I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 257:

"Ah~ As expected of the child I liked." Quetzal Coyatel, with a bright smile, patted Fujimaru Tatsuka on the shoulder affectionately.

"I'll join too." Ba Yuqian looked at Quetzal Coyatel, "I'm Archer, and I can support you remotely."

"I'll join too. Although the level I ride can't control the pterosaur mount well, I'm pretty good at dancing." Rider Ushiwakamaru said with a smile.

"If Ushiwakamaru-sama wants to join this dangerous operation, then he must follow." Lancer Musashibo Benkei said in a deep voice.

"The more people there are, the easier it is to get close to God Tiamat, so count me as one. The sky is my home ground. In terms of flying speed and sniper cover, who can match me." Ishtar said confidently.

"If the battlefield is on the ground, and it's a defensive battle, I can come in handy..." Lancer Leonidas I said with a wry smile.

"Then, Mr. Leonidas, you stay with everyone and protect Uruk together." Fujimaru Tachika said with a smile.

"Well, it's a matter of share."

"But Qiye, do the three of you really have a way to resist the coming tide of chaos and a large group of Rahmu?" Ishtar, who frowned slightly, looked at Qiye and said, "Don't be rude."

The Rahmu group that is about to hit is not the number of hundreds at the time of Eridu. Based on the detection of Chaldea, Romani can roughly calculate how many Rahmu there are.

It's probably about 15,600 Rahmu...

So, with the walls and equipment of Seven Nights, Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and Uruk alone, can they really resist so many Rahmu?

"It's all at this time, and no one will show their power, so don't worry." Qi Ye, who smiled gently, showed a confident look.

"Now, let's hurry up and rest, recharge and prepare for the decisive battle in a few hours, the final battle with the Goddess of Creation."


The final decisive battle is finally coming. This is a battle that the gods have never faced before.

In the Mesopotamian creation mythology, the battle between the gods and the **** Tiamat was just to deal with the eleven 'sons of Tiamat' created by the **** Tiamat.

But now, what Nanaya and Fujimaru Rika are facing is the tide of chaos that drowns everything, and more than 100 million Rahmu, and... the goddess of creation, Tiama, who has been reduced to a 'beast' special.

Therefore, this decisive battle is not an exaggeration to call it the "Battle of Creation".

It is early morning now, and after eight hours, the tide of Chaos will reach Uruk, followed by the Lakhmu group three hours later.

Seven Nights, Gilgamesh, and Enkidu will be responsible for resisting the tide of Chaos and the Rahmu group, while Fujimaru Rika and the others, along with Quetzal Coyatl, charge towards the **** Tiamat from the right .

Quetzal Coyatl will use his Noble Phantasm, the Sun Stone, to evaporate the tide of Chaos at the feet of God Tiamat.

After the battle meeting was over, everyone started to turn around and leave the Uruk Palace.

The next action of Fujimaru Rika and the others is very dangerous. It is no longer the level of danger to rescue Elito. It is estimated that after this trip... I don't know how many Servants will be able to return smoothly.

At this moment, Qiye spoke up.

"After the battle plan is successful, please make sure to return to Uruk."

"That's right, after that, the king and the sages will listen to your victories on the throne. Presumably your victories will bring us unimaginable joy."

Everyone turned to look at Nanye who was smiling softly, and Gilgamesh who was grinning, cheering them up, they responded loudly, "Yes!"

Everyone who cheered up their spirits and held their consciousness left the Uruk Palace one after another, but some people did not leave.

That is the Servant Heizhen of Seven Nights, the arrogant and lovely lady of the Dragon Witch.

Qiye looked at Hei Zhen who stayed behind, and then asked, "Hei Zhen, are you okay?"

"Could it be that you were afraid, so you wanted to leave? It doesn't matter, you can't help much anyway."

"Huh? What are you talking about, this golden guy, who would be afraid." Heizhen glared at Gilgamesh, then at Qiye, and stopped talking.

"If you have anything, just say it directly. It's not like you to be so hesitant." Qiye said with a smile.

"I actually just wanted to ask Master if your magic power is enough, because I want to make a big deal with Fujimaru Rika and the others, but the things you are trying to accomplish seem to be more difficult than ours, so I am hesitant to follow you. Say this."

"That's it, don't worry."

Qiye smiled confidently at Heizhen, "If you plan to act with Fujimaru Rika and the others, at that time, I will have as much magic power as I want, so you can safely extract the magic power from my body."

