Binhai City.

Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi took the elite security personnel of the Ye Family and the Bai Family to Binhai City.

Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi brought a total of more than thirty people, all of whom were elite, almost all of them were retired special soldiers, with first-class skills.

Even Bai Ruoxi brought two martial arts masters, both of whom were internal martial artists.

These two internal martial artists had been invited by Bai Ruoxi at a great price, and since the last time he was assassinated by the Violet Organization, Bai Ruoxi had secretly contacted many masters, including the masters of the martial arts world.

These two martial artists were martial artists with small internal strength, although their strength was far worse than that of Ye Fei’s martial artists with great internal strength, but they were far superior to those of ordinary special forces.

The martial artists with small internal strength can also be regarded as a master in the martial arts world, and there are not many of them.

As for Ye Fei, a martial artist with great inner strength, it was even less.

Seeing that Bai Ruoxi had brought so many elites with him, Ye Fei bowed his head slightly, and said, “Ruoxi, it seems that you have been prepared earlier.” ”

Bai Ruoxi bit his mouth, his eyes shining, and whispered, “Of course, since that night a few years ago, waiting for this day.” ”

“Don’t be blinded by hatred, and this is just a stronghold of the Violet Organization, not the headquarters of the Violet Organization.”

“What’s more, the real culprit behind the scenes is the mastermind of the matter.” Ye Fei said softly.

Indeed, the real culprit behind Bai Ruoxi’s father’s assassination was the mastermind, and although the Violet Organization was abominable, it was only a murderous knife.

The real murderer who assassinated Bai Ruoxi’s father, that is, the mastermind behind it, in fact, Ye Fei had already told Bai Ruoxi.

Bai Ruoxi knew who it was.

The other party’s name is Fang Qihong, this person is not a Yandu person, but a person from Zhonghai City!

If Ye, Bai and Yang are the first-class business families in Yandu, then Fang Qihong is the richest man in Zhonghai City!

Fang Qihong’s wealth is not inferior to the three major families of Ye, Bai and Yang, and he is also a rich man who looks at the entire Xuanhuang Kingdom and is enough to rank in the top ten, known as the richest man in Zhonghai City.

The reason why he sent Violet to assassinate Bai Ruoxi’s father was because Fang Qihong had a commercial competition with Bai Ruoxi’s father, and the two families had commercial competition in several fields.

What’s more, Fang Qihong has a grudge against Bai Ruoxi’s father, so after hiding for a long time, he spent a lot of money to hire the Violet Organization.

After that, there is no need to say anything more.

Bai Ruoxi also knew that Fang Qihong was the real murderer behind the scenes, but Fang Qihong was in Zhonghai, and Fang Qihong’s strength was also quite strong, and Bai Ruoxi was not easy to solve Fang Qihong without evidence.

Hearing Ye Fei’s advice to her, Bai Ruoxi also nodded slightly, and her eyes shone brightly, like stars.

Bai Ruoxi and Ye Fei looked at each other, their eyes softened slightly, and said, “I know, just thinking of the tragic situation on my father’s night that day, I will…”

Bai Ruoxi also knew that Ye Fei was for her own good, and she also confided in Ye.

His father’s death has always been Bai Ruoxi’s shadow.

Of course, Ye Fei was also very clear, he said, “Well, this evening, we will determine the location of the Violet Organization, first destroy the Violet Organization in Binhai City, and then follow the vine to touch the melon and catch your father’s killer ‘Black Crow’.” ”

Ye Fei knew that what Bai Ruoxi needed now was not only comfort, but also support.

Sure enough, Bai Ruoxi heard the words, and her eyes were much softer, and she whispered, “Thank you.” ”

“Ding, congratulations host, experience points increased by 100 points.”

Ye Fei received a 100-point test from Bai Ruoxi.

“You’re welcome.” Ye Fei shrugged.

While the two were communicating, Ning Yufei called and invited Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi to meet at a martial arts hall in Binhai City.

Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi’s people were waiting at the door, and the two entered the martial arts hall.

Hong Ye Wu Guan.

This is Ning Yufei’s property in Binhai City, and the Hongye Martial Arts Hall is the largest martial arts hall in Binhai City.

Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi met with Ning Yufei.

Ning Yufei smiled slightly, and when she saw Bai Ruoxi and Ye Fei, she immediately beckoned, “Mr. Ye and Miss Bai, please sit down.” ”

After Ning Yufei let the two of them sit down, she personally poured tea for Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi.

The tea is the best Da Hong Pao, the tea is full of aroma, and the fragrance is incomparable.

But more fragrant than tea is the person.

Bai Ruoxi and Ning Yufei were both first-class beauties.

Bai Ruoxi is dressed in professional clothes, not carefully dressed, but he is also well-looking, full of spirit and beauty, gentle temperament, and a superb beauty.

And Ning Yufei is even more so, this woman is full of femininity between her smiles. Although it was winter, Ning Yufei was dressed very lightly indoors, and the outermost layer of black light veil could not cover her skin and snow.

And there is a high heating temperature in the room, Ning Yufei is even more bare-legged, a pair of slender and well-proportioned beautiful legs exposed to the air, even the beautiful lotus feet are silently stroking, extremely eye-catching.

Ning Yufei’s eyes were like a clear spring, watery, and turned a few times on Ye Fei’s faces before she smiled, “Two, I have ordered my men to go down to inquire about the news, and I believe that there will be results soon.” According to the information you have provided, there are usually no more than 20 killers in the Violet organization’s coastal stronghold, and as long as we find clues, we can act this night. ”

Ning Yufei was very efficient, she smiled shallowly, and the room was suddenly bright.

This woman is such a special thing.

Ye Fei saw Ning Yufei and Bai Ruoxi’s two women fighting for beauty, and they were indeed amazingly beautiful.

Ye Fei admired this beautiful scenery for a while and said, “Miss Ning, thank you for your help this time, the money thing…”

Ye Fei intended to do business.

Although Ning Yufei did not mention money, Ye Fei was not a person who relied on accounts.

When Ning Yufei heard Ye Fei mention about money, she waved her jade hand and smiled, “Forget about the money, I also want to make a friend with the two of you, this time it should be a help between friends.” ”

Ning Yufei did not intend to collect money.

Ning Yufei has a lot of industries in the northern part of Xuanhuang Kingdom, will she be short of money?

She is certainly not short of money.

What’s more, where is the value of money compared to Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi’s human feelings?

Especially Ye Fei, since her trip to the Wei family, she has also been extremely amazing at Ye Fei’s medical skills. In Ning Yufei’s view, maintaining a good relationship with a divine doctor like Ye Fei may save her life at a critical moment.

Therefore, Ning Yufei did not plan to ask Ye Fei for money at the beginning.

It was just that when she was about to speak, she happened to be interrupted by Bai Ruoxi.


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