I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 162:

"Every time a child dies, the mother weeps once, and the tears that flow from the mother's eyes that reflect the inner sea of ​​the stars gather in the deep sea, so you born from the tears are the mother's shedding for our death. Sad." Kitaburi said, staring at Qiye.

This is the origin of the tears of God Tiamat.

"Because the mother doesn't want to lose any more children, so after she made me out of the mother's womb and the crystal of destiny, she never made the twelfth child again."

After Qiye heard what Kitaburier said, the doubts that still existed in his heart were finally resolved.

God Tiamat was able to use the womb of beasts and the crystallization of destiny to create eleven sons of Tiamat, so the question that Qiye was puzzled came.

At that time, all the Crystals of Destiny were in the hands of God Tiamat, with a total of 270 crystals.

Then according to reason, God Tiamat should be able to create 270 children, there are so many children, enough to crush the number of gods.

Why didn't Tiamat do this?

Because it doesn't have that much magic power?

joke! God Tiamat is nothing but the most magic! How could it be because of her lack of magic power.

Actually, it's because of pity.

She loves her child and can't bear to see the child she made die, so after making the eleventh child [Scorpion Man Kitaburier], she stopped making the first child because of the death of the first child. Children, fight the gods for this world.

After the gods approached, God Tiamat chose to exile himself, entered the imaginary world without life, and gave this world to the gods.

Every time a child died, God Tiamat cried once, and after the last child died, all the tears turned into a drop.

And this drop of tears is precisely the existence that gave birth to the seven nights together with the earth.

That's why the scorpion-man Kitabril only called him 'their grief' after he knew the origin of the son of Tiamat at Seven Nights.

"We're useless, we can't kill all the gods for our mother and make her cry so sadly, but now... Times have changed!"

The remorseful Kitaburi became furious, and he stared at Qiye, "I heard the guy in the green hat [Professor Leif] say that the impossible twelfth son has made all the gods of this age all grounded in the sky."

"I didn't believe what the man said originally, but now it seems that he didn't lie to us."

The twelfth son of Tiamat does exist, and he also grounds the gods in the sky.

'Even I know what I've done to the gods, and he's saying 'we', which means he's not alone. ' Qiye thought silently.

Did Kitabril mean "we" by him and the giant lion Ugar, or were there other sons of Tiamat besides the two of them?

"Okay, the misunderstanding between us has been resolved, so brother, let me go quickly." Kitablier said to Qiye.

After confirming Nanye's identity, Kitaburi's attitude changed instantly and became somewhat friendly.

And the unnatural Qiye touched the goose bumps on his arm, he said angrily, "Don't call me a brother..."

"And the guy with the green hat didn't tell you that I'm on the human side, otherwise why do you think I came to find you."

"What!" Kitablier stared at Qiye with wide eyes, his friendly attitude changed instantly, and he roared furiously at Qiye.

"You shameless betrayer, your whole family is not... um, you are not a good thing in your whole family!" Kitablier suddenly changed his words, he probably wanted to say 'your whole family is not a good thing 'Bar.

But after knowing Qiye's identity, the scorpion man changed his tune.

This titular brother... He's quite cute, but when he thinks that he led the beasts to kill so many humans, Qiye can't laugh.

Under Kitablier's disgust and glare at the betrayer, Qiye said in a low voice, "What does mother want, you don't know, she is..."

"Of course what mother wants is freedom! And this world, this world belongs to us, and it was taken away by those gods." Kitaburi said bitterly, "We will wake up for mother Before, clean up all the gods and the humans created by the gods in this world!"

"For the sake of mother, we want to make this world blue and pure! There are no gods, no gods created human beings! There is only a world in which we exist, but among us, you are not included!"

"As the mother's last child, to ignore her mother's pain and think about fighting against her, I despise you, a betrayer!"

Kitablier's roar resounded throughout the battlefield, and after the remaining beasts heard the roar, they directly left the fighting soldiers and attacked Qiye in a frenzy.

Seeing this, Ba Yuqian quickly gave up the Naginata and Tachi, embodied his own bow and arrow, and used the arrow to attack the remaining monsters that were running wildly towards Qiye.

But the ferocious beast only saw the black-haired and white-robed figure in the eyes of the beast, and turned a blind eye to the intercepting arrows in front of Ba Yu. After several casualties, they approached Qiye.

However, these monsters were not able to attack Qiye, because Orpheus came out of the treasure of the king, it cradled Qiye's shoulder, and then opened its mouth to the attacking group of monsters, revealing the white jade like snake teeth.


