I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 206:

"I really dare to say it, but that's it for today." Jin Gu didn't intend to respond to Qiye's provocation, he planned to retreat.

Originally, Jin Gu sent Nippur's rescuers to the monster front line, intending to attract the Servants who guard the monster front line, and take the opportunity to solve it.

It's a pity that it was not only the Servant who was attracted, but also Qiye, the son of Tiamat, and the Venus goddess who owned the Tianzhou Ma Anna.

Now that the giant lion Ugar has been eliminated by Qiye, and Jin Gu is not the only one who dominates the air, so Jin Gu does not intend to waste time here.

Finding that Jin Gu wanted to leave, Qi Ye didn't have any idea of ​​stopping him.

Although it was Qiye's idea to catch Jin Gu, there are more important things for him to do now.

That is the battle plan against the northern temple.

Jin Gu was going to leave, and Qiye didn't plan to stop him, but an accident happened at this time...

The ground in the city of Nippur began to vibrate, just like the ground near the volcanic eruption, shaking violently.

"Why is there an earthquake again?" Heizhen, who was standing still, muttered in dissatisfaction. During the battle just now, she felt too many earthquakes.

"...No, this is not an earthquake, this is the sound of a giant catfish swimming under the ground." Ushiwakamaru said with a dignified face.

Actually, no one knows why Ushiwakamaru suddenly said such a strange thing.

Actually, it's really simple.

The giant catfish is a legendary creature in Japan. It is said that it lives in the ground. The giant catfish in the ground will shake its body and swim through it, and it will cause an earthquake when it swims.

So what Ushiwakamaru means is... something is swimming in the ground below.

And the earthquake was caused by the thing swimming over.

Jin Gu seemed to know what was swimming over, and he looked at the temple in the distance with a surprised expression, "How is it possible, she came directly!? This is different from the situation we booked, how patient is she? I can't stand my temper..."

Soon, the 'she' that Jin Gu spoke of appeared in front of Qiye and the others.

The Goddess of Warcraft Gorgon emerged from the earth and stood on the earth.

This beast goddess is one of the three goddess alliance.

The Goddess of Warcraft is half-human and half-snake. Her upper body is human, and her lower body is the body of a snake. The snake scales on her tail are arranged in an orderly manner, just like a black gold stone, reflecting dark gold in the sunlight. light.

The Goddess of Warcraft is very big... Well, the 'big' here refers to her body.

Not her breasts!

The Goddess of Warcraft is already about seventeen or eighteen meters tall with just the upper body. If the tail of her lower body is also counted...

It should be more than 100 meters.

Gorgon has slender purple hair, and at the end of the purple hair, there is a snake head... It is not a grim snake head, but the shape of a snake head formed by her hair.

Her hands are as sharp as the claws of a demon beast, and from the elbows to the nails, there are dark golden snake scales growing.

The plump and white upper body is covered with clothes, but those clothes are woven like bird feathers, not cloth clothes.

"What is this...a Servant?" Ushiwakamaru was shocked.

"It's a Servant, and it's also an Avenger, but I didn't expect it to be that big." Heizhen, who was also an Avenger, stared at the goddess of beasts who suddenly came.

The Goddess of Warcraft looked down at the group of people below, and she said in a natural tone, "I am the old enemy of mankind, the leader of the Alliance of the Three Goddesses, the existence that makes you fear the existence of the Goddess of Warcraft."

"I'm also the mother goddess of beasts, God Tiamat. Since I've shown up for you to see, shouldn't you kneel on your knees and offer your prayers?"

"..." Qiye and his group were silent, and then most of the Servants looked at the son of Tiamat.

With pink crossed eyes, Qiye looked at the tall and huge Goddess of Warcraft, and he said slowly, "That's enough. Just now, someone was pretending to be a child, and now there are still people who are directly pretending to be a mother."

"You're not God Tiamat, you're..." Qiye suddenly closed his mouth as he spoke. He didn't know what he saw, what he thought, what he realized, and his face darkened slightly.

"Goddess of Warcraft Gorgon, her spiritual foundation is at the level of a god, and it is very similar to Anna's spiritual foundation... Could it be that the Goddess of Warcraft is the 'mission that must be solved' as Anna said. ’

"And we can't kill the goddess of beasts, because she is connected to the sleeping mother in the deep sea..."

Under those eyes that reflected the inner sea of ​​stars, Qiye saw a lot of information from Gorgon, the goddess of beasts, including the **** Tiamat, who would fall asleep in the deep sea if the goddess of beasts was dealt with. Wake up' intelligence.

"You said I'm not God Tiamat, how could I not be!" Goddess of Warcraft Gorgon looked down at Qiye below, and then she moved.

The incomparably huge snake tail swung in the direction where Qiye was standing.

