Hearing the system prompt coming from his ear, Ye Fei smiled at the corner of his mouth.

This XP grows very comfortably!

Ye Fei knew very well that this increase in experience points was due to Su Qingzhu. In the blink of an eye, 300 experience points were credited, and Ye Fei’s current experience points had reached 1900 points.

The growth of experience points is still secondary.

The key is the subtle change of Su Qingzhu.

Su Qingzhu’s feelings for Ye Fei gradually accumulated, and his attitude towards Ye Fei changed from initial indifference to gentleness today.

She looked up at Ye Fei, and the two eyes were intertwined, and Ye Fei could even see the slightest affection in her clear eyes.

In front of other men, she was still as cold as ice Su light bamboo, but in front of Ye Fei, the ice and snow melted and were no longer cold.

This kind of Su light bamboo is more feminine and more attractive than before.

Su Qingzhu’s dancing is getting better, and several dance moves in the song “Genie” show her long legs even more, which is very attractive.

Ye Fei was pleasing to the eye, admiring the beautiful scenery that only he could see.

Su Qingzhu was swept by Ye Fei’s line of sight, although his heart beat faster, but the dance movements did not stop, but it was not so standard.

Finally, the song was over.

After dancing, Su Qingzhu was obviously relieved, and then said, “I’ll go change clothes first.” “This uniform makes her dress very awkward.

Ye Fei grabbed her: “No hurry, it’s over so soon?” ”

The two looked at each other, and the redness of Su Qingzhu’s face spread little by little.

Su Qingzhu looked at Ye Fei and took the initiative to quickly touch Ye Fei’s face: “So… Okay? “This is the maximum of Su Qingzhu.

Ye Fei smiled, “That’s it? ”

With that, Ye Fei wrapped his arms around Su Qingzhu and closed the door of the room with his other hand.

Su Qingzhu seemed to feel something, and her cheeks were even more red.

And Ye Fei was a further action, Su Qingzhu’s body trembled, her long eyelashes fluttered slightly, showing the tension in her heart, she understood what Ye Fei was going to do.


Su Qingzhu did not have time to speak, and he was hugged by Ye Fei.

For a long time, Su Qingzhu only felt that he was going to be out of breath, and Ye Fei also saw Su Qingzhu’s eyes half closed, nervous and dazed.

Su Qingzhu vaguely knew Ye Fei’s purpose, she saw the man’s eyes, suppressed the shame in her heart, and whispered: “Ye Fei, I, I am inconvenient today…”


Ye Fei froze and saw Su Qingzhu’s hand clutching the sheet, her body trembled slightly, which was caused by nervousness.

Ye Fei understood in his heart, he also knew what Su Qingzhu meant by being convenient, it seemed that Su Qingzhu was coming to the moon, which was really not a coincidence.

It seems that his plan is only to be in vain, and he wants to hit the iron while it is hot…

Su Qingzhu whispered, “When I’m done… That’s it. ”

Ye Fei listened to his heart flutter, and then saw Su Qing’s face and bow his head, which was divided into a moving scene, and the corners of his mouth were even more aroused.

Su Qingzhu’s performance in front of him is really like a little woman in love, and her words are definitely the greatest courage.

Ye Fei held her small hand and didn’t say much.

Su Qingzhu came to the menstrual event, that is, a few days, he could still afford to wait.

Su Qingzhu buried his head in his shoulder, snuggled up to Ye Fei, and felt the warmth of this moment. Leaning on the man’s shoulder, Su Qingzhu did not have any discomfort in his heart, but was full of joy.

The two of them just got along quietly for a while.

Not long after, a sound came from downstairs of the villa.

Ye Fei and Su Qingzhu glanced at each other, and the two went downstairs together.

When I walked to the stairwell, I found that it was Su Xiaokun, the old man of Su, who had returned.

“Grandpa.” Su Qingzhu was busy greeting him, Su Xiaokun was not in good health, and today he was running around again for a morning, and Su Qingzhu was busy supporting him.

Who knew that Su Xiaokun waved his hand and refused Su Qingzhu’s support, he smiled: “I just received a call, the Lei family has stopped putting pressure on Su’s, and several of our Su’s drugs have entered the normal review and registration stage, and I believe that they will soon be listed in China…”

Su Xiaokun’s mood was obviously very good, his face was full of red light, and his spirit was also quite excited.

Su Xiaokun’s news was very well-informed, and Lei Yiming only got this thing done, and Su Xiaokun received a notice.

Seeing that his grandfather was full of joy, Su Qingzhu couldn’t help but whisper: “This is all Ye Fei’s credit, it is he…” Su Qingzhu simply said what happened in the morning.

Knowing the causes and consequences, Su Xiaokun was stunned, he had actually guessed a long time ago, and he heard Su Qingzhu say this before he suddenly realized.

It was really Ye Fei who did it!

In just one morning, he actually said that he had moved the Lei family?


Su Xiaokun sighed with emotion: “It is really a terrible afterlife, Xiaofei, you actually solved the pressure of the Lei family, it is really unexpected.” ”

Su Xiaokun was deeply shaken, and he had thought that even if Ye Fei had a way to solve the pressure of the Lei family, it would definitely take a lot of time and energy.

But now, just one morning, the matter is resolved satisfactorily?

Su Xiaokun couldn’t believe it, even if Ye Fei’s father Ye He personally came forward, or even used his connections, it was impossible to solve the Lei family’s pressure so easily!

But Ye Fei did it!

Ye Fei, the boy, can indeed only be described as unexpected.

Ye Fei smiled slightly: “When the Su matter is solved, I will be relieved.” ”

“Yeah, thanks to you this time, otherwise Su Clan would probably hurt his bones.” Now that it’s over, my old bone will be relieved. Su Xiaokun’s heart landed on the ground, which was particularly comfortable.

Su Xiaokun was relieved to see Ye Fei and Su Qingzhu standing together, these two people were particularly compatible.

With Ye Fei there, he could rest assured. Even if one day he is gone, his granddaughter will have something to rely on.

Su Xiaokun left Ye Fei to eat lunch and dine at the Su Family Villa, and the atmosphere during the banquet was also happy and harmonious.

After eating, Ye Fei did not stay in the Su family for long.

Because he had another important thing to do.

After this time, Luo Weiyu’s leg injury recovered very well, and she was basically healed, and she was discharged from the hospital today!

That’s right, Lovi Rain is going to be discharged from the hospital!

And Ye Fei was also ready to pick up Luo Weiyu, and he wanted to give Luo Weiyu a big surprise at the first time.


8 more ~~~~~~~~_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and score

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