"That's what you said, don't be overwhelmed by those disgusting Rahmu, and settle accounts with me when you die."

"Well, I said it, so you can follow Lixiang and the others and have a blast with all your firepower."

Hei Zhen looked at the smile on Qiye's display, she turned around and touched her slightly hot cheek.

"Well...Well, as far as Master is concerned, you are quite to my taste, so goodbye, Master."

Qiye looked at the shadow of Hei Zhen leaving in a hurry, and he whispered softly, "Goodbye... Really, it seems that Hei Zhen has already made up her mind."

What this arrogant Miss Heizhen wants to do, Qiye, the Master who summoned her, can probably guess... As an Avenger, she plans to use that Noble Phantasm.

The Dragon Witch of Calamity is about to transform into a saint who blooms with the fire of the red lotus...

Heizhen is a Servant who was summoned by Qiye, but the Noble Phantasm she possesses is not only 'Roar, my wrath', but also a second and a third Noble Phantasm.

The second Noble Phantasm is her mount, which is called 'Fafnir of the Evil Dragon'.

As for the name of the third Noble Phantasm, its name is... the Lady of the Red Lotus.

This is a special attack Noble Phantasm transformed from Joan of Arc's life.

If the conditions for release are met, the sword of Saint Catherine, which has never been used before, will be used as a catalyst to manifest the flames that burned itself in the past.

This is a conceptual Noble Phantasm that crystallizes one's own mental imagery.

After using it, because the destructive power is immeasurable, it is an ex-level power.

But after using the Noble Phantasm of the 'Red Lotus Saint', Heizhen will lose his life.

In other words, at the cost of one's own life, destroy all existence.

This Noble Phantasm did not originally belong to Heizhen, but Joan of Arc.

But she, who was summoned by Qiye, possessed this powerful Noble Phantasm that did not belong to her inconceivably.

Heizhen, who had left the Uruk Palace, suddenly stopped, she turned around and looked at Decade standing beside Semiramis, "Come here, little guy, old lady...cough, I have something to talk about. you say."

"Huh?" Deke Duo, with a puzzled face, walked towards Hei Zhen quickly, and then she was held by Hei Zhen's hand and left the Uruk Palace.

"Sister Heizhen, do you have anything to tell me?" Decade raised her head and asked.

"Also...it's nothing, it's just that you're going to Noah's Ark later, so I'll say goodbye to you, after all, the next decisive battle is the last one, and after the battle, I will leave this era, I don't know if there will be any chance to meet you in the future." Hei Zhen said quietly.

"What, just because of this."

What... what? !

Why is it because of this! How come you don't seem to care at all! But the old lady doesn't care!

Seemingly aware of Hei Zhen's resentment, Decade, who smiled brightly, hugged her round legs and said.

"Even if Sister Heizhen, like everyone else, has left this era that doesn't belong to you, but I have kept the time I spent with you firmly in my memory, so I will never forget you!"

Heizhen: Next is the time of the old lady! All spread out, my mother is going to explode!

Section 404 Chapter 90 Princess of Babylon, this king orders you

"Ha...haha~ Is that right, huh~ I don't even think you dare to forget me."

Heizhen, whose resentment dissipated in an instant, touched Deketo's black hair affectionately, she said firmly and slowly, "Don't worry, Renli is something that my mother needs to destroy, and my mother will not allow it to be destroyed by others."

"Even if it is the Goddess of Creation in Mesopotamia!"


This is the oath of Miss Dragon Witch.

Isn't she just the Goddess of Creation! The old lady is a witch who specializes in burning the gods! Burn her directly to charcoal for you to see!

Although... Although Heizhen is absolutely incapable of burning God Tiamat into black coals, but ah... her determination is great!

Yes, great!

After Heizhen and Decade left Uruk Palace, Qiye looked at Semiramis, and he said softly, "Little pigeon, you should go to Noah's Ark with Decade too."

Semiramis responded with a beautiful smile to her husband. She lightly opened her cherry lips and said, "Qiye, it's not like you didn't know that I even prepared the magic circle to summon Poison Dragon Basum, and you still want me to leave Uruk."

"I know that you are going to summon Bathum, one of the sons of Tiamat, but I still want to persuade you to leave Uruk, in case you choose to go to Noah's Ark." Qiye said with a wry smile.

