Ye Fei and Luo Weiyu were wandering around the mall, and in order to meet Luo Weiyu’s requirements, Ye Fei bought the sea salt flavored ice cream from the dessert station for Luo Weiyu.

Eating cold drinks in winter is actually a different kind of taste and enjoyment.

Luo Weiyu smiled sweetly and ate ice cream, the smile at the corner of her mouth spread the taste of happiness, leaning on Ye Fei’s side, the two figures were particularly harmonious.

The two of them walked around for a while, and Ye Fei bought a few clothes for Luo Weiyu by the way.

The clothes on Luo Weiyu’s body are very ordinary, they are all ordinary clothes worth no more than two hundred pieces, and Ye Fei can’t help but buy five or six clothes for Luo Weiyu, cheap and expensive.

Although Luo Weiyu was reluctant to spend Ye Fei’s money, she could not argue with Ye Fei, and Ye Fei pushed back with a word: What happened to me buying two clothes for my woman?

I’m a woman.

Hearing Ye Fei’s name, Luo Weiyu felt sweet in her heart.

Luo Weiyu’s heart was already tied to Ye Fei’s body, so she no longer refused, holding Ye Fei’s arm, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was as gentle as water.

The two of them walked around the street for a while, and Ye Fei suddenly received a text message.

Ye Fei looked at it, and the text message was sent by Black Five.

Ye Fei put Hei Wu in charge of monitoring Duan Qizheng and Chen Luo, and Hei Wu told Ye Fei that Duan Qizheng and Chen Luo were actually in a café near the mall.

Seeing the content of this text message, Ye Fei’s heart moved, it was really a little interesting, it was such a coincidence, Chen Luo and Duan Qizheng actually appeared near this mall.

“What’s wrong with you?” Luo Weiyu’s pure eyes looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “Chen Luo is nearby.” ”

Of course, Luo Weiyu also knew Chen Luo, but Chen Luo had harassed her at the beginning, and Luo Weiyu’s impression of Chen Luo was also very poor.

Luo Weiyu is a very gentle character, she is very gentle to anyone, can make her impression is very poor, can only show that she is resistant to Chen Luo.

“Did Chen Luo ever clash with you during this time…” Luo Weiyu didn’t know much about the contradiction between Ye Fei and Chen Luo, but she had seen some news.

The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth hooked, his voice was not loud, and he touched Luo Weiyu’s head: “Don’t worry, Chen Luo is not my opponent.” ”

Ye Fei was very confident in these words, he had reached the stage of closing the net at the end, even if Chen Luo counterattacked, Ye Fei had confidence and certainty to deal with it.

Luo Weiyu didn’t say much, just gently leaned her little head against Ye Fei, and her expression was always gentle.

Between the two of them, Ye Fei had already pulled Luo Weiyu and walked to the café.

Ye Fei had already seen Duan Qizheng and Chen Luo, and the two of them were sitting in the corner of the café.

At this moment, Chen Luo’s face was gloomy, and so was Duan Qizheng, both of them had calm faces, an obscure expression, and their faces were as black as the bottom of the pot.

The two of them were kicked out of the Qizheng Group tube. This battle for power was a complete defeat.

Especially Duan Qizheng, the Qizheng Group that he has worked hard for many years, has entered the hands of others. It is foreseeable that from now on, the Qizheng Group will have the surname Ye.

Ye Fei not only controlled a large amount of shares in Qizheng Group, but also had the support of the Ye family. Although the current reputation of Qizheng Group is not very good, but it is not a problem, the core assets of Qizheng Group are still there, Ye Fei can re-integrate it, and even Ye Group can take advantage of this in the pharmaceutical industry

Duan Qi’s heart was dripping blood.

At this time, Duan Qi was facing a calm face, he suddenly looked up slightly, suddenly found Ye Fei, suddenly his body was shocked, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he almost couldn’t help but stand up.

Seeing that Duan Qizheng’s mood fluctuated greatly, Chen Luo was also stunned, he had his back to Ye Fei. At this time, Chen Luo turned around violently and saw Ye Fei.

“Ye Fei.” Chen Luo spat out two words, and he looked at Ye Fei with a dark face.

Ye Fei and Luo Weiyu came together.

Chen Luo also saw Luo Weiyu beside Ye Fei at this time, and seeing Luo Weiyu’s gentle and lovely appearance made Chen Luo grit his teeth and cut his teeth.

In Chen Luo’s view, Luo Weiyu should have been his woman!

Damn Ye Fei!

“Vice President Chen, we are meeting again.” Ye Fei had a faint smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, and his voice was magnetic, but it made Chen Luo’s heart burst into flames.

Ye Fei shook his head, “Oh no, you shouldn’t be called Vice President Chen, you are not the vice president of Qizheng Group right away.” ”

Chen Luo was furious, if it weren’t for the fact that this café was full of people talking a lot, and he was injured and couldn’t do anything with Ye Fei, otherwise he really wanted to do it.

Chen Luo and Ye Fei had long been immortal.

Key Chen Luo didn’t know what was going on, as soon as he saw Ye Fei, he couldn’t control his emotions, and he even wanted to swallow Ye Fei alive.

Ye Fei glanced at Chen Luo and said, “Chen Luo, I didn’t come to find you today.” Speaking, Ye Fei turned to look at Duan Qizheng, and his attitude was very peaceful: “Mr. Duan, are you interested in talking alone?” ”

That’s right, Ye Fei came to find Duan Qizheng!

In fact, Ye Fei was planning to deliberately find Duan Qizheng to chat with in front of Chen Luo, creating the illusion that he was wooing Duan Qizheng and making Chen Luo misunderstand.

Although it is the most common counter-intermediate measure, if it is used properly, it can even cause a rift between Chen Luo and Duan Qizheng!

Ye Fei had enough means and methods to make Chen Luo suspect Duan Qizheng!

Duan Qi was looking at Ye Fei coldly, and he was very resistant to Ye Fei, sneering: “Ye Gongzi, there seems to be nothing to talk about between us.” ”

Ye Fei said, “That’s not necessarily true, doesn’t Mr. Duan want to talk to me about the Qizheng Group?” ”

Duan Qi’s heart was moving.

Qizheng Group is his painstaking effort, when he first founded Qizheng Group, Duan Qizheng did not know how much time and experience it spent, and now that Qizheng Group is about to change owners, Duan Qizheng is of course unwilling.

This is Duan Qizheng’s weakness.

Duan Qi stood up, looked directly at Ye Fei, and said in a deep voice, “Say what you want to say, say it.” ”

The fish are hooked!

The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth hooked, but Chen Luo on the side couldn’t help but mutter, he didn’t know what medicine Ye Fei was selling in this gourd.

Chen Luo looked at Duan Qi suspiciously as he chatted privately with Ye Fei, and his face was even more gloomy.

Chen Luo was a somewhat cautious person, and his personality was selfish and selfish, and his suspicions were very heavy. Ye Fei also took advantage of this, and the purpose of his private chat with Duan Qizheng alone was also like this.

He understands human nature better than Chen Luo, and he also takes advantage of the weakness of Chen Luo’s human nature!

Of course, Ye Fei did not expect Chen Luo and Duan Qizheng to break up, but in the end it planted a seed of doubt between the two.

Ye Fei had said that he would let Chen Luozhong rebel and leave.

Ye Fei has always been very responsible for what he has said. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and score

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