I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 207:

"If these beasts were created by the goddess of beasts through her mother's 'womb of beasts', how could the goddess of beasts have so much magic power..." Qiye muttered to himself.

The goddess of beasts can create all kinds of 'children' through the power of 'the mother's womb', just like the **** Tiamat, using the crystal of destiny and the mother's womb to create eleven Tiamat the son of.

But there is a precondition, that is, it will consume mana.

So how much magic power would the tens of thousands of demon beasts in the cedar forest and the 100,000 demon beasts (Rahmu) bred in the northern temple consume in total?

The Goddess of Warcraft Gorgon is not Tiamat, the Goddess of Creation. She does not possess the magic power as deep and huge as the sea, so how did she get so much magic power to create so many beasts.

Qiye frowned slightly, he seemed to have thought of something.

"Is it the magic power provided by the Holy Grail in her body? Or those humans who were plundered by the beasts..."

Well, Qiye guessed correctly.

The magic power that the Goddess of Warcraft created and cultivated the more than 100,000 magical beasts was obtained through human beings.

It is not a slightly ergonomic tonic, but the Goddess of Warcraft directly uses the 'Blood Temple' to transform all human beings, including but not limited to blood, internal organs, flesh, and soul, so that all human beings are used to cultivate Warcraft. nutrient.

In fact, when monsters attack humans, they don't just eat or kill humans, they take humans away.

Like a mother beast who goes out to find food for her children, she takes humans away...

The goddess of beasts used the humans captured by the beasts as nutrients to cultivate such an astonishing number of beasts.

That's why... Alley joined the Three Goddess Alliance.

Human beings killed by Ailey with the breath of the underworld will not feel pain, and she can also take their souls into the underworld to protect them.

If you are killed by the Goddess of Warcraft...

It is a tragic situation where not even the remnants of the soul are left behind.

With tens of thousands of demon beasts, plus one hundred thousand demon beasts [Rahmu] being bred, Alley believes that even if Uruk has the omnipotent Seven Nights, it is impossible to resist such an astonishing number of demon beasts.

Therefore, Alley took her own actions to open up the land of Uruk within the scope of the underworld and let the entire Uruk fall into the underworld, thus announcing to the other two goddesses of the Three Goddess Alliance that Uruk was captured by her. of.

Elle felt that only if she did this... maybe she could protect everyone's soul.

Even if she was infatuated, even if she was puzzled by everyone, Elle would not hesitate!

This is the goddess of the underworld in Mesopotamia, the goddess who is gentler than any goddess!

As the goddess of beasts and Jin Gu retreated one after another, Qiye also left the shattered city of Nippur, and Qiye reunited with a group of Servants.

"Master, I said you just let the enemy leave."

Heizhen complained to Qiye for the first time, but the Dragon Witch lady was not very emotional when she found out that Qiye was not very emotional, nor did she have the gentle smile on her handsome face, so she changed her mind and said, "But I just had a fight with that huge lion, and it consumed a lot of magic power."

"A temporary truce is also a wise decision. In short, it would be best if everyone is fine."

Qiye glanced at Heizhen, who was complaining just now, but now comforts him instead.

Although this Servant is too arrogant, he is actually very gentle.

I want to open an unlimited bounty, but I'm afraid no one will vote, so if you want Apple to offer a bounty, leave your thoughts in this message.

Apple will see if anyone wants Apple to offer a bounty.

Section 355 The third unlimited bounty, open!

This is the third time Apple has offered unlimited bounties.

The time for the reward starts now and ends at 10:00 p.m. on March 23rd!

The bounty data this time is still...

Five hundred recommended votes plus one more.

The 60-month ticket adds one more update.

10,000 rewards plus one more.

Sixty blades plus one more.

