I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 256:

Now, when he thinks about these things before, Enkidu can't help showing a nostalgic look, because he knew Gilgamesh and Qiye at that time, and then they met.

Qiye took another sip of water, then he turned his head to look at Gilgamesh and said, "Gill, why don't you board Noah's Ark too, after all, you are the fifth king of Uruk."

Gilgamesh and Uruk are the last symbols of this era. If both he and Uruk perish, then this era will truly be burned down.

Therefore, letting Gilgamesh leave Uruk, which is about to be attacked by Rahmu and the tide of Chaos, is also a good way to continue human principles.

But ah... how could he, who was as arrogant as Gilgamesh, accept such an act of escaping.

"Qiye, you idiot!"

Sure enough, Gilgamesh, who was staring at Qiye, scolded directly, "With a mere 100 million Rahmu and the tide of chaos that is enough to drown the whole world, how could this king be scared away by such a thing!"

"I think it's normal to be scared away in the face of hundreds of millions of Rahmu and the tide of chaos that drowns everything." Enkidu also persuaded Gilgamesh, "So Gil, you leave Uruk's words are also a good idea."

"Long-winded, the two of you have hit your head, how could this king leave Uruk?" said Gilgamesh, who snorted coldly.

"Qiye, you are not worried that this king will die in the next decisive battle, and Uruk will collapse because of losing the king, then! Before this king still exists, give Uruk the next Ulu. Isn't the King of Ke okay?"

"Eh?!" Surprised Nanya and Enkidu looked at Gilgamesh who said this.

"This... may be a good solution."

After thinking about it for a while, Enkidu nodded his head, and then he explained, "As long as the symbol of Uruk has a successor, even if Jill dies, someone will continue to lead everyone on, Qiye, what do you think."

"I think it's feasible, but Gil, are you serious? And about Uruk's next king, do you have a choice?" Qiye asked Gilgamesh.

"You." Gilgamesh pointed directly at Qiye.

"Stop joking." Qiye gave Gilgamesh a helpless glance, "My final battle with my mother, I have a 90% chance of dying."

"I haven't talked about playing yet, so what are you worried about?" Gilgamesh showed a nasty smile, and then he continued, "Your daughter Decoduo."


Qiye and Enkidu cried out again in amazement.

"What? Isn't Decoduo the best candidate?" Gilgamesh grinned, "In terms of bloodline, she is the daughter of the noble Babylonian princess and the sage of Uruk. Isn't she the most qualified to be a Uruk? Someone from King Luke?"

That's right.

In the eyes of everyone, Decade's identity is second only to Seven Nights and Gilgamesh, and even higher than Enkidu.

After all, Decade is the king of Babylon and the daughter of the sage of Uruk. In terms of identity, bloodline, and status, apart from Qiye and Gilgamesh, who can be more noble than her.

When Qiye thought of his daughter Decoduo becoming the king of Uruk, he couldn't help showing a tangled expression, "Jill, although Decoduo's identity and status are quite suitable for the king's position, but..."

"But Deketo is a girl. There is no such thing as a girl becoming a king. But Rika and the others have said that there will be women who will become kings in the future."

Well, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew once told Nanye about their journey, and the female king he just mentioned was His Majesty Nero, who sang to death.

"It doesn't matter! There has been no precedent since ancient times, so it is up to the king's Uruk to set the precedent." Gilgamesh waved his hands and said.

Ah, the familiar savage tyrant.

"And Seven Nights, Decade has inherited your strength and wisdom, as well as Semiramis' cunning and decisive character, so this king believes that she will definitely be a good king." Gilgamesh said.

"Your evaluation of Decade is really high. No wonder you even gave her the key to the law." Qiye looked at Gilgamesh subtly and said.

"Hmph, this king has a very sharp eye for seeing people, otherwise he wouldn't have directly pulled you to the position of a sage." Gilgamesh said, humming softly.

