I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 163:

"Yeah." Ba Yu nodded his head before, and Medusa lily patted Pegasus. After it made a slight squeak, it turned into a magical light and disappeared.

Pegasus is like Medusa Lily's Noble Phantasm, which can be summoned at any time.

However, both summoning and maintaining require magic power, which is a huge consumption of magic power for Medusa lily who does not have the magic power provided by the Master.

Therefore, if there are no special circumstances, Medusa lily will not easily summon Pegasus, and consume mana to maintain its existence.

Qiye took Medusa lily, Archer Ba Yuqian, Lancer Leonidas I, and returned to the monster front line, while the soldiers cleaned the corpses on the battlefield with a heavy expression.

The corpses of human companions must be collected and handed over to their families.

The corpses of the monsters must also be handled properly, otherwise their corpses will attract the monsters.

After returning to the front of the monsters, Qiye and the others entered the building to rest, and just sat down, Leonidas I thanked Qiye, "Lord sage, thank you for your help just now, otherwise I will You won't be able to survive."

"You don't need to thank me, because we are allies on the united front, but you have to thank Archer. In order to save you, she plans to go to close combat with the scorpion." Qiye pointed to Ba Yuqian and said.

"That's right! I also have to thank Archer very well."

"Lancer, you don't need to thank me specially. As the sage said, we are companions on the united front, and mutual assistance is a matter of course." Ba Yuqian said reservedly.

After the battle was over, Ba Yuqian changed from a heroic and sassy posture to a gentle and quiet one. It was completely unimaginable that this woman was still holding a naginata and a tachi, fighting with demon beasts just now.

Through the window of the building, Ba Yuqian saw the soldiers outside, who were carrying the bodies of their companions back for storage, and she said softly when she saw the soldiers covered in scars and bloodstains.

"Now that the commander of the demon beasts, the scorpion man Kitaburi, has died, so the beasts won't come in as orderly as before, and the soldiers can rest."

"Not necessarily." Qiye shook his head, "Although we have already dealt with the scorpion, there should still be enemies who will command the beasts to attack, so we can't take it lightly, we still have to be vigilant at all times."

"Lord Sage is right. Just like our muscles, we must not relax our muscles at all times! We must maintain good muscles."

The words of Leonidas I silenced Qiye and Ba Yuqian.

Qi Yeyi was born as an invincible existence, so he didn't train himself much at all.

And Ba Yuqian... The ghost bloodline in her body gives her strong muscle strength.

That is the strength that can unscrew a human head with bare hands.

So Ba Yuqian can easily do the physical work that men also find difficult, but she feels that this is not in line with her female identity, so she is embarrassed.

When it comes to strength, exercise, muscles, etc., Ba Yuqian will enter a subtle state of silence.

Because the atmosphere was subtly silent, Qiye said, "But the new commander shouldn't appear so soon, so everyone on the Warcraft front still has time to rest."


"makes sense."

After Ba Yuqian and Leonidas I nodded in agreement, Qiye continued, "Then I will ask you again for the beast front. I will go back to Uruk to explore the dense forest in the south."

"Eh?" Ba Yuqian looked at Qiye in surprise, "Why are you going there, Master Sage? Aren't there two Servants in charge?"

"Well... Actually, it's okay to tell you." Qiye scratched his slender black hair, he said helplessly, "The two Servants sent by Jill to the southern forest have already died, and they encountered nothing, nothing. opportunity to pass on to us.”

"Presumably they encountered extremely powerful enemies, and those enemies defeated them in a flash of lightning, otherwise they would not have died without a trace of news."

"I see." Leonidas I nodded, "Is that why you plan to go to the south, Sage?"

"Yes, the threat in northern Mesopotamia is probably tens of thousands of powerful monsters. The threat has been clarified, and you are still resisting, so I am a little relieved, so I decided to leave the north and go to the south. Go and see what's going on over there." Qiye said.

In the northern part of Mesopotamia, the things that endanger human beings in this era are monsters. This is something that everyone already knows.

However, in the south, it has inexplicably turned into a dense forest, and neither the soldiers who went to explore nor the Servant can come back, so Qiye and the others can be sure that there is a strong enemy there.

The two factors of the unknown and the strong enemy are enough to make Qiye leave for the south.

