I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 260:

"Very good~ Then open your eyes and look at the goddess of Venus in Mesopotamia, how shining." Ishtar smashed the gem in her hand, and then she faced the air in front of her. The Rahmu group, who protects the **** Tiamat, stretched out his palm and took a pistol position.

Because Fujimaru Rika and the others are already very close to God Tiamat, the sky here is full of flying Lahmu, so they can no longer continue to approach in a low-key manner, and can only arrogantly blast a line to move on. Air access.

After blasting out a channel?

Of course, that is to rush in without hesitation with the awareness of sacrifice and death!

While covering up Quetzal Coyatl who was about to release the Noble Phantasm, he dealt with the flying Rahmu who attacked.

Romani, who is located in Chaldea, quickly reminded, "You have to be careful, I don't know if it's because of a day passed, or because they are close to the tide of chaos, they don't just grow wings, they even grow inside their bodies. My magic circuit is also strengthened, so fight carefully."

"Got it."

Ishtar, who crushed the gem, squinted slightly, and then turned on his fire!

Boom boom boom!

Tianzhou Maanna instantly launched three magic beams of amazing scale.

These three beams of magic power, with ferocious wind pressure and terrifying magic power fluctuations, directly crushed the Lakhmu group in the air ahead.

Ishtar's amazing magic beam directly tore the three roads leading to the **** Tiamat.

"Oh, as expected of the Venus goddess of Mesopotamia, although she is in a state of reliance, she does not live up to the name of a god."

Quetzal Coyatl, who is also the 'Goddess of Venus', showed a smile, Ishtar proudly fluttered his black hair, and said in a natural tone, "Of course, if it is my own body, I might even settle for my mother alone."


Ning, just save it, don't blow it...

"Okay, let's seize this opportunity to move forward!" The pterosaurs of Fujimaru Rika and Mash took the lead towards the space passage in the middle, while Quetzal Coyatl followed Fujimaru Rika. With Matthew's rear.

This is the battle plan they have discussed.

The shield soldier Matthew resisted Lahemu, the other Servants found an opportunity to deal with the attacking Lahemu, and Quetzal Coyatel wanted to save the magic power release Noble Phantasm, so she had to stay behind Matthew.

Following the actions of Fujimaru Rika, Matthew, and Quetzal Coyatel, the others also began to divide into two teams, passing through the space passages blasted out from both sides.

Suddenly being crushed by Ishtar's magic beam, the Lakhmu group reacted instantly, and they, which had evolved into 'Baal Lakhmu', flapped their wings and approached.

Kill all those who try to get close to their mother!

Just like those mad beasts who met humans before, Baal Lakhmu, who has wings, madly galloped towards Fujimaru Rika and the others.

Archer Ba Yuqian and Ishtar, who have long-range attacks, are full of firepower, and they have not saved the magic power in their bodies. There is no melee Servant with long-range attacks. They can only pull out their weapons and cut Baal Lakhmu who is approaching. kill.

But the number is too large to be cleaned up at all, and more and more Rahmu discovered the situation on this side, and they all began to gallop towards this side.

"It's human-like, human-like, human-like, human-like, human-like, human-like, human-like, human-like, human-like, human-like!

The Baal Lakhmu uttered maddening words, as expected of beings that can contaminate people's spirits, but their sharp and piercing voices are enough to make everyone's hearts feel restless. .


The courageous evil dragon Fafnir roared out, and he opened the ferocious dragon's mouth and began to spew out the gathered dark dragon breath.

The dragon breath with a strong aura of calamity drowned several Baal Lakhmu, burned them down and fell, the evil dragon Fafnir saw this, and his inner courage grew several times.

Deketo and Heizhen stood on the body of the evil dragon Fafnir, Deketo looked at the people who were fighting hard, and she said loudly to Heizhen, "Sister Heizhen, I'm leaving, in the sky I will leave. Can't use the power of the earth well."

"Are you crazy? It's the tide of chaos below." Hei Zhen grabbed Decade's little hand tightly to prevent the little guy from messing around.

ps: The bounty ends today, and Apple will send out the bounty data this afternoon or evening.

Then it's the norm.

On the twentieth, that is, at 7:30 tomorrow morning, the owed chapters will be sent out.

See you tomorrow!

Section 407 The Fifth Unlimited Bounty Ends ~Here is the data~

Add up to 24 chapters, multiplied by 2,000 words, it is 48,000 words.

For this unlimited reward, Apple owes you 48,000 words... Fortunately, it can be repaid in one go.

Forty-eight thousand divided by four thousand words is 12 chapters.

