As soon as Ning Yufei’s voice fell, Mu Zizhen also smiled brightly and said, “Sister Ning is the one who has long looked up to the great name.” ”

Ye Fei was dumbfounded, watching Mu Zizhen and Ning Yufei two beautiful people blowing each other commercially, it was also an interesting thing.

Ye Fei carefully looked at Mu Zizhen and Ning Yufei, although Ning Yufei was more feminine, just like a peach, but Mu Zizhen’s face was beautiful, and she did not lose Ning Yufei at all, adding a touch of agility.

If you really want to compare, Mu Zizhen is not to eat the coldness of human fireworks, and Ning Yufei is to interpret the beauty of women to the extreme, very feminine.

The two women, Chunlan Qiuju, each with their own strengths, both attract the eyes and eyes of the surroundings.

The friendship between these two women began with commercial mutual blowing, and to Ye Fei’s surprise, Mu Zizhen and Ning Yufei were still quite close.

But think about it, Mu Zizhen and Ning Yufei both belong to women with independent personalities, and the two of them can indeed talk.

Mu Zizhen and Ning Yufei did not avoid Ye Fei when they talked, and Ye Fei said a word from time to time, and communicated quite well with Ning Yufei.

Just as he was talking to Ning Yufei and Mu Zizhen, Ye Fei’s eyes were staggered around and he suddenly found a familiar figure.

Thunder a ring!

Lei family two less.

At this time, Lei Yiming was also wearing a formal suit, but he was sitting at another table, not far away from Ye Fei.

Ye Fei and Lei Yiming are cooperative relations, especially the truth revealed by Ye Fei to the death of Lei Yiming’s lover Li Xueqin, which makes Lei Yiming extremely grateful to Ye Fei.

Lei Yiming has a grudge against Lei Haoran, and his alliance with Ye Fei is a time bomb that Ye Fei buried in the Lei family.

Ye Fei knew that although Chen Luo was now restrained by him, this guy still united with the Lei family and other families, and still wanted to strike at Ye Fei.

But Ye Fei was not afraid at all.

He also planted a time bomb in Lei’s house, that is, Lei Yiming.

When Lei Yiming found out the truth about Li Xueqin’s death, at that time, Lei Haoran would not be able to take care of himself, the Lei family would be in civil strife, and there would be no time to support Chen Luo.

As for the other families around Chen Luo, Ye Fei also had the means and methods to deal with them.

Lei Yiming noticed Ye Fei at this time, in fact, Lei Yiming was always paying attention to Ye Fei, the two eyes were staggered, and Lei Yiming slightly bowed his head at Ye Fei.

Since Lei Haoran was not far away, the two should not communicate too much.

Ye Fei only made eye contact with Lei Yiming.

Not long after, Ye Fei’s mobile phone rang, and a text message came, which was the message sent by Lei Yiming.

The content of the news is also very simple: Huang Yufeng has been caught, I plan to attack Lei Haoran next week, Brother Ye please help me, brother I will have a big reward.

Seeing the content of the message, the corners of Ye Fei’s mouth hooked.

Very good, Huang Yufeng had been caught by Lei Yiming.

Huang Yufeng was the murderer of Xueqin, who had been instructed by Lei Haoran. Huang Yufeng had previously fled to the White Elephant Country, under the protection of Lei Haoran.

Now that Lei Yiming had taken a breath according to Ye Fei’s premise, he had caught Huang Yufeng, and he had obviously gained a great deal.

After Ye Fei received the message, he simply replied with three words: “No problem.” ”

Lei Yiming immediately showed a look of gratitude, Jue Fei was really interesting enough, and befriending Ye Fei was really the most correct decision he made!

After that, Ye Fei and Lei Yiming stopped sending messages, and the two pretended to be strangers.

At this time, Mu Zizhen proposed to go to the bathroom, and she left the table for a moment.

As soon as Mu Zizhen left, Ning Yufei’s gaze was focused on Ye Fei’s body, she smiled, her smile was like water, although it was only a shallow smile, but it was particularly attractive, she said: “Ye Gongzi, in fact, I am very interested in you.” ”

“Oh? Miss Ning is interested in me? Ye Fei shrugged his shoulders and had an indifferent expression.

Ning Yufei said softly, “I am indeed very interested in you, to tell the truth, I think I am one of the best in Yandu’s intelligence network.” Every magnate in Yandu, including those noble princes and princesses, I have very detailed information, and I know them very well, but only Ye Gongzi you are an exception. ”

Ning Yufei’s intelligence network is indeed very terrifying, and she is the well-deserved queen of Yandu and even the northern underground world.

In terms of intelligence networks, she is second to none in Yandu.

Ning Yufei has the largest security company in Yandu, and many of the security personnel of the Ye family, the Yang family and other giants are derived from Ning Yufei.

Because of this, she has close relations with the major giants of Yandu and knows many things that are not known.

This woman had a large net in her hand that encompassed the entire Yandu.

“How am I different?” Ye Fei said lightly.

Ning Yufei said softly, “Because Ye Gongzi you can’t see through, a few months ago, Ye Gongzi you were an ordinary rich second generation.” Since a few months ago, you have become proficient in medicine, martial arts, firearms, and even piano music and drag racing…”

Ye Fei’s heart moved, Ning Yufei’s intelligence network was really powerful, and he was investigated in great detail.

Ning Yufei whispered, “The closer I get to you, the more I feel your mystery, it’s like you’ve changed a person, completely reborn, it’s really hard to imagine.” ”

Ye Fei’s brow frowned slightly, he was not surprised that Ning Yufei had investigated him, anyway, Ning Yufei could not imagine that Ye Fei would actually have a system on his body.

“You were hiding it when I was before.” Ye Fei whispered, “Miss Ning, your intelligence network and strength are good, maybe we have a chance to cooperate in the future.” ”

Ning Yufei smiled lightly, and her eyes fluttered: “If Ye Gongzi wants to cooperate with me, I am looking forward to it.” ”

“Well, let’s talk about it when we have time.” Ye Feidao.

Ning Yufei’s intelligence network is strong, and it can come in handy many times, and it is not bad if she can cooperate with Ning Yufei.

The two exchanged contact information.

At this time, Mu Zizhen returned from the bathroom, and Ye Fei and Ning Yufei tacitly stopped talking.

At this time, the guests on the scene basically came.

The guests gathered and waited for only one thing, and that was the start of the birthday feast.

Soon, it’s almost time.

Just at this moment, there was already movement in the Wei family’s lobby.

I saw an old man with white hair, dressed in a festive red Tang costume and a pair of cloth shoes on his feet, and he slowly walked out with the support of a young man.

For a moment, there was a moment of silence all around.

Everyone knows that this is the appearance of today’s true master.

Old Master Wei!

Gangster level characters!


2 more, fever, body uncomfortable, today may only be two more sorry.

I take the medicine and sleep first, and I will definitely make up for it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Solemnly sorry.

Will definitely make up. _

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