In addition, the scorpion man who commanded the attack of the monsters has been included in the crystal of destiny by Qiye, so he left the north with more confidence, and handed over the front of the monsters to Ba Yuqian and Leonidas I, Servants who led the soldiers to guard it. .

"If there is another crisis on the Warcraft front, you can also contact me through the communication stone."

"Understood." Leonidas I stood up, "Then, sage, I'll rectify the soldiers first and check their current situation."

"Well, please, Lancer." Qiye nodded, and then he watched Leonidas I leave the room.

Then, Qiye suddenly noticed that his sleeve was being pulled. He turned his head to look at Medusa Lily, who was sitting beside him, and she gently pulled Qiye's sleeve.

"What's wrong?"

"I'll go with you."

Qiye looked at Medusa Lily who raised her head and said this, he smiled and said, "Because of the food?"

"It's not... it's not! I'm for... I'm just to fulfill my mission, that's why I plan to follow you to the south." Medusa lily explained with a tinge of redness on her face.

Looking at Medusa lily, whose face was dyed reddishly, the words 'so cute' suddenly appeared in the minds of Qiye and Ba Yuqian.

"I see~ Although this is the case, but I also want to thank Anna for your decision to walk with me. We will first stay at the Warcraft Front for one night, and then after tomorrow morning, we will start to return to Uruk." Qiye said with a smile. .

"Well, please give me a corner room for Qiye. I'm used to staying in a corner with few people."

Where did you come from Assassin! I also like to stay in dark corners...

"No?" Medusa Lily blinked at Qiye with her beautiful amethyst-like eyes.

"Okay, I'll help you arrange what you want for dinner."

"You can do whatever you want."

"I know."

Ba Yuqian watched Qiye chatting with Medusa Lily, who was 'fearing life', and she felt a little bit of disobedience.

The feeling I felt from Qiye and Medusa lily was as if a father was getting along with his daughter, and it was as if a husband and wife were having a daily conversation.

However, whether it is a father or a daughter, or a husband and wife, Ba Yuqian can feel a harmonious and relaxed atmosphere from Qiye and Medusa lily.

Very warm and beautiful atmosphere.

After realizing this kind of atmosphere, Ba Yuqian let go of the slight worry in her heart. In fact, she was a little wary of Medusa lily who suddenly appeared as a Servant.

A Servant of unknown origin may be an enemy.

But Ba Yuqian, judging from the situation of Qiye getting along with Medusa lily, she felt that Medusa lily would not be Qiye's enemy, so she was relieved.

After the short meeting, Qiye arranged a corner for Medusa lily, and then had dinner.

After that, Qiye stepped onto the top of the demonic beast front in the darkness.


Apple plans to send out the 64,000 words owed to Nai on March 2, which is next Monday at 7:30 in the morning.

Then...the rain stopped, the sky was clear, and Apple thought it was okay again, so after that day, the reward was offered again.

So, the bounty war is on again!

And there is still an unlimited reward, so you have to keep your March tickets to Apple!

Chapter 327 Chapter 22 Chaldea, coming to the singularity

Now Qiye is standing above the demon beast front, he looked at the devastated battlefield below, he sighed softly, and then pulled out the mud flute tied around his waist.

The mud flute touched his lips lightly, and after breathing lightly, the mud flute in Qiye's hand was blown, and the melodious and long flute sound spread out in all directions above the front of the monsters.

The sound of the flute of the king of Babylon entered his ears, and whether it was a soldier at work or a soldier who seized the time to rest, they all subconsciously showed a calm and comfortable expression.

"This is... the sound of the king's flute. I haven't heard it for a long time. I thought I would never hear it again."

The soldiers from Babylon are full of emotion.

"Master Sage is using the flute to relieve our fatigue, just like it was more than ten years ago."

The soldiers from Uruk are crying.

As for why this soldier in Uruk burst into tears...

It is estimated that it has something to do with the establishment of the Babylonian kingdom [laughs], he should be an Uruk soldier who established the Babylonian kingdom.

Medusa lily was sitting in her room, with her eyes closed, she was lying on the wooden bed, swaying her slender legs, listening to the flute of Qiye with a look of enjoyment.

