Ye Fei smiled and looked narrowly at Mu Zizhen.

Between Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei’s eyes, his face slowly turned red.

Ye Fei blinked and said, “What kind of dish do I make?” ”

To be fair, Ye Fei’s dishes are indeed masterful, almost comparable to professional chefs. Although the fish shredded meat and sweet and sour pork ribs are both home-cooked dishes, they have made a different flavor on Ye Fei’s hands.

Especially the sweet and sour ribs, the taste is simply amazing, it is really a pleasure on the tip of the tongue.

Mu Zizhen is still secretly looking at the sweet and sour ribs, and the meat aroma of the sweet and sour ribs is echoed between his lips and teeth.

What a fragrance!

She immediately forgot about what she had just said about not eating Ye Fei’s cooking, and looked at the plate of sweet and sour ribs with her eyes.

Delicious, still want to eat.

“Your cooking… It’s awesome. Mu Zizhen said such a sentence, she is not good at lying, and also admits that Ye Fei’s cooking skills are very strong.

In Mu Zigen’s view, Ye Fei’s cooking skills are even more powerful than the chefs of the Mu family, at least Mu Zizhen himself has not eaten such delicious sweet and sour ribs for a long time.

However, this ‘gamble’ was really lost to him, and he lost it completely. Mu Zizhen couldn’t help but glance at Ye Fei, who was extremely delicate.

“You man… What a monster. ”

Mu Zizhen thought about it for half a day and used the word ‘monster’ to evaluate.

Ye Fei this person is really…

Whether it is swimming, martial arts, marksmanship, he is very proficient, and what makes Mu Zizhen even more amazed is that how can he even master such a partial thing as cooking?

In the face of such a guy, Mu Zizhen did not feel frustration in his heart, but gave the monster an evaluation very appropriately.

Ye Fei accepted this title calmly, and he smiled: “Monsters are monsters, in short, you are willing to gamble and lose, you don’t have to play tricks.” ”

As Ye Fei spoke, he picked up the braised fish pieces made by Mu Zizhen. Mu Zizhen’s cooking skills are relatively rusty, but this braised fish block unexpectedly tastes good, and it seems that Mu Zizhen is also very talented in cooking.

Unfortunately, Mu Zizhen encountered Ye Fei.

Ye Fei tasted the braised fish pieces made by Mu Zizhen and smiled, “Well, the braised fish pieces you made are also very delicious.” ”

Ye Fei’s gaze narrowed the focus on Mu Zizhen’s body, making Mu Zizhen’s face red and red-eared, knowing what bad idea this guy was playing.

What Ye Fei wanted was a bet.

The two had just discussed the stakes.

Mu Zizhen’s heart was crossed, slightly twisted, but when he saw Ye Fei’s action at this time, he reached out and gently caressed her delicate face, and the skin of Mu Zizhen’s face was as delicate and smooth as an egg that had been shelled.

Although there is no powder, the plain face is facing the sky, but this skin feels like a pearl jade.

Ye Fei’s fingers lightly touched Mu Zizhen, soft as water, and even more moving.

At this time, Mu Zizhen was also full of affection in her eyes, and her temperament was feminine, she slightly closed her eyes, as if she was doing something bad, and her long eyelashes trembled nervously.

“Open your mouth.” Ye Fei was full of seduction with words.

Mu Zi Yuan’s mouth opened slightly, Ye Fei reached out and put his finger into her mouth, and suddenly a warm and extreme touch came from his fingertips, and Mu Zi Yuan’s entire face was completely red.

That’s right, this is Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen’s bet!

Ye Fei looked at the beautiful person in his arms, and this moment rose up with an unparalleled sense of satisfaction and conquest.

When Ye Fei saw that flushed face, the corners of his mouth were raised, and Mu Zizhen looked alienated and cold from any attitude on the surface, but when he came into contact with Ye Fei, he had a different look, which made Ye Fei have an incomparably strong sense of conquest.

Mu Zizhen snuggled up next to Ye Fei, and the two of them ate this meal very slowly, and Mu Zizhen blushed the whole time.

Ye Fei’s meal was indeed delicious, the two dishes of fish and shredded meat and sweet and sour pork ribs were all eaten, and Ye Fei was also very happy with the braised fish pieces made by Mu Zizhen, and he almost swept the whole plate of braised fish pieces by himself.

Mu Zi saw the situation, his smiling eyes were bent, and his eyes were like water.

Of course, she knew that Ye Fei had eaten all the food because of her, and what better reward could this be for the people who cooked?

Mu Zizhen could feel Ye Fei’s gentleness from these details.

This bad guy would be even more perfect if he didn’t have those bad thoughts. Mu Zizhen blushed and thought darkly.

After eating, Mu Zizhen spoke highly of this meal and whispered to Ye Fei, “If you cook for me every day, I feel that it won’t be long before you feed me fat…”

Ye Fei smiled, “Actually, it’s good to be fat, and it’s not bad that you’re fat now.” Besides, Zi Gang, you like sports so much, how can you be fat. ”

How does a saying come about? Micro-fat is the best.

Of course, Mu Zizhen’s figure does not have to worry at all, she is the girl who likes sports most around Ye Fei, and it would be strange if she could be fat.

After eating, Mu Zizhen was forcibly pulled by Ye Fei to apply ice muscle jade bee water, and the name was beautiful to give Mu Zizhen a solid wound so as not to leave scars, but the real purpose was only known to Ye Fei himself.

Finally, Mu Zizhen blushed and came out of the bedroom, looked at Ye Fei with disgust, Ye Fei smiled straightly, and his eyes were intertwined on Mu Zizhen’s body.

Mu Zizhen was shy in his heart, and he had a little sweetness.

The two really have a sweet feeling of love now.

“By the way, what are you going to do with Chen Luo next?” Mu Zizhen was well aware of Ye Fei’s thoughts, and after solving Lei Haoran, Lei Shaohui was also facing the investigation of the Supervision Yuan, and it was a foregone conclusion that he would fall from power.

Mu Zizhen was very concerned about Ye Fei’s next move.

Ye Fei’s next step was to deal with Chen Luo.

“Mountain people have their own tricks.” Ye Fei blinked, smiled and sold a pass.

Mu Zizhen wanted to talk again and again, and finally whispered, “I know you have a way, but you really have to deal with Chen Luo, because of the face of Wu Shen Doctor, the Wei family is definitely not helping each other.” And Chen Luo must have turned to the Zheng family… Although Chen Luo is difficult to deal with and pose a threat, it is difficult for you to make him and Lei Haoran the same. ”

Mu Zizhen told the truth.

At present, Chen Luo was indeed not Ye Fei’s opponent and could no longer pose a threat to Ye Fei.

However, due to Wu Shenyi’s face, it was difficult for Ye Fei to kill Chen Luo like he had killed Lei Haoran!

Because Chen Luo still has a protective umbrella behind him, although the Wei family will most likely not help each other, but don’t forget, there is also the Zheng family who owed Wu Shen a favor back then!

Ye Fei heard Mu Zizhen mention the Zheng family, and he smiled slightly: “The Zheng family can’t protect Chen Luo, I promise you, Chen Luo will soon be cornered and completely finished.” ”

Ye Fei is absolutely sure!


1 more to ask for all the support_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and score

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