Uruk and determine with Gilgamesh where the inhabitants of Babylon live, and where the defense line of the Beast Front is located.

After discussing those matters, it was Qiye and Semiramis' turn to count the number of inhabitants of the Kingdom of Babylon, and then arrange their accommodation.

Once the decision was made to move out of the Babylonian kingdom, there were too many things for Seven Nights and Semiramis to resolve.

And it has to be resolved as soon as possible, because no one knows when the tens of thousands of monsters in the northern cedar forest will strike.

"Let's go, let's announce the news of the evacuation of the Kingdom of Babylon to everyone." Qiye stretched out his palm to Semiramis, and Semiramis, who sighed softly, placed his jade hand on Qiye's hand to join him. Go to the palace of Babylon together.

Now that he has decided to move to Uruk, Qiye intends to tell everyone in the Kingdom of Babylon this important news first.

Let everyone in the Babylonian kingdom be prepared to follow him out of the Babylonian kingdom.

If they are unwilling to follow Qiye and leave, Qiye will not force them. After all, the right to choose is in their hands, but... If you want to prevent Qiye from tearing down the walls of the Babylonian Kingdom and building a defense line, then I will be embarrassed.

The Seven Nights Club ignored this request because he had already decided to tear down the walls of the Babylonian Kingdom and make it an absolute monster front.

As expected, when Seven Nights and Semiramis announced such news to the nobles and priests of the Kingdom of Babylon, the palace of Babylon was silent at first, and then became noisy like gunpowder that exploded.

"King, please take back this crazy idea!"

"Please think twice, you must know that the Kingdom of Babylon was established by you and Her Majesty the Queen, and now you say that you have torn it down and built a long line of defense?!"

Qiye looked at the group of crying priests and nobles in front of him, and rubbed his hair in distress. Although he had expected that they would object to this, seeing it with his own eyes still gave him a headache.

"Calm down, listen to me, there is a reason why Semiramis and I made such a choice."

But no matter what the reason, they couldn't stop their grief, so Qiye's words didn't make them quiet. Semiramis patted Qiye's palm and gave him a 'let me come' look.

After that, Semiramis clapped his hands lightly, and after attracting some people's attention, he threw out a pitch-black bottle...

If Qiye remembered correctly, it was the poison Semiramis planned to use to poison the scorpion and the giant lion! !

When the pitch-black bottle fell to the floor of the palace of Babylon, it made a clanging sound. The bottle was not broken, but all the noise in the palace disappeared...

Chapter 314 Chapter 10 Its Name... Absolute Demonic Front

Because the priests and nobles of Babylon were all pale and held their breath, fearing that they would inhale the poison in the air.

No one knows about the poisonous skills of the Babylonian queen, especially the nobles and priests of Babylon. They knew that the Babylonian queen could poison everyone unconsciously, so they closed their doors under the threat of death. mouth.

Although this method of shutting them up is a bit chilling and chilling, but... it works.

After everyone quieted down (including Seven Nights), Semiramis turned his head to look at Itisha who was standing beside her, "Chief guard, my perfume bottle fell, help me pick it up."

"Okay, Her Majesty." Itisa walked down quickly and picked up the pitch-black bottle that Semiramis threw away just now.

Although everyone didn't know whether the perfume contained in the pitch-black bottle that Semiramis threw out was poisonous, but just with her words, the tension in the palace was slightly relieved.

After this little episode, the priests and nobles all kept their mouths shut.

It was too noisy just now, but now it is too quiet...

Semiramis took the pitch-black bottle that Itisha handed over, and then she smiled at Qiye who was rubbing her forehead, indicating that she was done.

Qiye put his tangled emotions aside, and then slowly said to the group of courtiers below, "I know you can't accept our decision, in fact, we don't want to do it, because who wants to move away from himself and build it up home."

"However, you have also heard about the situation outside. The cities in the north were attacked by monsters, but you don't know that the monsters that attacked human cities are not just those. In the cedar forest further north, such as There are still as many as 30,000 or 40,000 monsters."

"..." The nobles and priests showed their expressions of consternation. A few hundred beasts are enough to conquer a human kingdom. There are still 30,000 or 40,000 such beasts in the far north?

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