It was not the first time that she heard Qiye's flute. In the days she spent with Qiye, she had heard Qiye's flute at night.

Medusa lily likes that kind of flute sound that can make people feel reassured and peaceful.

But she didn't like the metaphor of seven nights playing the flute.

Because this flute is used by Qiye to send away the souls of humans and demon beasts, as an extraditer from the underworld, he has the ability to guide dead souls into the underworld.

Whether it is the soul of the beast killed by human beings or the human soul killed by the beast, they all materialized out of thin air under the long and quiet flute of Qiye.

So now on the battlefield in front of Qiye, there are many hazy illusory figures, these are the souls.

Whether it is the soul of a human being or the soul of a beast, they all seem to know that Qiye is guiding them off, so the human soul who cannot see clearly bows to Qiye and is grateful.

And the soul of the beast lay on the ground, lowered its illusory head, and thanked Qiye in their own way.

Afterwards, these illusory souls dissipated in the sound of the flute, and were led into the underworld by Qiye.

Even if all the souls were guided into the underworld, Qiye did not stop playing the flute because of this, until the dawn pierced the dark night, and Qiye, who closed his eyes, stopped playing the flute.


"May you be reincarnated without killings."

After saying this blessing, Qiye officially ended playing the flute. He put the mud flute away, and after turning around, he saw the petite and delicate figure of Medusa Lily.

She sat on the wall of the monster front line and watched Qiye.

"Good morning, Anna."

"Good morning." The sitting Medusa lily jumped down, she raised her head and looked at Qiye, "You haven't slept all night, today is the day you want to leave here, doesn't it matter? Do you want to take a rest before leaving. "

"It's okay, I'll actually be fine if I don't sleep for a day or two." Qiye shook his head, "Let's go, let's go to Uruk."


Without disturbing the soldiers too much, Qiye and Medusa lily left the demon beast front where they stayed all night, and headed in the direction of Uruk.

The means of transportation for the two of them is a mud cow that never gets tired, Qiye sits in the front, Medusa lily sits in the back.

Medusa Lily, who doesn't like to be in contact with other people, doesn't hate sitting on the mud cow with Nanya.

Qiye did not return to Uruk in a hurry, because he wanted to get more information from the mouth of the scorpion man Kitaburi before returning to Uruk.

Information on the Alliance of the Three Goddesses.

Information about the dense forest in the south.

Suspected to be the intelligence of Enkidu.

Why is there so much information about the beasts all of a sudden?

Besides his scorpion and the giant lion Ugar, is there any other information about the sons of Tiamat?

Although Kitaburier was included in the Crystal of Destiny by Qiye, Qiye was able to communicate with Kitaburier in the form of thoughts.

It's a pity... Qiye didn't get any useful information from Kitaburier, and all he got was abuse and scolding.

For example, the mother's traitor, everyone's traitor, etc., so over time, Qiye also gave up the idea of ​​obtaining information from this stubborn scorpion.

Now, Seven Nights and Medusa Lily have stepped into Uruk's territory. They are at a high place, and they can look down on the entire Uruk Kingdom.

Its name is 'Heaven's Hill'.

And this place originally had no name, it was named by the people of Uruk.

Because this place has a symbolic meaning.

It was the place where Gilgamesh and Enkidu fought for the first time, on the day of Venus, the day Ishtar [Inanna] came to Uruk.

At that time, Gilgamesh left Uruk with Enkidu, leaving the team that greeted Ishtar, and came to this place to fight.

Because Gilgamesh and Enkidu didn't know each other here, the people of Uruk called it the 'Heaven Hill'.

It is used to commemorate the place where the 'Wedge of the Sky' and the 'Lock of the Sky' met.

In order to make Medusa Lily fall in love with the city of Uruk, Qiye specially brought her here so that she could see the whole of Uruk.

But when Seven Nights and Medusa Lily came to the Sky Hill, which can overlook the entire Uruk, they saw the abnormal situation in Uruk.

It was the human body burning type in the sky, it suddenly vibrated, and then, a strange light film appeared in the sky above Uruk.

You know the light film Qiye that appeared in the sky above Uruk. It is the barrier that the priests and priestesses of Uruk set up in order to prevent the flying beasts from attacking Uruk.

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