Ye Fei detoxifies Lei Jin.

Chen Luo’s method of poisoning is very clever, and those who are proficient in medicine are naturally also proficient in poison.

However, after Ye Fei upgraded his medical skills, his medical skills had gone further, and with the medical skills of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, Ye Fei surpassed Chen Luo, and although Chen Luo’s poisoning methods were complex, they were not worth mentioning to him.

Ye Fei prescribed a pair of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions to Lei Jin, as long as he took them every day, he could get rid of toxins in his body.

Chen is a chronic poison, it takes a month or two to see the effect, although the effect time is long, but the advantage is that the gods are unconscious, it is not easy to find at all.

Therefore, Ye Fei’s detoxification is also handy.

Lei Jin saw the situation and was even more grateful to Ye Fei.

In addition to Lei Yiming’s gratitude, he also hated Lei Haoran to the bone.

“Brother Ye, the matter of Lei Haoran will be entrusted to me.” Lei Yiming headed towards Ye Feidao.

Ye Fei bowed his head slightly.

The dispute between Lei’s parents’ room and the second room is also the time to come to an end.

And Ye Fei didn’t have to shoot at all, he could make Lei Haoran go to destruction.

After communicating with Lei Jin and Lei Haoran, Ye Fei left the Lei Family Villa. 、


Just after leaving the Lei family villa, Ye Fei received a call from Zhang Minle, telling Ye Fei that Ye Fei had received one billion more from the company’s bank account.

It seemed that the Ye family was indeed rich and powerful, and the ten small targets were given to Ye Fei in the blink of an eye, without any ambiguity.

When the money arrives, the rest is easy.

Ye Fei said to Zhang Minle: “The filming progress of “I Am Not a Medicine God” has accelerated, and I will give you a script for a science fiction film and a script for military themes. ”

“Science fiction? Military films? Zhang Minle was inexplicable, he only felt a string of black question marks in his heart, where is this?

“I am not a medicine god” as a good script with a realistic theme, Zhang Minle himself is also very optimistic, because the script is really too good.

But Ye Fei still has to make two other movies at the same time?

And it’s a science fiction and military movie?

Isn’t that!

Metropolis, military, science fiction… These three are completely incompatible.

Zhang Minle was extremely puzzled and suspicious.

“In short, the scripts of these two films have been sent to your mailbox, and after you confirm that there is no problem, you will immediately start preparing to start filming, in addition, we will also launch several reliable singers and actors, and strive to be fully rolled out.” Ye Fei said lightly.

“I know, Mr. Ye, I’ll read the script first.” Zhang Minle is still incomparable, what is going on with Ye Zong, he actually has such confidence?

Zhang Minle hung up the phone first, and then immediately opened the computer mailbox to read the script sent by Ye Fei.

In addition, Zhang Minle also called the director of the company to watch the script sent by Ye Fei together.

However, Zhang Minle did not tell these directors that the script was Ye Fei, and he also wanted to see the director’s true views on Ye Fei’s two scripts.

It is a little strange to see the script sent by Ye Fei, the name of the science fiction movie is “The Wandering Planet”, and the other military-themed film is called “Red Sea Operation”.

Yes, Ye Fei took out these two electric powers

It can be said that “The Wandering Planet” is also “The Wandering Earth”, because this is a parallel time and space, so it was renamed “The Wandering Planet”.

Both of these films are top movies with a cumulative box office of more than three billion in the past life.

It can be said that one represents the highest peak of domestic science fiction movies in the past life, and the other is the leader of military theme movies!

Both are top notch!

And these two top film scripts were put in front of Zhang Minle, and Zhang Minle and several directors only looked at the movie scripts with curiosity and suspicion at first.

But when they looked at it, they realized something was wrong.

What’s going on here?

This movie script…

Several directors saw their eyes shining, rubbing their fists, eager to try, and even had a feeling of eagerness to shoot the story in this script!

“Good script, this script of “The Wandering Planet” is simply not too good, let me see that the blood is boiling, and the science fiction picture is coming, which is really good.” A director named Xu Jinlai sighed.

Xu Jinlai is a well-known director in China, and he is very proficient in film shooting methods, especially science fiction films.

Of course, there are not many science fiction movies in Xuanhuang now, and Xu Jinlai himself has been looking for a suitable science fiction film script, but unfortunately he has not found it.

When Xu Jinlai saw the script of “The Wandering Planet” in front of him, he was completely shaken.

The magnificent scenes in the script, the imagination of the imagination, and various science fiction elements and stories throughout the script have deeply attracted Xu Jinlai.

Xu Jinlai was only left with a deep shock.

The other two directors, also impressed by the scripts of “The Wandering Planet” and “Operation Red Sea”, completely immersed in it, were amazed by it.

“Mr. Zhang, which two screenwriters wrote this script?” I wanted to meet with the screenwriter and talk to him about coming up with ideas for the show. Xu Jinlai looked at Zhang Minle with a look of hope.

Hearing Xu Jinlai say this, Zhang Minle coughed and was slightly silent.

Zhang Minle was also in shock, and he was also deeply shocked by Ye Fei’s script.

“What’s wrong?” Xu Jinlai and several other directors were a little confused.

The other two directors said: “Yes, Mr. Zhang, such an excellent script, hurry up and find these two screenwriters, we can completely shoot two top works…”

Several directors looked at Zhang Minle with their eyes wide open, eager to meet the screenwriter immediately to talk about the ideas and ideas of these two films.

Zhang Minle coughed: “First of all, it is not two screenwriters, but one screenwriter.” ”

“A screenwriter?” Director Xu Jinlai’s voice increased by an octave, looked at the computer in shock, and couldn’t help but say: “Mr. Zhang, do you mean that these two films are scripts written by the same screenwriter?” But this one is science fiction, the other is military, a completely different style! ”

“Yes, it was written by the same screenwriter.” Zhang Minle coughed, and he didn’t know how to explain it, but he still suspected Ye Zong coming just now, and as a result, he was punched in the face.

Xu Jinlai and several other directors looked at each other with surprise.

Two completely different styles of works, surprisingly from the same screenwriter’s hand, powerful, this screenwriter can simply be called the top screenwriter in China.

“So who is this screenwriter?” Xu Jinlai couldn’t wait to ask.

Zhang Minle said silently: “It is the script written by Ye Zong, and the last “I am not a medicine god” is also the script written by Ye Zong. ”


For a moment, the office seemed to be pulled away by the air and became very quiet.


At the same time, Ye Fei was driving on the way and heard the prompt sound from the system: “Ding, congratulations host, you have received the admiration of the company’s employees, rewarding 100 experience points.” ”

“Ding, congratulations to the host…”

Three consecutive prompts came, making Ye Fei a little inexplicable for a while.

What is going on, suddenly increasing the experience points? _

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