After Ye Fei gave Old Master Wei an emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Old Master Wei’s look finally gradually eased up, and then he gave Old Master Wei emergency medication, and Old Master Wei finally recovered some strength and clarity.

“Old Master Wei, how do you feel now?” Ye Fei gave Old Master Wei a smooth breath, and Elder Wei was still very weak.

Myocardial infarction is a disease that comes very quickly and can easily threaten the lives of patients.

Elder Wei’s situation just now was extremely dangerous, and it could even be said that he had walked through the Ghost Gate.

Ye Fei was racing against the God of Death!

After Ye Fei used first aid measures and let Elder Wei take the medicine, Elder Wei finally recovered some strength.

Elder Wei coughed a few times, raised his eyelids to look at Ye Fei, revealing a thick color of surprise, he covered his heart and said slowly, “It’s you… Saved me? ”

Wei Dongqing hurriedly replied, “Yes, Grandpa, it was Ye Fei who saved you.” If it wasn’t for his shot just now, I’m afraid you’re still in a coma…”

Seeing that Elder Wei was out of danger, Wei Dongqing was also overjoyed at the side, explaining the current situation for Old Master Wei.

The look of surprise in Old Master Wei’s eyes was even stronger, and he glanced at Ye Fei, and then at Dr. Xie and Chen Luo who were not far away.

Whether it is Dr. Xie or Chen Luo, it is enough to be called the top doctor of Yandu.

But he was actually saved by Ye Fei?

Doesn’t this mean that Ye Fei’s medical skills are more intelligent than Dr. Xie’s?

Old Master Wei flashed these thoughts in his heart, but his body was weak at the moment, and he didn’t have time to think too much, so he just whispered to Ye Fei, “Ye Xiaoyou, thank you so much this time.” ”

Old Master Wei’s name for Ye Fei quietly changed, and he referred to Ye Fei as Ye Xiaoyou.

Ye Fei smiled, “Treating patients and saving people is what doctors should do, and I am glad that I did not delay the treatment time of Old Master Wei, at least not to become a quack doctor among some people.” ”

Ye Fei said and looked up at Chen Luo.

Just now, Chen Luoke said that Ye Fei would delay Old Master Wei’s treatment and rescue, and even said that Ye Fei was a quack doctor!

But now, Old Master Wei had been rescued by Ye Fei through first-aid measures, and he had also recovered his consciousness and spirit, although he was still weak, he was at least out of the most dangerous moment.

Chen Luo’s accusation against Ye Fei just now was still in his ears, but everyone had heard it clearly.

However, it turned out that Ye Fei’s medical skills were indeed brilliant and powerful, and they were simply magical.

If it weren’t for Ye Fei’s first aid, it was really hard to say whether Old Master Wei could turn the danger into a disaster!

Chen Luo saw Ye Fei looking at him, his face was suddenly blue and white, his face changed greatly, how could he not expect Ye Fei to actually cure Old Master Wei!

Chen Luo’s accusation against Ye Fei just now suddenly became a joke!

Chen Luo recalled what he had just said, and it sounded particularly harsh at the moment, and Chen Luo’s face was iron blue and it was difficult to accept.

Because of Ye Fei’s words, after getting Ye Fei’s reminder, everyone fell to Chen.

Especially the Wei family members were slightly wrinkled.

Just now, Chen Luo stopped Ye Fei from treating Old Master Wei, and everyone saw it in their eyes.

If it wasn’t for Dr. Xie’s support for Ye Fei, he was afraid that Ye would not be able to help Elder Wei treat and would be hindered by Chen Luo. By then, the consequences would have been unimaginable…

Everyone in the Wei family was slightly discolored.

This was true of Wei Xinhe, Wei Dongqing, and everyone else in the Wei family.

The Wei family basically knew that there was a contradiction between Ye Fei and Chen Luo, and as long as they thought about it a little, they could understand that Chen Luo had just deliberately targeted Ye Fei and deliberately did not want Ye Fei to save Elder Wei!

As a result, the impression of everyone in the Wei family on Chen Luo suddenly plummeted.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, Wei Xinhe’s impression of Chen Luo decreased, and he got 100 experience points.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host, Wei Dongqing’s impression of Chen Luo decreased, and he got 50 experience points.”


In Ye Fei’s ear continuously came the sound of the system’s prompts, Ye Fei got a large number of experience points, at least seven or eight hints, Ye Fei got a total of 500 experience points!

The growth of this experience point was almost like riding a rocket, which made Ye Fei feel very happy.

Compared to Ye Fei’s soaring experience points, on the contrary, Chen Luo was also aware of the eyes and hostility of the Wei family.

Chen Luo quietly took a step back, and he felt a burst of pressure.

Ye Fei retracted his gaze, he didn’t want to confront Chen Luo here, because it was very much like a shrew scolding the street, without grace.

What Ye Fei had to do was to seize Chen Luo’s chances, force Chen Luo to have no way out, and finally push him into the abyss!

Now it seems that Ye Fei has done a very successful job.

Ye Fei looked at Wei Xinhe and said, “Mr. Wei, send Old Master Wei to the hospital, he is now out of danger, but he still needs to do a detailed examination, it is best to stay in the hospital for observation in these two days, and then be discharged from the hospital.” ”

When Wei Xinhe heard Ye Fei say this, he nodded his head repeatedly, “No problem, no problem, thank you Mr. Ye.” ”

While speaking, several descendants of the Wei family also rushed up to greet and support Old Master Wei.

Old Master Wei also stood up completely at this time, arched his hand toward Ye Fei, and said, “Ye Xiaoyou, I don’t thank you for my old bones.” ”

Old Master Wei’s breathing was still a little unstable, but he still insisted on thanking Ye Fei.

Ye Fei smiled, “Old Master, there is no need to say more about polite words, you should rest well and take care of your body.” ”

“Good, good.”

Between Ye Fei and Old Master Wei’s conversation, the sound of system prompts came from his ears again.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully robbing the protagonist Chen Luo of the opportunity and getting 1000 experience points.”

The system prompt goes off again!

1000 XP!

Such a generous reward made Ye Fei a bit surprised.

It seemed that this time the Wei family’s affair was indeed crucial, and it actually gave Ye Fei such a generous reward.

After Ye Fei currently added these 1000 experience points, there were a total of 1700 experience points, which was quite a lot.

You must know that two days ago, Ye Fei emptied this experience point for upgrading skills, and now he has accumulated 1700 experience points, which is indeed a leverage.

“Mr. Ye, the acupuncture technique you just used is…” At this moment, Dr. Xie also came over, he looked at Ye Fei, and asked with a curious and shocked face.


1 more ~~~_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and score

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