According to the setting of the system, the experience points obtained by Ye Fei are determined by the difficulty and influence of him causing things.

As the heir of the Yandu giant Lei Family, Lei Haoran is also a very heavy character in the original book.

Moreover, if you want to kill Lei Haoran, it is much more difficult than killing Lin Yufan.

After all, although Lin Yufan is the protagonist, his strength is too poor, and he has no background, and it is normal to be crushed by Ye Fei.

After killing Lei Haoran, 1000 experience points are in hand, which is simply not too cool.

At present, Ye Fei already has 3300 experience points.

“Lei Haoran is dead, get rid of a confidant.” Ye Fei secretly said in his heart, there was a feeling of refreshment.

In the original book, Lei Shaohui and Lei Haoran’s father and son were the biggest accomplices of Chen Luo’s destruction of the Ye family, and after the collapse of the Ye family, Lei Shaohui and Lei Haoran’s father and son were also one of the biggest vested interests.

Ye Fei clearly remembers the ending in the original book, Lei Haoran seized and seized most of the Ye family’s industries, including various high-end hotels, financial funds and even brilliant entertainment companies were swallowed by Lei Haoran.

Chen Luo, on the other hand, occupied most of the Ye family’s real estate, cultural tourism and other companies.

Therefore, after destroying Lei Haoran, Ye Fei was also very happy in his heart.

Hearing Lei Yiming’s words, the corners of Ye Fei’s mouth curved a little, and this matter was completely over.

And the best thing is that Lei Yiming was also extremely hostile to Chen Luo on the phone, and even said to Ye Fei: “Brother Ye, call me when you want to deal with Chen Luo, count me as a buddy, his grandmother’s, Chen Luo dared to poison …”

Lei Yiming was annoyed by Chen Luo’s poisoning, and he obviously harbored a grudge against Chen Luo.

Chen Luo actually colluded with Lei Haoran to such an extent that Lei Yiming was furious in his heart, and he also resented Chen Luo to the extreme.

If Ye Fei hadn’t found out in time, his father would even have been in danger of life!

In fact, in the original book, although Chen Luo did not poison Lei Jin, Chen Luo also used a slight means to make Lei Jin and Lei Yiming father and son two not lightly, and finally Lei Yiming also died at the hands of Chen Luo.

Sensing Lei Yiming’s anger at Chen Luo, the corners of Ye Fei’s mouth hooked.

It seems that he still has an unexpected gain in solving Lei Haoran, which makes Lei Yiming resent Chen Luo as well.

Lei Jin and Lei Yiming’s father and son will completely control the Lei family after this change of the Lei family.

Of course, after this time, the Lei family was also seriously injured.

Without Lei Shaohui, Lei Haoran and others, the Lei family’s current power is much worse than before, and it has plummeted.

But despite this, Ye Fei was quite satisfied.

After all, as an ally, if the Lei family is too strong, it is not good, and it is even a bad thing for Ye Fei.

Only the Lei family was weak, but it could make Ye Fei in a dominant position in the alliance, and even facilitate Ye Fei to control the Lei family.

Therefore, Ye Fei was very satisfied with the current situation of the Lei family.

“Brother Lei rest assured, I will inform you when the time comes,” Ye Fei whispered.

“Well, I know, brother, I won’t bother more.” Lei Yiming said with a big laugh, and then hung up the phone, he was obviously in good spirits for happy events.

Ye Fei also hung up the phone, with a faint smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fei heard a pleasant voice ringing around him.

“Who’s calling?” Su Qingzhu was lying on the bed, and she still maintained a curled sleeping position, like a small kitten.

In fact, the curled sleeping position represents a person’s inner insecurity, and Su Qingzhu is obviously such a person.

Ye Fei sighed darkly when he saw it, in fact, Su Qingzhu was resistant to anyone due to the shadow of his childhood, like a wounded stray cat secretly licking wounds in the corner.

Only to Ye Fei, she opened her heart.

When Ye Fei saw her like this, he couldn’t help but feel a little distressed.

Su Qingzhu looked at Ye Fei confusedly, and those bright eyes slightly lost focus, looking at him blankly, and his expression was still a little cute.

Ye Fei saw this, smiled and stepped forward, picked up Su Qingzhu in the posture of a princess, and in Su Qingzhu’s exclamation, carried her directly to the dresser in the bathroom.

In the mirror of the dresser, Su Qingzhu hooked Ye Fei’s neck, and the white jade skin and neck were all beautiful.

Ye Fei smiled, “You wash first, I am ready for breakfast.” ”

“Okay.” Su Qingzhu took the initiative to kiss Ye Fei’s cheek, and then began to wash, she hummed the song softly, obviously in a good mood.

After washing, Su Qingzhu wore a silk nightgown and walked back to the bedroom barefoot, and under Ye Fei’s gaze, she turned her back to change clothes with some embarrassment.

Ye Fei admired the smooth pink back, and then heard Su Qingzhu ask softly, “Who were you talking to on the phone just now?” Sounds like you’re in a good mood. ”

Ye Fei smiled and said, “It’s the Lei family’s business…”

At the moment, Ye Fei simply told Su Qingzhu about the Lei family.

After Su Qingzhu listened, his bright eyes widened and he was surprised: “Lei Haoran, he is dead…”

Of course, Su Qingzhu also knew how huge the Lei family’s power was, but Ye Fei actually grasped Lei Haoran’s handle, and let Lei Haoran ‘commit suicide in fear of sin’.

“Well, dead, it is estimated that this afternoon at the latest, tomorrow the Lei family will make public the news of his death.” Ye Fei whispered.

Su Qingzhu nodded slightly, she was surprised by Ye Fei’s means, even Lei Haoran of the Lei family was not his opponent.

“It’s a little complicated, so don’t think about it and eat first.” Ye Fei gave Su Qingzhu an omelette.

Hearing the rumors, Su Qingzhu smiled, she ate the sugar heart omelette, she bit the omelette, accidentally ate it all over her mouth.

Ye Fei saw this scene and carefully wiped the food residue from the corner of his mouth for Su Qingzhu, while laughing: “How do you eat into a small flower cat…”

Ye Fei’s movements are gentle, and he is of course very gentle with his own woman.

Su Qingzhu looked at Ye Fei sheepishly, feeling Ye Fei’s gentle movements, and for a moment even her eyes became softer, and she whispered, “Ye Fei…”


“I feel like I like you more and more.” Su Qingzhu’s face was slightly red, and she said softly.

Ye Fei lost his smile, and between the gaze of Su Qingzhu, Ye Fei’s gaze also became softer, the surface of this girl was cold, but after really contacting Su Qingzhu, she found that her requirements were surprisingly low.


1 more, there are three chapters ~~~~_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and score

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