A young man supported Elder Wei, who was full of silver hair but was full of energy, and Elder Wei was dressed in a Tang costume and walked out under the support of the youth.

This young man was not handsome in appearance, but his temperament was very gentle, he was the eldest grandson of the three generations of the Wei family, named Wei Dongqing, the leader of the three generations of the Wei family.

Under the support of Wei Dongqing, Elder Wei sat at the head, smiling in his eyes and nodding at the guests.

Elder Wei had been in the upper position for a long time, although he was smiling, but he also had a more mighty power, which made people’s hearts feel cold.

All the guests also got up, and they did not dare to make a mistake in front of this old birthday star.

Immediately afterward, the guests took turns to celebrate Elder Wei.

First the descendants and nephews of the Wei family, then some of the protégés and former officials who were close to the Wei family, and then Mu Zizhen, Ye Fei and others.

“Old man, Zi Gang has come to pay you a birthday greeting, my grandfather has a lot of inconvenience in his movements, his old man asked me to greet you, I wish you good fortune such as the East Sea, Shou Bi Nanshan, longevity, good health.”

Mu Zizhen took a step forward, she took Ye Fei’s hand and whispered to Elder Wei.

When Elder Wei saw Mu Zizhen, he smiled deeply, and he glanced at the hands held by Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei again, which was even more full of deep meaning: “In a blink of an eye, Zi Zhen has become a big girl, this is Ye Fei next to you, but unfortunately, my Wei family is not so blessed.” ”

Elder Wei sighed, of course, Elder Wei had also heard of Ye Fei.

Ye Fei listened to his heart move.

In fact, combined with the plot of the original book, Ye Fei also knew that Elder Wei had intended to match Mu Zizhen and Wei Dongqing, but neither Mu Zizhen nor Wei Dongqing had this intention, and the matter was shelved.

There is no dog blood plot of the second generation of rich officials competing for beautiful women, Mu Zizhen does not like Wei Dongqing, and Wei Dongqing’s reasons are more special.

Mu Zizhen smiled slightly, and his delicate chin lifted slightly: “Well, he is Ye Fei, my boyfriend.” Between words, Mu Zizhen’s hand holding Ye Fei was even tighter.

He’s my boyfriend!

On such a public occasion, Mu Zizhen took the initiative to say this sentence, which was enough to show her sincerity and determination to treat Ye Fei.

This is also a final statement for the relationship between Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei.

Suddenly, there was a slight commotion all around.

Chen Luo, Lei Haoran, Lei Yiming, and everyone else looked at Ye Fei with a rather complicated look.

These people were all envious of Ye Fei’s peach blossom luck.

How could Ye Fei He De get Mu Zizhen’s favor?

On such an occasion, the love affair between the two is public, which is to open up the relationship between Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei in front of the entire Yandu magnate!

Of course, Ye Fei also understood Mu Zizhen’s intentions.

Ye Fei held that soft and boneless little hand, and he also felt the envy or jealousy of the men around him, the corners of his mouth were raised, looking at the beautiful people around him, and his heart could not help but be warm.

Elder Wei bowed his head slightly, and his gaze stayed on Ye Fei for a moment, “Sure enough, it is the Golden Boy and Jade Girl, you young people are full of vigor and vitality, and you are very matched.” ”

At this level and level of Elder Wei, it would not be difficult for the juniors.

In Elder Wei’s eyes, Ye Fei was also a good junior.

Of course, Elder Wei was also aware of the contradiction between Chen Luo and Ye, although due to the favor of Wu Shen Doctor, Elder Wei’s position was more inclined to help Chen Luo, but this did not hinder Elder Wei’s appreciation of Ye.

After Ye Fei and Mu Zi gave birth to their birthdays, they sat back in their original positions.

At this moment, the eyes of the people around them looking at Ye Fei couldn’t help but change slightly, while Chen Luo was always clenching his fists in the corner.

After Mu Zizhen announced his love affair with Ye Fei, it meant that Ye Fei probably had one more Mu family behind him. This made it more difficult for the Ye Family, who was already a tree with deep roots, to deal with.

And the group of giants and even the second generation that Chen Luo has drawn together will also weigh and weigh to see if they can afford to provoke Ye Fei now.

These rich families are more shrewd than one, and they are all bullies and afraid of hard masters.

Soon, the guests’ birthday celebrations were over.

Serve at the table.

The mahogany Eight Immortals table is decorated with formatted dishes, not luxurious, and there are no various mountain and sea delicacies, but each dish is very exquisite.

After the table was served, Elder Wei stood up and raised a glass to drink with everyone.

A total of nearly 100 people at the scene also raised their glasses in unison and were preparing to drink and celebrate together.

Elder Wei took a sip of wine, a small glass of wine went down, and was about to speak, when a sudden change occurred.

Only to see that Elder Wei’s face suddenly turned pale, he covered his heart, only to feel that his eyes were black, and he fell down!

In an instant, all the guests saw the situation and all of them let out a series of exclamations.

At the same time, Ye Fei was not surprised, and secretly said in his heart: Here it comes!

Ye Fei was waiting for this moment.

In the original book, Elder Wei had an accident at the birthday banquet, he was sick and almost fainted, thanks to the attending doctor who followed Elder Wei, as well as Chen Luo’s two people to rescue him, he barely hung Elder Wei’s life, and then sent Elder Wei to the hospital.

It was precisely because of this that Chen Luo finally got on the Wei family’s car and became the guest of honor of the Wei family.

After this, Chen Luo was able to make the Wei family owe a favor and get the full support of the Wei family. When Chen Luo dealt with the Ye family, he also received the help of the Wei family.

And now…

Of course, Ye Fei would not let Chen Luo succeed!

Rob the protagonist of the opportunity to fall, seize the opportunity of the protagonist!

It was precisely because of this that Ye Fei had raised his medical skills to the master level.

With his master-level medical skills, coupled with the help of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, Ye Fei’s medical attainments at this moment were even greater than Chen Luo’s!

Ye Fei upgraded his skills for this moment.

Elder Wei’s face was pale, and Ye Fei even saw that his eyes were slightly closed, the beads of sweat of the beans were gargling down, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and he even had a feeling of fainting.

Such a situation is obviously very dangerous.

Seeing the situation, Wei Dongqing also hurriedly shouted, “Quick, go and ask Dr. Xie!” ”

“Yes, Wei Shao!” A butler-like man immediately ran out and went to ask Dr. Xie to go.

Elder Wei was old and had a private doctor at home, a Yandu doctor surnamed Xie.

“Why don’t you let me see it, Elder Wei’s condition can’t be delayed.” Chen Luo suddenly got up from his seat at this moment, and he also realized that this was a perfect opportunity!

If he could save Elder Wei, wouldn’t he be able to make the entire Wei family owe him a big favor?

Thinking of this, Chen Luo was immediately excited, and he behaved very positively.

Seeing Chen Luo get up and appear, Wei Dongqing seemed to have grasped the straw to save his life, and everyone in the Wei family also nodded their heads.

Chen Luo was a disciple of Wu Shen Doctor, and everyone could see it.

There is Chen Luo out of the horse, that is of course the best!


Seek Auto ~~~~~_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and score

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