Dr. Xie was shocked.

Because he had seen Ye Fei’s acupuncture technique.

He knew that Ye Fei was proficient in a lost acupuncture method ‘Otogi God Needle’, and the Ebony God Needle was very mysterious, which made Dr. Xie and several other famous doctors praise it and sigh with emotion.

But the acupuncture technique that Ye Fei was using now was not the Otogi God Needle!

It’s not the Otogi God Needle, but it seems to be a more mysterious and powerful acupuncture technique than the Otogi God Needle!

Therefore, Dr. Xie blurted out and asked Ye Fei if this was another lost acupuncture.

And Ye Fei did not respond to Dr. Xie, he looked serious and devoted himself to the treatment of Elder Wei.

After reaching the master-level medical skill, Ye Fei was even more distracted and dedicated in his medical skills. When he administers the needle, it is completely free from external influences.

Only to see that Ye Fei’s needle technique was very unique, his fingers rotated the silver needle in reverse direction, and then pierced the silver needle into Wei Lao’s Tianquan Cave and Quze Cave, two large holes, in addition, there was also the important acupuncture point of Neiguan Acupoint, which was also pierced by Ye Fei with a silver needle.

Under Ye Fei’s acupuncture, these three large acupuncture points were all stimulated by Ye Fei with silver needles, and these three large acupuncture points were three acupuncture points that had a miraculous effect on myocardial infarction.

Ye Fei’s speed and technique of applying the needle were completely different from Chen Luo’s.

Chen Luo’s acupuncture technique is called ‘Kowloon Acupuncture’, which is inherited from Wu Shen Doctor and is also a very powerful acupuncture method.

But no matter how powerful Chen Luo’s stitching technique was, how could it compare with the stitching method recorded in the ancient book “The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic”?

It should be known that the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Scripture Lingshu Scroll, also known as the “Acupuncture Sutra”, is the earliest medical book to describe the method of acupuncture.

Ye Fei got the acupuncture technique of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, and his technique looked very flowing and mysterious, simple and mysterious, more fluent and more powerful than Chen Luo’s acupuncture!

Ye Fei had three acupuncture points, and among them, among the two acupuncture points of Tianquan Acupuncture Point and Quze Cave, there was also an A-is Acupuncture Point.

This is a acupuncture point also known as an indefinite acupoint, this kind of acupuncture point is generally determined by the disease, there is no fixed position, it is extremely difficult to find accurate.

Ye Fei kneaded Elder Wei’s shoulder for a while, quickly determining the location of Ah Shi’s hole, and then quickly prick the needle.

At this point, all four acupuncture points were pierced by Ye Fei.

In these four acupuncture points, Ye Fei used his own acupuncture method to prick needles, and used the acupuncture points to stimulate Wei Lao’s body and promote the circulation of blood.

A moment after the needle, Ye Fei determined that the timing was almost up, so he seized the opportunity and continued to start CPR!

Ye Fei’s hands pressed on Wei Lao’s heart, and the place of pressing was to stroke his hand down along the midline of the sternum, almost in the position of his chest. Place the left hand on the middle of the sternum, at the level of the chest, overlap the right hand and the left hand, and then press with moderate force, the frequency is one hundred times a minute, and the depth of the compression is five centimeters.

Extremely professional CPR!

Stimulate Elder Wei’s body through acupuncture techniques first, and then immediately resuscitation!

After Ye Fei’s CPR this time, after pressing for about ten seconds, Elder Wei’s face finally gradually returned to a hint of rosiness.

His miserable white lips finally had a hint of blood!

The effect is up!

Suddenly, everyone in the Wei family looked at each other, and their eyes were full of surprise.

“This…” Chen Luo suddenly changed color, and when Ye Fei used the acupuncture technique, he was actually already vaguely aware that something was wrong.

Unexpectedly, Ye Fei’s acupuncture technique was so frightening, that Chen Luo felt the unfathomable depth of Ye Fei’s acupuncture techniques.

Chen Luo suddenly noticed something.

That was the medical skill he was proud of, and he had no advantage in front of Ye Fei! Even Chen Luo already felt that Ye Fei’s medical skills were even better than his!

Chen Luo stood in the same place sheepishly, his expression was very complicated, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Ye Fei continued to do CPR.

At this time, the effect of CPR is becoming more and more obvious!

Not only did Elder Wei’s face and lips turn bloody, but his heartbeat and pulse were no longer weak, and he finally beat vigorously!

Bang, bang, bang…

Ye Fei could already clearly feel Elder Wei’s heartbeat!

Dr. Xie’s face was also full of surprise, and although Ye Fei’s first aid measures just now did not seem complicated, they were actually extremely professional.

Ye Fei’s performance was really amazing.

Dr. Xie felt that the guarantee he had just made for Ye Fei was definitely the most correct decision he had made.

“Cough cough.”

At this moment, only a slight coughing sound was heard, and after Elder Wei coughed a few times, he finally recovered from the fainting state and regained his consciousness!

Seeing the situation, everyone in the Wei family was smiling at the corners of their mouths, and their eyes flashed with a thick color of joy, which was completely ecstatic.

Wei Xinhe breathed a sigh of relief.

Wei Dongqing, the third generation of the Wei family, was even more smiling, and the whole person was completely relaxed.

As for the rest of the Wei family, not to mention.

“Grandpa, how do you feel when you wake up?” Wei Dongqing quickly stepped forward and supported Old Master Wei.

Old Master Wei was still in a state of revival at this time, he was powerless to speak, he reluctantly raised his eyelids, looked at Wei Dongqing, then withdrew his eyes, looked at Ye Fei again, showed some surprise, and slowly nodded at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei said to Wei Xinhe, “Mr. Wei, you can come with medicine and warm water, Elder Wei still needs a little time to recover.” ”

“Good, good, no problem.” Wei Xinhe nodded continuously, at this moment he was simply obedient to Ye Fei’s words.

The medicine and warm water for treating myocardial infarction had long been prepared, and Wei Dongqing helped Old Master Wei and swallowed it for him.

At this point, the guests at the scene were also relieved.

The guests present were more or less related to the Wei family, some were allies of the Wei family, and many more were dependent on the Wei family.

Now that Elder Wei was safe and sound, they were all relieved, and they all looked at Ye Fei with gratitude.

If it is said that because of Mu Zizhen’s relationship, a large number of people still have some hostile and jealous feelings towards Ye Fei, then at this moment, almost all of them have been conquered by the miraculous medical skills that Ye Fei has just displayed.

They had all seen with their own eyes, Dr. Xie and Dr. Wu’s disciple Chen Luo had come forward, and the treatment of the two of them for Elder Wei had only kept Elder Wei’s condition from aggravation.

But after Ye Fei gave emergency treatment to Elder Wei, Elder Wei was miraculously rescued by Ye Fei!

It’s a godsend.

Everyone was conquered by Ye Fei’s medical skills, and the little hostility that many people had towards Ye Fei suddenly disappeared, replaced by admiration for Ye Fei and the heart of friendship!

After all, no one can guarantee that they will not get sick.

If you can make friends with Ye Fei, a medical sage like you, you can save your life at a critical moment!


4, do what you say, make up for yesterday’s.

After that, the author Jun will also speed up the update as soon as possible, I am really sorry.

Solemnly ask for subscriptions, ask for automation, ask for all support! _

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