Of course, Ye Fei knew that with the face of Wu Shen Doctor, most of the Yan capitals would give him face, especially the Zheng family.

The Zheng family is also one of the top giants in Yandu, Chen Luo knows that Ye Fei is powerful, he is definitely not Ye Fei’s opponent, he will definitely seek the protection of the Zheng family to protect himself.

But the Zheng family…

The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth hooked.

In fact, after reading the original book, Ye Fei knew that the Zheng family itself had a big problem!

Although the Zheng family is a top giant, enough to compete with the Wei family and the Mu family, the Zheng family itself has a big problem!

Ye Fei knew that there was a vendetta between the Zheng family and a certain big man in the Central Yuan, and there was some resentment between them.

Don’t look at the surface scenery of the Zheng family, it is a top giant, but in fact, it has long been in danger.

Ye Fei knew better that it would not be long before the Zheng family would be in crisis because of the investigation of the big man in the Central Central Yuan.

Of course, this is the big guy-level Immortal Fighting Method.

Although the Zheng family was hindered by the huge strength, the Zheng family was not destroyed in the end, but it also fell into a trough since then, and the aura faded a lot.

And that’s going to happen in a week or two at most!

Therefore, Ye Fei did not panic in the slightest, he knew that if Chen Luo went to the Zheng family, it would be in vain!

The Zheng family iceberg is difficult to rely on!

When the Zheng family is not ready to take care of themselves, where is the leisure to keep Chen Luo?

Yes, Ye Fei did not panic in the slightest.

The ending of Chen Luo was already predestined from the beginning.

In fact, Ye Fei’s layout since this period of time was waiting for Chen Luo to go to the Zheng family!

Ye Fei severed the love between Chen Luo and the Wei family, let Chen Luo turn to the Zheng family, and then follow the trend to close the net and destroy Chen Luo!

Chen Luo was like a duck driven by Ye Fei, and under Ye Fei’s siege, he finally turned to the Zheng family.

Killing Chen Luo, he probably couldn’t have imagined that this was the result Ye Fei wanted to see.

If he knew the truth, Chen Luo would definitely be depressed to death.

“Are you so sure?” Mu Zizhen didn’t know all this, she blinked her eyes at Qiu Shui, and her face was surprised.

Ye Fei smiled and blinked, “Just wait to see my brother behave.” ”

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Mu Zizhen gave him a blank look and said softly, “If you can’t deal with the Zheng family, come to your sister for my help, I will help you.” ”

The two men’s titles are also messy enough.

Ye Fei took Mu Zizhen’s hand, and the two of them wandered around the courtyard for a while, and Mu Zizhen snuggled up next to Ye Fei and said with some concern: “Although my injury is recuperating, I can’t exercise vigorously for a while, nor can I practice boxing…”

Practicing boxing is a necessary item for Mu Zizhen every day, but due to injuries, Mu Zizhen has not practiced boxing in the past few days.

She looked slightly lazily leaning into the leaf, and her tone was a little playful.

Mu Zizhen’s injury did recover quickly, at least not at all to delay her daily life, but practicing boxing is a strenuous exercise, and if she wants to practice boxing again, it is easy to involve injuries and tearing wounds.

Therefore, Ye Feiming forbade it and told Mu Zizhen not to practice boxing.

Mu Zizhen also knew that Ye Fei was for her own good, but it was just a little boring.

Can’t practice boxing, can’t go to the army, this time Mu Zizhen can only stay at home, it is really boring.

Ye Fei thought about it and blinked, “Otherwise, I will let me help you treat?” I happen to have a bottle of secret healing potion here, and I will help you apply the medicine…”

Only to see Ye Fei take out a bottle of potion like a trick at this time.

This bottle of potion was specially prepared by Ye Fei for Mu Zizhen, and the effect was very good, far beyond the general bruising medicinal liquor. However, the selection of medicinal materials is more precious, and Ye Fei has only prepared a few bottles at present.

Seeing that Ye Fei really took out a bottle of potion, Mu Zizhen couldn’t help but be surprised, and his heart was even warmer.

It turned out that Ye Fei had always remembered this incident and specially mixed a potion for her…

Mu Zizhen was touched in his heart, this man always did not hang tenderness on his lips, but he always thought of her.

But this bad guy said what to help him apply medicine, so as not to cheap him!

Thinking of this, Mu Zizhen blinked his eyes and whispered, “Okay, then you give me the medicine, and we will go in and apply it…”

“Okay.” Ye Fei didn’t expect Mu Zizhen to agree so quickly, and he handed Mu Zizhen the bottle of potion.

Mu Zizhen took the potion, smiled at the corner of his mouth, laughed softly, turned around and sneaked into the room, and then closed the door.

Ye Fei was stunned outside the door, and then shook his head.

I was actually deceived by this nun!

Mu Zizhen’s laughter came out of the room, and she chuckled, “This bottle of medicine is mine, I can just apply it myself.” ”

Ye Fei couldn’t help but complain, “What about the trust between people, Zi Gang, you are doing this to me?” Besides, I’m a professional doctor, so let me do this…”

Mu Zizhen was actually playing with Ye Fei, the corners of her mouth were smiling, her face was slightly red, and after the red halo appeared, she hesitated for a while, and finally put Ye Fei in.

Ye Fei got Mu Zizhen’s acquiescence, and suddenly had the opportunity to feast his eyes and take this opportunity to rub medicine for Mu Zizhen.

Mu Zizhen’s injured part was her ribs, Ye Fei lifted her blouse, and her fair skin was immediately exposed to the air.

Mu Zizhen was on the side of the mantis head, and the side of his face was as bright as a peach and plum, bright and incomprehensible.


Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

Just as Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen were enjoying the happy world of two, Chen Luo was in his private villa at this time.

Duan Qi was sitting next to Chen Luo, and Duan Qi was frowning and spitting mist, his face was gloomy, and he had an unhappy expression.

And Chen Luo is even more so.

I saw that the villa was full of chaos, full of vases and furniture falling marks, and the whole house was as chaotic as if it had entered the robbers.

Chen Luo was full of anger and vented his anger.

The servants and housekeepers in the villa were all silent, and they all hid aside and did not dare to squeak, but fortunately, Chen Luo had often been angry lately, and they were all accustomed to it and scattered.

After Chen Luo vented, he also sat down, his brows locked, and sat on the sofa swallowing clouds and vomiting mist, his face was extremely gloomy.

“Damn, how did Lei Haoran die?” How can this be? Chen Luo had just received the news that Lei Haoran had committed suicide in fear of crime, and his heart was shocked and angry, and even a little desperate.

Lei Haoran is dead, and he has lost another ally!

Now his hopes of dealing with Ye Fei were getting smaller and smaller, even incomparably slim.


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