A private hospital in Yandu.

This hospital is the property of the Ye family, and Ye Fei also let Luo Weiyu recuperate here.

Two o’clock in the afternoon.

Ye Fei drove Bentley to the hospital, parked upstairs, and went straight to the intensive care unit.

In the intensive care ward, Ye Fei saw Luo Weiyu.

Luo Weiyu wore a white skirt, a beige coat, a pair of pale canvas shoes on her feet, her legs straight, and she sat on the edge of the bed.

Luo Weiyu’s hair is black, her cheeks are moist and moving, her eyes are bright as stars, and her eyelashes are long and dense.

In the afternoon, the sunlight outside the hospital bed shone on her side face, making Luo Weiyu’s body stained with a faint glow.

Sure enough, it was a girl like sunshine.

When she saw Ye Fei, Luo Weiyu’s eyes flashed with excitement, the pear vortex on her mouth was shallow, and her smile was pure and sweet: “You are here.” ”

“Yeah, pick you up and get you out of the hospital.” The moment Ye Fei saw Luo Weiyu, the whole person became very relaxed.

With a girl like Luo Weiyu, there is indeed an indescribable comfort.

“Oh well.” Luo Weiyu got up, she was wearing a skirt, and walked over to Ye Fei.

Although her leg injury has basically healed, she is still unable to exercise vigorously and her walking pace is not fast.

Ye Fei looked at Luo Weiyu, during this time he came to acupuncture and medicine for Luo Weiyu almost every day, the scars on Luo Weiyu’s legs were treated by ice muscle jade bee water, and now her legs were as white as jade, and those long scars had disappeared and returned to their original state.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Weiyu dares to wear a skirt.

Since the car accident, Luo Weiyu has almost never worn a skirt and wears loose pants. And now she has become more confident, and the corners of her mouth are always smiling.

When she looked at Ye Fei’s eyes, she was even more clearly lustful.

“Then let’s go back to the flower shop first?” Luo Weiyu asked softly.

“Okay.” Ye Fei nodded, “Let’s go.” ”

“Wait.” Luo Weiyu blinked at the watery eyes, and she went to the window sill and picked up the pot of orchids that had been accompanying her, and wanted to take this pot of orchids with her.

Ye Fei smiled and went downstairs side by side with Luo Weiyu and let Luo Weiyu get into the car.

Luo Weiyu sat in the co-pilot, holding the pot of orchids, smiling sweetly.

Soon, Ye Fei drove to Yangzi Street.

It’s still the path of Yangzi Street.

There were not many people on the path, but Ye Fei’s Bentley was still eye-catching enough to become the focus of the street.

In the corner of Yangzi Street, Luo Weiyu noticed the flower shop, and then her eyes lit up slightly.

Luo Weiyu’s small flower shop was renovated, the outer wall and the small courtyard looked like it, the outer wall became a promising light blue, and the courtyard was made of a fence to make the courtyard look very different.

Luo Weiyu blinked, her heart was vivid, and said, “You have renovated…”

“Yeah, I told you that last time.” Ye Dao: “I asked people to modify the flower shop, it was designed by myself, how does it feel?” ”

Luo Weiyu’s eyebrows were bent, her smile was full of tenderness, and her dimples were shallow: “I like it.” Luo Weiyu looked left and right, carefully looking at every scene in the flower shop, it was a different kind of warmth, and even every detail had traces of Ye Fei’s participation in the design.

This made the girl’s gaze more and more gentle.

The flowers in the florist were also carefully watered, and the arrangement was still the same as when she was hospitalized, almost unchanged, and it was all so familiar.

Everything is fine in the flower shop, and Luo Weiyu is also at ease.

“Where are we going next?” Luo Weiyu carefully put the pot of orchids in place, and then looked at Ye Fei with a smile and asked.

The afternoon sun was warm and there was plenty of time, enough for Ye Fei and Luo Wei to rain elsewhere.

“Come to my house, I have a yard with a lot of flowers, just go and see it together.” Ye Fei smiled. He had actually mentioned this matter to Luo Weiyu a long time ago, and the two had agreed to go to see the orchids together.

Luo Weiyu’s heart was sweet, and Ye Fei still remembered the agreement between the two.

“Okay.” Luo Weiyu readily agreed.

Ye Fei then took Luo Weiyu to his private villa.

Although Ye Fei’s private villa was not as good as Bai Yu’s guy, it was simply a manor, but it was still luxurious.

Ye Fei’s private villa is located at the junction of the suburbs and the city, covering an area of thousands of square meters, with a large garden in front and back, with a private pool. As for the garden, not to mention, the garden is full of colorful plants and flowers, competing for beauty.

When Luo Weiyu saw this scene in front of her, she was suddenly a little shocked.

Although she knew that Ye Fei was wealthy, she could really see this villa and garden, and Luo Weiyu actually felt that Ye Fei’s identity was special.

When Luo Weiyu was shocked, Ye Fei took her weak and boneless little hand and took Luo Weiyu into the courtyard of the villa.

The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth hooked: “Don’t be nervous, I’ll take you to see the flowers first.” ”

“Okay.” Luo Weiyu felt Ye Fei’s thoughtfulness, and her heart was even warmer.

The two went hand in hand to the garden.

“Peony, lily, tulips, roses, orchids…” Luo Weiyu was like a few family treasures, and also saw her favorite orchids.

These orchids are basically cultivated in delicate pots, and various varieties of orchids are open, which is beautiful.

“Phalaenopsis orchid, Mo Lan…” Luo Weiyu was overjoyed to see the orchid, she blinked, half-crouched down, carefully admired the orchids in various postures, and lingered in it.

Ye Fei had at least dozens of varieties of orchids, which Ye Fei had asked his personal housekeeper Ji Yun to find.

Among them, there are many precious orchid varieties, and the price is simply unbelievable.

There was a period of ‘orchid fever’ in Xuanhuangguo, and the prices of many varieties of orchids were hyped very high.

For example, the rare varieties of ‘Suguan Heding’ and ‘Datang Fengyu’ once cost as high as millions. Although the price of orchids has returned to normal, this precious variety of orchids also needs to be in pots.

“This is the Suguan Heding…” Luo Weiyu’s eyes widened slightly, she was still the first time to see an orchid of this level, and she was surprised and happy.

This suede-crowned lotus orchid is verdant and oily, with clear meridians, pavilions like maidens, and pale yellow petals are fragrant.

Luo Weiyu’s favorite is orchids, and so many different varieties of orchids in Ye Fei’s garden just poke her heart.

Ye Fei saw that Luo Weiyu’s face was full of joy, and he couldn’t help but smile, in fact, the surprise that Ye Fei wanted to bring to Luo Weiyu had just begun.


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