Ye Fei received another 200 experience points, which was from Luo Weiyu.

Lady Luo was dead set on Ye Fei and was extremely gentle in front of Ye Fei. Among the girls around Ye Fei, Luo Weiyu is the most gentle and lovely, and her personality is also quiet and gentle, and there is no dispute with the world.

It is precisely for this reason that Luo Weiyu likes orchids the most, and she likes the fragrant but elegant and indisputable quality of orchids the most.

Ye Fei also likes Luo Weiyu’s gentle and watery personality, and the time he spent with Luo Weiyu was also the most relaxed and comfortable time for Ye Fei.

Because in front of Miss Luo, Ye Fei did not need any cover-up, and both of them had a feeling of communication between hearts.

Ye Fei smelled the faint fragrance of Luo Weiyu’s body, and the two embraced each other tightly.

A few hours later.

Luo Weiyu leaned into Ye Fei’s arm, her hair was scattered and her sideburns were scattered.

Ye Fei gently stroked Luo Weiyu’s smooth hair, slowly opened his mouth, and whispered, “Tired?” ”

Luo Weiyu blushed and whispered, “There is a little.” ”

“Then go to bed obediently, and I’ll take you to the flower shop early tomorrow.” Ye Fei smiled lightly.


Luo Weiyu closed her agile eyes, her long black and thick eyelashes fluttered gently, her cheeks flushed like jelly, and her eyes were closed, which was particularly moving.

Ye Fei’s gaze was also fixed on this scene, and the corners of his mouth were full of smiles, and he could see this ‘beautiful view’ in full view.

Sleep until dawn.

When Ye Fei woke up the next day, Luo Weiyu was already busy in the kitchen.

Ye Fei took a look and found that Luo Weiyu was about to make breakfast, and the rich and moving aroma of breakfast made Ye Fei’s index finger move.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, Luo Weiyu is really a woman who meets who has a blessing, not only gentle and lovely, but also proficient in cooking, can cook, will be considerate and care for people…

“You go wash first, I’ll do it right away, go quickly!” Luo Weiyu urged Ye Fei to say a word.

Ye Fei smiled and went to wash up, and when he was done, the breakfast on the table was sumptuous.

There were fried eggs, sandwiches, little chaos, and two cups of hot milk.

What made Ye Fei smile the most was that Luo Weiyu also deliberately fried the eggs into a love shape, and there were really points cute.

Luo Weiyu’s craftsmanship is very good, although it is not as good as professional chefs, but it is also quite good.

Ye Fei also knew that at this time, the praise would be over, and praised Luo Weiyu’s breakfast, making Luo Weiyu smile and bend his eyes, holding his chin and watching Ye Fei devour it.

When Luo Weiyu finished eating, Ye Fei sent her to the flower shop.

After sending Luo Weiyu away, Ye Fei also called his cheap old father Ye He, and Ye Fei opened his mouth to ask Ye He to borrow several management elites, and he was ready to seconded these people to install into the Qizheng Group.

Although Ye Fei let Li Xiangyun be his one, he would not let Li Xiangyun dominate alone, and it was also necessary to seconded several management elites from Ye He.

Under Ye Fei’s arrangement, several senior executives of the Ye Group entered the Qizheng Group to stabilize the situation of the Qizheng Group for Ye Fei.

This matter was settled, and Ye Fei’s position as the Emperor of the Qizheng Group was even more stable.

In addition, Zhang Minle also came with good news, that is, the movie “I Am Not a Medicine God” has found a director, and the director of this film intends to use Xu Hao, a contracted director of Brilliant Entertainment, who is a cutting-edge director with two or three good famous works.

After getting the script of “I Am Not a Medicine God”, Xu Hao himself was also very excited, and he was simply full of praise for this script and gladly accepted Zhang Minle’s appointment.

“How much investment does this “I Am Not a Medicine God” cost?” Ye Fei asked lightly.

“About 50 million to 70 million, the cost is not high.” Zhang Minle probably estimated it.

Ye Fei said: “No problem, this money will arrive soon, for this movie I only have one request, do not use any acting skills to poor traffic stars, small fresh meat, otherwise I would rather withdraw investment than shoot.” The same is true for other films after our company. ”

At present, the entertainment industry traffic stars, small fresh meat is in the way, but these actors have fan traffic, but there is no positive impact, and even all kinds of cuts, poor acting skills, and even can’t even memorize the lines.

For this kind of actor, Ye Fei did not have any good feelings.

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Zhang Minle packed his tickets and said: “Ye Zong, you can rest assured, I promise that there will be no traffic stars and small fresh meat, this movie is a film with hope of winning awards, how can I smash our signboard?” ”

“That’s fine, it’s up to you.”

“Rest assured, Mr. Ye.”

Ye Fei was reluctant to take care of the company’s business affairs, and he was only responsible for the control of the general direction.

It is the so-called laborer who is on top, the laborer who is wise, and the laborer below.

Ye Fei only needed to put the right person in the right position.

Having finalized these things, Ye Fei was busy practicing boxing, and at the same time went to the hospital to visit Mu Zizhen, and by the way, he wiped the ice muscle jade bee water for Mu Zizhen.

Mu Zizhen’s injuries recovered quickly, and after a few days she was back to normal and ready to be discharged from the hospital.

A few days later.

Mu Zizhen was discharged from the hospital smoothly.

At the same time, the birthday feast of the Wei family’s old master Wei was imminent, and the whole Yan was particularly lively, especially the major giants in the upper circle of the Yan capital, all of whom were preparing for this.

Mu Zizhen also received an invitation from the Wei family.

Due to the general relationship between the Ye family and the Wei family, they did not receive an invitation, but Ye He himself prepared a gift to send it.

The same is true of the Bai family and the Yang family.

In front of such a top magnate as the Wei family, the Ye, Bai, and Yang families are still inferior, especially the three are business families, and there is not much intersection with the Wei family, so they are only ready to give gifts.

In fact, most of the Yan are of some kind of family, and they are not even qualified to give gifts.

The families that Yan Du received invitations from the Wei family were all more influential families in the political arena, not business families.

Since Mu Zizhen received the invitation, she went with Ye Fei.

The long-awaited Wei family’s birthday feast had finally begun.

The Wei family birthday banquet was held at noon, and the Wei family’s grandfather’s birthday was held in the Wei family manor.

When Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei arrived at the Wei family, Ye Fei saw this scene in front of them and sighed slightly.

This scene in front of you is really a feast for Yandu, and in addition to the business family, almost all the characters with heads and faces have gathered!


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