"I still don't think so, because Decade is still young and too mischievous. If she becomes a king, she will probably play Uruk badly."

"Then you can find another candidate for this king." Gilgamesh directly threw the choice of the successor of the king of Uruk to Qiye.

"You asked me to find the two candidates." Qiye pondered for a while, then raised his finger and said, "Then Let Itiza."

"Itiza is very good. She cares about all peoples, and because she has been following Semiramis to deal with Babylonian affairs, she is extremely familiar with handling affairs, and her fighting power is not weak." Qiye said with a smile.

Enkidu nodded his head, the girl's combat power is indeed not weak, and even his Heavenly Chain can be cut off in an instant.

"Itisha? Is that the captain of the bodyguard you and Semiramis?" Gilgamesh frowned, his expression directly showing rejection.

Gilgamesh is very reluctant to make Itisa the next king of Uruk.

There are many reasons.

The most unlikely reason for Itisa to become the king of Uruk is...she is the daughter of Aga of Kish!

If Aga's daughter became the king of Uruk, Gilgamesh always felt that he and Uruk of Seven Nights would add 'dirt'.

Even if Itisha herself wanted to completely separate the father-daughter relationship from Kish's Aga, the bloodline couldn't be changed.

"The king's designated successor is only Decade, and no one else will." Gilgamesh said decisively.

"Alas, then it's up to you, you decide." Qiye said helplessly.

"Then it's decided, this king will draw up a clay tablet later, and then send the soldiers to the Warcraft front, so that everyone there will know that your daughter Decade has become the next one appointed by this king. King of Uruk."

As long as the King of Uruk has a successor, then even if Gilgamesh dies, Uruk will still be led by someone, which means that someone will continue to carry on the human principles of this world.

"Don't mess around without authorization, you have to ask my daughter's opinion, in case she doesn't want to, and I don't want to put the burden of Uruk on her petite shoulders." Qiye said. said.

"Hmph, your daughter is not a guy like you who is not keen on power, this king just needs to say to her 'don't you want to take over Uruk, which was merged by Babylon?', Qiye, do you want Deketo to instantly Accept the appointment of the next king of Uruk."

"..." Qiye's mouth twitched.

According to Qiye's understanding of her precious daughter, after she heard such words, she would definitely accept the position of the king of Uruk...

Not for the power of the king of Uruk, but only for her father's Babylon.

In order to make Uruk, which merged with Babylon, prosper, Decade will definitely accept the appointment of the king of Uruk.

So... so be it, anyway, Deketo is behind Deketo with Edith, she will definitely assist Deketo, if there is Edith, Qiye will let Deketo accept the king of Uruk at ease. Location.

After deciding on this important matter, Qiye had a hard drink with Gilgamesh and Enkidu, and finally Qiye left Uruk Palace midway because of other things.

Qiye went to find Deketo and asked her if she would accept the position of the king of Uruk?

No, Qiye is to do a more important thing.

That is to find Fujimaru Rika and the others. To be precise, they are Chaldea. Seven nights have to compile Semiramis' spiritual foundation into the list of Chaldean spiritual foundations.

This is what Seven Nights agreed with Semiramis.

Under the light of the night and the moonlight, Nanye came to the entrance of the old tavern where Fujimaru Tachika and the others lived, and there was dim light inside the tavern. It seemed that they were not resting.

Qiye felt the breath of Fujimaru Rika and Mash. They were now on the roof of the old tavern, so Nanye jumped lightly and jumped directly onto the roof of the old tavern.

"Mr. Qiye?" Fujimaru Rika and Matthew looked at Qiye who suddenly jumped up, and Qiye smiled at the two beautiful girls, "My sudden visit didn't bother you, right? "

"No, because we are looking into the distance now." Fujimaru Rika pointed to a certain direction, and Nanye glanced at the past, where there was a straight line of firelight.

