Private villa.

Chen Luo’s face was extremely gloomy, his face was as black as the bottom of the pot, and his gaze was even more miserable.

Lei Haoran was dead.

This heavy news hit Chen Luo not lightly.

Chen’s mentality collapsed directly.

Moreover, immediately following Chen Luo’s heart, there was a surge of despair and even fear, Lei Haoran’s death was really too strange.

After Lei Haoran died, would it be revealed that he helped Lei Haoran poison?

Chen Luo had also been thinking about this question, and the more he thought about it, the more he was afraid for a while, because once this matter was exposed, then his problem was even greater.

Thinking of this, a cold sweat appeared on Chen Luo’s forehead.

“Brother and Master, how could this Lei Haoran suddenly die?” Duan Qizheng was also extremely puzzled on the side, feeling that it was really unfavorable to the flow of years, and the point was too back.

How could Lei Haoran suddenly die?

“Lei Haoran died indeed strangely, it is said that Lei Yiming suddenly attacked him, but I always feel that there is not so simple behind this matter.” Lei Haoran and Lei Shaohui’s father and son were just like they were suddenly grabbed by someone and were directly killed…”

Chen Luo muttered to himself, he always felt that the style of practice in this matter was very familiar.

Chen Luo had actually guessed the mastermind behind this incident.


Thinking of this name, Chen Luo was like a nightmare, and a thick hatred appeared in his eyes.

The operation method of this matter is indeed very similar to Ye Fei’s doing!

The more Chen Luo thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, but there was no evidence. However, the contradiction between Lei Haoran and Ye Fei was known, and it was very likely that the mastermind behind this matter was Ye Fei!

“Brother and Master, do you think there will be any mastermind behind this matter?” Duan Qi was looking at Chen Luo and couldn’t help asking.

Duan Qizheng is actually saying this casually.

But at this time, Chen Luo looked up sharply and looked directly at Duan Qizheng: “Brother Master, do you also think that this incident was caused by Chen Luo?” ”

At this moment, Qi Zheng was stunned instead, and his eyes were strange: “Brother Master, do you mean to doubt Ye Fei?” ”

Duan Qizheng’s face was incredible, he actually said casually just now, who knew that Chen Luo’s reaction was so big, and Chen Luo actually felt that this matter was Ye Fei’s mastermind behind the scenes?

Duan Qizheng felt that his disciple was a bit frightened by Ye Fei, and he thought about everything to Ye Fei’s body.

Sure enough, Chen Luo nodded very dryly, “Yes, I suspect that Ye Fei is behind it.” ”

Duan Qizheng thought about it and was silent, but he felt more and more that Chen Luo was scared.

Even Duan Qizheng really wanted to ask Chen Luo, are you being beaten silly by Ye Fei?

Is Ye Fei really that powerful?

Duan Qi was very eager to look at Chen Luo with a caring look in his eyes for the mentally retarded, but in the end he sighed and sighed: “Brother Master, what are you going to do next?” ”

“Me?” Asked about this by Duan Qizheng, Chen Luo’s eyes also showed a color, and then he became extremely fierce, and he still hated Ye Fei undiminished, and he was eager to eat raw meat.

Chen Luo said fiercely, “Of course, I want to take revenge on Ye Fei, he has hurt me so badly, I must let Ye Fei and the Ye Group be completely destroyed… However, at present, the time has not yet come, I still keep in touch with the Zheng family first, so as not to be affected by Ye Fei, with the protection of the Zheng family, I do not have to worry about safety. ”

That’s right, Chen Luo has already been sheltered by the Zheng family!

After losing the Wei family’s dependence, Chen Luo immediately found the Zheng family as a protective umbrella, just as Ye Fei guessed!

It’s just that Ye Fei guessed the beginning, but he didn’t guess the ending.

The reason why Chen Luo was able to get involved with the Zheng family so quickly was very special.

On the one hand, of course, it was because Chen Luo’s master, Wu Shenyi, had once made the Zheng family owe human affection, and the Zheng family remembered this old love and helped Chen Luo.

Another more important aspect is that Chen Luo hooked up with a woman of the Zheng family!

This woman’s name is Zheng Ruzhu, forty-eight years old this year, is the younger daughter of the Zheng family’s grandfather.

That’s right, not granddaughters, daughters!

Forty-eight years old!

And what is even more fatal is that this Zheng Ruzhu person, as his name suggests, is really fat like a pig…

With a weight of more than one hundred and eighty kilograms, it is conceivable that this Zheng Ruzhu has a tonnage.

Forty-eight years old, weighs one hundred and eighteen!

Chen Luo also had bitterness and could not say, in order to build a relationship with the Zheng family, he forcibly endured with Zheng Ruzhu and Wei Snake, relying on his still handsome skin bag, hooked up with Zheng Ruzhu.

With the help of Zheng Ruzhu, Chen Luocai was sheltered by the Zheng family so quickly!

Chen Luo also had bitterness and could not say, in order to avoid Ye Fei’s retaliation, he had to find Zheng Ruzhu as a protective umbrella.

Therefore, Chen Luo’s resentment towards Ye Fei was getting deeper and deeper!

In Chen Luo’s view, if it wasn’t for Ye Fei, he wouldn’t have fallen into this field at all.

However, the only thing that comforted Chen Luo was that at least with the help of Zheng Ruzhu, his safety in Yandu was guaranteed.

Even if Ye Fei is stronger, even if the Ye Family is strong, it can’t shake the Zheng Family!

Although Chen Luo paid the price of ‘misery’, after all, the little white face was not so good.

How does a saying come about?

Thirty like a wolf, forty like a tiger, fifty sitting on the ground sucking the earth…

The more Chen Luo thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and he was thinking about how to deal with Ye Fei, and his heart was fierce.

But Chen Luo did not know that he thought he had embraced the Zheng family’s thick thighs, but what actually awaited him was a nightmare.


After Ye Fei helped Mu Zizhen heal, he came out of the Mu family compound refreshed.

The corners of his mouth evoked a faint smile, and he was in a good mood.

These times, his relationship with Mu Zizhen has grown by leaps and bounds, and the two are obviously in love.

Moreover, Ye Fei also saw an incomparably beautiful scene today, a more wonderful ‘scenery’ than he imagined.

Bidding farewell to Mu Zizhen, Ye Fei returned to his private villa, and as soon as he returned to the villa, he heard the mobile phone ringing, which was a call from Hei Wu.

Now Ye Fei was able to mobilize all the security personnel under the Ye Group, and the number of personnel under the Black Fifth was several times greater, making it easier to act.

Black Five’s voice came from the phone, and he said, “Young Master, I have a few news about Chen Luo to tell you.” ”

“Say it.” Ye Fei said lightly.

“It is like this, Chen Luo, this boy has taken a ride with the Zheng family, and he is very close to a woman named Zheng Ruzhu…”

Ye Fei had previously ordered Black Five to monitor Chen Luo’s movements, and Black Five had done a very good job of telling Ye Fei about Chen Luo’s situation.

Due to the high value of Chen Luo’s force, Hei Wu did not dare to monitor it too closely, and all he got was some general news.

But that’s enough.

Knowing that Chen Luo had hooked up with Zheng Ruzhu, Ye Fei had no fluctuations in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little!


3 more, there is another chapter _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and score

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