Compared with Chen Luo’s hostility, Dr. Xie was surprised when he saw Ye Fei, and his attitude towards Ye Fei was also very good, even more respectful.

Seeing the situation, Wei Xinhe, Wei Dongqing and other Wei family members were all slightly embarrassed, and they all looked at Ye Fei in unison.

Chen Luo and Dr. Xie were both famous doctors, and the Wei family was well aware of them.

But the difference in the attitude of these two people towards Ye Fei was so great that it was puzzling.

Wei Dongqing’s brow frowned slightly, he knew that Chen Luo’s relationship with Ye Fei was very stiff, Chen Luo had vaguely mentioned this matter to him, Chen Luo wanted to make friends with Wei Dongqing, and let Wei Dongqing help him deal with Ye Fei.

Ye Fei first bowed his head slightly at Dr. Xie, then looked at Chen Luo and said lightly, “Chen Luo, people’s lives are at stake, I am too lazy to argue with you, first wait for me to treat Elder Wei before talking.” ”

Chen Luo sneered and said coldly, “Ye Fei, Elder Wei is now going to be sent to the hospital for treatment, have you delayed at least?” Human life is closed, you didn’t appear just now, but now it’s time to pretend to be a good person, you come less to this set! ”

Chen’s words are sharp.

The meaning of his words could not be more obvious, that is, to accuse Ye Fei of not taking care of Elder Wei at a critical moment just now, and now he has come forward!

Chen Luo this guy had a deep thought, and immediately seized on this point to attack Ye Fei.

Sure enough, hearing Chen Luo’s words, everyone in the Wei family frowned slightly.

Ye Fei was not moved, but said lightly: “Just now I saw that you took the first hand to rescue and treat, I thought that Mr. Chen, you are a disciple of Wu Shen Doctor, and you will be able to rejuvenate with a clever hand, so I will not be in the limelight, so as not to have many hands.” Who ever thought that Mr. Chen could not save Elder Wei, and that people’s lives were at stake, and I could only help you. ”

Ye Fei confronted Chen Luo with these words, and immediately turned back!

This statement is also reasonable, and at the same time, it is also a fierce depreciation!

Aren’t you a disciple of Dr. Wu?

Even Elder Wei’s condition could not be cured, it was simply insulting to the prestige of Wu Shen Doctor!

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Chen Luo’s face darkened, he had great respect for his master Wu Shen Doctor, Ye Fei’s words were simply a suspicion of insulting Wu Shen Doctor, and the anger in Chen Luo’s heart suddenly burned.

Before Ye Fei could speak, he had already walked forward quickly, walked over to Elder Wei, half-crouched down, and reached out to probe Elder Wei’s pulse.

Elder Wei’s pulse was extremely weak, it was almost difficult to feel without careful probing, his body’s breath was also very disordered, and his body had been sweating coldly, and he himself was even more fainting and unconscious.

The situation is extremely dangerous!

When Chen Luo saw Ye Fei directly get started, he sneered and turned to Wei Xinhe: “Uncle Wei, I think it is better to send Elder Wei to the hospital quickly, the situation is urgent, and you can’t delay in the quack doctor.” ”

Chen Luo and Ye Fei tore their faces and directly uttered the words ‘quack doctor’.

Wei Xinhe was a little moved, after all, it was more reliable than the shallow Ye Fei, or the hospital.

At this time, Dr. Xie also spoke.

Dr. Xie looked at Wei Xinhe and said sincerely: “Sheng, this Mr. Ye’s medical skills I can vouch for, his medical skills are absolutely above me, and his acupuncture skills are even more divine!” Besides, the ambulance still needs a little time to prepare, so it is better to let Mr. Ye try it. ”

Dr. Xie’s name was Xie Shiyuan, and he offered to speak for him.

After the diagnosis and treatment of the old man before, Ye Fei had specially shown the ‘Otomu God Needle’ to Dr. Xie, Huang Zhonglang and several other famous doctors, which made Dr. Xie and others praise it.

Ye Fei had a good relationship with Dr. Xie at that time, and today Dr. Xie also took the initiative to speak for him.

Hearing Dr. Xie say this, Wei Xinhe immediately decided: “Well, then please Mr. Ye.” ”

Dr. Xie really made sense, and with Dr. Xie’s guarantee, he chose to believe Dr. Xie.

After all, Dr. Xie has been Wei Lao’s personal doctor for many years, and he is also the vice president of Yandu Famous Hospital, and his words are still very trustworthy.

Ye Fei bowed his head slightly, he could not care less about greeting Wei Xinhe at this time, but was doing his best to rescue Wei Lao.

Time is racing against the clock.

Ye Fei had just learned what kind of illness Elder Wei was suffering from by taking the pulse for Elder Wei and deducing from Elder Wei’s condition.


This condition is very serious, easily complicated by arrhythmias, shock, or heart failure, and can often be life-threatening.

Ye Fei did not hesitate and quickly began to rescue and treatment, only to see Ye Fei quickly start cardiopulmonary resuscitation!

Previously, Dr. Xie had performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Elder Wei, but the effect was not obvious. Ye Fei’s CPR technique is quite professional, but after he performs several CPRs, the effect is also not good.

Elder Wei’s situation at this time was extremely dangerous.

Ye Fei thought about it, and he immediately pulled out several acupuncture points where Chen Luo had prick the needle before.

Seeing this, Chen Luo said coldly, “Ye Fei, what do you mean by pulling out my acupuncture points?” I am using a silver needle to prick the acupuncture point, to help Wei Lao lift his mind and stimulate blood circulation, what do you want to do? ”

Ye Fei glanced at Chen Luo and said concisely: “The acupuncture points of your needles are not working, I will re-acupuncture.” ”

“You…” Chen Luo snorted coldly.

At the same time, Chen Luo sneered in his heart.

He wanted to see what Ye Fei was really trying to do.

If Ye Fei’s treatment mistakes led to serious consequences, it would be even better.

At that time, he only needed to provoke a little, and the entire Wei family would be enemies of Ye Fei!

The wishful thinking in Chen Luo’s heart snapped, and he felt that Ye Fei was finished this time.

Ye Fei didn’t know that Chen Luo was thinking about these things, Ye Fei had no distractions, and he did his best to save Elder Wei!

Ye Fei was racing time with the God of Death!

Once the breathing and heartbeat of the person stops, they will fall into a coma after 30 seconds, and the brain cells will die after 6 minutes.

Therefore, Wei Lao’s golden rescue time is within 4-6 minutes. This is also said in medicine as the golden four minutes.

Just now, Dr. Xie and Chen Luo were very fast in rescuing, but it also took up a few minutes, so Ye Fei must be fast, the faster the better!

Ye Fei pulled out the Chen Luo silver needle, then quickly disinfected it with the silver needle he carried with him, and then stabbed into the acupuncture point of Wei Lao’s body!

After Ye Fei upgraded his master-level skills, his acupuncture technique was even more special, and the acupuncture method used by Ye Fei also came from the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, not the Yimu Divine Needle, but another long-lost acupuncture technique.

Only to see Ye Fei quickly apply the needle, fast, accurate, steady, his fingertips rotated the silver needle, the depth of the needle was different, Ye Fei’s needle application technique was extremely mysterious, he didn’t even look at it, he accurately and unmistakably plunged into the important acupuncture points of Wei Lao’s body.

Dr. Xie on the side was even more secretly shocked to see it, and couldn’t help but say: “Mr. Ye, your acupuncture technique is different from the last time, it seems to be a lost acupuncture technique?” ”

Dr. Xie was shocked. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and score

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