The snake tail of the Goddess of Warcraft was extremely thick, and it swept over fiercely. Wherever it went, whether it was a building or a stone pillar, it was all smashed by its tail.

Just like a falling meteorite, it possesses enormous power that is irresistible.

Qiye, who frowned, immediately sorted out his messy thoughts, then raised his hand, the earth chain frantically stretched out from the earth again, entangling the tail of the goddess of beasts.


The earth chain wrapped around the tail of the Goddess of Warcraft, and then rubbed the snake scales on the tail to create dazzling sparks.

The tail of the goddess of beasts does not have the power to smash the earth, so it cannot break the earth chain of Qiye, and it is also bound by the earth chain.

Chapter 354 Chapter 46 The eyes that reflect the inner sea of ​​the stars

Gorgon, the Goddess of Warcraft, was amazed by this. A black chain smaller than her fingertips was able to block her tail!

"Go, retreat." After resisting the attack of the Goddess of Warcraft, Qiye said to the Servants behind him.

"Retreat? Didn't she say she's the goddess of beasts? It's the enemy we want to solve, so why retreat?" Heizhen, who frowned with delicate eyebrows, said puzzled.

That's right, the Alliance of the Three Goddesses is the enemy they need to solve at Seven Nights, and now is the best chance to solve the Goddess of Warcraft.

Because there are not tens of thousands of monsters beside the goddess of beasts, isn't it the best time to solve the goddess of beasts when there are not so many monsters attacked!

There is nothing wrong with that, but...

"I can't get rid of her now, I really can't." Qiye said solemnly and earnestly, "So you all obey the order and retreat, and I will be responsible for intercepting the Goddess of Warcraft."

Although now is indeed a good opportunity to deal with the Goddess of Warcraft, Qiye's eyes have seen a lot of information.

The goddess of beasts has the power of the **** Tiamat, the goddess power called 'the mother of beasts', so the goddess of beasts can create so many beasts so crazy.

It is because the goddess of beasts has the power of 'the mother of beasts', she is connected to the sleeping **** Tiamat in the deep sea.

If the goddess of monsters dies, the feeling of death will be transmitted to the sleeping **** Tiamat in the deep sea, causing the sleeping **** Tiamat in Merlin's 'dream cage' to be instantly killed by the 'death'. Feeling awake.

So... the current situation is that if the goddess of beasts is eliminated, then God Tiamat, who has been sleeping for several years, will wake up early.

Therefore, Qiye will let everyone retreat, because now is really not the best time to solve the Goddess of Warcraft.

Although the Goddess of Warcraft could not be solved at this time, Qiye's heart was beating with joy.

Because Qiye felt that his mother was reminding him.

In fact, the pair of eyes before Qiye that reflected the inner sea of ​​stars appeared automatically, not Qiye himself.

So Qiye thought that it must be God Tiamat... It must be his mother reminding him...

Now, Qiye and the others can't kill the Goddess of Warcraft, so they can only retreat.

If the goddess of beasts is killed here, then the **** Tiamat in the deep sea will wake up.

At this time, Qiye and the others still haven't solved the anomaly in the south, the goddess of the underworld, and they haven't been fully prepared to fight against God Tiamat, so they can't let God Tiamat wake up in advance.

Although everyone didn't know what Qiye thought, he gave up the best chance to solve the Goddess of Warcraft...

But Seven Nights is the Master of Heizhen, the sage of Ba Yuzen and Ushiwakamaru, and Ishtar will not refute Seven Nights.

Therefore, these Servants, they had no choice but to start to retreat and leave, leaving the goddess of beasts to Qiye alone to contain them.

But is it okay to leave the goddess of beasts to Qiye alone?

Of course it doesn't matter.

Because everyone knows that Qiye can perform mental transfer and can leave any dangerous place calmly, and they don't think Qiye will be killed by the goddess of beasts.

After all, the impression that Qiye has given to everyone has always been very reliable.

So he said that if he restrained the goddess of beasts by himself, he could restrain him by himself.

Qiye and the others didn't plan to fight the goddess of beasts who suddenly came, and Jin Gu didn't want to either, because he thought that the enemies they were facing now were not only Uruk, but also the other two goddesses.

"Want to escape?" Goddess of Warcraft Gorgon stared at Heizhen and the others who started to leave, her purple eyes exuded an extremely ominous color, as if brewing something.

"Wait a minute, this is too impatient. For Mother, humans are just pests that can be easily eliminated. You should beware of other goddesses."

Jin Gu whispered in the ear of the Goddess of Warcraft.

"For us, the capture of Uruk is just a step in the process. The real problem is not humans, but other goddesses."

"Once Uruk is captured, the alliance will be abolished. The second beast is prepared for the battle after the alliance is abolished."

