Hearing that Ning Yufei did not intend to ask for money, Ye Fei first frowned slightly, and then stretched out.

For a god like Ye Fei, the problems that can be solved with money are small problems.

But if you owe human affection, it is not good to repay human affection.

This kind of thing as human feelings and sophistication is something that must be returned.

However, when it came to Ning Yufei, Ye Fei did not refuse.

After all, Ning Yufei is a key figure in “The King of Huadu Soldiers”, not to mention that she is still a top beauty, which can be called a very beautiful woman.

“Then Miss Xie Ning.” Ye Fei said with a faint smile.

Ning Yufei smiled lightly, and then looked at Bai Ruoxi, her eyes flowing, and said, “Mr. Ye is really blessed, there is always no lack of red-faced confidants around him.” ”

Ning Yufei was also slightly surprised in her heart.

The last time I saw him at the Wei family, Ye Fei was with Mu Zizhen, and now Ye Fei was with Bai Ruoxi.

Whether it is Bai Ruoxi or Mu Zizhen, they are all top beauty. Moreover, one of these two people is the pearl in the palm of the Mu family, and the other is the first white and rich beauty of Yandu, both of which can be called the best beauties in the eyes of men.

Even Ning Yufei couldn’t help but sigh at Ye Fei’s peach blossom luck.

Hearing this, Bai Ruoxi’s face was slightly red, and she didn’t know what to think of again, and her eyebrows were slightly frowned.

In fact, the relationship between Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen was rumored to be Bai Ruoxi, of course, she had also heard about it, after all, the matter of the Wei family was known all over the city.

In this regard, Bai Ruoxi’s heart is also very complicated.

Ye Fei suddenly felt bad, noticed Bai Ruoxi’s frown slightly, and said, “Miss Ning, don’t make fun of me, let’s talk about this night.” ”

Referring to the incident of dealing with the Violet Organization on the night, Bai Ruoxi’s attention was also diverted.

Talking about the right thing, Ning Yufei’s pretty face also became serious, “The matter of this night is very simple, Mr. Ye and Miss Bai have also brought a lot of people here, right?” ”

“Well, there are some, but the strength is still not enough than the Violet Killer.” Ye Fei’s words were concise and concise.

Violet’s killer is divided into three levels: S and A.B, with the highest S level and the lowest B level.

In the stronghold of Binhai City, there are less than 0 killers of the Violet Organization, and the number is very small. This is also normal, after all, the Violet Organization is taking the elite route, and each killer is very strong.

Moreover, Binhai City is only a stronghold of the Violet Organization in the Xuanhuang Kingdom, and the backbone of the Violet Organization is in the East Sakura Kingdom.

Therefore, in Binhai City, the number of killers organized by Violet is not much.

The Violet Organization’s killers are very strong, and in general, their B-level killers are only slightly inferior to those of the Inner Strength Martial Artist.

The A killer of the Violet organization is stronger than the martial artist with small internal strength, and it is not as good as the martial artist with greater internal strength.

The total number of killers in the coastal stronghold, plus other personnel, will not exceed 30.

Ning Yufei heard this, “It’s all right, I still have someone here.” ”

Ning Yufei said as she patted her delicate palm, and her red lips spat out: “Joe.” ”

Suddenly, a man of about fifty or sixty years old, slightly hunched over his back into the room, and the old man bent slightly toward Ning Yufei: “Miss.” ”

“Bring people in.” Ning Yufei said lightly.


Within a few moments, more than twenty people appeared in Ning Yufei’s house.

The parlor is large enough to accommodate these people.

Ye Fei squinted, he only saw that these twenty or so people were all physically strong, muscular, tall and strong, and most of the people’s temples were high and bulging, and at first glance, they were practicing family members, and they were not ordinary family members.

These people are of different ages, some in their thirties, some in their forties and fifties, but they are all bright and energetic, and they are extraordinary.

It turned out that all of them were internal martial artists!

Ye Fei couldn’t help but feel shocked.

Although they are only small martial artists with internal strength, they are also very frightening.

It should be known that it is very rare for a martial artist to become a martial artist, and he can be regarded as a master among martial artists, even if Bai Ruoxi took pains to find two people.

Although Ye Fei could also find the Inner Strength Martial Practitioners through the Ye Family’s financial resources, it was almost impossible to find so many Inner Strength Martial Artists to help him in a short period of time.

But Ning Yufei can!

Ye Fei understood why Ning Yufei could claim the title of Xiongyan Capital, and even the entire northern underground world.

One shot is more than twenty internal strength martial artists, such a big stroke!

“I heard that Mr. Ye is also a martial arts master, but I don’t know how he feels about me and these people?” Ning Yufei asked with a smile.

“Good value for money” Ye Fei also slowly stood up and glanced at these more than twenty Inner Strength Martial Artists.

With these people, plus the people brought by Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi, the Violet Organization’s stronghold in Binhai City could be easily taken down.

Ye Fei’s evaluation of them was not bad.

Although these twenty or so martial artists surprised Ye Fei, they were still far from the level of shock. After all, Ye Fei himself was a martial artist with great internal strength.

Internal strength Xiaocheng and internal strength into martial artists, don’t look at it is just a word difference, but it is a world of difference.

Many gifted warriors will not be able to cross this threshold in their lifetime.

“In fact, I am also very curious about Mr. Ye’s martial arts, and they all say that medicine and martial arts are not separated, and I would like to know Mr. Ye’s strength.” Ning Yufei smiled, and those big watery eyes seemed to be able to speak, fixed on Ye Fei’s body.

Ye Fei smiled lightly, “Then Miss Jin Ning may be able to see that if I find Violet’s stronghold, I will also take action.” ”

“Okay, then I’m looking forward to it.”

The two of them chatted idly, and just at this moment, a woman dressed in a martial arts costume walked in, and she whispered a few words in Ning Yufei’s ear.

Ning Yufei raised her white neck and said, “The location of the current stronghold of the Violet Organization has been determined, Mr. Ye, your intelligence is accurate.” ”

Bai Ruoxi looked up violently.

It seems that today on the night, she can finally take the first step of revenge!

Ning Yufei said, “I have already said hello to the Binhai City official, and the strongholds of the Violet Organization are all in the suburbs, so let’s move in the early morning and move a little less.” ”

“Okay.” Ye Fei bowed his head slightly, and there was no objection.

In fact, at this time it is close to ten o’clock.

It’s time to get ready for action.

Ning Yufei looked at the old man and said, “Uncle Qiao, you can start to prepare.” ”

“Yes, Miss.”

Qiao Bo left with these twenty or so warriors and immediately rushed to prepare.

At the same time, Ye Fei, Bai Ruoxi, and Ning Yufei also set off together.

The time soon arrived in the early hours of the morning.

This night is the Night of Destruction Violet!


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