Ye Fei took a bath, put on a bathrobe and came out of the bathhouse, wearing slippers, and a faint smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

In the sofa in the living room of the hotel room, Bai Ruoxi changed into her pajamas, her cheeks were red, her eyes were ashamed, and she glanced at Ye Fei.

Bai Ruoxi was secretly annoyed in his heart, and Bo was slightly angry.

Ye Fei smiled, “This is not something I deliberately want to see, in fact, if you don’t remind me, I really don’t know…”

Bai Ruoxi listened, and his silver teeth clenched.

Got half a day and blame her?

Ye Fei, what is the reason for this?

Bai Ruoxi whispered, “If you get cheap, you still sell well.” ”

Ye Fei smiled and sat next to Bai Ruoxi, and the atmosphere between the two became gradually subtle.

Ye Fei looked at Bai Ruoxi’s sitting posture, only to see her holding her knees and leaning against the sofa, her legs as white as jade, and her eyes staring at Ye Fei like stars.

The two sat indoors without speaking for a while.

Outside the window is a heavy rain, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the rain hits the window and makes a loud noise.

Ye Fei took the lead in breaking the silence, he said, “Ruoxi, today is also the first step in revenge for your father.” It is also our stone-throwing to ask for directions, depending on the Violet organization’s next reaction. ”

“What do you think the Violet Organization would do?” Bai Ruoxi asked softly.

Ye Fei said, “Eighty percent of them are stoic and unmoving, these killer organizations all pay attention to one-hit fatality, there is no absolute certainty, they will not act rashly anymore.” ”

Bai Ruoxi tapped his head and whispered, “I feel the same way.” However, as soon as this matter came out, you were completely on the opposite side of the Violet Organization, and I didn’t bother, but it seemed to bother you…”

Hearing Bai Ruoxi say this, Ye Fei immediately smiled.

“Are you concerned about my safety?” Ye Fei’s gaze met Bai Ruoxi’s clear eyes.

Between the two looking at each other, Bai Ruoxi was silent.

The rain outside the window was even greater.

After a moment of silence, Bai Ruoxi changed the subject, and Xingxing looked at Ye Fei and said softly, “I heard about you and Mu Zizhen.” ”

Here it comes!

Ye Fei whispered in his heart.

He actually guessed that Bai Ruoxi would ask this question.

In fact, not only Bai Ruoxi, but also other women around Ye Fei were also facing this problem.

The relationship between Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei was an open secret in the upper circles of Yandu.

Everyone knows that Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen are boyfriend and girlfriend, and the Mu family is the top magnate in Yandu, and the two are also golden children and jade girls, which is a perfect match.

In anyone’s opinion, the relationship between Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen was unbreakable.

Between Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi, in fact, the relationship is a bit delicate, currently in a state of friends above and less than enough lovers.

When Bai Ruoxi knew that Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei’s relationship was open, her heart was full of mixed feelings and insomnia for a night.

However, Bai Ruoxi is not an ordinary woman, don’t look at her about water, but her heart is extremely strong. Otherwise, how could she have the courage to carry the entire White Family and become the chief of the White Family when she was in danger

When Bai Ruoxi knew that Mu Zizhen and Ye Fei were there, they even made Bai Ruoxi secretly resolve to prepare to keep a distance from Ye Fei.

Therefore, since this period of time, Ruoxi had not taken the initiative to contact Ye Fei, until today, the news of the Violet Organization broke out.

Then, it was Ye Fei who easily killed the ghost boy in the stronghold and destroyed the stronghold of the Violet Organization.

Everything Ye Fei did, she saw in her eyes.

But why was he with Mu Zizhen?

Bai Ruoxi lowered his eyes, waiting for Ye Fei’s answer.

Ye Fei whispered, “Well, my affair with Mu Zizhen is true.” ”

The air seemed to be pulled away and became very quiet.

Bai Ruoxi already knew the answer, and now that Ye Fei had personally confirmed it, he couldn’t tell what it was like in his heart.

Bai Ruoxi stood up, the slender beautiful legs wrapped in the hakama, the snow white smooth calves loomed, she said: “I slept first.” ”

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes.

He could feel Bai Ruoxi’s mood change.

This is also normal, if Bai Ruoxi knows about his relationship with Mu Zizhen and then comes together, it is strange.

Bai Ruoxi, like Mu Ziyuan, was a very difficult woman to conquer, otherwise how could Lei Haoran and Chen Luo return home.

Bai Ruoxi went to sleep.

To say that it is to sleep is to lie in bed.

Such a big thing happened this night, and coupled with the conversation Ye Fei had just had with her, Bai Ruoxi couldn’t sleep.

Bai Ruoxi closed his eyes slightly, and lay on the bed pretending to sleep.

In the confusion of her thoughts, she suddenly felt a figure on the bed.

Bai Ruoxi looked to the side, and it was Ye Fei lying on her side.

Bai Ruoxi bit his mouth, this presidential suite is large, but it only has one bed. But fortunately, the bed is very large, and it is more than enough to sleep two people.

Bai Ruoxi didn’t let Ye Fei sleep on the sofa or sleep on the floor, and today Ye Fei’s violet organization was also helping her to avenge, she didn’t want Ye Fei to even have a place to sleep.

Therefore, Ye Fei lay on the side of Bai Ruoxi, Bai Ruoxi did not squeak, Ye Fei did not trespass, and both of them were silent.

After a busy night, in fact, both of them were mentally exhausted, and they could not sleep at first, but finally fell into a state of drowsiness.

Just then, thunder rang out in the sky.


The thunder was loud, the rain was pouring down, and the thunder was roaring, as if it were ringing in the ears.

The thunder was loud, but it was no big deal for Ye Fei.

But Ye Fei found that Bai Ruoxi beside him was suddenly alarmed, and a hint of panic and fear appeared in Bai Ruoxi’s eyes.


The thunder was louder, and Bai Ruoxi was curled up, looking like a panicked child at the moment.

“What’s wrong with you? Afraid of thunder? Ye Fei was slightly curious, how could a strong woman like Bai Ruoxi be afraid of thunder?

“Okay.” Bai Ruoxi suddenly turned around and threw herself into Ye Fei’s arms, and Ye Fei could even feel her body trembling slightly.

Her face was slightly pale, and she was really afraid.

Ye Fei was stunned, but he didn’t expect Bai Ruoxi to actually take the initiative to throw himself into her arms.

Bai Ruoxi leaned on Ye Fei’s shoulder, she seemed to be looking for some kind of dependence, she was so strong in the past, but she was so fragile at the moment.

Ye Fei had never seen such a Bai Ruoxi.

“Take the initiative to give hugs? This is not Ruoxi’s style, is it difficult for you to like me? Ye Fei’s voice was low, slightly surprised.

Ye Fei subconsciously held Bai Ruoxi in his arms, only to hear Bai Ruoxi say in a very small voice in her ear: “You, don’t misunderstand… I don’t like you…”

Even her voice trembled a little, and her face was still pale.

Ye Fei’s heart moved.

He suddenly understood why Bai Ruoxi reacted so fiercely, and knew why Bai Ruoxi was afraid of thunder.

Because the night when Bai Ruoxi’s father had an accident six years ago was such a thunderstorm night.

At this moment, lightning and thunder outside the window.


2 more

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