Six years ago, the incident when Bai Ruoxi’s father died was such a thunderstorm night.

The same is the heavy rain, lightning and thunder, wind and rain.

And Bai Ruoxi also experienced unprecedented despair that night.

Before that, she was just an ordinary rich girl, just the age of the rainy season, and should have enjoyed the best and happiest time in her life.

But all this is deprived.

The mother in the family knew nothing about business and was sickly.

The younger brother Bai Yu was young and had no responsibility.

So, as a weak woman, she took over the affairs of the Bai clique in an environment of contempt, disdain, ridicule and hostility from everyone.

Over the past few years, she has walked on thin ice, supported herself alone, did not complain to anyone, and supported the Bai Group to the point where it is now.

The strength of this woman is unimaginable to ordinary people.

All along, Ye Fei had also seen her strong side, but he had never seen her such a vulnerable moment.

That thunderstorm night six years ago has always been a shadow in Bai Ruoxi’s heart.

Since then, every thunderstorm night she would be particularly afraid, always remembering the tragic picture of her father’s death that night.

And the destruction of the Violet Organization today made the scene in her heart even more touched, so the reaction was particularly large.

Lightning and thunder outside the window, wind and rain.

Bai Ruoxi’s body trembled, his cheeks turned white, and he leaned into Ye Fei’s arms.

At this time, Bai Ruoxi had only one object to rely on, that is, Ye Fei around him.

Only in Ye Fei’s arms could she find a sense of security.

Ye Fei gently caressed Bai Ruoxi’s jade back, her body was still tense, but it was not as shivering as it was just now.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s all over. You’ve done a good job, and the whole Bai Group is supported by you. Ye Fei gently stroked Bai Ruoxi’s soft hair, and her voice was low and magnetic to comfort her.

Bai Ruoxi clung to Ye Fei tightly, like a kitten abandoned by the whole world, and only Ye Fei could have a sense of security.

Bai Ruoxi said weakly, “As soon as I close my eyes, I always think of my father dying…”

Ye Fei said softly, “If your father had a spirit, he certainly wouldn’t want you to live in the shadows all day.” Rest assured, I promise to help you deal with Violet and Fang Qihong to comfort your father’s spirit in heaven. ”

Bai Ruoxi’s eyes were facing Ye Fei’s eyes.

Hearing that Ye Fei wanted to help her, her eyes became soft, her lips trembled slightly, and she quietly muttered, “Don’t think that you say a few sweet words… It will impress me. ”

If it was the usual Bai Ruoxi, Ye Fei really had no chance.

Bai Ruoxi’s heart is strong, usually there is almost no flaw, only at the moment, Bai Ruoxi at this moment is her most vulnerable time.

Ye Fei noticed the corner of Bai Ruoxi’s eyes. As strong as she was, she had such a fragile side, which made Ye Fei can’t help but be surprised.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but pity.

The girl’s weak shoulders carried an unknown amount of heavy responsibility.

In terms of experience, she is indeed bumpy.

In her twenties, she had to face all kinds of criticism from the board of directors and fight with the old foxes.

And after taking over the Bai family enterprise, she has also failed to invest several times, facing losses, and even the accountability of major shareholders.

But even in those moments, she didn’t cry.

Only now in front of Ye Fei, on this thunderstorm night, she unloaded her defenses.

Ye Fei did not wipe the tear marks from the corners of her eyes for her, but said: “Cry, it may feel better to cry, I will lend you my shoulder for the time being, and I will forget what happened this night tomorrow.” ”

Ye Fei’s words seemed to give her a reason and excuse to vent her emotions, Bai Ruoxi leaned on Ye Fei’s shoulder, and Ye Fei soon felt that his bathrobe’s shoulder was wet with tears.

Bai Ruoxi really cried.

Bai Ruoxi’s eye circles were all red.

After a long time, she finished venting her emotions, sobbed quietly for a while, she wiped her eyes, and seemed to feel that the move just now was very humiliating, she whispered to Ye Fei: “Don’t make fun of me.” ”

“I didn’t laugh at you.” Ye Fei said seriously.

He really did not laugh at Bai Ruoxi’s meaning, but had some admiration for this strong girl.

Bai Ruoxi skimmed his head and did not look at Ye Fei, but listened to Ye Fei: “But I really didn’t expect that you actually cried.” ”

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Bai Ruoxi turned his head and stared at Ye Fei with red eyes.

“You are usually too stressed, it is better to cry and vent.” Ye Fei gently embraced Bai Ruoxi, feeling the soft and delicate body in his arms.

Bai Ruoxi was hugged by Ye Fei, his face was red, and he subconsciously wanted to break free.

However, in the rainy night and night, she hesitated slightly, and finally let Ye Fei hold it.

Ye Fei’s embrace was very warm, making her feel at ease.

Bai Ruoxi silently told himself: Even if it is just once.

At this moment, Bai Ruoxi finally determined that she was really moved by Ye Fei.

From Ye Feidan’s piano to the first meeting of the two, to the shock of Ye Fei when Ye Fei took out U on the top of the drag racing mountain, to the two suffering together when they were assassinated, and then to this thunderstorm night…

Bai Ruoxi had that scene in his mind.

Only then did she realize that her heart was completely imprinted with the shadow of this man.


“What are you watching me do?” In the darkness, the two could hear each other’s breathing and heartbeat, Ye Fei opened his mouth, he knew that Bai Ruoxi was watching her.

Bai Ruoxi’s face was slightly red, and he suddenly made a bold move.

She directly sealed Ye Fei’s mouth!

At this moment, what Mu Zizhen, what Bai Family, and what Ye Family were all left behind by her!

This thunderstorm night seemed to be a matchmaker between the two, and at this moment, Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi were incomparably close.

Ye Fei was somewhat unexpected.

But the relationship between the two had long been extremely special, and Ye Fei certainly did not refuse.


Thunder billowed outside the window.

But in this hotel room, it was as if a ball was burning.

Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi hugged each other tightly.

Half ringing, the lips of the two separated, Ye Fei’s voice was slightly low, and he smiled lightly: “What, don’t you mean you don’t like me?” ”

“Now… Don’t like it either. Bai Ruoxi glanced at this guy who was cheap and sold well with a little irritation, and said duplicitously.

However, she did not have the slightest intention of leaving Ye Fei’s arms, and the standard mouth was upright.

Ye Fei saw through everything, he smiled in his heart, and at the same time he heard the sound of the system coming from his ears.

The system’s prompt sound came and the sound was loud.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, get 500 experience points!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection, recommendation,

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