Then at 7:30 tomorrow morning, all the apples will be sent out in one go, then we will see you again~ (○`3′○)

Chapter 408 Chapter 93 Heizhen: Let my mother tell you, what is the consciousness of the evil party! 【one】

"Sister Heizhen, I'm not crazy. Although the tide of chaos has submerged the earth, there are rocks in front of me. As long as I land on the rocks, I can let the chains of the earth remove all the nearby Lakhmu." Deke Duo pointed to the front and said.

Although the tide of chaos has submerged the earth here, some higher peaks and rocks are still exposed, just like desert islands in the sea.

"Tsk, I see, let's go together." Hei Zhen smacked her lips, and then, wearing jet-black boots, she trampled on Fafnir, who was constantly spewing dragon breath.

"Faffner, let's go!"

"Fighting with others is not the style of us Avengers, we go to the rock ahead."


The evil dragon Fafnir responded to Heizhen with a roar, and he didn't know if it was because Heizhen's foot stepped on him just now, and there was a hint of pain in the roar.

In fact, Fafnir was not screaming in pain because of Heizhen's kick just now, but because Baal Rahmu had already climbed onto its huge body and gnawed at its body like a beast.

No way... The body of the evil dragon Fafnir is too large, and it is simply impossible to be as flexible as Quetzal Coyatel's pterosaur.

Heizhen also sensed something was wrong with Fafnir, she let go of the jade hand that was holding Deketo tightly, and then walked towards Baal Lakhmu who climbed onto Fafnir's body.

"It's so daring... A stupid dragon that only my mother can bully, you ugly **** dare to hurt it!" The angry dragon witch waved the pitch-black flag.

The black flames of calamity were sprinkled on the flag, and the madly laughing Baal Lakhmu did not take this little bit of black flames into his eyes. Following the tide of chaos, they had left their third-rate Servant positions and officially owned them. The power of a second-rate Servant.

What is there to fear about this kind of flame that goes out in one shot?

Arrogance has always been an unclear premise of death.

After the jet-black flames that spilled from the Heizhen flag touched Baal Lakhmu's body, the jet-black flames instantly soared, wrapping their pitch-black and twisted bodies and burning them inhumanely.

ji ji ji ji...

Baal Lakhmu, who was burned by the flames of Heizhen, made a strange sound, perhaps this sound was their scream.

"It's so noisy, let me get off the ground." Heizhen, who gave up a mouthful, kicked Baal Lahmu, who was screaming frantically.

Below is the tide of chaos.

I saw that after this Baal Lakhmu fell into the tide of chaos, the dark flames burning on it disappeared.

This situation made Heizhen wrinkle her delicate eyebrows. She knew best about the flames she used with the Noble Phantasm. It was the calamity flames that would not be extinguished unless the enemy was completely burnt out.

Unexpectedly, it was extinguished by the tide of chaos...

"Tsk, this thing is really the nemesis of us Servants." Heizhen smacked her cherry lips.

Fafnir, who was flying, landed on the rock above. Decade immediately stopped from Fafnir's huge body, and she shouted softly from the ground.


"Come out and pull down the Rahmu from the sky!"

The earthquake appeared from the ground where Deketo stepped on, and along with the huge magical reaction, the dark chain of the ground stretched out from the tide of chaos that permeated all around.

The tide of chaos can erode all things, but it cannot erode two things.

That is the earth and mud!

So even if the tide of chaos drowns the earth, Qiye and Deketo can still control the earth and turn it into a weapon for their father and daughter.

The clay figurines created by Qiye are the reason, they don't need to be afraid of the tide of chaos at all, they can directly rush into the tide of chaos and fight Rahmu.

Now the situation here is not good, because the number of Rahmu is too large and the intensity is too high, Ishtar and the others cannot continue to approach God Tiamat smoothly.

So Ba Yuqian, who had made up his mind, said loudly to the crowd, "I will continue to move forward, attracting most of Rahmu's attention, you all take the opportunity to move forward!"

As long as most of Rahmu's attention is attracted, the pressure will be reduced a lot, but on the other hand... the Servant who attracts Rahmu's attention will definitely be besieged and killed by Rahmu.

But so what? Whether it's Ba Yuqian or other Servants, they've already made up their minds to sacrifice here.

"Archer!" Rider Ushiwakamaru looked at Ba Yu who was actively accelerating, she fiercely pulled back the thin green that had pierced into Rahmu's body, and then said to Lancer Musashibo Benkei, "You cover Quetzal Keir. Archer, I fight with Archer."

