I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 165:

Moreover, Gilgamesh also resisted Chaldea's help very much. In his eyes, the crisis encountered in this era should be solved by the human beings living in this era.

This is the pride of the wise king Gilgamesh.

"Jill, they are heroes. They fought hand in hand with heroic spirits and pioneers of the stars. After solving countless difficulties, they repaired several singularities one after another. I think your attitude towards them is a little bit bad. " Qiye said with a smile.

"Hmph." Gilgamesh, who was humming softly, refused to comment, and he continued, "Do you have anything else to do at Qiye? If not, don't bother this king with the clay tablets."

"Okay, I'm fine. I'll take the people from Chaldea to Uruk, and introduce you to a lovely girl."

"Lovely girl? Did you provoke any other woman?" Gilgamesh said with a sneer.

Gilgamesh's words made Itiza, who was dealing with the clay tablets, **** up her ears. She was thrown into the Uruk Palace by Semiramis and assisted Gilgamesh in handling the mountains of clay tablets.

So, Edith also heard Gilgamesh's call with Nanya.

"Please! What do you mean by provoking women? I'm not that guy Merlin. I have nothing to do all day to chat with women!" Qiye couldn't help but complain.

"It's a Servant, a wild Servant, really, I won't tell you, I'll introduce you to Uruk later."

Qiye ended the communication with Gilgamesh, and Medusa Lily poked Qiye on the back, she said dullly, "I don't like going to crowded places, I'll wait for you outside, and then go to the south together. "

"But there's a lot of delicious food in Uruk." Qiye turned his head to look at Medusa Lily, who was poking him behind him. Was she acting like a spoiled child by poking her back? It's cute.

"...Can't you do it?"

"It can be done, but we don't have the materials on hand, and the materials can only be bought in Uruk."

"After you return to Uruk in the seven nights, buy enough materials. I'll wait for you outside, and you'll cook something delicious on the way."

Hearing Medusa Lily's proposal, Qiye's mouth twitched, "You're pretty smart, but I refuse. You want to come with me to Uruk, and I plan to introduce my daughter to you."

"Daughter... eh? Daughter?" Medusa lily blinked her eyes blankly, and when she came back to her senses, she pulled Qiye's sleeves, "Do you have a daughter?"

"Huh? Yes, let me tell you, my daughter is about the same age as you, and you and her should have a lot to talk about." Qiye entered the mode of showing off his daughter, but the Medusa lily sitting behind him covered He closed his ears and didn't listen to what Qiye was saying at all.

And Medusa lily still had a gloomy expression on her face.

It looks like she was hit by something.

Speaking with great interest, the seven nights of Decoduo suddenly shivered, and a familiar and deadly ominous premonition flooded into his heart!

Whenever Qi Yeyi has such an ominous premonition, it means that the next place he goes will encounter extremely bad things.

When Gilgamesh counted him as a judge, when he was forced to meet Inanna... Seven nights had such an ominous premonition.

So if nothing else happens, something bad will happen ahead.

But Qiye had to go over there. He wanted to see Chaldea and his group, and the brave men who had repaired several singularities, so this time, the ominous premonition did not stop Qiye from moving forward.

When Qiye and Medusa lily approached the city that was captured by monsters, he might have already confirmed the source of his ominous premonition.

Because Nanye saw Ishtar falling down!

Since Gilgamesh fought with Ishtar, Ishtar has not returned to Uruk, and then news of the so-called Alliance of the Three Goddesses came.

Because Ishtar owns the Tianzhou Ma Anna, no one can catch up with her and ask if she is a member of the Three Goddess Alliance.

Looking at Ishtar falling down, Qiye scratched his hair, "It's Ishtar, has she become the source of my ominous premonition again?"

There was once the source of Qiye's ominous premonition, which was Ishtar, but this time... Qiye felt that the source of the ominous premonition was not her, because after seeing her, there was no reluctance in Qiye's heart.

In other words, Qiye didn't want to contact Ishtar.

If the source of the premonition of the seven nights is not Ishtar, what is it?

"Why do you think so much now, you'll know in the past."

Ishtar, who was looking for something, was falling from the sky at an angle of forty-five degrees to the earth below, and below her... Mash and Fujimaru Tachika, who had just dealt with the five-headed monsters two people!

Fujimaru Rika and Mash planned to leave this ruined city after they dealt with the attacking monsters, because the footsteps of monsters continued to be heard around, and there would soon be monsters attacking them, so they had to leave this place quickly. place.

