Ye Fei saw the news from Lei Yiming and stood up violently.

Lei Haoran is dead!

So fast?!

Ye Fei had thought that Lei Jin and Lei Yiming’s father and son would solve the problem in a gentle way, but he didn’t expect that Lei Jin and Lei Yiming would bring this matter to a conclusion so quickly, and Lei Haoran was actually dead!

This made Ye Fei a little surprised.

However, Ye Fei was unexpected, and he also realized that this was good news.

As soon as Lei Haoran died, Ye Fei would get rid of a big problem in his heart, and Chen Luo would also face the loss of Lei Haoran, an ally, even worse than Ye Fei!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei was both unexpected and surprised.

It’s just that he is really a little curious, how did Lei Haoran die?

In fact, Lei Haoran was involved in concealing the murder, and Li Xueqin’s case was enough for Lei Haoran to sentence more than ten years.

Ye Fei’s original expectation was that Li Xueqin’s case would lead to Lei Haoran’s sentence, but he did not expect that the final result was more powerful than he imagined, and Lei Haoran died directly.

When Ye Fei was confused, Lei Yiming took the initiative to call.

Ye Fei answered Lei Yiming’s phone, and on the phone, Lei Yiming told Ye Fei about the situation very calmly.

Lei Yiming and Ye Fei were allies, especially the most important pieces of information that Ye Fei had provided to Lei Yiming.

Moreover, Lei Haoran’s death could not be concealed for long, so Lei Yiming did not intend to hide Ye Fei and gave it all to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei knew the beginning and end of the matter.

Under the persecution of Lei Jin, Lei Yiming and Old Master Lei, Lei Haoran finally chose to ‘commit suicide in fear of sin’!

The implications of this matter are more complicated.

According to Lei Yiming, in the Lei family banquet yesterday, there was a very wonderful scene.

During the Lei family banquet last night, the old master of the Lei family, Lei Haoran, and Lei Haoran’s father, Lei Shaohui, including Lei Jin and Lei Yiming, all attended this family banquet.

On top of the banquet, Lei Yiming found someone to escort Huang Yufeng and directly asked Lei Haoran about what happened that year.

Under the confrontation of Huang Yufeng, the Li Xueqin case that Lei Haoran had made in that year was completely exposed, which also made Old Master Lei angry.

However, Old Master Lei initially chose to shield Lei Haoran and wanted Lei Yiming to calm things down.

But how can Lei Yiming be willing?

Moreover, Old Master Lei’s favoritism annoyed Lei even more.

Therefore, Lei Jin’s father and son confessed that Lei Haoran had poisoned Chen Haoran.

The revelation of this matter was unexpected by Lei Haoran, and he panicked, lost his words, and also exposed the horse’s feet.

Old Master Lei was so angry that he gave Lei Haoran two slaps on the spot.

Old Master Lei also realized that his precious grandson had created sins not shallow, and even involved cannibalism.

This is the bottom line of nothing for Mr. Lei!

In the rich family, there is an unwritten rule: no matter how the open and secret struggle is normal, but the bottom line is not to endanger life. Otherwise, once this kind of thing happens, there will be the destruction of a family!

When Old Master Lei learned that Lei Haoran had poisoned his life, he was immediately enraged.

At this point, Lei Haoran committed suicide in fear of sin.

However, as Huang Yufeng, who was once Lei Haoran’s confidant, after being caught by Lei Yiming, in order to save his own life, he shook out several other cases of extremely serious nature!

Only then did Old Master Lei know that the grandson, who was well-behaved and obedient in his eyes, had been hiding so many evil things from him!

The nature of these things is too serious, one more serious than the other.

And any thing that is exposed, Lei Haoran’s sentence of more than ten years is light!

Once fully exposed, Lei Haoran will die!

Even Old Master Lei couldn’t keep him!

What’s more, Lei Haoran has done many evil deeds, and sooner or later these things will be exposed, and he can’t hide them at all!

The pressure exerted by Lei Jin and Lei Yiming, coupled with the exposure of these things, finally made Old Master Lei make up his mind and make a decision with a fierce heart.

For the sake of the Lei family’s reputation, Lei Haoran must die.

And it has to be ‘fear of sin suicide’!

Don’t look at the fact that Old Master Lei is extremely fond of this grandson in his daily life, but in front of the entire Lei family and the entire family, there is only one way to abandon Lei Haoran, the grandson.

Otherwise, the reputation and future of the Lei family will be destroyed in the hands of Lei Haoran!

In front of the entire Lei family and the preservation of Lei Haoran, Old Master Lei chose the former.

Maybe he didn’t have a choice.

As a result, Lei Haoran ‘committed suicide in fear of sin’.

At the same time, Ye Fei’s other information to Lei Jin also came in handy.

This information is exactly the black material related to Lei Haoran’s father, Lei Shaohui!

This part of the black material was also exposed.

Lei Jin found someone to report Lei Shaohui in real name and provided this part of the information.

Hit the snake seven inches!

Since he had already died with Lei Shaohui and Lei Haoran’s father and son, Lei Yiming would certainly not be soft.

Therefore, since this morning, Lei Shaohui has been under investigation by the Control Yuan, and I believe that there will be results soon.

This is the end of the matter, and the coffin is conclusive!

Lei Haoran, die!

Lei Haoran’s father, Lei Shaohui, will surely fall!

What is the ending of Lei Shaohui after that, that also seems to be predictable.

After Ye Fei listened to Lei Yiming’s story, he also completely relaxed his heart.

And Lei Yiming thanked Ye Fei continuously, this time to overthrow Lei Haoran, although Ye Fei did not directly participate, but in fact, Ye Fei was the greatest achievement.

If it weren’t for Ye Fei’s guidance, Lei Yiming probably wouldn’t have been able to find Huang Yufeng in his lifetime! After all, Huang Yufeng had already been sent to the White Elephant Country by Lei Haoran.

In addition, if it wasn’t for Ye Fei helping Lei Jin detoxify and uncover Lei Haoran’s plot, Lei Yiming and Lei Jin’s fate would be even worse!

From this point of view, Ye Fei was not too much to say that he was the savior of Lei Jin and Lei Yiming’s father and son!

Therefore, Lei Yiming was in awe of Ye Fei now.

Respect is naturally to respect Ye Fei to help him.

And awe, that is even more because Ye Fei’s various means, especially Ye Fei’s intelligence ability, are really too strong!

Lei Haoran died, and Ye Fei was also in a relaxed and relaxed mood.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, the important character Lei Haoran was destroyed by the host, rewarding 1000 experience points.”

Just at this moment, Ye Fei’s ears heard the sound of the system’s prompt again.

1000 XP!

Comparable to Ye Fei’s experience points before killing the protagonist Lin Yufan!

Ye Fei was a bit unexpected, which was simply very rewarding and cool!


Today’s fourth change, the next few days will be at least four more every day, roar, beg for everything ~~_

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