A straight line of flames formed. In fact, it was the residents of Eridu holding torches. They were starting to leave Uruk and head towards the monster front line in the north.

"Are you disappointed with them? We obviously spent so much effort to rescue them from Eri, but they left Uruk just like that, with no intention of staying to help." Qiye said with a chuckle. Tatsuka Fujimaru said to Mash.

"We don't have such an idea." Fujimaru Rika shook his head slightly, "Now, everyone is doing what they can, and trying to survive is what everyone who leaves Uruk can do."

"I'm really happy that you can think this way." Smiling Nanaya rubbed Fujimaru Tachika's orange hair, and then touched her smooth pink hair under Mash's slightly shy gaze.

Because Matthew looked at Qiye just now, like a little sheep hoping to be stroked, so how could Qiye 'care for one thing and lose another'?

After touching the head to kill, Nanye asked Fujimaru Rika to contact Romani in Chaldea through the bracelet.

Qiye did not go to Chaldea this time, but let Romani replace him and compile Semiramis' spiritual foundation into the list of Chaldea's spiritual foundation.

"The compilation of the spiritual foundation has been completed, and it has been recorded in the list of spiritual foundations." Romani's words came out of Fujimaru Rika's bracelet, and Qiye said with a smile, "Thank you, after I screwed up my mother After that, he was willing to help me like this.”

"You're welcome, the sacrifice you made is obvious to all, and it's not very hard work just to enter the spiritual foundation into Chaldea. It can be done with just the touch of a finger." Romani said quickly.

"Well, and the spiritual foundation of the Babylonian queen, maybe she can also appear in Chaldea, and maybe help us Chaldea at some point." Da Vinci said.

Really...is this your truth?

Judging from Semiramis' actions all along, Her Majesty the empress who goes her own way will only help the king of Babylon...

After finishing this matter, Seven Nights did not disturb Fujimaru Rika and the others, and left the old tavern, returned to Uruk's palace, and continued to have dinner with Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

The dinner the three of them held lasted until the sun dissipated the night, that is, in the early morning.

When morning came, Rahmu, who had stopped to rest before, also began to continue their progress.

Not only were the Rahmu advancing, but the **** Tiamat, floating above the Chaos Tide, also began to advance toward Uruk.

The far-sighted magic circle in Uruk Palace is broadcasting the picture of God Tiamat. Through the broadcasted picture, you can clearly see God Tiamat who is slowly advancing.

With God Tiamat's slow advance, the tide of chaos under her toes began to set off a tide-like situation in front of her. These tides surged in and eroded the earth.

Gilgamesh, who was observing the picture, said, "Judging from the surging tide of Chaos, within three hours, they will arrive at Gilsu City, and then pour into our Uruk side, we must think about it. The way to resist it, otherwise it will not be able to deal with the next Rahmu."

The tide of chaos that is surging is obviously slower than Rahmu, why is Rahmu behind the tide of chaos?

This is because the Rahmu rested at night, but God Tiamat did not rest at night.

She has been slowly advancing towards Uruk, so the tide of chaos that came from her will reach Uruk one step ahead of the Rahmu.

However, this situation is bad news for others, but for Qiye, this is good news, very very good news.

Chapter 402 Chapter 89 The witch is about to bloom the fire of the red lotus

"Everyone, I have to tell you what happened next."

Romani's voice came from the bracelet worn by Fujimaru Rika, and he said solemnly, "In about three hours, the tide of chaos will arrive in Gilsu City, and in about eight hours, The tide of Chaos will reach Uruk."

"Then, depending on the speed of the Lakhmu group, they will reach Uruk about an hour after the arrival of the tide of Chaos, followed by... God Tiamat will also arrive at Uruk. "

"No way." Ishtar frowned, "In other words, after eleven hours, Uruk will be attacked by the Chaos Tide and the Rahmu Group, right?"

"That's right, this is what we Chaldea calculated based on the way we acted against the Chaos Tide and Rahmu last night."