The poisonous breath revealed by Orpheus turned into a barrier to block, and the group of attacking beasts had no fear at all, but slammed into the poisonous breath directly.

The poisonous breath that Orpheus spit out was even more terrifying than the poisonous blood of Kitaburier. Those monsters that slammed into the poisonous breath, after making a miserable wailing sound, were like being thrown into a furnace. like snowflakes...


Turned into a pool of indescribable liquid.

Qiye touched Orpheus, who was cradled on his shoulder, and he said slowly to Kitablier, "I understand my mother's sorrow."

"Because I was conceived by her tears, and what she wants to see is not what you are doing. I have a way to make all these things come to a perfect end."

"It's an ending that both mother and human beings are satisfied with."

"So you can show me here." Qiye raised his palm and stroked Orpheus. As soon as his palm was loosened, a crystal shining with starlight emerged.

"This is the crystal of destiny!"

"That's right, and it's the crystal of destiny that your mother made. I took it back from the gods." Qiye held the crystal of destiny between his fingers, and then he threw the crystal of destiny directly to the scorpion man Kita Blier.

"Wait a minute! Are you **** planning to put me in the Crystal of Destiny!" Kitaburi leaned back, trying to avoid the Crystal of Destiny thrown at him, but he is now bound by the chains of the earth, no matter how he leans back It is also impossible to avoid this crystal of destiny.

The Crystal of Destiny possesses divine power, and those divine powers were formed by diverting from God Tiamat.

The sons of Tiamat, except Qiye, were all created by God Tiamat from the womb of beasts and the crystals of destiny, so if they created their crystals of destiny, they would be able to accept them.

Qiye didn't want to kill Kitaburier, even a Servant, but he couldn't let him go, because he would continue to lead the monsters to attack the monster front.

So putting away Kitablier and the others and imprisoning them is the best way that Qiye can think of right now.


The Crystal of Destiny struck the face of the scorpion man Kitaburier, and then he turned into a magical light of anger and hatred, all pouring into the Crystal of Destiny.

It's like... the same situation as Poké Balls and Pokémon.

Cough cough.

After the last magic light poured into the Destiny Crystal, Orpheus, who was entrenched on Qiye's shoulder, flashed, it bit the Destiny Crystal floating in the air, and then delivered it to Qiye's hand.

Qiye, who held the Crystal of Destiny, looked at Orpheus, who was shaking the snake's body, looking like he wanted to be praised, like a coquettish Deketo.

Seeing Orpheus like this, Qiye's dreary mood improved. With a smile, he touched Orpheus's snake head, "Good boy."

And Orpheus happily rubbed his snake's head against Qiye's palm, and Qiye looked at the Crystal of Destiny held in the other hand. After absorbing Kitablier, the Crystal of Destiny changed.

If you look closely at this Destiny Crystal, you can see the figure of Kitablier inside, and he is constantly beating around with his pincers in anger.

Kitaburiel is still alive, but he can be considered dead, because he was taken into the crystal of destiny by Qiye, and unless Qiye is willing to release him, he will never be able to get out.

With the disappearance of the scorpion Gitabril, this night's battle also came to an end.

It is a victory for mankind.

But it was not a complete victory, but a tragic victory... Although Qiye rushed over in time, the soldiers also sacrificed a lot under the attack of many monsters.

But thanks to Qi Ye who came here, if there were only Archer Ba Yuqian, Lancer Leonidas I, and these soldiers, I don't know what the situation would be like.

Leonidas I and Ba Yuqian fought desperately with the scorpion Gitabril, and then perished together?

Maybe it's just that Ba Yuqian and the scorpion man Kitaburi perished together? Leonidas I survived?

But these are no longer important, because this night's battle is over.

Qiye collected the Destiny Crystal that contained Gitabril, and then dissipated the magic power that maintained the Earth Chain. After losing the magic power, the Earth Chain returned to its original appearance.

Ba Yuqian hurriedly crossed the poisonous breath of Orpheus and came to Qiye's side and asked, "Lord Sage, are you alright?"

"Well, I'm fine, I have successfully dealt with the scorpion man, thank you for your concern." Qiye touched Orpheus, then pointed to its poisonous breath, "Go and deal with your poisonous mist."


Orpheus opened his mouth to the remaining poisonous gas, and then sucked all the terrifying poisonous gas back.

Qiye: I subdued the scorpion!

Section 326 Chapter 21 Ba Yuqian: I understand [Next Bounty Announcement]

Ba Yuqian looked at Qiye hesitantly, as if he wanted to say something to him.