Just as the two of them were retreating, a voice came from the sky...

"The people below, you are in the way! Hurry up and get out of the way!"

"Huh? The voice came from the sky."

Fujimaru Rika and Mash raised their heads to look at the sky where the voice came from, and then they saw a woman with long black hair falling towards them from the sky.

"Master! High-energy alarm above! Someone fell from the sky!" Matthew said in a panic.

"I saw it! Matthew is going to catch her!"



Qiye and Medusa lily, who were sitting on the clay cow, had come to the heights of the city, and they had seen Ishtar fall... They smashed the two girls below to the ground, and then Ishtar Just rolled into a ball with a girl with orange hair.

Seeing Ishtar rolling into a ball with the orange-haired girl, Qiye couldn't help showing a subtle expression, "It's really an impactful scene."

Section 329 Chapter 24 Ishtar x Chaldea

"It hurts a lot, but I've suffered less damage than I imagined. I'm really lucky. It must be because Rin has been exercising all the time. His body is quite tough." Ishtar rubbed himself With a dizzy head, she didn't notice that she was sitting on top of a young girl.

The breathless Fujimaru Rika looked at the beautiful woman sitting on her belly. The corner of her mouth twitched when she realized that Ishtar didn't notice her situation at all.

"You won't be injured when you fall from the sky, it's all because of me and Matthew, because we are your cushion!"

"Huh?" Ishtar looked at Tatsuka Fujimaru who had spoken, "Hey, who are you! Who allowed you to act as my cushion without my permission?"

Regarding the words of this savage woman, Fujimaru Rika said tangled, "Then did we do something wrong? Should we just watch you fall?"

"This... We don't think we did anything wrong, you should thank us for our help." Matthew who came over said weakly.

"Thank you? You touched me without my permission, and you even want me to thank you." Ishtar had a surprised expression of "what are you talking about".

"Eh? Why, we helped you! Anyway, leave the Master's body first!"

Ishtar left Fujimaru Tatsuka's belly, she said in a natural tone, "Now, I have to talk to you about how to deal with your punishment, especially your savory eggplant, who dared to use such a thing just now. Speak to me in tone!"

"The color... the eggplant of the color?!"


Matthew was stunned for a moment, then she saw Ishtar pointing her finger straight at herself, and realized that the "sexy eggplant" that the unreasonable black-haired woman said was referring to her.

Afterwards, Matthew's pretty face was instantly stained with an embarrassed shy blush.

In fact, what Ishtar said was right. Mash was wearing a bit of a color now.

Matthew is wearing purple body armor, which firmly wraps her tall and round chest, but this armor is not full-body, and does not wrap her whole body.

The armor that wrapped the upper body extended to the base of the snow-white thighs, while the moist shoulders and the slender, snow-white legs were all exposed.

The exposed skin is so soft, as smooth as a peeled egg.

Although this kind of armor made Mash look heroic, but...because there was a lot of exposed skin, it made her look different.

Embarrassed, Matthew hurriedly pulled at the hem of the purple armor she was wearing. She blushed and said shyly, "This is irresistible. After I obtained Mr. Galahad's spiritual foundation, I embodied the armor. That's it……"

"Get the spiritual foundation?" Ishtar heard the noteworthy news, she looked at Matthew suspiciously, "You are also the existence of relying? Are you the **** who descended from Nippur? But it's not right, the city **** of Nippur can be It's not your breath."

Nippur is a city that madly believes in gods. Like the priests of Uruk, they use humans as carriers to let the gods rely on them, which is normal.

So Ishtar immediately suspected that Matthew was the **** that Nippur relied on.

Fujimaru Rika and Matthew couldn't understand what Ishtar said at all. Looking at the two people who were confused, Ishtar waved his hand in disgust. Abandoned the idea of ​​figuring out what happened to Matthew.

"I don't care who you are or what kind of existence you are. In short, tell me your last words and die."

"Eh? Last words?" Mash, who was pulling her skirt, looked at Ishtar who had said terrible words in surprise.

"Yes, no matter who you are, touching my body without my permission is a serious sin. Originally, I will pierce your hands and feet, and then tie you to Abif. On the mountain, to warn everyone."

"But now I'm a little... lack of tribute, so if you give me tribute, I will consider exonerating you." Ishtar confidently stretched out his palm towards Fujimaru Tachika and Mash.

"...a robber."

Looking at Ishtar's outstretched palm, Matthew said confidently.

"... Matthew, you're wrong, she's a bandit."

