Facing Ye He and Lin Xue, Ye Fei had nothing to hide.

Ye Fei said bluntly, “I have a grudge with Chen Luo, a closed disciple of Wu Shen Doctor, who is ambitious and has a crazy personality, and he secretly befriends the Lei family, the Zheng family, and even wants to make friends with the Wei family to pose a threat to us…”

Ye Fei said a few words.

Ye He had actually been paying attention to Ye Fei’s affairs during this time.

After all, Ye Fei had been helping the Su family solve the crisis, and what he had done had always attracted Ye He’s attention.

Starting from the Ice Muscle Jade Bee Water, Ye Fei and Chen Luo had always been in a confrontation, and how could these few things be concealed from Ye He.

Ye He said in a deep voice, “Well, I also secretly investigated Chen Luo, Chen Luo’s foundation in Yandu is not deep, there is no fear, what is terrible is that he is behind the Wu Shen Doctor.” Wu Shen Doctor I also deliberately investigated, the results made me shocked. ”

Ye Fei smiled, it seemed that Ye He had really investigated Chen Luo, especially Wu Shen Doctor.

Wu Shenyi was known as the first doctor in Yandu at that time, and the family giants who owed affection to others were innumerable, especially he had also saved the lives of the old master of the Wei family and the old man of the Zheng family, so that the two top giants owed human affection.

With Dr. Wu Shen as Chen Luo’s patron, he could indeed walk sideways in Yandu.

Unfortunately, Chen Luo met Ye Fei.

Ye Fei relied on his intimate knowledge of the plot of the original book and constantly snatched away Chen Luo’s opportunities, making Chen Luo now gradually defeated.

“Don’t worry about Dr. Wu Shen, I will have my own way to deal with Dr. Wu Shen when the time comes.” The current situation is that Chen Luo and I are not dead, and I have to deal with the Lei family. Ye Fei was on the right path.

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Ye He and Lin Xue looked at each other again, and they both felt Ye Fei’s strong self-confidence.

How did this boy change so much in just a few months?

Ye He thought in his heart, and at the same time thought of a certain possibility, should this boy really know which worldly master?

Otherwise, how can this explain his extraordinary performance in various aspects of medical skills, martial arts, and so on?

The more Ye He thought about it, the more reasonable it was, which may be the only explanation, and it was no wonder that this boy was not afraid of Wu Shen Doctor, it turned out that there was someone behind him.

Ye Fei didn’t know that Ye He’s mind was wide open, only to see Ye He moan slightly, and said, “When I investigated Chen Luo recently, I found that he secretly had contacts with Ye Changhai and Huang He, and Chen Luo’s plot was not small. ”

Ye Changhai is the senior vice president of Ye Group, and Huang He has also followed Ye He for more than ten years, and is regarded by Ye He as his right and left arm.

Previously, Ye Fei had warned Ye He that these two people had problems, and Ye He had been paying close attention.

After Ye He’s close surveillance of Ye Changhai and Huang He, this was discovered.

Ye Fei was not surprised, he smiled slightly: “It seems that Chen Luo’s heart is not dead, and he still intends to resist stubbornly, or I will let him taste what is called despair.” ”

Ye He bowed his head slightly: “All the intelligence networks and security forces of the Ye family are at your disposal, and I will talk to Zi Hao.” ”

Ye Fei was waiting for this sentence!

Ye Fei smiled: “Then I am not welcome, it is best for me to have money, the last time I acquired the shares of Qizheng Group, I used a lot of funds.” ”

Ye He smiled and shook his head, “How much do you want this boy?” ”

Ye Fei said, “At least ten, I plan to open a few projects in Brilliant Entertainment and need a lot of money.” ”

Ye He was stunned and smiled: “You little boy, if you don’t move, you open your mouth for a billion yuan, do you think our money is blown by the wind?” ”

Lin Xue glanced at Ye He and said, “What’s wrong with my son asking for money?” I got this money out. ”

Ye He shrunk his neck, he was a typical wife and strict, and he suddenly stopped speaking.

Ye Fei suppressed a smile and looked at the interactive dialogue between Lin Xue and Ye He, and he also felt quite interesting.

No matter what, with the support of Lin Xue, a billion funds have arrived again.

Ye Fei knew very well that it was impossible to have no money.

In particular, his ambition is to build an entertainment empire with less start-up capital.

With the support of this billion funds, plus Ye Fei’s bank financing loans, it was enough for him to start several projects of Brilliant Entertainment.

Not only movies, but also other resources need to be put in place as soon as possible.

After a brief exchange with Ye He and Lin Xue, the family of three had a happy lunch.

After eating, Lin Xue quietly pulled Ye Fei aside and said, “When will I bring the girl from the Mu family or Su Qingzhu to the house to meet me?” ”

“This… No rush. Ye Fei secretly said in his heart, not only Mu Zizhen and Su Qingzhu, including Luo Weiyu, but also Bai Ruoxi, who was gradually getting close to him…

Seeing Ye Fei’s expression, Lin Xue guessed what was going on, shook his head, and said, “No matter what, this is a good girl, don’t live up to people’s wishes.” ”

“Well, I know.” Ye Fei answered.

After Ye Fei had eaten, he didn’t stay too much at the Ye Family Villa, he had to prepare for another thing, that is, the Lei Family thing.

Ye Fei wants to deal with the Lei family and destroy Lei Haoran!

Of course, he did not want to destroy the Lei family, but to split the family internally.

The Lei family tree is deeply rooted, and it is too difficult to extinguish it, and Ye Fei’s goal is to destroy the Lei family, led by Lei Haoran and his father Lei Shaohui.

In the original book, led by Lei Haoran and Lei Shaohui, he made various contributions in the matter of destroying the Ye family.

Therefore, Ye Fei wanted to destroy Lei Haoran and Lei Shaohui!

“Brother Ye Fei, let’s meet.” Ye Fei took the initiative to call Lei Yiming, and Lei Yiming also answered in seconds.

Lei Yiming has been waiting for Ye Fei’s call for the past two days!

Ye Fei and Lei Yiming had previously had a cooperative relationship, but when Ye Fei saved Elder Wei and his relationship with Mu Zizhen was made public, when facing Lei Yiming, he gradually became in a leading relationship of cooperation with Lei Yiming!

Lei Yiming now had to rely on Ye Fei for help, so he spoke very politely.

“Okay, let’s meet, where’s it?”

“Go to the Weizhuang Tea Restaurant, Brother Ye, you wait for me, I’ll be there right away.”


Ye Fei hung up the phone, and he went straight to the Weizhuang Tea Restaurant.

Lei Yiming took the initiative to book a box this time, and it was still the ‘end of the world’ box.

The two met.

Lei Yiming let four burly bodyguards wait outside, and he personally poured water for Ye Fei to pour tea and receive Ye Fei.

When Ye Fei saw Lei Yiming, he opened the door and said, “Brother Lei, Huang Yufeng is in your hands, where is he now?” ”

This Huang Yufeng is one of the key figures who overthrew Lei Haoran!


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