“My fish…”

Mu Zizhen looked at the pot with a sad face.

In this pot is another dish she made: braised fish cubes.

This braised fish nugget is also a dish she carefully prepared, but Ye Fei did not expect Mu Zizhen to actually cook vegetables in two pots at the same time.

How should this be evaluated?

Although the level of cooking is not good, but there is a heart of a kitchen god?

Ye Fei looked at Mu Zizhen with a smile.

Mu Zizhen said lightly, “You are still laughing, my fish is gone…”

Ye Fei said, “It’s all right, just burn one more.” ”

“I’ve bought a few fish, you can make a new one, you just go outside and wait, don’t bother me anymore!” Mu Zizhen said half jokingly and half seriously.

Mu Zizhen has always been serious about doing things, especially this time or cooking for his sweetheart, of course, to concentrate.

Hearing Mu Zizhen say this, Ye Fei also said, “Or let’s cook together, and I’ll help you.” ”

“Do you cook?” Mu Zizhen blinked at the Water Spirit Spirit’s eyes and looked up and down at Ye Fei, slightly surprised.

In recent years, men who can cook are really becoming rarer.

Ye Fei smiled confidently and said, “Of course.” ”

In a past life, Ye Fei could cook, but the level of cooking could only be counted as medium.

As for now…

Ye Fei silently clicked on the attribute page of the system and spent 100 million yuan to order himself a high-level proficient skill in cooking.

Advanced Culinary Mastery!

After clicking on the upgrade skill, Ye Fei’s mind suddenly had countless knowledge and skills, all about cooking.

To put it bluntly, Ye Fei instantly became a top chef.

The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth showed a smile and said, “Zi Zhen, if you don’t believe it, we can compare it.” ”

“Better than cooking?” Mu Zizhen heard Ye Fei say this, and he was suddenly a little interested.

Previously, the martial arts two did not win or lose, and the marksmanship Mu Zizhen was slightly inferior at that time, and the two swimmers tried to compete, and as a result, Mu Zizhen did not win Ye Fei.

It can be said that in several tests with Ye Fei, Mu Zizhen did not have the upper hand.

This also made Mu Zizhen appreciate and admire Ye Fei, but also wanted to test what Ye Fei was proficient in.

Thinking of this, Mu Zizhen agreed: “Then let’s try it, just two stove positions, one on the other.” ”

Seeing Mu Zizhen’s pretty face and slightly unconvinced, Ye Fei deliberately said, “Why not make a bet?” ”

“What bet do you want?” Mu Ziming stared at Ye Fei, and he knew in his heart what bad ideas Ye Fei had as a bad person.

Ye Fei whispered a few words in front of Mu Zizhen, and Mu Zizhen’s face instantly turned red.

Ye Fei this guy is really bad.

Mu Zizhen’s eyes fluttered, he thought about it, and he bit down: “Good, than than I am not afraid of you!” ”

The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth smiled: “At that moment, I made a delicious taste, I think it is delicious, don’t be hungry and drool.” ”

“Not really! I didn’t believe you were so good that I didn’t eat your dishes for a while. Mu Zizhen said slightly, as if he was deliberately gambling with Ye Fei.

Who let Ye Fei, the bad guy, ask too much.

Either way, be sure to win him!

Mu Zizhen was full of confidence, she felt that Ye Fei must be bluffing, and the level of cooking skills was similar to hers, and she might not necessarily lose to this bad person.

Thus, the two cooking competitions began.

Mu Zizhen chose to re-make the braised fish pieces.

Ye Fei chose two famous dishes: shredded fish and sweet and sour ribs.

These two dishes are not difficult, but if you want to make these two home-cooked dishes delicious, you really need to be skilled.

Only to see Ye Fei first make fish and meat shreds, he prepared shredded meat, carrots, green peppers, onions, fungus and other side dishes, all of which were made into shreds.

Of course, Ye Fei’s knife work is also extremely sharp, and his knife work is fast and precise.

However, although Mu Zizhen was a little surprised by this, he was not surprised, after all, Mu Zizhen knew that Ye Fei also had martial arts in his body, and it was not so amazing that he could practice knife skills to this level.

It’s just that Mu Zizhen has a bad premonition in his heart, should Ye Fei really be proficient in cooking?

Seeing Ye Fei’s movements was extremely skilled, which made Mu Zizhen a little flustered, especially thinking of the bet just now, Mu Zizhen was even more red-faced.

Ye Fei showed his cooking skills, stir-fried in the pot, added ingredients such as bean paste, salt, soy sauce, etc., and then even stir-fried in the pot, which made Mu Zizhen on the side immediately understand Ye Fei’s deep concealment.


Look at Ye Fei’s cooking level, at least it is also a professional chef!

Mu Zizhen immediately understood that she had been deceived, and actually agreed to this bad guy to compete with him in cooking, and Ye Fei was digging a pit and waiting for her to jump.

Mu Zizhen also agreed to his bet…

After seeing Ye Fei stir-fry the fish and meat shreds, he quickly put the fried dishes on the plate and then began to make the next dish of sweet and sour ribs.

Sweet and sour ribs first remove the blood of the ribs, and then Ye Fei is also a step-by-step action is extremely sharp, almost no extra steps.

Mu Zizhen saw the corners of his mouth slightly, and he knew better that he was being tricked by Ye Fei.

It wasn’t until Ye Fei finished the sweet and sour pork ribs that Mu Zizhen’s braised fish pieces could be completed.

Ye Fei made two dishes, and Mu Zizhen only made one dish.

And more importantly, Ye Fei’s fishy flesh seems to have a real fish aroma, and the aroma is swirling and full of smell.

As for the sweet and sour ribs, it is even more unusual, this dish emits a seductive aroma, sprinkled with sesame seeds, with the aroma overflowing, and the sugar color is even more appetizing.

When Ye Fei brought the two dishes to the table, Mu Zizhen couldn’t help but look at these two dishes frequently.

Looks very tasty.

At noon, Mu Zizhen was busy for another morning, she saw two dishes that were delicious at first glance, but she couldn’t help but swallow it.

“Why don’t you try it?” Specially made for you, it is a pity that you do not taste it. Ye Fei said with a smile.

Ye Fei is very confident in his cooking skills, originally his cooking skills are not bad, coupled with the help of the system, he is immediately comparable to a celebrity chef.

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Mu Zizhen still did not hold back, first clipped a chopstick of fish fragrant meat shreds, swallowed it in a small mouthful, and chewed it carefully.

The moment Mu Zizhen ate the shredded fish, his eyes widened.


The meat is smooth and delicate, with a hint of Q-bouncing, while the other side dishes are completely flavorful, and the aroma between the lips and teeth is overflowing.

Mu Zizhen couldn’t help but pick up a piece of sweet and sour ribs, and under careful taste, he felt that the aroma of sweet and sour ribs bloomed completely between the taste buds, sweet but not greasy, and the sweet taste always lingered.

Sweet and sour pork ribs are better than shredded fish!

Mu Zizhen couldn’t help but clip another piece of ribs, and Ye Fei couldn’t help but smile as he watched it.

It’s a big real incense scene.

What did Mu Zizhen say just now? Say don’t you want to eat his dishes?

“Well, the bet is that I won?” Ye Fei asked with a smile.

It’s time for Mu Zizhen to cash in on the bet.



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