I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 166:

First, of course, is the wife of Seven Nights, Semiramis, and the second is Gilgamesh, who hates the goddess of trouble.

But the residents of Uruk, priests and nobles, all long for Ishtar to return to Uruk to live.

Because no matter how unbearable Ishtar is, she is also the city **** of Uruk. It was she who helped Gilgamesh to make Uruk prosper rapidly and make Uruk the place where the royal seal came.

Nanaye fell silent because of Ishtar's words, and Fujimaru Rika and Mash were also silent. Based on the conversation between Nanya and Ishtar, they probably guessed that this handsome man was the first king of Babylon.

It was the king of Babylon who rejected the marriage proposal of the goddess Ishtar.

Since Qiye came out, Fujimaru Rika and Mash have never felt killing intent or hostility from Ishtar, so they were very sensible and didn't interrupt.

Right now... Fujimaru Rika felt that she was watching a youth love theater, Nanye's helpless expression and Ishtar's complicated expression all made her gossip curiosity as a girl hooked up.

At this time, a very excited voice came from the bracelet that Fujimaru Rika was wearing.

"Hey, 噢 wow, oh!? This reaction is true !? No mistakes!? This Single is the **** level, and the fragrance you encountered the king of Babylon! "Romani's excited voice came from the bracelet.

Now, Romani and the others can only receive the conversations of Fujimaru Rika and the others, but cannot receive images, but they can detect the magic power around Fujimaru Rika and the others.

So Chaldea detected the spiritual foundation of the three gods and heard about the 'King of Babylon'.

Toromani's blessing, the dull atmosphere here has also eased a little.

However, after hearing Romani's voice, Qiye and Ishtar frowned together.

"Where did this sound come from? It's your communication stone at Qiye? Why does this sound make people complain about him? It's like a 'dead walking in the underworld'. It's really annoying."

"It's not the voice from my communication stone, it's her bracelet." Qiye looked at Fujimaru Tachika's bracelet and said.

Actually... Qiye also wanted to complain a word or two to the owner of this voice.

After all, if it weren't for him, there would not be a humanistic debauchery in this era.

"This bracelet is a device that can communicate with Chaldea. The excited voice just now was the doctor." Matthew explained.

"Doctor? Oh~ You're the doctor in charge of Chaldea. You're really amazing." Qiye said with a deep meaning.

And Romani in the Chaldean control room was sweating coldly. He knew that the king of Babylon with ex clairvoyance would 'see' many things.

Things like his real identity...

"I don't know why, but I hate the owner of that voice." Ishtar squinted at the bracelet Fujimaru was wearing.

"Why do you say that too?" Fujimaru Rika and Mash said helplessly.

"Also?" Qiye tilted his head, "Is there anyone else who hates the owner of this voice?"

"Yes, quite a lot." Matthew nodded.

In fact, the Servants who appeared in the singularity were not interested in Romani, because they vaguely felt that the reason for the burning of human principles in this era was related to Romani.

So, like Ishtar, he complained to Romani intentionally or unintentionally.

When Romani was hit hard, Da Vinci smiled and patted him on the shoulder to comfort the poor man, and then Qiye smiled at Fujimaru Rika and Matthew, "Although I want to talk to you guys. Introduce yourself, but now doesn't seem like the time."

Because the monster group has already come to Qiye's side.

At 7:30 tomorrow morning, Apple will send out all the 64,000 words that have been coded in the past few days. In this way, Apple will pay off all the extras that Apple owes you.

And tomorrow's update is the same as before, there are many words and one chapter, so it needs quite a lot of cat coins.

After all the dues are paid back to you, Apple will issue another bounty notice.

After all, the rain stopped and the sky was clear, and Apple thought it was okay again~

So please look forward to tomorrow! ?(^?^*)

330 Chapter 25

"Qiye, leave them to me, I need a soul." Medusa lily behind Qiye said softly.

Only now did Ishtar notice that there was a little loli behind Qiye. Although she didn't know who she was, she always felt... unhappy.

"What to leave to you, leave it to me, I just feel unhappy right now, and they come just right." Ishtar raised her arm, holding three different shapes between her fingertips gem.

Now, Ishtar can either launch artillery bombardment through Tianzhou Maanna, or launch an attack through gemstones.

This is because she is in a state of reliance and is affected by her body, so she can't use her divine power as she likes before.

Magic power can only be accumulated through gems, and the necessary steps for activation can be performed by injecting magic power into gems.

Tianzhou Maanna's divine jade has limited magic power and cannot be used at will, so Ishtar can only use gems to release magic cannons in most cases.

Um... Because of this, she would be like a bandit asking for gems from others, ah no, it's only natural for the goddess to ask for tribute.

"Then these beasts will be handed over to you." Qiye said to Ishtar who was holding the gem.

