The place where Bai Ruoxi and Ye Fei met was at a high-end tea house not far from the Bai Group.

This tea house is called Hongding Tea House, and it has reserved a quiet private room for Bai Ruoxi.

When Ye flew to the teahouse, Bai Ruoxi was already waiting.

Today’s Bai Ruoxi wears a white professional dress skirt, flesh-colored stockings with black boots, outlining the curves of the legs, which is extremely moving.

Bai Ruoxi has a slender figure, his face is even more beautiful and matchless, and his appearance is dignified and exquisite.

The key is that her temperament is gentle and moving, Zhong Lingyu is beautiful, full of oriental feminine beauty.

Seeing Ye Fei, Bai Ruoxi took the initiative to brew a pot of flower tea for Ye Fei and whispered, “Have you eaten?” ”

“Not yet, I just received the news from Liu Zihao, I sent it to you, and I was ready to eat.” Ye Feidao.

Bai Ruoxi lightly nodded his head and said, “I just haven’t eaten either, so let’s eat something to fill my stomach first.” ”

The teahouse also had a snack, Bai Ruoxi casually ordered some meals, and the two sat together while eating and talking.

Bai Ruoxi had been busy for a day, and his mental state at this time was actually a little tired, but when he thought of the email sent by Ye Fei, his heart felt like a fire had been ignited.

She wants revenge!

After the dim sum was served, Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi only ate casually, and Bai Ruoxi said, “I want to take someone to Binhai City to check the stronghold of the Violet organization.” ”

Before coming out, Bai Ruoxi had already contacted the Bai family’s security company, and to put it bluntly, he was looking for someone.

After all, the Violet Organization was powerful, and it was really not easy to destroy the Violet Organization in Binhai City.

Ye Fei sighed slightly, “Your men are not enough, in the business field, you may have nothing to fear, but in terms of force, you are not the opponent of the Violet Organization.” ”

Ye Fei told the truth.

On the business talent and skill, Bai Ruoxi is indeed extremely talented, and the great Bai family not only did not collapse under her support, but also bloomed with unprecedented brilliance, firmly occupying the position of the three major business families in Yandu.

In terms of force, the Violet Organization is a world-class killer organization, and it is not so simple to destroy the Violet Organization.

“So what do you suggest?” Bai Ruoxi looked at Ye Fei.

Since Ye Fei had said so, he must have made a decision.

Bai Ruoxi knew that Ye Fei had a point.

Ye Fei said, “I want to find someone, she can definitely help.” ”


“Ning Yufei.”

That’s right, it’s Ning Yufei!

The last time he was in the Wei family, Ye Fei and this very top beauty kept contact information for each other.

Ning Yufei owns the largest insurance company in Yandu, and she is very famous in the martial arts industry, and more than half of the martial arts and boxing gyms in Yandu are her industry.

As the first heroine of “Huadu Soldier King”, Ye Fei also knows this powerful.

And more crucially, Ning Yufei used her former influence to almost become the underground overlord of the entire northern Xuanhuang Kingdom, and Binhai City was also within her sphere of influence.

The Violet Organization, as the weaver of the Eastern Sakura Kingdom, did not deal with Ning Yufei in the first place, which was equivalent to setting up another mountain on Ning Yufei’s territory.

Therefore, Ye Fei and Ning Yufei could cooperate this time.

“Ning Yufei, that woman of the Ning family…” Bai Ruoxi thought about it, she had also heard the rumors of Ning Yufei.

“That’s right, it’s her.”

Bai Ruoxi thought for a moment and immediately said, “Do you think she will help us?” ”

Ye Fei said, “Of course, we can cooperate with Ning Yufei.” ”

“Well, do you want me to get in touch?” Bai Ruoxi said dryly.

“I’ll do it.”

Ye Fei made a phone call and called Ning Yufei directly, and after a few rings, Ning Yufei answered the phone.

Seeing Ye Fei and Ning Yufei’s phone, Bai Ruoxi’s eyes moved slightly.

Ning Yufei’s slightly cold and surprised voice came out of the phone, and she said, “It was really an accident that Mr. Ye actually took the initiative to call me. ”

During the last trip to the Wei family, Ye Fei’s performance impressed Ning Yufei.

“Hello Miss Ning, I have something to say to you.” Ye Fei said simply.

“Mr. Ye, please say.”

“Miss Ning knows about the Violet Organization, right?”

“Violet? Oh, it turns out that Mr. Ye is looking for news from the Violet Organization? No wonder, last time you were assassinated by the Violet Organization. Ning Yufei was slightly surprised at first, and then said.

Ye Fei’s eyes showed a different color.

Ning Yufei This woman was indeed well informed.

The assassination of him and Bai Ruoxi had always been a secret, of course, due to the last time the Violet Organization killer had mobilized the forces of Ye, Bai, Yang and other three families, perhaps it was at that time that Ning Yufei knew.

However, this also shows the strength of Ning Yufei’s intelligence network and underground forces.

“I didn’t want to find out the news of the Violet Organization, but I found the Violet Organization’s stronghold in Binhai City, and I wanted to eliminate the Violet Organization, I wonder if Miss Ning is willing to cooperate and help?” Ye Fei asked.

Ning Yufei is also extremely powerful in Binhai City, with great energy, if she has help, it will definitely be more effective with half the effort.

“I help you? Provoke the Violet Organization, the trouble is not small. Ning Yufei said softly.

Ye Fei smiled, “With Miss Ning’s status, she is not afraid of offending the Violet Organization, right?” ”

The Violet Organization is a raptor across the river, and Ning Yufei is the head snake of the entire Yandu area.

Strong dragons do not crush the head snake!

“That’s true.” Ning Yufei didn’t even object, she pondered slightly, and said, “I can help you, in terms of price…”

Ye Fei’s mobile phone was on amplified, and Bai Ruoxi heard Ning Yufei promise to help, and immediately said: “Miss Ning, money is not a problem, as long as you help, the price is good to discuss.” ”

“Is Miss White by your side?” Ning Yufei’s voice came.

Ning Yufei had obviously heard of Bai Ruoxi as well, and she also knew that Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi had been attacked by the Violet Organization before.

In Yandu on the popularity, Bai Ruoxi is definitely one of the most well-known women in Yandu, after all, it is the first white rich beauty of Yandu.

Ye Fei said, “Yes.” ”

“Well, I agree to help deal with the Violet Organization, let’s meet and go to Binhai City together, and I will arrange the action as soon as possible, and act as soon as possible this night, no problem, right?” Ning Yufei’s voice came.

Ning Yufei really agreed, and agreed very happily, even the price did not say much.


Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi glanced at each other, and the two briefly communicated with Ning Yufei for a while, and then left for Binhai City!


1 More for everything ~~~~_

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