There is no doubt that these 500 experience points come from Bai Ruoxi.

In this way, Ye Fei’s experience point also reached 4200 points, but the experience point was still secondary at the moment.

The relationship between Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi finally had a qualitative breakthrough in this thunderstorm night.

Bai Ruoxi leaned on Ye Fei’s shoulder, tears wetting Ye Fei’s nightgown, clinging to the man, absorbing a trace of warmth.

“Really don’t like me?” Ye Fei asked knowingly and smiled.

With Bai Ruoxi’s character, she could not be so close to a man she did not like.

Bai Ruoxi didn’t speak, she just silently leaned on Ye Fei’s shoulder.

Sometimes silence is the best answer.

The corner of Ye Fei’s mouth that got the answer was aroused, and he glanced at the heavy rain outside the window, feeling the timeliness of this thunderstorm.

If it wasn’t for this heavy rain, I really don’t know when I would be able to bring him and Bai Ruoxi together.

“Sleep in peace, everything is with me.” Ye Fei hugged Bai Ruoxi and said softly.

Although there was a qualitative breakthrough in the relationship between the two, at such a moment, Ye Fei could not come randomly, after all, Bai Ruoxi had just cried.

However, Ye Fei was not in a hurry, since the relationship between the two had been determined, then the next thing was naturally a matter of course.


Bai Ruoxi gently agreed, she was indeed a little tired, this night the spirit was tense, followed by emotions rose and fell, exhaustion is also normal.

Bai Ruoxi leaned on Ye Fei’s body, and she quickly fell asleep.

A moment later, Ye Fei also fell into a deep sleep.


The next day, when Ye Fei woke up, Bai Ruoxi actually woke up one step ahead of him, she had already washed herself, and even painted light makeup.

Especially Bai Ruoxi’s eyes, last night’s night is a reddish eye socket, at this moment painted light makeup to cover up, but it adds a bit of charm.

When Ye Fei saw Bai Ruoxi deliberately getting up early to dress up, he couldn’t help but smile, and suddenly remembered the words of a woman who pleases herself.

Bai Ruoxi said softly, “I have let people send me breakfast, it is still hot, you eat it first, after eating, we will go back to Yandu together.” ”

“So urgent?” Ye Fei frowned slightly.

He also plans to hit the iron while it is hot and enjoy the two-person world with Bai Ruoxi.

Bai Ruoxi lightly opened his red lips: “I still have two meetings to hold in Yandu, and some things to deal with in the Bai Group…”

Ye Fei couldn’t help but shake his head, he almost forgot that Bai Ruoxi was a really busy person.

“I see.” Ye Fei said a word, and then asked, “How did you sleep last night?” ”

“Slept very well.” Bai Ruoxi thought about yesterday’s scene, her face was slightly red, and she whispered.

In fact, Bai Ruoxi had never slept so peacefully, and for the first time in six years, she could really sleep steadily.

The kind of situation where you don’t have to worry about yourself at all, what you think, is really good.

“That’s fine.” Ye Fei said a word.

The two looked at each other, and both of them smiled with a sharp heart.

After breakfast, I took the car back.

Bai Ruoxi’s driver drove, and Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi sat in the back seat.

Soon, he arrived in Yandu and arrived at the Bai Group.

When Ye Fei was ready to get off the bus, Bai Ruoxi actually gave birth to a hint of reluctance, she reached out and took the initiative to hold Ye Fei’s hand, and whispered: “Then I will go to the company first, I am free… Come to me. ”

This last sentence made Ye Fei’s heart flutter, and he smiled and said, “Good.” ”


Back in Yandu, for several days after that, there was no trouble.

Only the death of Lei Haoran and the fall of Lei Shaohui had already spread throughout Yandu.

The rich families of Yandu were all shaken, and they were extremely shocked by this matter.

After all, although the Lei family is not as good as the five or six top giants in Yandu, in addition, it is also quite prestigious, whether in the career or in the business world, the energy is not weak.

However, Lei Haoran actually committed suicide in fear of sin, and Lei Shaohui, as the backbone of the Lei family, was even more defeated.

The strangeness and strangeness of this make Yandu also changeable inside.

After Lei Haoran’s death, Chen Luo defected to the Zheng family, which was also a major event in the upper circle of Yandu.

In particular, Chen Luo’s matchmaker who defected to the Zheng family was Zheng Ruzhu!

Suddenly, Chen Luo also became the laughing stock in the hearts of many people in Yandu, and Chen Luo went so far as to give Zheng Ruzhu a small white face in order to protect himself, and this matter also spread throughout Yandu.

However, relying on the Zheng family, Chen Luo really saved his life temporarily, and Ye Fei was inconvenient to deal with him for a while.

However, the retribution will come soon.

Ye Fei couldn’t bear to stay still for the past few days, that is, he had been waiting for news from the Zheng family.

The Immortal Fighting Technique between the Zheng Family and a certain big guy in the Central Academy is about to begin!

A few more days passed.

When many people in the upper circle of Yandu were shocked by the Lei family’s affairs, the Zheng family’s affairs suddenly broke out!

The Immortal Fighting Method between the Zheng family and a certain central court boss was officially launched.

The Zheng family has stood firm in Yandu for so many years, and as a top giant, it is natural to have a wide network of contacts and deep roots.

However, the Zheng family also had some handles that fell into human hands, and there were also enemies in Yandu.

There are many complicated things involved.

In short, the Zheng family is in trouble!

For a moment, the wind direction of the entire Yandu quietly changed again, and the undercurrent surged forward.

When Ye Fei learned this news, his spirit was lifted, and he finally knew that his opportunity had come!

The time has come!

Now it’s finally time to clean up the old days!

Presumably, Chen Luo himself should have received the sound of the wind.

If Ye Fei wanted to clean up Chen Luo before, it was indeed a bit difficult, after all, there was the Zheng family covering.

Moreover, not only the Zheng family, but also other families that had previously received the favor of Wu Shen would help Chen Luo, but the Zheng family was the leader.

But now that the Zheng family was taking care of themselves, Ye Fei was dealing with Chen Luo, even if there were other families who wanted to help Chen Luo, they were not the opponents of the Ye family!

You know, the Ye family now has the Bai family and the Yang family as allies, and the relationship with the Mu family is also extraordinary, not to mention Lei Yiming and others…

It can be said that the time is ripe!

Chen Luo, this big fish, it is time to close the net.

The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth showed a hint of curvature, and he was ready to act.



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