As soon as Chen Luo came out of the horse, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone.

In particular, Wei Dongqing and a group of Wei family disciples seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw and looked at Chen Luo one after another.

Chen Luo was a disciple of Wu Shen Doctor, and they all knew it.

With this former Yandu First Divine Doctor disciple here, why was Elder Wei’s condition worried?

Wei Dongqing immediately bowed to Chen Luo, “Brother Chen, please, please save my grandfather!” ”

“Well, things are urgent, I’ll save people first!” Chen Luo calmly accepted Wei Dongqing’s bow, and the pride in his eyes flashed away.

Let your status be noble, let your reputation be famous, so what?

At such a life-and-death moment, is it not necessary to obediently bow your head and listen to my orders?

Chen Luo’s heart flashed triumphantly, and at the same time he said quickly: “Trouble help me prepare hot water and towels, and then lift Elder Wei up and lie flat.” ”

Chen Luo commanded left and right, gathered the pride in his heart, and his face became serious.

Hearing Chen Luo say this, Wei Dongqing also hurriedly asked several servants to come to help and lay Wei Lao’s body flat.

The guests in the lobby did not expect such a thing to happen, and they were slightly flustered for a while, looking at Elder Wei nervously one by one.

Mu Zizhen and Ning Yufei also looked at the direction of Old Master Wei with concern.

Old Master Wei was the towering tree of the Wei Family, and if he fell, it would be an irreparable loss to the entire Wei Family.

Mu Zizhen’s eyes flashed, and she looked at Ye Fei and said, “Do you want to go and see it too?” With your medical skills…”

Ye Fei’s medical skills are outstanding, and Mu Zizhen has also experienced it firsthand.

If Ye Fei could use his medical skills to save Elder Wei, then the Wei family must be extremely grateful to Ye Fei.

For this reason, Mu Zizhen also hoped that Ye Fei would take the shot.

When Ye Fei heard this, he smiled slightly and said, “Don’t worry, let Chen Luo try it first.” ”

It was not difficult to save Elder Wei with Ye Fei’s current level of medical skill, but the question was, how did the Wei family choose in front of him and Chen Luo?

Do you believe in Chen Luo, who is a disciple of Wu Shen Doctor, or do you believe in Ye Fei, who is a top rich second generation?

The answer doesn’t seem to need to be said much.

Chen Luo has the golden sign of Wu Shen Doctor, coupled with the delicate relationship between him and the Wei family, anyone will believe him.

Therefore, Ye Fei was not in any hurry, and he asked Chen Luo to help Old Master Wei treat first.

Old Master Wei’s condition this time is very complicated, even in the original book, Chen Luo only helped Old Master Wei to delay the condition first, and then sent to the hospital.

That is to say, Chen Luo could not completely treat Old Master Wei well!

Soon, the housekeeper and servant who only saw the Wei family lifted Elder Wei up according to Chen Luo’s practice, and then laid Elder Wei’s body flat.

At the same time, Chen Luo quickly took out the silver needle of acupuncture and used the silver needle to quickly stab several acupuncture points of Elder Wei, and then squeezed or pressed hard, squeezed and pressed several points of Elder Wei.

Seeing Chen Luo’s skillful movements, Ye Fei couldn’t help but secretly do so. In terms of medical skills, Chen Luo was taught by Wu Shen Doctor, and his basic skills were very solid, and he was definitely a generation of famous doctors in Yandu City.

Chen Luo skillfully inserted needles for Elder Wei, and then used various massage acupuncture points to keep Elder Wei awake.

Chen Luo frowned slightly, he did what he wanted to do to save Elder Wei. But the more he rescued, the worse Chen Luo felt, the worse the situation became.

Elder Wei’s breathing and pulse became weaker and weaker, and his face became pale, and even a layer of green qi floated on his face.

Seeing the situation, not to mention Chen Luo, even the other guests felt a pang of unhappiness at this time, and their faces looked at each other, all of them were a little shocked.

