Mu family compound.


The kitchen of the Mu family is very good, and all kinds of kitchenware and equipment are readily available, all of which are placed aside.

Ye Fei quietly walked to the kitchen, and he smelled a smell of oil smoke coming out of the kitchen.

Then, Ye Fei saw a Qianying stir-frying in the kitchen, it was Mu Zizhen.

However, under Ye Fei’s careful consideration, he couldn’t help but laugh.

Because Mu Zi Gang is a little special in cooking.

She was actually opening her phone to find recipes while cooking!

It seems that Mr. Mu said a little well, Mu Zizhen really rarely cooked, she actually had to open her mobile phone to check the recipe to cook.

That’s no one, too.

However, this can also better reflect Mu Zizhen’s thoughts.

Mu Zizhen would go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables for him, and then bring them back to cook…

It’s so beautiful to think about it.

Ye Fei did not disturb Mu Zizhen, but watched Mu Zizhen cook from a distance, only to see Mu Zizhen pick up the mobile phone to read the recipe, she was concentrated, and did not notice Ye Fei watching her outside the kitchen.

The dish made by Mu Zizhen is a famous dish: green pepper back to the pot meat.

Only to see Mu Zizhen knife work is not bad, because she has been practicing martial arts for many years, and she can grasp the strength and measure very well.

Washed green peppers, cut onions, fat and lean pork belly, plus watercress sauce and other condiments.

Mu Zi Zhen’s stir-frying action is a bit jerky, obviously not often cooking, very unskilled.

However, it is precisely because of Mu Zizhen’s action that the corners of Ye Fei’s mouth arouse a smile, which shows Mu Zizhen’s thoughts about him.

It is too rare to have a woman like Mu Zizhen cook.

Ye Fei saw Mu Zizhen fry this plate of green pepper back to the pot meat, she also picked up a piece of back to the pot meat herself first tasted the taste, after tasting the taste of the back pot meat, Mu Zi Zhen nodded satisfactorily, slightly nodded the head, and then made a gesture of Ye.

Ye Fei was suddenly cute.

Mu Zizhen is really cute in private.

“Zi Gang.”

Ye Fei watched from the side for half a day, and finally shouted, but let Mu Zizhen immediately turn his head, her bright eyes were focused on Ye Fei’s body, Qiu Shui looked at Ye Fei with long eyes, and asked in a low voice: “When did you come?” ”

Mu Zizhen’s face was slightly red, a little embarrassed.

If Ye Fei had come early, wouldn’t it have meant that the scene just now had been seen by this guy?

The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth smiled, and he smiled: “I just came, see that you have been reading the mobile phone recipe…”

As Ye Fei spoke, he walked into the kitchen, smiling and preparing to pick up Mu Zizhen’s mobile phone.

But the next second, Mu Zizhen’s mobile phone was held by her, and then held in her arms, sniffing: “Don’t look!” You avoid it first, and after a while the dish is ready I call you! ”

Ye Fei stood where he was, and said: “First of all, I will talk to you, Mu Lao will go and talk to his comrades-in-arms, and at noon we will both …”

“Grandpa went to his comrades-in-arms?” Gu was a little surprised.

Ye Fei smiled, “Yes, Elder Mu complained about me for a while before he left, saying that the female eldest did not stay, and said that you had not made much food for him.” ”

Hearing this, Mu Zizhen’s face was slightly red, his eyes were full of stars, and he looked at Ye Fei with disgust: “It’s not all because of you.” ”

Ye Fei said cheekily, “Yes, who made me have this blessing?” ”

“So you just wait for the meal to eat, I’ll cook first, don’t disturb me, the kitchen is heavy, go out!” As soon as Mu Zi Yu waved his hand, he began to drive people out.

Ye Fei shook his head, smiling and preparing to leave the kitchen, when his mobile phone suddenly rang, only to see a WeChat message also sent.

It was Lei Yiming who sent him a message.

Ye Fei glanced at the news, only to see that the content of the message was also very simple, it was the news that Lei Haoran’s father, Lei Shaohui, was temporarily suspended from his post and investigated by the Supervision Yuan.

Lei Shaohui is temporarily suspended!

This means that Lei Shaohui is also completely finished, and he will definitely fall from power.

The evidence that Ye Fei sent to Lei Yiming was enough for Lei Shaohui to go in and squat for more than ten years.

It can be said that Lei Shaohui’s career life has ended.

This was even more uncomfortable for him than killing Lei Shaohui!

When Ye Fei saw the news, the corners of his mouth smiled.

This is another piece of good news for him.

Ye Fei had thought that according to normal speed and efficiency, it would take a week for Lei Shaohui to be suspended, but the result was so fast, it seemed that Lei Yiming’s father and son were also afraid of the long night and dreamy, and acted efficiently.

“What’s wrong?” Mu Zizhen noticed Ye Fei’s expression and WeChat message, and asked with concern.

Ye Fei simply told Mu Zizhen this news.

Upon learning of Lei Haoran’s death, Mu Zizhen was equally slightly surprised, just like Su Qingzhu.

However, Mu Zizhen was more sensitive than Su Qingzhu, and she immediately realized that after the Lei family had gone through this time, she was afraid that it would be a slump, even if there was Lei Jin and Lei Yiming’s father and son, it would be difficult to regain the glory of the past.

This time the Lei family was fighting among themselves, and the damage to the Lei family was heart-wrenching.

Mu Zizhen whispered, “You said before that you were going to deal with the Lei family, but you didn’t expect to act so soon.” Mu Ziming’s eyes flashed with admiration.

Ye Fei did not shy away from Mu Zizhen, Su Qingzhu and other women who knew these things, because they were not vases, on the contrary, they were all quite accomplished in their respective fields.

Especially Mu Zizhen, she came from an extraordinary background, born in such a top family as the Mu family, she is very clear about the situation of the Yandu giants, and sometimes analyzing the situation can also help Ye Fei.

This time, Ye Fei let the Lei family fight with lightning speed, and even within a day or two, the matter had a result, and Lei Haoran finally died!

This ability is enough to amaze Mu Ziyuan.

Mu Zizhen did not doubt that Ye Fei could deal with the Lei family, but he did not expect that he would solve the Lei family and solve the Lei Haoran so quickly!

Ye Fei winked at Mu Zizhen and smiled, “The Lei family’s affairs are over, and then I will start to deal with Chen Luo, I am afraid that Chen Luo’s dog will jump the wall.” ”

Chen Luo’s fate was already predestined, he was destined to end up like Lei Haoran!

“Okay.” Mu Zizhen gently opened her mouth and was about to speak, when her delicate face showed a slight panic, as if she suddenly remembered something, she whispered, “My fish! ”

With that, Mu Zizhen turned violently to look at the other pot.

It turned out that Mu Zizhen was still cooking fish when he fried green peppers back to the pot of meat.

Ye Fei looked at the bottom of the pot and saw that the braised fish had been burned at this moment, completely out of shape.

Mu Zizhen, on the other hand, had a sad frown on his face, frowned and muttered, “My fish…”

Ye Fei couldn’t help but wonder.

Mu Zizhen This is really a little inexplicably cute.


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