Qiye looked sideways at the fair-skinned and beautiful Servant, and asked, "What's wrong, looking at me with this strange look, if you have any questions, just say it."

"Yes." Ba Yuqian nodded her head, and she whispered, "The fact that you are the son of Tiamat... is it true, or is it a lie to trick the scorpion into obtaining information? "

As Servants, Ba Yuqian and Leonidas I have very strong senses, so it is normal to hear the conversation between Qiye and Kitaburier, no no no...

Kitablier's roar was loud, and it was estimated that not only the two Servants, but other human soldiers heard Kitablier's roar.

Qiye blinked at Ba Yuqian, who made this move, he wanted to coax and fool Ba Yuqian, but...he just didn't want to fool others in this regard.

Although Seven Nights and Scorpion Kitaburi have different stances, they both don't want to deny their identities.

As the son of Tiamat.

You can hide your identity, but you don't want to deny your identity.

So Qiye nodded lightly, and he admitted to Ba Yuqian that he was the son of Tiamat.

"I'm not deceiving him, my real identity is actually..."

"Okay, Master Sage, you don't need to say any more." Ba Yuqian interrupted Qiye's words, and she said seriously, "No matter what your identity is, it doesn't really matter, I understand."

You... what do you understand?

Qiye looked at the serious Ba Yuqian subtly. After thinking about it, he probably guessed what Ba Yuqian knew.

In fact, Ba Yuqian and Qi Ye have subtle similarities.

She is not a pure human, and has the blood of ghosts in her body, so she has a personal experience with the issue of 'identity and position'.

Ba Yuqian knew the reason why Seven Nights, the son of Tiamat, would help humans.

So she understands.

Ba Yuqian believes that everyone's identity is not a problem, the problem lies in your own thoughts and practices.

So this is the main reason why she won't get into the identity of Qiye.

"Just now, everyone was fighting tensely. I must have noticed that there are not many soldiers who said what the scorpion people said, but you have to remind everyone to cover up these things, otherwise it will spread." Ba Yuqian reminded.

"Don't be so troublesome, my identity has been concealed for too long, let's spread it out." Qiye shook his head, and then he looked at the night sky.

There is a pure white afterimage in the sky over there. This afterimage is galloping straight towards Qiye and them. Ba Yuqian also noticed this abnormal situation, and she could not persuade Qiye to hide her identity. Showed his bow and arrow.

"Don't attack, Ana is not an enemy, she is the Servant I met in the forest, and she was summoned because of this era." Qiye waved his hand to the vigilant Ba Yuqian.

The white afterimage galloping towards Qiye and the others was naturally Medusa Lily and the Pegasus she was riding.

Riding on Medusa lily on Pegasus' back, she came to the demon beast front, and she also felt the magic vibration permeated by their battle with the scorpions and demon beasts in Qiye, so she followed the magic vibration.

Seeing Medusa Lily who came as promised, Qiye smiled a little, it was really great that she didn't have a choice to leave like this.

Pegasus flapping its wings landed in front of Qiye, and Medusa lily sitting on Pegasus' back made Ba Yuqian's eyes light up, and she was another cute child!

Medusa Lily, who was sitting on a ten-horse horse, looked around at the battlefield full of soldiers and monster corpses. She asked, "Qiye, is the battle over?"

"Well, it's over."

"Really." Medusa lily pulled the hood she was wearing, and she hid behind Qiye and whispered, "Who is this woman? Why is she looking at me with such strange eyes, is she an enemy? "

After hearing Medusa Lily's words, Qiye glanced at Ba Yu, "Archer is not an enemy, she is one of the Servants summoned by Jill. After all, soldiers alone cannot resist so many monsters."

"I'm Archer, please give me more advice." Ba Yuqian kindly extended his palm to Medusa lily, but Medusa lily ignored her, she was like a little girl who was extremely afraid of life hiding behind Qiye.

"Sorry, Anna is a little afraid of life," said Nanye, who scratched his cheeks.

"That's it." Ba Yuqian withdrew his outstretched palm with some regret.

Qiye has been with Medusa lily for several days, and knows that she is not afraid of life, but simply does not like to be in contact with others.

Back then, Qiye relied on Orpheus to dispel Medusa Lily's vigilance, and then used delicious food to lure her, ah no... he did what he liked.

Under such repeated actions, Qiye was able to get closer to Medusa lily.

Although Archer Ba Yuqian is a beautiful woman, Medusa lily does not want to have contact with her.

"The battle is over, let's go back to the monster front." Qiye said to Ba Yuqian.

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