The Wei family was even more panicked.

Old Master Wei has three sons and a daughter, all of whom are present today, and the eldest of Wei’s parents, named Wei Xinhe, his eyebrows are locked, although he is not flustered, but looking at Old Master Wei is also worried.

The other Wei family members were even more six gods and no masters, and they were all dazed.

Today should have been a birthday feast, a big day, how could such a change and situation occur?

Wei Dongqing, as the leader of the three generations of the Wei family, he was also the son of Wei Xinhe, Wei Dongqing stood by his father’s side, and his heart was already anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but there was nothing he could do.

“Dr. Xie is here!”

Just then, the crowd shouted from an unknown person.

Dr. Xie arrived.

Dr. Xie is a famous doctor in Yandu and a personal doctor of Old Master Wei, and is very famous in Yandu.

Wei Dongqing was overjoyed and hurriedly said, “Dr. Xie, please, Grandpa, he suddenly had a pain in his heart just now, fainted in the past, and is still unconscious…”

Dr. Xie arrived quickly, and it was only a matter of minutes before he arrived.

In fact, Dr. Xie was in the Wei family’s courtyard, and he was always on call to prevent such incidents from happening.

Dr. Xie didn’t have time to say much, he nodded his head repeatedly, and then he took out the emergency medical kit, took out the medicine and other items, and prepared to help Old Master Wei with first aid.

Chen Luo saw the situation and was slightly stunned, but he did not say anything more, but he was very sorry in his heart.

If you really save Old Master Wei in a moment, you will definitely have to share the credit with this doctor Xie.

But things are urgent, and that’s all there is to it.

Seeing that Dr. Xie had come, Ye Fei’s heart moved slightly, because Dr. Xie was also an old acquaintance.

The last time Ye Fei consulted Elder Mu, Mu Zizhen found several famous doctors in Yandu, including this doctor Xie!

After consulting and treating Elder Mu, Huang Zhonglang, Dr. Xie and others also pulled Ye Fei and specially asked Ye Fei about the use of ‘Otogi God Needle’, and they highly respected Ye Fei’s medical skills.

It turned out to be an old acquaintance, so it would be easy to handle.

Dr. Xie did not pay attention to Ye Fei, he was thinking of saving Old Master Wei at the moment, and immediately carried out rapid rescue and cardiopulmonary resuscitation for Old Master Wei.

Chen Luo also used acupuncture to assist from the side to stabilize Old Master Wei’s condition.

However, despite this, the situation of Old Master Wei was still not optimistic.

“Mr. Wei, I have taken emergency measures, but at the moment the conditions and equipment are too simple, we still have to send Old Master Wei to Xiehe Hospital.” Dr. Xie said repeatedly.

Old Master Wei fainted, and now the head of the Wei family was Wei Dongqing’s father, Wei Xinhe.

Compared with the others, Wei Xinhe looked calm and said, “Doctor Xie, you can rest assured that the ambulance is already being prepared.” ”

“Okay.” Dr. Xie was slightly relieved that there were many first-aid equipment available in the ambulance, and he was more confident in treating them.

At this time, Ye Fei finally spoke.

Ye Fei took a step forward, his voice was not loud, but it was very clear.

Ye Fei said, “Dr. Xie, why don’t you let me try?” ”

“You? Ye Fei, this is not a child’s play, this is first aid! Human life is at stake, don’t think that you can prescribe a prescription to cure the disease and save people! When Chen Luo saw that it was Ye Fei who was speaking, his expression changed slightly, and he immediately shook Ye Fei!

Chen Luo was afraid that Ye Fei had robbed him of his own credit, and he was even more afraid that Ye Fei would make a big splash!

When Dr. Xie saw Ye Fei, he was first frightened, and then he was surprised: “It turned out to be Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye, you are also here!” That’s great! “_

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