I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 261:

Deketo, who resisted and killed Lahmu with the earth chain, looked at Heizhen, "Sister Heizhen, what do you want to say?"

"Mother, I'm going to say goodbye to you now." Hei Zhen patted Decade's head.

Decade looked at Hei Zhen with a soft and firm smile. She seemed to know what Hei Zhen said, so she bit her lips lightly.

"Sister Heizhen, we will meet again in the future."

"Hmph~ Of course, then be careful by yourself, I'm leaving!"


"Faffner, where are you, come back to my mother!"

Roar! ! ! ! !

The evil dragon Fafnir, who fought with Rahmu until it was dripping with blood, roared furiously. After smashing Rahmu, it returned to Heizhen's side. Then Heizhen jumped vigorously and jumped on the head of the evil dragon Fafnir.

"Faffner, let's go!"

"Let's go and let everyone, as well as those disgusting Rahmu, know the horror of us as a villain!" Heizhen's pretty face showed a beautiful and rebellious smile.

Now, the self-proclaimed villain, Heizhen, is radiating an unbelievably holy light...

Because Heizhen has already drawn out the Sword of Saint Catherine around her waist, she is about to begin the liberation of her third Noble Phantasm, the Lady of the Red Lotus, with her real name.

Facing the 2,000 Baal Lakhmu who were madly attacking in front of them, Tatsuka Fujimaru and Matthew firmly believed in their hearts and planned to use the shield of the round table to materialize, and then rushed in to break through them.

But at this time, a deafening roar came from behind.

With such a roaring sound, Fujimaru Rika and the others turned their heads and glanced behind, and they were shocked to find that the evil dragon Fafnir rushed over desperately.

"Ms. Kurozhen!?" Fujimaru Rika and the others looked at Kurozhen and Fafnir who had rushed to their side in amazement.

Heizhen, who was holding the Sword of St. Catherine, turned his head to look at them, and said proudly, "Leave the Lakhmu in front of you to my mother. No matter what is in front of you, feel free to rush in."

"Eh? It's not a few Lahemu, but more than 2,000 Lahemu... Miss Heizhen, your math doesn't seem to be very good."

The only person who would make such serious complaints at such a critical juncture was Matthew, a soft schoolgirl...

"Don't be long-winded! Whoever is not good at math, I'm not a village girl! Hmph, in short, if you believe me, then..."

Before Heizhen finished speaking, Fujimaru Rika said unswervingly, "Of course we trust you."

"..." Hei Zhen was slightly startled, and then she brushed away her slightly flushed pretty face, "Then... that's good, I'll take care of Lakhmu in front of you, you just rush, understand Yet."


"Very good." Heizhen, holding the Sword of Saint Catherine, trampled on the evil dragon Fafnir, "Fafnir, can you still fly!"


"Since you're not dead, then let the old lady fly faster."

"Hoo **** ho ho!"

The blood-drenched evil dragon Fafnir accelerated again and charged towards the more than 2,000 Baal Lakhmu ahead with Hei Zhen without hesitation.

In the back, Fujimaru Rika and Mash looked at the figure of Heizhen in front, and couldn't help biting their lips.

"Come on, she looks like a bad person, but she's actually a good person, Miss Heizhen."

Because of the fierce rush, the frantic air flow was blowing Hei Zhen's hair. She stared at the Lakhmu group in front of her and said slowly, "Fafnir, are you afraid?"

Fafner nodded, then shook his head again.

It was telling Heizhen that it was afraid, but with her master there, it would not be afraid.

Isn't it death, it's not that he hasn't died, so what are you afraid of!

The corners of Hei Zhen's lips were slightly upturned, and then she said with great satisfaction, "Good boy, I'll find you a male dragon in the future. No one wants your female dragon."

Um... the evil dragon Fafnir is... a female dragon.

Chapter 409 Chapter 94: Dragon Witch's Red Lotus Fire [2]

"Hmph, if it wasn't for the fact that the old lady had no other way, how could she be suffocated to use this Noble Phantasm that did not belong to the old lady." Heizhen glanced at the holy sword of Saint Catherine in his hand.