"Hmph." Ishtar snorted coldly and smashed the gem in his hand. After the gem was broken, the magic power stored in it turned into a magic cannon and flew towards the roaring beast.

These magic cannons directly pierced the neck of the monster, and the huge head of the monster splashed in the air with scarlet blood.

"It's amazing." Matthew looked at the scene of Ishtar's great power in surprise. She had just fought against five demon beasts, and under the magic power provided by Fujimaru Tachika's Command Spell, she reluctantly took out those five beasts. Warcraft solved.

So Matthew knew very well how powerful these beasts were, but he was shot through the neck so easily by Ishtar.

"It's really powerful, and it's also very cool." Fujimaru Rika nodded in agreement.

Compared with Matthew's counterattack with a shield, Ishtar's brightly colored magic cannon is more cool.

"Hmph~ Complimenting me is a matter of course, I won't let you go just because of mere compliments." Ishtar, humming lightly, put down his raised arm.

"Why do you still care about those things before? It's your fault, it's you who fell from the sky..."

"Hahahaha, what are you talking about?" Ishtar interrupted Fujimaru Rika's muttering. She glanced at Qiye, as if she didn't want Qiye to know that she fell from the sky.

But unfortunately, Qiye knew about it for a long time, and also witnessed the scene of her falling.

"I'm sorry, I have to interrupt your conversation. There are many life reactions around you. There are about 60 or 70 life reactions. It is estimated that they are all enemies. Please be careful!" Roma is located in the control room of Chaldea. Ni reminded.

"So many?!" Mash's face showed surprise, and Fujimaru Rika looked at Ishtar and Nanye, "This time, let's work together to rush out of this ruin full of strange monsters."

"I don't want it." Ishtar, who rejected Fujimaru Rika, got on his own Tianzhou Ma Anna, and then she floated up under Tianzhou's entrustment.

"Miss Ishtar, you seem to be able to fly. If you can, please take us with you." Matthew said to Ishtar who was sitting on the Tianzhou Maanna.

"I don't want it even more." Ishtar showed a disgusting expression to Matthew, "My sky boat is a single seater, if you want to bring a second person, you have to hug my body. , I don't want to be held by you, but if a man opens his mouth, I reluctantly allow him to come up."

And then... Medusa Lily, Fujimaru Rika, and Mash, three beautiful girls, watched Nanye together.

The only person present was Nanya who was a male, and according to Nanya's entanglement with Ishtar, the 'a certain man' she was referring to was obviously Nanya.

"..." Qiye scratched his cheek under the eyes of the three beautiful girls, "I can prove that Ishtar's Tianzhou Ma Anna can indeed only sit for one person, and the two of them can barely sit together. Together, no more."

Medusa Lily raised her little head and said to Qiye, "It's just sixty or seventy monsters, do you need to escape?"

"Just sixty or seventy monsters?"

"Is it still?"

Fujimaru Rika and Matthew looked at the little loli who said these words subtly. Although they could not see the face under the hood of Medusa lily, but from the tender voice and the short and slender body. Look, this person should be a little girl.

So why do you think that sixty or seventy monsters don't need to escape?

"That's right, it's just sixty or seventy monsters."

Ishtar, who was sitting on the Tianzhou Maanna, raised her jade legs, and she looked down at Fujimaru Rika and Matthew, "If you Chaldeans find it difficult to deal with even this little monster, then for you , wanting to repair this era is just a dream."

"If you can't even do this, go back to the place called Chaldea."

Ishtar said something similar to Gilgamesh, because there are only 60 or 70 of them now... You know, there are tens of thousands of beasts in the north.

Moreover, in addition to the tens of thousands of beasts, there are also the alliance of the three goddesses and the **** Tiamat in the deep sea...

So even if you can't solve sixty or seventy monsters, how can you solve those three abyss-like peculiarities?

"I can help you, although Jill told me not to help you, but..." Nanye took out the mud flute from his waist and glanced at Fujimaru Rika and Mash.

"But what you are good at seems to be spiritual, not fighting, so let me help you."

"Thank you for your help, but... are you going to use the flute to help us?" Matthew looked at the mud flute in Qiye's hand delicately. The flute was a weapon with little lethality.

"Well, in fact, I'm not good at fighting, so I can only provide you with a little help." Qiye blinked and showed a refreshing smile.

Qiye's smile was so dazzling that Mash and Fujimaru Rika couldn't even look directly at him!

"Hmph, I'm not good at fighting? I don't know who killed the monster Humbaba and restrained the bull of the sky. Didn't I get rid of the scorpion man recently? Saying that he's not good at fighting, he is really a man who likes to lie." Ishtar, who was sitting on the Tianzhou Maanna, snorted coldly.

"You really know a lot. The scorpion was only destroyed by us yesterday, so you know so soon?" Qiye raised his head and glanced at Ishtar unexpectedly and said.

