Ye Fei was inexplicable, he still didn’t know the situation, and as a result, the experience increased.

And there are a total of 300 experience points.

At present, the experience is 2300 points, and Ye Fei’s experience points accumulate quickly.

According to this progress, it won’t be long before he can reach 5,000 experience points again, allowing Ye Fei to upgrade a skill to the master level again.

After the medical skill level reached the master level this time, Ye Fei tasted the sweetness.

Although this wave of experience points rose a bit inexplicably, from the system’s prompts, Ye Fei could also guess one or two.

Sure enough, Ye Fei had just returned to the villa on his front feet, and immediately received a call from Zhang Minle.

Zhang Minle admired Ye Fei on the phone, and he even said: “Ye Zong, I am completely convinced, your two scripts are too powerful, I think if you go to be a screenwriter, the rice bowl of our domestic first-line screenwriters will be gone.” ”

Speaking of Zhang Minle himself, he lost his smile, what is Ye Zong’s identity? How could the only heir of the Ye family, the heir of the 100 billion consortium, become a small screenwriter?

However, it must be admitted that Ye Fei’s two film scripts are fantastic, which makes Zhang Minle completely shocked and completely convinced.

There is also the script that Ye Fei gave to Zhang Minle “I am not a medicine god” before, which also made Zhang Minle extremely surprised.

With these scripts, as long as you find reliable directors and actors to make movies, it will definitely make a name for yourself in the film and television industry!

It should be known that there are many Ye family industries, which also involve cinema lines, and the largest domestic cinema line ‘BOC Cinema Line’ is the Ye family’s industry.

As long as the quality of the movie made by Brilliant Entertainment is passed, it is definitely a green light!

Therefore, Zhang Minle was quite excited, and he also felt that this brilliant entertainment would definitely make a big splash.

“How is Lu Lingjun’s new album prepared?” Ye Fei asked.

Of course, Ye Fei would not forget Lu Lingjun, she was a future superstar of the Queen of Heaven.

“It’s almost ready, and it is expected to be officially launched next week on major music platforms, and the album will also be officially released.” Zhang Minle said.

Zhang Minle is also very concerned about Lu Lingjun’s situation and is also very optimistic about Lu Lingjun.

Thinking of Lu Lingjun, Zhang Minle remembered that the two songs in Lu Lingjun’s album were also taken out by Ye Fei, and the song copyright was also in Ye Fei’s hands.

From this point of view, this Ye Zong is simply unfathomable.

The more Zhang Minle thought about it, the more shocked he became.

“That line, when the time comes to tell me about the release of Lu Lingjun’s album.”

“It’s Ye Zong.”

Ye Fei returned to the villa, and it was getting dark and it was close to dusk.

But Ye Fei was very energetic, and he even chatted with Mu Zizhen on WeChat for a while.

Mu Zizhen sent a cute emoji ‘Ben Fairy Arrived’.

Ye Fei smiled and asked, “Have you taken stomach medicine?” ”

Ye Fei had been instructing Mu Zizhen to eat all this time.

Mu Zizhen returned a ‘well-behaved’ love bag, a cute expression of a young girl’s red face in front of the well-behaved sofa.

Ye Fei was dumbfounded, and on the WeChat chat, Mu Zizhen especially liked to use these cute emojis, which was a bit interesting.

The two chatted happily, and the air was filled with the sour smell of love.

Mu Zizhen sent a message: “Do you want to come to my house for dinner tomorrow?” I’ll cook for you. ”

Mu Zizhen cooks himself?

Ye Fei thought about that picture, it was simply too beautiful to see, and he couldn’t imagine that Mu Zizhen could even make a good dish?

Mu Zizhen’s heart, Ye Fei of course agreed with full expectations.


After chatting with Mu Zizhen for a while, Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei Dao were safe, and then rested early, after all, she was still injured and needed more rest to recover.

Just after Mu Zizhen exchanged greetings and said that Ye Feiben was about to go to sleep, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Ye Fei looked at it, it was a call from Su Qingzhu.

Answering the phone, Su Qingzhu’s quiet voice came in his ear: “Open the door, I am at your door.” ”

Ye Fei was slightly surprised, and a little surprised.

Su Qingzhu actually came to him at this time.

Opening the door, Ye Fei saw that Su Qingzhu had indeed appeared at the gate.

Su Qingzhu wears a light-colored light down jacket with a pale pink sweater inside, a pair of black boots on his feet, and his slender and straight legs are covered with flesh-colored tights, which is eye-catching.

“Light bamboo, how did you get here?” Ye Fei smiled and opened the door.

And Su Qingzhu only smiled slightly, and she said in a faint and imperceptible voice: “I miss you…”

The voice was very small, if it weren’t for Ye Fei’s excellent hearing, he really wouldn’t have heard Su Qingzhu’s words.

Hearing Su Qingzhu say this, Ye Fei’s heart warmed.

Su Qingzhu, because of her misogyny, has always been quite repulsive to the opposite sex, but once she accepts Ye Fei in her heart, she is the most enthusiastic and undisguised one among all the women.

In contrast, Luo Weiyu was gentle and introverted, and the relationship between Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei had not yet reached that step, and the two were at the beginning of their relationship.

Due to the cold weather, Su Qingzhu still exhaled hot air in his mouth.

Su Qingzhu must have just left work, and he came directly from the Su Group to find Ye Fei.

“Fast into the house, I’ll warm you up…” Ye Fei laughed.

Su Qingzhu leaned against Ye Fei, looked at him with a gentle face, did not speak, just silently hugged Ye Fei.

Ye Fei felt the cold body of the lady in his arms, and he also hugged her tightly, and both of them had a tacit understanding not to speak and hugged each other tightly.

In fact, Mu Zizhen disclosed his relationship with Ye Fei, and this matter should not be able to hide from Su Qingzhu.

But Su Qingzhu did not talk to Ye Fei about this matter in the past two days, and both of them seemed to have a tacit understanding without mentioning it.

Su Qingzhu was like a stray kitten, tightly plunging into Ye Fei’s arms, and her posture seemed very insecure and distressing.

Ye Fei picked her up tightly and then carried her to the bedroom.

Su Qingzhu did not speak, but he took the initiative to hook Ye Fei’s neck, and the two embraced each other tightly…



Su Qingzhu lay in Ye Fei’s arms like a kitten, and Ye Fei quietly got up and simply made breakfast for Su Qingzhu.

Su Qingzhu was still asleep, and Ye Fei did not disturb her, intending to let her rest well.

Ye Fei boredly browsed the news on the mobile phone page, and then received another message, which was sent by Lei Yiming.

The message sent by Lei Yiming was very simple, with only five words: Lei Haoran is dead!

Seeing these five words, Ye Fei stood up violently!


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