Then Hei Zhen took a deep breath, and then she closed her bright yellow eyes, opened her cherry lips, and began to sing.

The heavens are the glory of the Lord, and the sky is the great work of the hand of God.

Convey language by day, knowledge by night

Can't talk or speak, can't even hear a voice.

The warm light spreads all over the earth, extending to the very end of the world.

Climb up from the end of the sky, and circle all the way to the end of the sky.

Holding the sword of Saint Catherine, Heizhen closed her eyes, like a believer in the gods. As she chanted softly, her surroundings began to change.

is the flame.

The flames swayed around Hei Zhen.

But the flames that appeared this time were not the deep and unknown black flames that Heizhen had before.

Rather, it was a crimson and beautiful flame like a red lotus. It was as pure and clear as glass, allowing Fujimaru Tachika and the others to see the figure of Heizhen in the flame through the crimson flame.

Seemingly aware of what Heizhen was preparing, the Baal Lakhmu group began to speed up to approach her. They attacked like an overwhelming force, but Heizhen still closed her eyes and carried out the liberation ceremony of the 'Red Lotus Lady'.

My end is here, my destiny is here, my life is here.

My life is equal to nothing, like a shadow wandering around.

My bow cannot be relied upon, and my sword cannot save me.

With the only thing left, I wish to protect his footsteps...

...... Lord, this body will be at your disposal—

After despair, there will be hope of victory!

At the end of the ceremony, Heizhen opened her beautiful eyes. Her beautiful eyes, the color of red lotus, stared at the Lakhmu group that was attacking in front of her. Then, smiling resolutely, she cut it with the sword of Saint Catherine. own palm.

"Noble Phantasm... Liberation!"

"Red Lotus Holy Maiden!"

As Hei Zhen's words fell, the fire of the red lotus that permeated all around her instantly soared, directly covering the entire sky.

Tatsuka Fujimaru, who was still alive, and the others looked at the beautiful and astonishing scene in front of them in amazement. More than 2,000 Baal Lakhmu continued to crash into the blooming red lotus fire.

But they couldn't break through this flame, and they all burned out in this crimson flame.

"Master, what should we do now..."

Fujimaru Rika looked at the proud figure standing on the evil dragon Fafnir, she took a deep breath, and said firmly, "Rush in! Miss Heizhen told us this before, so... "

"Rush in!"

Rush into the fire of the red lotus that can burn even Baal Rahmu!

Hei Zhen, who was maintaining the 'Red Lotus Saint', glanced down, and Fujimaru Rika and the others were advancing from below her.

Seeing them crash into the crimson flames without hesitation, Hei Zhen smiled.

"These two guys are still as naive as they were back then. Even a villain like me can believe it, hum... But thank you for your trust."

"Sure enough, what the old lady wanted to leave was to leave happily like this... Master and Xiao Duoduo, all of you have to give the old lady a safe life..."

Qiye, who was on the side of Nabistin's Fang, paused slightly, and then he looked into the distance, where there was a blooming red lotus fire, which was gradually fading and dissipating.

"Heizhen... It's really nice to be able to summon you out of the way."

As the Master of Heizhen, Qiye could vaguely feel the situation of Heizhen in the distance, and the magical connection between him and Heizhen has been broken.

It means that Heizhen has left this era.

But ah, the Servant who has left this era is not just Heizhen.

Gilgamesh's Servants have all retired...

Ushiwakamaru, Musashibo Benkei, and Ba Yuzen, under the cover of Quetzal Coyatl, attracted most of Lachmu's attention, and were then besieged by the Baal Lachmu group.

In order not to let the most fall into the tide of chaos and be transformed into the 'child' of the **** Tiamat, they chose to die in battle.

Although there are many clay figurines in Qiye, in terms of strength, they are one step weaker than Lahemu, the **** of Tiamat, and Lahemu keeps coming.

