Ye Fei went to find Luo Weiyu.

He hadn’t seen Lovi rain for a few days.

Yangtze Street.

In the far corner of that street, a flower shop is opening on Yangzi Street, and this flower shop is the flower shop that Luo Wei Yu opened.

The exterior of the flower shop had long been renovated, and Ye Fei stopped driving and then slowly got out of the car.

It was also at this moment that Ye Fei saw Luo Weiyu in the flower shop.

What surprised Ye Fei was that the business of the flower shop was really good, at least Ye Fei had seen several people buying flowers in the store.

Luo Weiyu was also busy at this time, she was doing things carefully with her head down, and a shallow smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and her smile was extremely sunny.

Luo Weiyu was always the girl who looked like the sun.

She was busy in the flower shop, not tired at all, with a clear smile on her face, a polite smile to everyone who came and went, and did not neglect anyone.

When Ye Fei saw Luo Weiyu, his heart immediately quieted down.

There is such a girl in the world, when you see her it is like seeing your first love, your heart is particularly quiet, and you are always in your quiet corner.

It was also a pleasure to watch Lovi rain busy in the florist.

Ye Fei watched from the side, but he saw that many young men in the flower shop were buying flowers, and none of them looked like they had come to buy flowers, but they were quite drunk.

Who made Lovi rain is so beautiful, and her sunny smile makes people feel very comfortable.

Who doesn’t like such a beautiful woman?

Therefore, many of the people who come to the flower shop are young men, and they just take a look at Luo Weiyu in the name of buying flowers.

Ye Fei estimated that these people were all regular customers.

And Luo Weiyu’s attitude towards these flower shop customers is also the same, although the smile is sunny and kind, but it is not intimate.

Ye Fei saw it, the corners of his mouth hooked, and he walked into the flower shop.

There was soft music in the flower shop, Ye Fei listened, it was a bit of a coincidence, the flower shop played Lu Lingjun’s previous famous song, called “Heart Language”.

The melody of this song is beautiful and quiet, and Ye Fei himself still likes it.

“Boss, I’ve come to buy flowers.” Ye Fei’s voice was magnetic, and he took the initiative to say to Luo Weiyu.

Hearing Ye Fei’s voice, Luo Weiyu, who was busy, raised her head, and her long autumn eyes were bright and looked at Ye Fei.

After seeing Ye Fei’s face, the color of surprise in her eyes spread.

“You are coming…” Luo Weiyu’s face was slightly red, the color of joy was clearly visible in her eyes, and although her smile was shallow, the pear vortex at the corner of her mouth was particularly moving.

It was beautiful.

For a while, several customers in the flower shop looked at Luo Weiyu stunned, they looked at Ye Fei, and then looked at Luo Weiyu, and each face showed a heartbroken and uncomfortable expression.

No way, Ye Fei was really handsome.

Those male stars on TV what small fresh meat and what fairy appearance, compared with Ye Fei, it is simply not worth mentioning!

Ye Fei not only had a clear appearance, but also had an extraordinary temperament. Although the temperament of this thing sounds very mysterious, but it is indeed real.

Ye Fei stepped forward and stood with Luo Weiyu, and the two looked like a pair of pearls.

Seeing the situation, these male customers in the flower shop were all wide-eyed and small-eyed, and Ye Fei even heard some people’s heartbreaking voices on the spot.

“Looks pretty busy today, are you tired?” Ye Fei stepped forward, and no one around him wiped the beads of sweat on Luo Weiyu’s forehead.

And Luo Weiyu had a sweet smile on her face, her smile was bent, and the smile on her face was extremely happy.

Luo Weiyu said sweetly: “I’m not tired, I’m quite relaxed these days, especially recently I was busy decorating the house, I have only been open for half a day.” ”

Ye Fei bought a commercial house for Luo Weiyu in the high-end community near his private villa, and Luo Weiyu is also busy with renovation recently.

It is precisely because of this that this time can be busy with the rain of Lovi. In Luo Weiyu’s heart, that house is her and Ye Fei’s ‘home’, so Luo Weiyu has very strict requirements for decoration, and she is personally supervising, and even the flower shop has only been open for half a day.

Although she was tired, thinking about her life with Ye Fei in the future, her heart became particularly warm.

Seeing Ye Fei and Luo Weiyu talking and laughing, if there is no one around, the customers in the store do not understand that Ye Fei and Luo Weiyu are lovers.

The male customers all sighed and ate the bowl of dog food silently.

“If it’s not open this morning, I’ll take you for a walk?” Ye Fei asked with a smile.

“Good, good, good.” Luo Weiyu readily agreed.

For Luo Weiyu, she didn’t spend much time with Ye Fei like this.

Therefore, after Luo Weiyu checked out the customers in the store, she temporarily closed the door of the flower shop.

These customers glimpsed Luo Weiyu on Ye Fei’s Mercedes-Benz Maybach, and one of the men couldn’t help but say: “Depend, what is this boy’s head, handsome and rich, and is there no humanity?!” ”


Ye Fei started this Mercedes-Benz Maybach and asked with a smile: “Wei Yu, where do you want to go?” ”

“As long as I’m with you, anywhere.” Luo Weiyu smiled softly, and those beautiful eyes seemed to be able to talk, blinking.

Luo Weiyu really didn’t want to go anywhere, her request was the simplest, as long as she could accompany Ye Fei’s side, it didn’t matter where she went, what mattered was who was around her.

Ye Fei stared at Luo Weiyu’s eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, “That line, let’s go shopping casually.” ”

“Okay, I want to eat cones.” Luo Weiyu looked at Ye Fei expectantly.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but laugh, this girl’s request was always so simple.

“Okay, no problem.”

Ye Fei took Luo Weiyu to the central city, casually found a bustling shopping mall, and then parked.

The two got out of the car, and Luo Weiyu only felt a cold wind blowing, it was the beginning of winter, and the weather was getting colder. Ye Fei immediately took out a blue and white scarf like a trick, put it on for Luo Weiyu, and tied a delicate knot.

Luo Weiyu’s heart warmed when she saw it, because the scarf that Ye Fei took out was the one that Luo Weiyu had woven by hand.

It turned out that Ye Fei had always worn the scarf she had worn.

Wearing a scarf, feeling the temperature of this, Luo Weiyu smiled sweetly, suddenly tiptoed up, and kissed Ye Fei.

Ye Fei only felt the soft touch on his face, a slight chill, and then a stronger smile.

Seeing Luo Weiyu’s feminine and lovely appearance at this moment, Ye Fei suddenly remembered a sentence: girlish feelings are always poetry.

Wearing this scarf, Luo Weiyu suddenly did not feel cold at all, her heart was warm, holding Ye Fei’s arm, and the two of them were casually wandering in the mall.

For a moment, Ye Fei even felt that there was a sweet smell spreading in the air.


2 more_

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