Dr. Xie looked at Ye Fei with shock and curiosity, and quickly asked Ye Fei.

Hearing Dr. Xie’s inquiry, Ye Fei smiled slightly and replied, “The acupuncture technique this time is not the Otogi God Needle that I used before, but the ‘Suzaku Fire Needle’.” ”

Suzaku Fire Needle!

This is also a unique acupuncture method, and it requires qi to resist the needle, this acupuncture technique also has extremely high requirements for the doctor himself, which requires the doctor himself to practice martial arts and has a certain internal skill foundation.

Since ancient times, doctors and martial artists have not separated families, which is also normal.

It can be said that the Suzaku Fire Needle is a more advanced needle method than the Otogi God Needle.

Once the Suzaku Fire Needle is applied, the patient’s skin and acupuncture points will have a warm feeling of being burned by fire, which can stimulate and activate the acupuncture points, so it is named Suzaku Fire Needle.

The Suzaku Fire Needle is also an extremely clever stitch in the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Scripture Spirit Scroll, which is more rare than the Otogi Divine Needle.

Hearing Ye Fei say that he was using the ‘Suzaku Fire Needle’ acupuncture method immediately made Dr. Xie’s eyes even more surprised.

Because Dr. Xie has also heard of the ‘Suzaku Fire Needle’, this is indeed a long-lost acupuncture method!

“It turned out to be the Suzaku Fire Needle, I had heard of this stitching before, but it had long been lost, and I couldn’t imagine that Mr. Ye you were not only proficient in the Otogi Divine Needle, but also proficient in the Suzaku Fire Needle.” I’ve only heard from rumors, and I’ve never seen anyone other than you use it…” Dr. Xie said, admiring Ye Fei even more and marveling.

Suzaku fire needle.

When Chen Luo heard these four words, his face also changed slightly.

Because Chen Luo also knew the Suzaku Fire Needle, he had heard his master Wu Shen Doctor talk about acupuncture techniques, including the Yimu Divine Needle, Suzaku Fire Needle and other acupuncture techniques.

Among them, Dr. Wu Shen is even more highly respected for the Suzaku Fire Needle, and even regrets that he has not seen the Suzaku Fire Needle.

Even his master Wu Shen Doctor highly respected the Suzaku Fire Needle, and you can imagine how powerful this Suzaku Fire Needle is!

How could Ye Fei be proficient in Suzaku Fire Needle?!

Chen Luo’s heart was filled with a thick and unbelievable color, he really couldn’t imagine that Ye Fei was actually proficient in Suzaku Fire Needle…

Although others did not know the power and uniqueness of the Suzaku Fire Needle, seeing Dr. Xie’s expression did not hinder everyone’s imagination.

Dr. Xie was a well-deserved famous doctor in Yandu, otherwise he would not have become the personal doctor of Old Master Wei.

I don’t know how many big families want to ask Dr. Xie to please not move.

Dr. Xie’s attitude towards Ye Fei was simply incomparable, and his Suzaku Fire Needle for Ye Fei was not to mention, which could be seen by anyone with a clear eye.

Therefore, the Wei family and other guests were not aware of it, and one by one focused their eyes on Ye Fei’s body.

Seeing the situation, Mu Zizhen stood in it, and the corners of his mouth were upturned unconsciously.

Ye Fei’s performance just now was absolutely dazzling.

“Mr. Ye, I don’t know if I can demonstrate this Suzaku Fire Needle in front of me for a while, I am really itchy…” Dr. Xie looked at Ye Fei and couldn’t help but say again.

Hearing this, Ye Fei did not refuse, he smiled: “Okay, let’s communicate for a while.” ”

Friendship with Dr. Xie, a group of Yandu famous doctors, is also very good for Ye Fei.

Moreover, this doctor Xie is also of good character, and today he helps Ye Fei speak as proof that he is an object worth befriending.

When Chen Luo saw Ye Fei and Dr. Xie behave like this, his eyes were even more jealous, and his heart was even more sour.


The credit that belonged to him was snatched away by Ye Fei!

Chen Luo’s heart was extremely depressed, he clenched his fists, and he couldn’t wait to slash Ye Fei with a thousand knives.

Ye Fei and Dr. Xie chatted briefly for two sentences, and then instructed the Wei family: “Mr. Wei, first send Old Master Wei to the hospital for examination, this matter cannot be delayed, after which Old Master Wei still needs to recuperate, and pay more attention to diet and emotions…”

Ye Fei gave two more instructions.

Wei Xinhe nodded, and he hurriedly let the ambulance prepare and send Old Master Wei to Xiehe Hospital.

Yandu Union Hospital, this is the top hospital in Yandu. Old Master Wei was in stable condition at the moment, and he could be sent for examination and treatment, and he would be discharged from the hospital in two days.

Wei Xinhe asked several descendants of the Wei family to send Elder Wei to a special ambulance, while Wei Xinhe, Wei Dongqing’s father and son, and the rest of the Wei family stayed behind to preside over the overall situation.

After all, there were still nearly a hundred guests in this Wei family compound, and we couldn’t ignore these guests in the cold.

After sending Old Master Wei to the ambulance, Old Master Wei’s safety was also completely guaranteed.

At this time, Wei Xinhe took the initiative to walk towards Ye Fei, he picked up a small cup of Maotai wine, walked to Ye Fei’s face, raised a glass with both hands, and said to Ye Fei: “If Mr. Ye is not your hand, my old man is only afraid of danger today, I toast you.” ”

Wei Xinhe said and drank the cup of Moutai wine in his cup.

Wei Xinhe was grateful to Ye Fei.

If it weren’t for Ye Fei’s appearance, if Old Master Wei really had three long and two short, then the Wei family would most likely be devastated from now on!

You know, Old Master Wei is the pillar of the Wei family.

In fact, for a top magnate like the Wei Family, the existence of Old Master Wei at this level is like the role of the Dinghai God Needle, which is the main backbone of the Wei Family! The Wei family’s current connections, influences, etc., basically revolve around Wei Lao.

Although Old Master Wei had three sons and a daughter, and the three sons and one daughter headed by Wei Xinhe also had their own achievements, and they developed very well in their careers, but to a large extent, they also relied on Elder Wei’s face.

Ye Fei saved not only Old Master Wei, but also the entire Wei family!

If Elder Wei fell, the Wei family was likely to be seriously injured or even collapsed!

This is not without precedent.

For example, the Ning family where Ning Yufei was located.

The Ning family is like this, the previous Ning family is also comparable to the top giants of the Wei family and the Mu family, but due to the unexpected death of the old man of the Ning family, the Ning family eventually declined, and now its status in Yandu is also comparable to that of the Lei family and the Ye family.

It can be said that Ye Fei saved the Wei family!

Therefore, Wei Xinhe and the other Wei family members were naturally extremely grateful to Ye Fei.

Wei Dongqing and a group of other Wei family members even took a step forward and bowed to Ye Fei, “Mr. Ye, please accept our worship!” ”


2 more to ask for everything ~~~~~~

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