Even Qiye and 12,000 clay figurines could not completely resist the large number of Rahmu.

So Lancer Leonidas I, who led the Uruk soldiers to resist the Rahmu who attacked Uruk, has also retired sadly because of the large number of Rahmu and the strong fighting power.

Because all the Servants have retired, Gilgamesh no longer needs to stay in the tower to provide magic power to the Servants in the distance.

But Gilgamesh still couldn't leave the tower, because he wanted to maintain the seal enchantment of the tower with the priests of Uruk to prevent Rahmu from destroying the tower.

The tower of Uruk is the symbol of the kingdom of Uruk. If it is destroyed by Rahmu, it means that Uruk has been captured.

Gilgamesh is the only one left in Uruk's palace.

As for Semiramis, who was still here before, she has already left. She stayed in Uruk, not to watch the play, she also has a mission.

Now Semiramis is in the spacious wheat field outside Uruk Kingdom. She stares at the magic circle set up in the wheat field, and beside the magic circle there is a hill-like pile of gems.

But these gems have all lost their brilliance and luster, and without their magic power, they have been reduced to worthless waste stones.

And the magic power of these gems, of course, was used by Semiramis in the magic circle in front of him.

As I said before, if you want to summon the poisonous dragon Bathum from the Sons of Tiamat, you have to pay a huge price, which is a price that several countries and cities cannot pay.

Semiramis stared at this magic circle, and then she stretched out her fair and delicate palm, the knife cut the wound on the palm, and the red blood began to drip.


After this magic circle got Semiramis' blood, it made a strange sound like a beating heart, and then a strange purple wind suddenly blew from the vicinity.

This is... the terrifying poisonous wind that ordinary people will be poisoned to death if they breathe it in.

If you don't believe it, just look at the surrounding wheat fields. The grains planted in the wheat fields have all withered because of this purple stench.

"This level of poisonous gas has emerged before it is summoned. If it is summoned, it is really incredible. I hope it can follow my instructions." Semiramis, who was slightly shocked in his heart, whispered. .

Semiramis is 'naturally' immune to poison, and the most intense poison is only to cause her discomfort, and it is completely unable to play the role of poisoning.

But now the poisonous wind emanating from the magic circle makes Semiramis feel uncomfortable... This means that the poison brought by Bathum is very strong.

Isn't Basum the stronger the better? In this way, more Rahmu can be poisoned.

This... It is true that the stronger the better, but Bathum is the son of Tiamat, and Semiramis doesn't know if it will defect.

If the powerful and highly poisonous Bathum turns traitor, Semiramis will waste so many gems to summon it.

It's a pity that Semiramis, who is a demigod, is not Decade. She lost the Garden of Babylon, and now she has this way to help her husband.

Even if Bathum might defect, Semiramis would summon it.

The magic circle in front of Semiramis burst out with a deep purple magic light, and then... a giant snake head with ferocious fangs drilled out from it.

It has two horns with bright colors on its snake head, and its pupils are turbid pale white. From the appearance, it is obviously a snake, but it does not have the vertical pupil unique to snakes.

Looking at the snake head protruding from the magic circle in front of him, Semiramis narrowed his beautiful golden eyes, "It's so big..."

Now Bathum didn't come out all, it just stuck out a head.

According to the record of 'Poison Dragon Basum' in the creation myth, its body is as slender as a snake's body, its head has two colorful horns, its body has two forelimbs with sharp claws, and it has the capital of the gods. Fearful poison.

And Basum is like a snake, with a total length of a thousand feet...

One zhang is equal to 3.3333333 meters, so you probably know how long a thousand zhang is.

Semiramis was observing Bathum's head sticking out of the magic circle, to be precise, she was observing its pale eyes.

"It seems that Bathum, who was summoned by me with the 'Crystal of Destiny · Poison'... has no mind? That would be great."

Very good?

Of course, that's great. If you don't have a mind, you'll be controlled by the summoner, Semiramis, like a familiar.

The sky suddenly darkened.

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