“Mr. Ye, please bear with us!”

Only to see that headed by Wei Dongqing, the three generations of the Wei family all bowed to Ye Feiqi and did enough etiquette and posture.

Especially Wei Dongqing himself, he was even more sincere with Ye Fei, bowing to the ninety degrees and expressing his gratitude to Ye Fei.

At the same time, Ye Fei also heard a burst of sounds coming from his ears.

“Ding, congratulations host, your experience points have increased by 100 points due to the change in Wei Xinhe’s impression of you.”

“Ding, congratulations host, your experience points have increased by 50 points due to Wei Dongqing’s impression of you.”


A series of prompts sounded, and in the blink of an eye, Ye Fei added 300 experience points, and the experience points reached a total of 2000 points.

Participating in this birthday banquet of Old Master Wei, Ye Fei actually gained so many experience points, Ye Fei was in a good mood, and this time it was indeed a huge harvest.

The people of the Wei family bowed to Ye Fei, and even used the phrase ‘worship by me’, which was enough to show the gratitude of the Wei family to Ye Fei.

The top giants of the Wei family, whether in temperament or behavior, are by no means comparable to ordinary giants, which can also be seen.

Seeing the gratitude of everyone in the Wei family to Ye Fei, the guests around them all looked at Ye Fei’s eyes one by one and changed subtly.

This Ye Fei not only has a close relationship with Mu Zigen, but the two are a relationship between men and women. And he also got the gratitude of the Wei family…


The number of top giants in Yandu is very small, and there are only five or six in total.

Each of these Yan Du top giants was enough to shake the existence of the four sides, and Ye Fei looked at this posture, his relationship with the Mu family was obviously good, and the Wei family was extremely grateful to him.

The two top giants are friendly with Ye Fei.

That’s it!

The guests weighed it up, and many of them who were good friends with Chen Luo realized that something was wrong.

With Ye Fei’s current relationship with the two giants of Yandu, this confrontation between him and Chen Luo was almost invincible!

How is Chen Luo going to turn the tables upside down?

Unless it was Wu Shen’s personal aid, Chen Luo had no way to take Ye Fei at all.

Many of these guests were secretly calculating, ready to draw a clear line with Chen Luo.

Although Chen Luo had the support of Wu Shen Doctor behind him, this Ye Fei looked even more powerful, and it was definitely not easy to provoke!

When Ye Fei saw Wei Dongqing and the others bowing to him, he vainly lifted up Wei Dongqing, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, “It is the doctor’s duty to save people, why should he say thank you.” ”

“Great grace does not say thank you, Mr. Ye’s kindness, my Wei family must remember.” Wei Xinhe said solemnly.

Previously, the Wei family had always been inclined to Chen Luo in dealing with the contradictions between Ye Fei and Chen Luo.

The reason is also very simple, Chen Luo is a disciple of Wu Shenyi, who once saved the life of Old Master Wei, and the Wei family owes Wu Shenyi a great favor.

Therefore, the Wei family chose to support Chen Luo.

But with Ye Fei’s appearance this time, this status quo has completely changed.

Ye Fei had now also saved Old Master Wei’s life, and the family also owed Ye Fei a favor!

In the next contradiction between Ye Fei and Chen Luo, the Wei family would definitely not be inclined to Chen Luo again, and it was highly likely that they would choose not to help each other.

Even the Wei family might be inclined to Ye Fei.

After all, Chen Luo could not fully represent Wu Shen Doctor.

And the Wei family owes Ye Fei a favor, that is a real deal!

The attitude of the Wei family also says it all.

The Wei family, such a top magnate, also attaches great importance to human relations, especially Ye Fei has kindness to the Wei family, and the Wei family absolutely cannot do something that will take revenge, otherwise it will be rejected by the entire upper circle of Yandu.

That’s the rule!

Ye Fei smiled slightly.

Since Wei Xinhe had said so, Ye Fei didn’t have to be arrogant.

“Gentlemen, something happened to my Wei family today, forgive me Wei Xinhe for not entertaining me well, and I also toast you with a glass of wine and apologize slightly.” Wei Xinhe said to the guests again, he was very thoughtful.

“Mr. Wei is too polite.”

“May Old Wei be safe!”

“Although there was a small accident today, the overall result was not bad.”

The guests also spoke festive words and toasted to Wei Xinhe.

Wei Xinhe also accepted them one by one, he drank extremely well, drinking a small cup and a small cup, he did not blush at all, and his mind remained clear.

Ye Fei also smiled and prepared to return to the seat.

At this time, Wei Dongqing took the initiative to come forward and talk with Ye Fei.

“Brother Ye, you wait.” Wei Dongqing took the initiative to go forward and talk to Ye Fei.

“Mr. Wei.” Ye Fei stopped and looked at Wei Dongqing slightly doubtfully.

Wei Dongqing smiled and said, “Why should Brother Ye be so polite, just call me Holly or Brother Wei?” ”

“Well, is there anything wrong with Brother Wei looking for me?” Ye Fei asked.

Wei Dongqing looked at Ye Fei, and then looked at Mu Zizhen who was not far away from Ye Fei, and said, “Thank you so much Ye Brother today, Zi Zhen has found a good boyfriend.” I am very happy to know Brother Ye you, in a few days Yan will have a small gathering, a group of us are ready to climb the peak mountain to see the sunrise, I don’t know Brother Ye you and Zi Zhen have time to appreciate the light? ”

Wei Dongqing took the initiative to invite, and it seemed that he also intended to befriend Ye Fei.

Ye Fei had a good sense of Wei Dongqing, the Wei family major, plus Mu Zizhen really mentioned to him that he really wanted to see the sunrise.

What a coincidence.

When Wei Dongqing proposed, Mu Zizhen’s eyes flashed, obviously he was already moving.

Ye Fei smiled and agreed for Mu Zizhen: “No problem, then Brother Wei, we will see you later.” ”

“Good, good, no problem!” Wei Dongqing and Ye Fei exchanged contact information, and then made an appointment to contact online.

Seeing Wei Dongqing’s acquaintance with Ye Fei’s acquaintance, Chen Luo’s face not far away was dark, and his face was as black as the bottom of the pot.

The anger in Chen Luo’s eyes flashed, and his heart was gloomy to the extreme.

Ye Fei this guy is really hateful, this should have been a credit to him, but it was all robbed by Ye Fei!

Especially before Chen Luo had always wanted to make friends with Wei Dongqing, but the other party had always been lukewarm to him, but now he was so enthusiastic about Ye Fei!

This made Chen Luo extremely gloomy, and he trembled with anger, only to feel a large stone pressing against his heart.

He only felt that his eyes were black, his heart was depressed, his qi and blood were gushing, his footsteps were sudden, and the corners of his mouth suddenly burst out of blood!

The more Chen Luo thought about it, the more unbalanced he became, and he was so angry that he vomited blood!


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