Well, of course, there is still an unlimited reward [the third time to focus on]

So as long as you meet these data, Apple owes you one chapter, two thousand words per update! 【Put your chest up proudly】

If there is a big boss directly rewarding 1600 gold treasure chest! Apple directly owes you twenty more! A total of 40,000 words! 【I want to eat peaches】

As long as the company where Apple works has not had a lot of work that Apple needs to do recently, Apple is a bit idle.

And next Saturday and Sunday will be weekends, so I want to use a reward to make myself codewords.

Well, the following is the current data...

Sa, this is already our third war! ( ̄▽ ̄)~■Cheers□~( ̄▽ ̄)

Chapter 356 Chapter 47 Lord Sage's Shura Field!

Although Heizhen's comfort was a bit clumsy, Qiye was not really depressed. He smiled at the Servants and said, "Let's go, let's return to the Warcraft front first, and I will announce the next battle plan to you. "

"Announce the next battle plan?" Ishtar, who was sitting on the Tianzhou Maanna, said in surprise, "We didn't decide to rescue the survivors of Nippur after seven nights, and then went directly to the cedar forest to connect the temple with the goddess of beasts. Did you solve it?"

"Well, but this was the original plan. After seeing the real body of the Goddess of Warcraft, I changed my mind." Said Qiye, who nodded.

Originally, Qiye's plan was like this.

But after Qiye discovered the connection between the Goddess of Warcraft and his mother, he had to change this battle plan.

At this time, Lancer Musashibo Benkei came over, with Lancer Leonidas I and a group of soldiers behind him.

"Master Sage, Master Ushiwakamaru, and everyone, are you all right?"

"Why did you guys come here?" Qiye and the others looked at Musashibo Benkei and the others in surprise.

"Because the commotion in Nippur was too great, we came to support everyone, but it seems that everyone is at peace, even Ushiwakamaru-sama is fine."

"Huh? What can I do?"

"Because King Gilgamesh doesn't allow you to step into Nippur, you will definitely encounter accidents when you enter Nippur. It's really good that you're fine now."

Ushiwakamaru looked at Musashibo Benkei with a relieved expression, "Although the enemy did set up an ambush on Nippur's side, they were all solved by the sage, and the goddess of beasts who came suddenly also retreated. , I didn't even get a chance to play."

"The old lady is the same."

"Okay, don't talk about it for now, let's talk about it after we return to the Warcraft front." Qiye interrupted everyone's conversation, "Let's go back to the Warcraft front first, in case the Warcraft strikes, there will be no Servant to guard the Warcraft front. "

"Regarding the attack of the monsters, I don't know why the monsters wandering around the monster front left. They seem to have returned to the cedar forest in the north." Lancer Leonidas I told what he had just heard.

Since the goddess of beasts retreated, the beasts lingering on the beast front began to retreat, and they all retreated towards the cedar forest in the north.

Even though Leonidas I and Musashibo Benkei intercepted them, the group of monsters who only knew **** did not attack them, but avoided them and continued to run away.

"The monsters on the monster front are starting to retreat, why?"

"It's because the goddess of beasts gave an order. Didn't the 'fat' goddess just say that her 100,000 beasts will be born, and in ten days, they will officially capture the beast front and Uruk."

Ishtar, who was sitting on the Tianzhou Maanna, said.

"What? One hundred thousand monsters?"

Musashibo Benkei and the others, who were not at the scene, were shocked, and the soldiers were even more disorganized. Originally, the 30,000-40,000 monsters in the cedar forest made them feel hopeless.

Now there are still 100,000 monsters!

Then, do they still have hope of victory...



Because their sage is still calm, he must have figured out a way to deal with the astonishing number of monsters!

Hmm... Although blind trust is not good, at least it can cheer me up and keep fighting.

But does Qiye really have a solution to so many monsters?

There are 30,000 or 40,000 monsters in the cedar forest, plus the 100,000 monsters that have not yet been bred.

In total, there are 1,340,000 to 40,000 magical beasts, which is three times higher than the number of humans... There are only more than 40,000 humans living in Uruk.