Yes, Semiramis has the Crystal of Destiny, Poison, given to her by Seven Nights, and she can use this Crystal of Destiny to summon the Poison Dragon Basumum from the Sons of Tiamat.

A certain old man in the distant future said that magic is to be defeated by magic.

Therefore, the son of Tiamat, Rahmu, created by the **** Tiamat, must be defeated by the son of Tiamat.

If the tide of Chaos and Rahmu drowned and destroyed Uruk, this era would be over, so Seven Nights and Gilgamesh did not stop Semiramis from summoning the poisonous dragon Bathum.

If the poisonous dragon Basum is summoned, the area around Uruk will be turned into a poison field due to its poison...

However, in this era, it is better for one place to become a poison zone than to be burned by people.

As for whether Bathum, who was summoned by Semiramis, would go to the enemy... After all, he is the son of Tiamat, so he will obey Semiramis' orders and go against his mother!

Regarding this issue, even Semiramis is not sure.

Because she has never summoned Basum, who knows if it is sensible, whether it will obey orders, or go to the enemy!

However, Semiramis holds the Crystal of Destiny, Poison, and can disperse the summoned Bathum. If Bathum really goes to the enemy, she will directly disperse the son of Tiamat. .

At that time, there will be one more difficult enemy to deal with.

It is absolutely impossible for Semiramis to leave Uruk and take refuge in Noah's Ark like Decoduo. She has already made up her mind to live and die with Seven Nights.

Then... if Semiramis and Nanye really both sacrificed, what would Decade do?

Semiramis said it's okay, her daughter is strong, even if she is alone, she will live well.

"Now that Chaos Tide and Rahmu haven't come, I'll go home with Decade."

Qiye looked at Semiramis who stood up, and he also stood up, "I'll go home too, anyway, now I just have to wait for them to come."

Looking at the back of Qiye and Semiramis leaving together, Gilgamesh sneered, and he looked at Enkidu, "In the end, the only one who stays with this king is you. , Enkidu."

"No, I also want to say goodbye to Siduri and Shanhant. They have already arranged everything in Uruk, and they will also leave Uruk and go to Noah's Ark."

"What...what! Humph! This king is a little boring now, so I will give you Siduri with you. After all, that chief priest has helped this king a lot."

"It should be, Siduri, for Jill, you and Uruk, don't know how much hair has been lost because of busyness and worry."

"Tsk, you guy said that this king seems to be a troublemaker."

Gilgamesh, who was smacking his lips, and Enkidu, who was chuckling, also left Uruk Palace one after another.

Today's Uruk Palace is empty...

============The dividing line of the final battle==========

With the passage of time, God Tiamat, who was above the Chaos Tide, gradually approached Uruk. The one who arrived before her was the Chaos Tide that was as pitch-black as an abyss.

Wherever the tide of chaos went, it ignited the raging flames that brought everything back. Now if you look down at the whole of Mesopotamia, you can see that this land is in a sea of ​​fire.

At the moment when the tide of chaos and Rahmu were about to strike, there were very few people in Uruk Palace, only four people.

King of Babylon: Seven Nights.

Babylonian Empress Semiramis.

Gilgamesh, King of Uruk.

The Lock of the Sky: Enkidu.

Fujimaru Rika, Matthew, and the other Servants have left Uruk, and they squatted on the side of Uruk, waiting for Qiye to resist the tide of chaos and the Rahmu group.

After that, most of Rahmu's attention will be focused on Uruk, followed by Fujimaru Rika and the others will start to act!

Cover Quetzal Coyatl's approach to God Tiamat, and let her use her Noble Phantasm to evaporate all the tide of Chaos at God Tiamat's feet!

In this way, Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld, will gain precious time to open the door to the underworld!

This is Qiye's battle plan.

But the premise of this battle plan...

"The sage can resist the raging tide of chaos, and there are countless Lakhmu." Ba Yuqian, who was looking at the tide of chaos and the Lakhmu group in the distance, murmured worriedly.

That's right, the key to this plan is whether Qiye and the others can resist the surging tide of Chaos and the large number of Rahmu.

If Nanye and the others couldn't resist the two, then even if Fujimaru Rika and the others completed their mission, it would be meaningless to delay God Tiamat's pace.

Because the Chaos Tide and Rahmu will keep moving forward after destroying Uruk, heading towards the only remaining human beings on the beast front.

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