"But Ushiwakamaru-sama, if you really go there, you will..."

"Ah, I know, but she alone can't accomplish the role of attracting firepower. I have to help her."

Niu Wakamaru stared at Ba Yuqian who was speeding away, she clenched Bo Lu tightly, and then shouted loudly, "The King of Zana Liuli Tan, the fourth scene..."

"Tannoura · Eight boats jump!"

This Noble Phantasm is the embodiment of Ushiwakamaru's eight-ship jump based on his performance in Tannoura.

No matter how unfavorable your footing is, as long as there is a spot where you can barely stand, you can move by jumping.

In addition, it is also possible to strengthen only the jumping power.

So Ushiwakamaru, who used this Noble Phantasm, jumped directly away from the pterosaur he was stepping on. He went up and down several times between Baal Lakhmu and finally jumped to the pterosaur where Ba Yu was in front of.


"Hey, hey, how can there be a mortal battle without a guy like me who likes to mess around." Ushiwakamaru showed a bright smile.

"Well, let's fight together, like the last flame, emitting the light that belongs to us."

"it is good!"

Matthew, who was holding the shield, glanced at Ba Yumae and Ushiwakamaru who had attracted most of the Rahmu away, she bit her lip, and said sadly, "Master, Miss Ushiwakamaru and Miss Ushiwakamaru. They drew most of the Rahmu away..."

"Mash, concentrate on resisting Rahmu in front of us. We can't live up to their awareness. We must complete the task of protecting Miss Quetzal." Tatsuka Fujimaru said, clenching his fists.

Mourning for the comrades who fought together, yes.

But not now, now is a decisive battle against time!

So Fujimaru Rika's inner sadness was suppressed by her steely will.

Romani in Chaldea looked nervously at the screen, and after seeing the reaction of hundreds of Rahmu, he reminded loudly, "Lixiang! Attention, there is a group of Rahmu approaching 300 meters away. , the number is ... more than two thousand."

Two thousand second-rate Servant-level Baal Lakhmu...

Currently, the only people who are covering for Quetzal Coyatl are Tatsuka Fujimaru and Matthew, the goddess of Venus Ishtar in the state of reliance, and Lancer Musashibo Benkei.

Just these few people, can they really resist the impending attack of the two thousand Baal Lahmu...

"..." Da Vinci gritted his teeth, "The little princess of Babylon and Avenger delayed Lakhmu in the rear, Rider Ushiwakamaru and Archer Bayu attracted most of Lakhmu away, but because of There's just too much Rahmu, there's no end to it."

"...Well." Romani pursed her lips tightly, under such desperate circumstances, they could only trust everyone who was fighting.

Heizhen pulled out the pitch-black flag that she had stabbed into Baal Lakhmu's body. She glanced at Fujimaru Rika and the others not far away, and immediately saw an astonishing number of Baal Lakhmu groups in front of them.

But as the pioneers, Fujimaru Rika and Ah Mashu didn't plan to dodge, because if they avoided the siege of Baal Lakhmu who would only come, they could only... they could only rush in! Break them!

After seeing the crisis that Fujimaru Rika and the others were about to face, Heizhen lowered his head and looked at his waist.

There is a sword hanging on Heizhen's slender waist. This sword is called "Saint Catherine's Sword", and it is a sword that she can draw using "Red Lotus".

And now, this Saint Catherine's Sword, which is housed in a black scabbard, is shining with a holy light.

This situation... It was the Sword of St. Catherine telling Heizhen that because of her awareness and determination, Heizhen could now use it.

If Heizhen, who appeared as Avenger, wants to use the Noble Phantasm of the 'Red Lotus', he must be approved by the Sword of Saint Catherine.

Because the flame that burst out from the Noble Phantasm of the 'Red Lotus Saint' is a flame for saving something.

Therefore, it cannot be used in the face of a 'simple strong enemy' or 'driven by feelings such as hatred'.

Unless you decide to sacrifice yourself in order to save mankind, this sword of Saint Catherine will only be allowed to be used...

When Heizhen held such a consciousness and a sense of mission, even if she came out of the Avenger class, she could be recognized by the Sword of Saint Catherine.


Miss Dragon Witch, who exudes disaster and ominous aura all over her body, is now holding the noble idea of ​​'saving the future of mankind' in her heart.

Heizhen looked away from the sword of Saint Catherine, which shone with holy brilliance, and looked at Decade, who was struggling to control the chains of the earth, "Little Duoduo, you have a golden ark, don't you, then you don't need Fafnazzi? is you."

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