And the number of soldiers who can fight is only 15,000.

So, it was 15,000 human soldiers fighting against 130,000 to 40,000 monsters...

It is simply an impossible task.

When Qiye returned to the Demon Beast Front, he had been thinking silently about the solution to the more than 100,000 Beast Beasts, and how to eliminate so many Beast Beasts without hurting the Goddess of Beasts.

But Qiye couldn't think of it, and Qiye, with the wisdom of the stars, couldn't think of such a good way...

Until Qiye, who frowned, saw the cedar tree.

That cedar tree grew by absorbing the blood of the monster Humbaba, and it has the aura of a god.

Now Qiye stared at the tall and sturdy cedar tree in the distance, and he whispered with a hint of joy, "Yes... there is a way, although this method is a bit messy, but it should be able to solve most of the magical beasts. "

After thinking of an extremely crazy solution, Qiye's tightly frowning brows loosened, and he said to Musashibo Benkei and the soldiers with a serious look, "I thought of a solution to the hundreds of thousands of monsters. ."

"Really? What's the solution?" Everyone asked Qiye in surprise.

"I can't tell you, because this method is a little dangerous, but don't worry, you only need to protect the front of the monsters, and I will handle those things."

Although Qiye's tone was calm, there was strong confidence in his tone, so everyone showed a reassuring smile.

The sage of Uruk, His Majesty the King of Babylon, is still as reliable as ever...

If that's the case, then they have nothing to worry about.

In fact, Qiye didn't tell them about his plans at this time, and they wouldn't lose their will to fight.

Because before, Seven Nights and Gilgamesh had already told them that the crisis that Mesopotamia was about to suffer was a crisis that would be difficult to solve by gathering the power of the entire world.

So everyone has made up their minds to sacrifice for this era and for their king.

Therefore, no matter what kind of enemy they are facing, the soldiers will grasp the weapons in their hands and dedicate their strength to this era and their king.

Because all the monsters near the monster front line returned to the cedar forest, Qiye and the others returned to the monster front line smoothly without being attacked by a monster.

Qiye in the conference room said to the Servants, "You Servants, all stay on the side of the Warcraft Front. I and Ishtar will return to Uruk and pass on the information just obtained to Jill."

"Ten days later, the goddess of beasts will definitely come with her beasts, but it may be earlier, so everyone prepare for the battle."

"Understood!" The Servants responded to Qiye with a stern and firm tone, and Qiye smiled comfortably. With this group of reliable Servants by his side, Qiye's inner pressure was relieved a little.

Afterwards, Qiye and Ishtar left the Demonic Beast front, and began to return to Uruk through the Tianzhou Ma Anna.

Sitting on the Tianzhou Ma Anna for seven nights, she was perfecting the solution she had come up with when she had an idea, and at this time, a pair of soft and boneless arms hugged him.


Then, the soft words of the goddess rang in his ears.

"Qiye, you look very anxious, so don't think about it too much. How about closing your eyes and taking a break."

"..." Qiye turned her head slightly and glanced at Ishtar who was hugging her. Her eyes were as gentle as running water, and she also revealed the slightest pity and love.

This is the gentle goddess.

It is the gentle expression that Ishtar has never shown in front of others. Now Qiye is fortunate to see it, and is comforted by her.

"is it okay."

"Of course you can, because you are Qiye, although I don't know what you are thinking, but you are under a lot of pressure."

Qiye closed his eyes, and he whispered softly, "You are really Ishtar, and you actually comfort others."

"I will comfort others."

But... it's limited to you, so just close your eyes and accept it with gratitude.

After going through countless things, the arrogant goddess finally wants the man she loves to show her charming side, which is really gratifying.

"Why do I suddenly feel uncomfortable?" Semiramis, who was holding his daughter, suddenly said such a sentence.

"Is the queen mother worried about her father who has gone to the monster front line?" Decade raised her head and asked.

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