Fujimaru Rika corrected and said.

"What's the difference between a robber and a bandit! Very good! I've changed my mind now! Even if you pay tribute to me, I won't forgive you easily!" Ishtar became furious.

Afterwards, Fujimaru Rika and Mash felt a chill, this was hostility... It was the hostility of the goddess Ishtar coming towards them!

"Master, I feel hostility from her, is this bandit sister planning to oppose us, our saviors?" Mash, who was holding the round table shield tightly, whispered to Fujimaru Rika.

But no matter how low his voice was, he still couldn't escape Ishtar's ears.

"I heard." Ishtar stared at Matthew, "Calling Ishtar, the goddess of beauty and harvest, a bandit, it seems that you are deliberately provoking me."

"Goddess?!" Fujimaru Rika and Mash were stunned for a moment.

This... is this a goddess? It's obviously a 'savage bandit' plus an 'ungrateful bandit'.

Ishtar saw that there was no false dazed expression on Fujimaru Rika and Mash, and she said incredulously, "No way? You... don't know me?"

Throughout Mesopotamia, who does not know the Venus goddess Ishtar...

After all, the smashing of Mount Abeev and the bull that descended into the sky, everything is a terrible deed known to the human beings of this era, who would not know the existence of the goddess Ishtar.

"Yes, we don't know you, because we have just arrived in this era, probably less than half an hour." Matthew explained.

"Just arrived in this era?" Ishtar frowned, "Where did you come from?"

"We came from Chaldea. We are a member of an organization called Chaldea. We were sent to this singularity in order to restore Humanity." Matthew pointed to the burning of Humanity in the sky.

"Chaldea... So it is." Ishtar suddenly realized, she glanced at Fujimaru Rika and Mash with interest, and her gaze made them both feel uncomfortable.

"You two extremely rude fellows are the foreigners from the Chaldea that Qiye said."

In order to enhance everyone's confidence in living, Qiye reported the information he had observed to the priests of Uruk, and they spread the information of Chaldea.

So even if Ishtar didn't live in Uruk, he knew about Chaldea.

"Nanye? Who is that?" Fujimaru Rika looked at Ishtar suspiciously.

"Hmph, the greatest Babylonian king in Mesopotamia, but a nasty man with no vision." Ishtar said with a light snort.

"King of Babylon, goddess Ishtar..."

Mash, who was muttering to herself, recalled the contents of the biography, she said to Fujimaru Rika in surprise, "Ah! Master, 'Seven Nights' is the first king of Babylon who refused the marriage proposal of the goddess Ishtar, and he was also the first king of Babylon. The king of Babylon the doctor talks about all day."

"..." Ishtar, who lowered his head, was silent.

It is taboo!

Matthew, who was overly surprised, spoke out an incredible taboo!

The marriage proposal rejected by Qiye was the eternal pain of Ishtar, and Matthew said it out in surprise... and said it loudly.

So Ishtar's hostility towards Fujimaru Rika and Mash began to turn into a strong killing intent that sent chills down the back.

"Ma... Matthew, you're not a doctor. Don't mention the king of Babylon, you're so excited that you forget everything around you." Tatsuka Fujimaru, who was sweating coldly, pulled Matthew's palm and gestured to the person in front of them. that goddess.

The heroine who was rejected for marriage was right in front of them...

Saying such words to your face is like opening a scar and then sprinkling a handful of salt.

Completely lost the idea of ​​talking, Ishtar waved his hand directly, and the Tianzhou Ma Anna manifested along with the golden magic light.

The gem of the gods loaded on the Tianzhou Maanna started to run, and began to condense the magic cannons of the gods...

If there is no accident, Ishtar will definitely smash these two girls from Chaldea to pieces, but an accident happened.

"Well... how about a moment to stop and let me say something."

A helpless and gentle male voice broke into the place of Ishtar and the others.

The extremely familiar voice made Ishtar, who had a pretty face in black, stunned. Qiye, who had already come here, looked at Ishtar's back and scratched his cheek, "I should call you 'Rin'. ', or 'Ishtar'."

Ishtar stopped Tianzhou Ma Anna's move of condensing the magic cannon, and she said in a complicated low voice, "Whatever you want."

"Then Ishtar, Ishtar, everyone in Uruk misses you very much now, do you want to go back to live?" Qiye said softly.

"Really, why do I feel that someone in Uruk wants me not to go back." Ishtar curled his cherry lips.


Some people really want Ishtar not to go back.

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