Lei Yiming heard this and immediately said, “Yes, I have already caught Huang Yufeng, and he is now controlled by me in a private mansion, and he can let him identify Lei Haoran at any time.” ”

At the mention of Lei Haoran, Lei Yiming’s eyes flashed with hatred.

If it wasn’t for Lei Haoran, his first love Li Xueqin wouldn’t have died!

Moreover, Lei Haoran and Lei Yiming were fighting for the Lei family’s inheritance right at this time.

The inheritance right of the Lei family is essentially a dispute between the status of the Lei family’s house and the second room.

The old man of the Lei family was not in good health, and the affairs of the Lei family were entrusted to his two sons.

However, all along, the Lei family’s big house has always occupied and controlled the affairs of the Lei family and held most of the power. In contrast, the second room of the Lei family, that is, Lei Yiming and his father, have a more inferior status in the Lei family.

However, in recent years, with Lei Yiming’s father Lei Jin rising higher and higher in his career, it also threatened the status of the Lei family’s big house, and Lei Haoran also had a sense of crisis.

Therefore, Lei Haoran often suppressed Lei Yiming, and although the two were brothers in name, they often fought openly and secretly.

Because Lei Haoran is the eldest son and eldest grandson, he is favored by Old Master Lei, so the open struggle between Lei Yiming and Lei Haoran has never been dominant.

Ye Fei groaned slightly and whispered, “Huang Yufeng alone cannot bring down Lei Haoran.” ”

Ye Fei was right.

Although Huang Yufeng was an important person, he could not completely overthrow Lei Haoran.

It should be known that although Huang Yufeng is said to be Lei Haoran’s subordinate, Lei Haoran is also suspected of buying murder. But Huang Yufeng killed only Li Xueqin.

Who is Li Xueqin?

Her identity is only Lei Yiming’s lover, it is insignificant to such a rich man as the Lei family, and even with the degree of favor that Old Master Lei has for Lei Haoran, he may even shield Lei Haoran, let Lei Yiming hide this matter, and at most compensate Lei Yiming through other aspects.

Lei Yiming also thought about this matter, he said: “Well, it is true, it is really not so easy to take down Lei Haoran, Brother Ye, what do you think I should do now?” ”

Lei Yiming came to Ye Fei for help.

He could only tell Ye Fei about this matter, only two people had the same interests.

Ye Fei was silent.

Lei Yiming saw that Ye Fei did not speak, and thought that Ye Fei was unwilling to point out to him, so he hurriedly said: “Brother Ye, I came to you with sincerity, and after the matter is completed, you are my best brother Lei Yiming!” What conditions do you want to agree to help me, even if you open your mouth, as long as I can do it, I will never frown! ”

Ye Fei smiled and said, “Brother Lei, you misunderstood, just now I was wondering, Brother Lei, can you make up your mind?” ”

“What do you mean?” Thunder was thoughtful.

Ye Fei said lightly, “Hit the snake seven inches, I like to kill people in one move.” If Brother Lei really wants to deal with Lei Haoran, you should let him taste despair and make him completely unable to turn over.

That’s right, what Ye Fei was thinking about was to make Lei Wang.

If you want to fight, you will beat Lei Haoran unable to turn over and completely plunge into the abyss!

Lei Yiming heard Ye Fei’s voice: Brother, do you mean that you have Lei Haoran’s more deadly handle? ”

Lei Yiming’s eyes lit up.

If there were other handles of Lei Haoran, it might really be able to bring down Lei Haoran.

Ye Fei shook his head and said lightly, “It’s not Lei Haoran’s handle, but Lei Haoran’s handle for his father Lei Shaohui.” ”

Lei Shaohui’s handle!

This is the real snake beating seven inches!

Why is Lei Haoran so arrogant? It wasn’t because he was the eldest of the Lei family and the son of Lei Shaohui.

If his father Lei Shaohui fell, then Lei Haoran could still be at ease when his Lei family was big or small? Obviously not.

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Lei Yiming stood up, and he could not hide his inner emotions for a moment!

Lei Yiming was a person who was very good at hiding his inner emotions, but when he heard Ye Fei’s words, it was difficult to hide his heart and he got up violently.

Ye Fei actually had Lei Shaohui’s handle?

“Brother Ye, is what you say true?” Do you really have Lei Shaohui’s handle? Lei Yiming stared directly at Ye Fei and asked in a deep voice.

Ye Fei smiled, “Brother Lei, don’t you believe in my intelligence ability?” ”

Of course, Lei Yiming trusted Ye Fei’s intelligence ability, if it wasn’t for Ye Fei, he would probably never have found Huang Yufeng as a person, and he might never have the hope of revenge for Li Xueqin!

Ye Fei said calmly, “I just made it very clear, I have Lei Shaohui’s handle, and it is a very deadly one, depending on whether you dare to use it or not.” ”

The reason why Ye Fei dared to say this was because Lei Shaohui’s handle was very deadly, even enough to bury Lei Shaohui’s career.

And once Lei Shaohui is finished, it is also a big loss for the Lei family, and the Lei family will definitely be seriously injured.

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Lei Yiming suddenly got up and paced back and forth in the box room, frowning and thinking.

Ye Fei was not in a hurry, he took a sip from the teacup and watched Lei Yiming’s movements.

After half a ring, Lei Yiming seemed to have made some kind of determination, and said in a deep voice: “Brother Ye, please, as long as I get Lei Shaohui’s handle, from now on Brother Ye you have a word, I Lei someone can send you to dispatch!” ”

Ye Fei didn’t show any emotion, he said, “Well, since you have made up your mind, you can take this information.” ”

With that, Ye Fei took out a thick piece of information.

Lei Yiming took a look at this information, and sure enough, what was recorded on it was Lei Shaohui’s affairs.

Lei Shaohui is now in a high position and has a smooth career, and this information records some of Lei Shaohui’s deeds.

Half of the sources of the information are derived from Ye Fei’s top hacking skills, and the other half is of course based on the content mentioned to Lei Shaohui in the original book.

This information can be described as shocking, which records Lei Shaohui’s deadly black materials, including Lei Shaohui’s misappropriation of a staggering amount of money, as well as some unsavory transactions by Lei Shaohui in private.

As long as this information is true, Lei Shaohui will certainly not be able to eat and walk!

“Brother Ye, this…”

When Lei Yiming saw this information, he was immediately excited.

Ye Fei was more powerful than he thought!

Sure enough, it was seven inches of snakes!

With Ye Fei’s information, Lei Shaohui and Lei Haoran’s father and son must fall into the abyss of endless disaster!


3 more ~~~_

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