When Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen appeared in the Wei family compound, Ye Fei saw that the courtyard was already stuffed with various luxury cars.

What Mercedes-Benz, BMW this level of car is needless to say, Porsche, Land Rover, Bentley, Red Flag and even Rolls-Royce is the mainstream.

And these luxury cars are just that, the most terrible thing is that their license plates are more than one ox, and all kinds of special licenses are staggering.

The Bentley that Ye Fei drove today is not conspicuous in many luxury cars.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but sigh that the Wei family’s pomp was much greater than that of the Mu family.

This is also related to the style of the two families.

Although they are all top giants, the Wei family is far more high-profile than the Mu family.

Old Master Wei had three sons and a daughter, and now they are all in high positions and have great influence in Yandu. And Elder Wei himself needless to say, as a big guy in Yandu, his protégés and former officials are all over Yandu and even the whole country, and he is indeed a well-deserved big guy-level figure.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen stopped briefly at the door, and Mu Zizhen took the initiative to take Ye Fei’s arm.

Ye Fei only felt a warm jade touch on his arm, and Mu Zizhen held his hand, making Ye Fei’s heart move, and the gaze of Mu Zizhen was even softer.

Mu Zizhen’s move was undoubtedly to announce her relationship with Ye Fei in front of everyone, and she did not shy away from it.

Mu Zizhen is the pearl in the palm of the Mu family, and the status of identity naturally does not need to be said. It’s just that her personality has always been indifferent and not interested in the Yandu giants.

The reason why she came with Ye Fei to pay homage to Old Master Wei was only because she knew the hostile relationship between Ye Fei and Chen Luo, and that was all.

Mu Zizhen took Ye Fei’s hand, and the two prepared to enter the Wei family courtyard.

It was at this time that not far away, a Maserati Levante slowly stopped and stepped out of the car for two people.

Chen Luo and Lei Haoran!

Chen Luo and Lei Haoran wore suits and shoes, a very formal and solemn dress, and both came together with carefully selected gifts.

Ye Fei was not surprised to see Chen Luo and Lei Haoran together.

Chen Luo and Lei Haoran had already hooked up with each other, and the two had the same position.

The Lei family, as a famous merchant family in Yandu, had a good relationship with the Wei family, so Lei Haoran, as a core member of the three generations of the Lei family, took the initiative to ask Miao to celebrate Wei Lao’s birthday.

Ye Fei squinted, his gaze was on Chen Luo and Lei Haoran, and all three of them saw each other.

Chen Luo and Lei Haoran looked at Ye Fei slightly surprised, obviously they didn’t know that Ye Fei would come.

Immediately afterward, Chen Luo and Lei Haoran both saw Mu Zizhen’s hand holding Ye Fei, and the intimate posture of the two was obviously a couple.

Chen Luo’s eyes flashed with envy and jealousy.

And Lei Haoran was also full of surprise and surprise.


Chen Luo clenched his fists tightly, when he saw Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei once, people were still only relatively close friends, although they could see that the relationship between the two was good at that time, but it was not as good as a couple.

It must have been Ye Fei who won Chen Luo last time through the medical competition, and then near the water tower platform first got the moon, got along with Mu Zizhen day and night, and got her heart!

Chen Luo subconsciously thought so, and he hated Ye Fei even more in his heart.

Mu Zizhen is such a beautiful woman, and she is also the pearl in the palm of the Mu family, such a woman is what he dreams of, and it is more desirable for him than Luo Weiyu and Su Qingzhu.

It can be said that the two women that Chen Luo wants the most are Mu Zizhen and the other is Bai Ruoxi!

Mu Zizhen is the pearl of the Mu family, and Bai Ruoxi is the first white rich beauty of Yandu, and the two are not only absolutely beautiful, but also have extraordinary identities.

According to Chen Luo’s scoring standards for beautiful women, Mu Zizhen and Bai Ruoxi are both beautiful women with close to 10 points, which can be counted as 9.5 points!

Therefore, Chen Luo was extremely jealous of Ye Fei.

Not only Chen Luo, but also Lei Haoran.

Mu Zizhen’s big name, Lei Haoran is also like thunder, he has long known that the Mu family has such a superb beauty. However, because Mu Zizhen was often in the army, Lei Haoran had hardly seen Mu Zizhen.

Seeing it today made him even more amazed.

Ye Fei glanced at Chen Luo and Lei Haoran, then ignored them and said, “Zi Yuan, let’s go in.” ”

“Okay.” Mu Zizhen took Ye Fei’s arm, and the two entered the Wei family compound.

From beginning to end, except for the first few seconds of looking at Chen Luo and Lei Haoran, Mu Zizhen’s gaze did not stay on the two for a moment.

Chen Luo and Lei Haoran looked at each other, and they were both upset and felt very uncomfortable.

Lei Haoran even opened his mouth and snorted coldly, “She is the Mu family, such a proud woman.” Ye Fei also had some means, and even this kind of woman could conquer. ”

Lei Haoran’s tone was very sour.

Chen Luo said in a deep voice, “Brother Lei, let’s go in too, it is not appropriate to clash with Ye Fei today.” As long as we make friends with the Wei family, even if Ye Fei has the support of the Mu family, he is not afraid, not to mention that I still have the help of the Zheng family. I would like to see how long Ye Fei can be proud? ”

Chen Luo not only befriended the Wei family, but also had the help of the Zheng family, and these two top giants were the two families that owed his master Wu Shen Doctor’s affection.

“Okay, let’s go in.” Lei Haoran bowed his head.

The Wei family compound is very spacious, although this is the suburb of Yandu, but the Wei family compound occupies a bit of an amazing area.

This courtyard is much larger than the general courtyard, a bit like the style of Jiangnan garden, the decoration is simple and exquisite, much larger than the courtyard of Mu Lao.

In the courtyard lobby, there are mahogany eight immortal tables, about twenty or thirty tables, and many guests have already taken their seats.

Ye Fei saw many familiar figures, and sure enough, they were all figures with heads and faces, and any one person here was a big name in Yandu.

Among them, Ye Fei also met several people who were often on TV, and they were also sitting in the guest room at the moment.

Ye Fei glanced at it a few times, then withdrew his gaze.

The housekeeper and several juniors of the Wei family were greeting the guests, and such a rich family as the Wei family, of course, would not have any dog-eyed people’s eyes, and all the guests on the scene were arranged to sit down.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen also sat in the upper seat at the front.

As soon as Ye Fei and the two of them sat down, Ye Fei saw that on the other side of this mahogany Eight Immortals table, there was a woman with a beautiful body.

When Ye Fei and the woman looked at each other and saw her appearance, Ye Fei was slightly frightened.

Because the woman in front of her is simply breathtakingly beautiful, she is a perfect beauty who can be rated as a perfect score!

That’s right, out of 10!

Moreover, this woman made Ye Fei faintly have a sense of familiarity, which made his heart flutter.


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