That's a really bad result.

"Ai Lei, how is your gate to the underworld?" Qiye asked the communication stone in his hand.

"I've been instilling magic in a hurry. Even if Uruk has mentioned the existence of the magic circle of the gate to the underworld, it will take... two days to create a gate to the underworld enough to accommodate my mother, right?"

"It's so slow! What a useless goddess of the underworld. Chaos Tide and Rahmu arrived in Uruk after eleven hours. You need two more days?"

"Shut up the Venus goddess who is useless anywhere!"

Ai Lei's angry voice came from Qiye's communication stone, and then she said pitifully, "Qiye, and everyone, I am now holding the consciousness that I will not hesitate to destroy the road to the underworld, and I have to forcibly open a huge scale. The gate of the underworld, just this, I have already exhausted all my strength!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work. If it takes about two more days, we will find a way to win it. You can concentrate on opening the door to the underworld now." Qiye said softly.


"Humph!" x2

It was the slightly delighted response of the goddess of the underworld, and the cold snorts of the goddess Venus and Semiramis.

Semiramis restrained his pantothenic thoughts, and then said, "Eleven hours later, Uruk will be attacked by the tide of Chaos and Rahmu, so how do we delay time to the goddess of the underworld? Open the door to the underworld."

"The matter of procrastination, leave it to this king, Qiye and Enkidu. For the rest of you, you just need to keep your eyes open. It's enough." Gilgamesh said neatly.

"Eh~ Are you so confident? I might be able to help." Quetzal Coyatl said, "Tiamat has been moving slowly above the tide of chaos, and it seems that he can't run fast. , is it possible to move forward only by relying on the tide of chaos?"

"If that's the case, my Noble Phantasm may be able to evaporate the tide of chaos in that area, so that it can stop God Tiamat's advance and delay it for more time."

"If Miss Quetzal really has a way to evaporate the tide of chaos, it may be able to stop God Tiamat from moving forward, so as to buy more time." said Matthew, who was overjoyed.

"It's too early to be happy, Lord Sage, what do you think of this idea?" Ba Yuqian asked Qiye.

"Do I think..." Qiye pondered, "Mother's horns are the double horns that symbolize the earth. They are the same weight as the earth. She may really only be able to move forward under the surging tide of chaos."

Qiye had contact with God Tiamat, and he was probably the most aware of the existence of this goddess of creation.

The huge double horns extending from the azure blue hair of the **** Tiamat are the symbols of the whole Mesopotamia, so relying on her slender feet should not be able to support it. Such heavy horns.

If the tide of chaos near God Tiamat is evaporated, then it is very likely to stop her from continuing to advance towards Uruk.

As for why not attack the slender legs of God Tiamat?

Because God Tiamat is surrounded by countless Rahmu, it is easier to evaporate the Chaos Tide near her than to attack her legs.

"Then leave the task of stopping God Tiamat from moving forward. You are responsible for resisting the tide of Chaos and Rahmu that first reached Uruk." Quetzal Coyatl said firmly.

"But Feathered Serpent God." Qiye looked at Quetzal Coyatl, and he said seriously, "Are you planning to evaporate the tide of chaos under your mother's feet? That means you have to get close to her. It can be done.”

"Well, yes, that's right. I need to get closer to God Tiamat. The closer I get to her, the more tides of chaos my Noble Phantasm will evaporate, which will delay her progress."

Quetzal Coyatl looked at the Servants, and she said sternly, "This is an extremely dangerous mission, and I need you to help me, help me defeat the attacking Rahmu, and allow me to approach beside the **** Tiamat, and then use the Noble Phantasm to vaporize the tide of chaos under her feet."

"I'll go with Matthew." Fujimaru Rika said firmly, "I can provide magic for Miss Quetzal. Matthew is a shield soldier and is good at defense, so he will definitely be able to help you."

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