In the northern temple, there are 100,000 monsters waiting to be born...

Before these 100,000 monsters were born, Jin Gu had to let Uruk survive, otherwise, if Uruk was broken, the battle between the other two goddesses would follow.

Jin Gu's persuasion stopped the Goddess of Warcraft Gorgon.

When Qiye found that the 'giant' Goddess of Warcraft wanted to continue fighting, his emotions subsided a lot, and then he loosened the chains of the earth that bound her tail.

Although they are enemies to each other, Qiye and Jin Gu have the same idea, and neither of them want to officially start a war at this time.

Jin Gu felt that if he really fought against the mysterious and mysterious Qiye, there would be many unknown dangers. It would be better to let Qiye leave and let other goddesses deal with Qiye.

Although the existence of Qiye and the others was a threat to Jin Gu and the Goddess of Warcraft, they paid more attention to the other two goddesses.

The alliance of the three goddesses is actually a relationship of mutual restraint, not an alliance.

"Stupid human beings, you should thank me for your tolerance." Goddess of Warcraft Gorgon swayed and retracted her tail, she looked down at Qiye and said, "But although you have escaped, the fate of destruction is impossible. changed."

"After the tenth dawn from today, we will destroy Uruk. If you cherish your life, escape to the end of the world."

"The premise is that if you can escape, after all, there are more than 100,000 monsters living in my temple, and they are very eager for your flesh and blood."

"Is it a hundred thousand? That's really a lot." Qiye muttered to himself, and then the Goddess of Warcraft Gorgon left from the huge hole he escaped from before.

The Goddess of Warcraft came quickly and left quickly.

"Thank me, otherwise mother wouldn't leave so readily."

Hearing this, Qiye glanced at Jin Gu in the sky, he thought for a moment, and then said, "This is what you call 'Tiamat', how do I think she is the same as the legendary goddess of creation? Totally different."

"It's not important, the important thing is that this era will no longer belong to you old humans." Jin Gu didn't talk to Qiye either, he just flew away.

Qiye looked at the direction that Jin Gu flew away, and he muttered to himself, "Does this guy know that the Goddess of Warcraft is a false Goddess of Creation? If he does, will he know to kill Warcraft? After the goddess, will the real **** Tiamat be awakened?"

If the goddess Jin Gu's allegiance to is the goddess of creation, Tiamat, then what kind of mentality does he have to serve the goddess of beasts today?

Qiye thinks that Jin Gu just regards the Goddess of Warcraft as a tool person. After she made 100,000 Lahmu for the Goddess of Creation, she will find an opportunity to kill the Goddess of Warcraft so that God Tiamat can be awakened.

This insidious guess was based on the fact that Jin Gu knew everything.

In fact, Qiye's guess was half right. Jin Gu really knew everything. He knew that killing the goddess of beasts could wake up the sleeping **** Tiamat in the deep sea.

But he did not regard the Goddess of Warcraft as a tool person. He still had certain feelings for the Goddess of Warcraft, the kind of feelings a child had for his mother.

So Jin Gu would not deliberately kill the goddess of beasts and wake up the **** Tiamat.

But Qiye didn't think so. He felt that this guy who occupied his best friend's body would be so dark! Absolutely treat the Goddess of Warcraft as a tool god!

With the departure of the Goddess of Warcraft and Jin Gu one after another, this day's battle also ended.

And Qiye got a lot of information during this day's battle.

The existence of Jin Gu, the identity of the Goddess of Warcraft, the connection between the Goddess of Warcraft and the Goddess of Creation, and even the location of the Holy Grail that disturbed this era, Qiye has all figured out.

The breath of the Holy Grail is in the body of the Goddess of Warcraft, and she has the Holy Grail that disrupts this era.

After knowing these extremely important information, Qiye's original plan will be temporarily stopped.

But this is also considered lucky. I saw this information on the Goddess of Warcraft in advance, otherwise, if you kill her, the **** Tiamat in the deep sea will wake up.

"Originally, I planned to quickly deal with the monsters in the north, and the goddess of monsters in the north, but now it seems... I have to leave them to the end." Qiye murmured in a low voice.

Because the goddess of beasts contacted the sleeping **** Tiamat, if the goddess of beasts died, the sleeping **** Tiamat in the deep sea would wake up immediately.

Therefore, before solving the mysterious jungle in the south and the goddess of the underworld, Qiye and the others could not attack the goddess of beasts.

"But in the northern temple, there are still 100,000 monsters, and it's really incredible news." Qi Ye, who was a little irritable, scratched his black hair.

Originally, the tens of thousands of monsters lingering in the cedar forest already gave Qiye a headache. Unexpectedly, the goddess of monsters said that there are 100,000 monsters in the temple.

This news is really bad news for Qiye and the others.

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