The scorpion-man Kitaburi was only destroyed by Qiye last night. Now, it is estimated that only the monster front and Uruk Palace know about it.

Others don't know yet, so how did Ishtar know the news?

Either she has been watching the battlefield, or she has received such news from the Alliance of the Three Goddesses.

Qiye hopes that it is the former, because if it is the latter, Ishtar is connected with the Alliance of the Three Goddesses.

"I just know!" Ishtar didn't want to explain to Qiye that she had been paying attention to him, so she looked at Tatsuka Fujimaru and changed the subject, "Anyway, thank you for being my cushion material just now, at least It acts like a dry straw."

"However, I won't just ignore the sin of offending me. If you can survive... tsk, anyway, Qiye is here, you can't be in trouble, in short, I will come over to ask for tribute, and prepare it for me. "

After saying these words, Tianzhou Ma Anna started to rise, looking at Ishtar who was about to leave, Qiye said, "Ishtar, go back to Uruk."

"Stop talking! There... I will go back when I have time." After Ishtar left these words, Tianzhou Ma Anna flew away from the battlefield at an astonishing speed.

Seeing Ishtar leaving as a golden afterimage, Qiye sighed, "Is it influenced by 'Rin'? Ishtar actually thanked humans just now."

"I think it's because I want to maintain a good image in front of my sweetheart." Fujimaru Rika said solemnly.

Qiye glanced at Fujimaru Rika, and he said angrily, "What are you talking about, he seems to understand very well."

"That's what TV dramas say~" Fujimaru Rika showed a bright smile at Qiye, and Qiye smiled.

'Is this the Master of Chaldea, or a girl who makes people feel happy? No wonder he was able to gather Servants, and then fight with them, finally solve one difficulty after another, and finally repair the singularity. ’

"Master! And His Majesty the King of Babylon! Now is not the time for you to talk, the beasts are coming!" Matthew, who was clutching his shield, reminded him.

"Okay, I'll support you from behind..." Qiye suddenly stopped talking, and he suddenly looked in one direction as if he had noticed something strange.

There is a figure standing there, he/she is wearing a white robe, and the beautiful and crystal green hair flutters in the wind, like a beautiful and tranquil natural elf full of green.

Qiye shattered the mud flute in his hand, and he whispered in disbelief, "En... Enkidu..."

After being shocked, Qiye recalled the rumor of 'suspected to be Enkidu', he narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the figure.

"No, no, it doesn't seem to be Enkidu, his eyes are purple, and Enkidu's eyes are emerald green, and the person he is looking at is not me, but the Master of Chaldea..."

Although he was a bit cheeky, Qiye felt that if this person was Enkidu, his eyes would definitely be on him.

Although Qiye is convinced that the person is not his best friend Enkidu, but...

"That kind of feeling that I can only feel in Enkidu, what is it?"

It wasn't just Nanye and Medusa who discovered the arrival of Chaldea, Jin Gu also discovered the arrival of Fujimaru Tatsuka, so he rushed here in order to solve the last Master who came from Chaldea.

"Why don't I want to approach that side?" Jin Gu looked at his feet blankly. He wanted to approach the past, but couldn't find why he seemed unable to control his body and couldn't take a step forward at all.

The body is resisting to approach that side.

What was there that made Jin Gu's body resist so much?

Someone from Chaldea? Or the man with black hair and white robe, or the child with a hood who couldn't see his face clearly?

"Qiye has recovered, you were in a daze just now?" Medusa Lily's words woke Qiye up, and when he recovered, he rubbed his temples, "Sorry, wait a minute, I'll take care of these monsters myself. , I have something to confirm now."

After finishing speaking, Nanye left Fujimaru Rika and the others, and walked towards the ferocious group of monsters.

"Is the king of Babylon all alone?" Matthew said worriedly.

"There should be no problem, because according to the records, the king of Babylon and his two close friends destroyed the monster Humbaba in the cedar forest, and the bull of the sky that made the earth dry for seven years, so he is very strong. "Romani's voice came from the bracelet that Fujimaru Rika was wearing.

"Well, although Qiye looks weak and weak, he is very strong." Medusa lily nodded her head and agreed.

That gentle man has great strength, and the wisdom to find a way to solve any difficulty, so there are only sixty or seventy monsters, and it can be completely solved.

But Fujimaru Rika and Matthew don't think so!

Because Qiye walked to the beast unprepared, the distance between him and the beast was less than ten meters. It was estimated that within two or three seconds, the beast's fierce claws and fangs would attack him.

Orpheus, who was wrapped around Qiye's waist, planned to intercept the group of monsters, but Qiye touched it gently, preventing it from intercepting the monsters for him.

"...Dangerous!" Jin Gu raised his arm subconsciously.

Then, the earth shook, and several chains of heaven broke out, and the swift and fierce chains penetrated the beasts that attacked Qiye.

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